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December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023
My Darling Husband, Kevin ~

We used to love this time of year but now everything I see reminds me just how much I wish that you were back here with me.
It’s little things I notice that so fill my heart with pain such as reading Christmas cards with no mention of your name. And although the tree lights are still twinkling, underneath its branches there are no gifts from me to you. But, my love, my life, my darling Kevin, I hope you know
that you re in my thoughts every day, but especially during the Christmas season, when my mind reminisces about OUR Christmases past.  Kevin, I will always love you so very much. You are always in my thoughts and forever in my heart and I am so proud to be your wife. All my love, always and forever, until we meet at your place ♥️♥️♥️
September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023
I miss you more than ever. You are in my thoughts every day, always in my heart and I will never stop loving you or missing you. I love you sweetheart
September 16, 2023
September 16, 2023
My Darling

It’s September my love, a bittersweet month for me. I mean, you know I always felt my Birthday on the 14th should have been declared a National Holiday! But then that terrible day in 2015 ~ September 25th. The horrible day I lost the love of my life ~ the man whose love was the greatest blessing in my life. So I decided to put all of my emotions on paper. The 25th marks another one of our “anniversaries” and it is, without a doubt, one of the saddest dates in the calendar year for me. The 25th is the date I lost the love of my life, my partner, my lover and my best friend. The day I lost my better half, my biggest support, my number one fan and my family. The day I lost the man of my dreams and the man I wanted to grow old with. The man I swore to spend the rest of my life with. I remember the first time I saw you at the airport. I remember the feeling I had when our eyes first met. I remember, feeling like you were the person I’d been searching for my entire life; and even though we didn’t know each other before that moment in the airport, you were familiar to me. It was strange how I immediately knew I could trust you. How I felt safe with you and how I felt I was right where I belonged. That night I realized when we met at the airport, our souls recognized each other. I realized that could only mean one thing: you were my soulmate and my other half. You were the person who completed me and the person who gave my life meaning. The only man I ever have loved. I remember our beautiful wedding day. Seeing you at the end of the aisle of Black Mountain Methodist Church, waiting for me to appear. I remember reciting our vows and the way I felt when we said, “I do”. I remember we promised to love each other “till death do us part “. My heart breaks when I think how quickly death parted us. The truth is that our love story was never a real-life fairy tale. Like any other couple, we had our ups and downs. Not everything was always great and our relationship wasn’t always a bed of roses. The truth is we had some happy and some less than happy times. We shared some good times and bore some bad ones. We had our share of fights and disagreements, but we always had trust in our love to show us the right way. We always had faith in us and that is what made our marriage perfect and special. It is the fact that we never questioned our love or our bond. It’s the fact that we never questioned each other and that we never gave up on us. It’s the fact that we always fought for one another and walking away was never an option. It’s the fact we were obviously imperfectly perfect for each other and that had always been more than enough. You know, I never doubted the depth of my love for you. I never questioned the fact that you and I are meant to be and that you were my forever person. I never, not even for a second, stopped loving you. We knew our love was always unconditional and incredibly strong. But this is not going to be me talking about the past. This is about me telling you how much I will always love you, how much you will always mean to me. My life really wouldn’t have been the same if I hadn’t met you. I wouldn’t be the woman I am if you hadn’t become a part of me. You inspired me to become the best version of myself. You did push me forward and you did believe in me, even when I lost faith and hope in myself. And I can never thank you enough for doing so. Thank you for being my rock and my biggest supporter. For being someone I could always count on and for being the man I could rely on with my life. Thank you for being my best friend in the whole world, my safe harbor and my peaceful haven. I can never thank you enough for feeling like home. I can never thank you enough for being so committed to us and our relationship. Thank you for making me fall in love with you every day of our marriage. For always reminding me what butterflies feel like. For never failing to surprise me and for remembering every little detail about me. Thank you for listening to me and for always being there for me. Thank you for taking care of me and for always taking my needs into consideration. Thank you for always having time for me and for always showing me that our marriage was the most important thing to you. Thank you for being the husband you were. For showing me that not all men are the same and proving to me that I should never lose faith in love. But most of all—thank you for loving me the way you did. Thank you for always encouraging my strength and independence. Thank you for being you. And thank you for always allowing me to be myself. I love you and I will always love you, for the rest of my life. 

I Love You my Darling Husband, my Guardian Angel ♥️
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
My Darling ~ My Love ~ My Life

Kevin, my Love, you are the beat inside my heart, the air I breathe. You are every thought of every waking second. You are every memory I wrap myself in and relive. 

Sweetheart, without you, there is nothing but darkness. The sun no longer warms or shines. The only thing I have are beautiful memories….. and they never leave my mind. 

My sweet Kevin, your presence is all around me. Thank you for every blue & black butterfly you send me ~ I know it means you love me and that you are still here with me, every day.

Even though God called you Home to Him,
The love we shared was so pure, so beautifully complete, it will never die; for love itself will always live on. 

