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Share a special moment from Dakota (Kody)'s life.

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Too much Shampoo

September 28, 2021
Mom just told me a story about Kody When he was like nine or 10 years old and he was taking a shower and he had shampoo in his hand and his dad told him that he had too much shampoo that he shouldn’t use so much so he rinsed it all off of his hands and then put a little bit in his hand again and asked if that was the right amount lol he was such a blonde 

Full month , just can’t believe it .

July 13, 2021
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Really hit a switch in my brain when you went away on us  . Nothing has really been the same for anyone , I’ve been looking back a lot lately when we lived together . Really been trying to get back to my childhood a lot more recently. I don’t know just miss all the ding dong ditching and raising hell we used to do , never was a night where we weren’t . Let me rephrase that you weren’t trying to get us in trouble . Miss you’re stupid ass taking grandmas change so me & you could get into the pool or we would just find a way to sneak in . Especially Wednesday nights at church and going to Oklahoma, miss it all . Best times of my life being a kid and living it free with you . You knew how to live like really live and you never stopped for nobody unless you knew it wasn’t right . Always had a good head on you’re shoulders just never used the smart part of it . But you always knew right from wrong , you were taught well same as I. I learned a lot from you Kody , some I wish I didn’t lol but a lot of it is what makes me who I am today . And I know for sure you’d be dam proud of me and all of us , I miss you brother .
May 30, 2021
Doesn’t seem right in the world without you. I miss you so much. We all do. Keep lil Prim in your shadow. You were always a good daddy.
Xoxo Aunt Kahisha loves you little buddy. 

I miss you

May 29, 2021
Kody, I am really really trying to be strong here without you. I don’t know if I can. Things are not right things are wrong I am not ok! If you can please help know that it’s ok show me son because don’t want to believe this real. I ache from not talking with you . Kody I’m so sorry. I tried so hard and loved so much. 

Made up his mind!!

May 29, 2021
There was this little boy about 31/2 years old standing in my kitchen cutting paper with a pair of scissors over the trashcan. I told his little boy that he would cut his finger if he wasn’t careful with them scissors. That little boy looked up at me and he said “would I bleed?”.I said well you might bleed. He said “would I have to go to the doctor?”. I said well we might have to take you to the doctor. He said “would I have to go to the hospital?”. I Said well you might have to go to the hospital. He said “would I have to go to heaven?”. I said well I hope not. It would just be a cut on your finger and I don’t want you to go to heaven yet. He continued to cut the paper with the scissors me watching him very closely. When he looked up at me he said “well Grammy, I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to heaven without you!” . So Kody I guess I am there in heaven with you I love you and I miss you so much. Grammy was not ready for you to go heaven!

The following morning Kody was going to stay with Papa J because Grammy had to go to work. As I was putting my shoes on I said “if my right foot felt as good as my left foot when I put my shoes on I would be in heaven.“ The next thing I heard was “no no no no Grammy I’m not ready for you to go to heaven yet.“ Kody was so upset because he thought Grammy was going to heaven without him and I had to explain to him that Grammys not going to heaven and that my foot would feel really good 1 foot hurts all the time. Kody and I remained that close everyday of the short 19 years we got to spend with him here on earth. Part of me is really gone with this boy. He’s always been my  little buddyRest in peace Kody and Keep  Grammy with you till I get there I love you

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