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What's in a pack of cards?

April 26, 2021
In 2008, Kieran met his Youghal O'Keeffe cousins in a seaside hotel where we enjoyed the company of Nuala, Pat, Eleanor and Niamh in brilliant sunshine. They gifted him a pack of playing cards with Irish scenes - a novel souvenir.  Afterwards I asked him what he thought of his gift of playing cards.  "I thought it was a packet of smokes!".  
March 20, 2021
Kieran Barry - Some Irish  & Canadian memories ... Shared by Margaret Treanor Sutton Dublin 

On one of Kieran's first visits to Ireland I had the great pleasure of a lovely day with this fun loving Canadian boy of whom I had heard so many stories from my good friend, his Aunt Dorothy.  The day in question found us in Howth ( A Peninsula approx 17km from Dublin City  - it is both a tourist attraction & a fishing  harbour) - Dorothy arrived with this lovely gangly smiling boy, ready for an adventure - we had a fun time, he was so engaging - after a while we were ready for ice cream cones .. Kieran & I headed to the fishing pier while Dorothy was dispatched the for the goodies - of course when the trawlers are in dock the Sea Lions come to the pier in hope of food - we watched as the sea lions enjoyed the fish and before I could blink Kieran was sitting on the edge of the pier, his brown legs dangling above the squawking sea lions   .. I at this stage was having heart palpations  - begging Kieran to get up, I was rewarded with his wonderful smile - no way .. he was far to happy - Dorothy came to the rescue - 3 large ice cream cones in hand ... I could breath again ... 
I also had the great pleasure in 2013 of meeting Kieran in his home town, St Albert - along with his Auntie Dorothy we were welcomed and entertained at their home by Michael & Kieran - he was still the friendly fun loving boy, that I had met in Ireland - a bit taller and full of chat - after about 24 hours I was honoured with the  title of "honorary Aunt" - a title I wore proudly for the duration of my visit - One of my fun duties as "an Aunt" was to cheer, on the sideline for St Albert Rugby U15 Team ... I like to think our Irish accents rang out in the crowd as we cheered on Kieran's team with gusto .. Now whenever you were out with Kieran there had to be an "event" .. In this case, post match it was the missing gum-shield!!! we now had lined up, Team Dad, going mad, yet another gum shield lost ! And Team Dorothy and her helper, myself - searching for the missing item - my memory, we saved the day it was found ... 

I always thought I would meet Kieran again as an adult on a visit to Ireland - sadly that is not to be. In death, while Kieran's dulcet Canadian Tones have been silenced, his shining eyes closed and his sense of fun & mischief stilled, a forever young Kieran will live on in our hearts and minds

With love from Tante Linda

March 19, 2021
Dear Kieran,
I remember the first time I saw you. You were a beautiful baby.
I remember you as a six month old, sitting on the floor in our family room. Our dog, Corky, came bounding up to you and you had no fear, even though he was much bigger than you.
Uncle Al reminded me of the time when you were just a little guy. You were visiting us in our back yard and you began to run around our 40 foot swimming pool. You were laughing and your little legs were running fast as lightening. Your mom was challenged to keep up with you.
One of the cutest memories I have of you, happened when Samara and I were visiting you in Edmonton. You were in the corner of the living room, swinging a plastic golf club. Although there was no ball, you lifted your little hand to shield your eyes and pretended to look for your ball in the distance. You then shook your head in dismay and said, “I can’t believe l hit that shot!” I don’t think you knew what you were saying. You had likely heard that phrase on the golf course.
You grew up to be an active boy. You were athletic, just as your mom had been at your age.
I remember how much fun you had with your cousins at Dorothy Lake, when we were celebrating Oma’s 80th birthday. You always had a special place in Oma and Opa’s heart. After all, you were the youngest. They loved you with an unconditional love.
I remember how kind you were to Oma when you visited a few months before she died.
After you left us, your mom told us that you told her many times a day, “Mom, I love you”.
We will do our best to love your mom but we will never be able to fill your place in her heart. She did her very best to give you a beautiful life.
For the Derksen family, there is an ache in our hearts. We will always remember you and notice the hole that has been left by your absence.
There will always be a special place in our hearts that belongs just to you, Kieran.
Tante Linda

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