My darling, you will NEVER be out of my heart. I may not see your face, but I will ALWAYS remember your smile. I will never hear your voice again, but you will FOREVER whisper in my ear. Kevin, you slipped away before I got to say goodbye, or tell you how much I LOVE YOU... But I know, one day we will meet at heaven's gates and I will be with you again and this time, it will be FOREVER. I love you, my sweet, adorable husband……ALWAYS
September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022
Legend has it, there is always a reason why souls meet. Maybe they found each other for reasons that weren’t so different after all. They were two souls searching and found a home lost in each other. When souls find comfort in one another separation is not possible. The reasons they are brought together are no accident… Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love.
July 18, 2022
July 18, 2022
Sweetheart, I miss you so very much. I want to be with you so badly. I love you my sweet, dear husband ♥️♥️
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Happy Birthday My Love Happy 65th Birthday this is a milestone Birthday ~ one I truly wish we could be celebrating together! Sweetheart, it has been so long without you! I find myself retreating into my memories more and more ~ because that’s where my beloved lives. Life without you is so empty. It took us so long to find each other ~ I never dreamed our time together would have been so short I love you, my darling, with all my heart and soul and I am counting the days till we are together as one ~ again. And as I always said to you, you are my love, my life, my whole world and I truly adore you♥️
August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021
Hi Honey, 

Well, here it is, 3:45am and I’m awake. Awake, alone and to be honest, afraid. Honey, I know you all can look down and see the mess our world is in! Fires, floods, pandemics……it’s starting to feel as if every time you step outside, it’s a crapshoot whether you’re going to make it home again! I mean what in the name of Sam Hill was the Good Lord thinking when He left me, Dawn and me down here alone with mom!?! And you see what she has done to herself! My God she’s one of the healthiest invalids I have ever seen! I can’t stand this anymore……. I miss our sweet, simple life! Oh God Kevin!!!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?! Do you know, the only comfort I have, is that I honestly don’t think I will be making it to 60. Let’s face it, if Covid doesn’t get us, something else will. Awww Baby, I didn’t mean to drone on, I really just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how the pain of missing you is crippling. I love you you, Kevin Lee Smith! See you soon, I hope! All my love always & all ways
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
Sweetheart...... it’s December 23rd and all I seem to be doing is losing myself in memories of our Christmas’ together. They seem like a life time ago..... I have such beautiful memories because of you! Decorating the artificial tree in the family room.......making sure any breakable ornaments were well out of Buster’s reach. LOL remember the Halloween when we came home and I said something was different with our decorations and we realized the lights around the big picture window were our and that’s when we discovered Buster had a taste for twinkle lights!!! I can still see you sitting at the dining room table. Remember we had gotten a real tree for the living room (the official Smith Family tree) and after you put the lights on for me, I was decorating the tree and you were creating a wreath that was made with all the winter greenery around our house. Every time I think of that, I melt. I thought that was one of the sweetest, most thoughtful, most romantic things anyone had ever done for me. Oh sweetheart thinking of us is so bittersweet. I cry because I lost the love of my life, but I smile because I was one of the precious few who was blessed to have found their soulmate. Being with you, was the first time my heart found peace. With you, I was home. That’s why I always said that you’re my h usband, the love of my life, and my whole world! Honey, I am so lonely without you. I wish we were celebrating Christmas together again. Maybe I’ll luck out and COVoID-19 will get me. I don’t know honey the world is falling  apart . Inrt. The  I’m 57 years old and for the first time, I am afraid. I love you sweetheart, with all my heart ♥️
October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020
Sweetheart...... How I wish I could kiss your sweet face and wish you a very Happy Birthday and tell you how much I love you and how in love with you I am. We should be having a big dinner, with our families, Randy, Beth & the kids coming over...... our house loud & rowdy....... filled with tons of laughter & love, as always. I love you Kevin, I always have. And I count the days till I can kiss your sweet face and wish you a very, wonderful, Happy Birthday....... and tell you how much I love you and how very much in love with you I am. And how I love being your wife and you will always be the man of my dreams and my one and only true love ❤️ I love you Kevin, you are my love, my life and my world. 
September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020
Five years, honey. I haven’t heard your voice for five years. I haven’t seen your handsome face for five years. I haven’t kissed your lips for five years, nor felt the tickle of your mustache! God, I miss the feel of your hugs, your arms around me always felt so strong and safe. Five years. Five stinking, miserable, vicious, hateful, LONELY years.   Oh babydoll...... five years. On one hand, five years of not seeing you, hearing you, kissing you....... feels more like 50 years. But then I think of the day you left, the day you took your last breath and it seems like it was yesterday. All I know is my heart is still broken, but honey....... you are forever my always and I will always love you. The rings you slipped on my finger are still right where you put them because, my husband just happens to have wings. I love you Kevin. With all my heart and soul. I know you all are seeing the mess our world has become and a virus just waiting to kill us........ so maybe I‘ll be seeing you soon! I love you so much. You’re my love, my life, my world
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
I love you so much and miss you even more! Sweetheart, I ache for the day when we are reunited.......
February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day my Darling.....

I love you more today then the day we said I Do!

Days are endless, seasons change without notice, life is lonely, my heart still aches..... I miss you so much sweetheart....... I love you and adore you with all of my heart...... You are in my heart and thoughts every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day....... 
October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017
Thinking about our first Halloween together.....and missing you so much. I love you my darling! Xoxox.
October 14, 2017
October 14, 2017
Happy Birthday my Darling!! 

How I wish we were gathering round the dining room table, surrounded by family and friends......all celebrating the beautiful gift of you.....both in this world and in our lives, especially mine! My Darling, not a day dawn's that my heart and my head aren't filled with thoughts you and memories of our beautiful life together! Unfortunately, my heartache persists as well.......
September 26, 2017
September 26, 2017
Happy Anniversary in Heaven My Darling Kevin! I hope all of heaven was celebrating the beautiful gift of YOU!! Sweetheart, please forgive me for being a day late in posting on your two year anniversary in heaven, but yesterday was an extremely emotional day for me. I relived every moment of our life together.....and cried a river of much so, I thought I couldn't cry anymore!!! But, lo and behold, alone in bed, in the dark, and a flood of memories brougt on more tears............! Sweetheart, I realize I will never stop were, are and will always be the love of my life, my soulmate, you and only you have my heart and you took my heart with you when you left.......... And just like I told you, every day......'Honey, you are my love, my life, my world and I am so honored to be your wife and so proud of the man you are. I love you Kevin Lee were and still are my hero! xoxoxoxoxo

PS: Sweetheart, please take care of my Boo Boo. You know how much my heart is breaking......and how much I miss him. Love him as much as I do......and be sure to introduce him to our Buster. I just know Boo Boo is going to love his "big brudda"!!! 

I Love You Sweetheart! Rest in Peace.........until I Get There!!  :-)
July 8, 2017
July 8, 2017
I love you sweetheart......with all my heart, forever and always!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Oh weren't supposed to leave me......till death do us part wasn't supposed to happen until we were in our eighties!!! I need you so much and the heartache never eases... Honey I love you so much......I wasn't ready to lose you.......oh God it hurts so much.... 

If only you could know how much I need you........that I never could have imagined a life without you......without your love. Kevin, you are the partner I searched for, waited my life for.......and I didn't find you until I was 38.......I wasn't supposed to be a widow at 51......I wasn't ready to let go!! Honey, you are my one true loved that I always dreamed of.....I always knew you were out there waiting for me just as I was waiting for you...

If only you could know how much I want the times we were together all alone, in our own little romantic paradise at 123 Park Ridge.....those were the sweetest hours my heart has ever known.....if only you could know how much I love you......that I loved you more than anyone has ever loved before. Oh my sweet, sweet Kevin.....I can only hope and pray that I was able to find all the ways to show you that with every day we shared, every second in every minute, in every hour we shared that I loved you so much more every day and that love still grows stronger even though we're apart. I love you sweetheart. You are my love, my life, my world and I am and always have been so proud to be your wife! X
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with you, and then I spent the rest of your life with me.

I smile because I know you loved me till the day you went away, and will keep loving me till the day we're together again.
June 23, 2017
June 23, 2017
Hi Sweetheart!

It's me......again! I can't believe we would have been celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary on June 29th! And, you know your wife.....we would be having a huge party.....people inside and outside.....and Buster putting on his best "I'm starving" face to anyone who paid attention! And knowing my husband, the food would have definitely included a smoked boston butt.......which would include a 24 hour grilling! Do you remember our first 4th of July party as Mr. & Mrs.? Five days after we were married! When you said you wanted to BBQ the New Yorker in me figured hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch, then maybe chicken and ribs for supper.........then you introduced me to a Carolina BBQ..... and my first 24 hour grilling......smoking those big 'ol Boston Butts all night long! Lol I remember Randy was finishing his shift and caught wiff of the smoking......and a few others, including your dad! That was my first impromptu BBQ at 3am!! I love you honey, so much. You filled my life and my heart with so much love, laughter, happiness and joy! I never knew such complete happiness and contentment until you walked into my life! Baby, I know our vows stated "till death do us part" but I don't believe that. I am still your and Buster just went on ahead of me to prepare our place in Heaven and I know when I am called home, my beloved will be here to take me by the hand and bring me home. I love you Kevin, Happy Anniversary baby please celebrate us and our love in heaven! I miss you so much. Xoxoxox
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
My Darling,

You are ALWAYS in my thoughts and FOREVER in my heart.

You are my love, my life, my husband, my one true love. You are and always will be the center of my world! Sweetheart, I miss you so much, the ache in my heart never eases. We were supposed to live the rest of our lives together.......but life cheated us. Kevin, you are the one and only love of my life............thank you for choosing ME to share the rest of YOUR life with. But God is all loving and I know we will be together forever in heaven. Till then my love..........

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