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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, KRISTI PATTERSON, 11 years old, born on May 11, 1988, and passed away on October 1, 1999. We will remember her forever.
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
Dear Kristi  We all loved you and miss you a lot it been 21 Years that God took you on Oct 1st 1999 You will always be my little girl that had no fear in you You would beat some one up to protect your sister and you have done that. You always took friends to church with us and you were such a little sweetie .I miss you and love you forever.
I still have your school picture on my wall and I loved to talk about you to anyone. You were so sweet and loving and kind.
I just wanted to write to you and tell you how much I love you. I need to write this to express my feeling
God took you home your work on earth was done and I will see you again when God take me home. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much. Love you and Hugs

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October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
Dear Kristi  We all loved you and miss you a lot it been 21 Years that God took you on Oct 1st 1999 You will always be my little girl that had no fear in you You would beat some one up to protect your sister and you have done that. You always took friends to church with us and you were such a little sweetie .I miss you and love you forever.
I still have your school picture on my wall and I loved to talk about you to anyone. You were so sweet and loving and kind.
I just wanted to write to you and tell you how much I love you. I need to write this to express my feeling
God took you home your work on earth was done and I will see you again when God take me home. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much. Love you and Hugs
Her Life

Last Day on Earth Oct 01 1999

September 30, 2021
         Another year has pass and I am still miss you my sweet baby girl you been in Glory for 22 years now, There have been a lot of new things in our family, More nieces and nephews. Dad stop his drinking in 2000 and his smoking in 2008. The Lord been so good to us. We are doing well down here. We all love you forever but you are with God and that is so wonderful following the golden road you follow everyday it must be so great in your Heavenly Home  

I will always remember the day you left we went to the parade and came home and you girls decided to go to Halloween usa store to get makeup for the homecoming game Before you left you said mom you can have my candy I got at the parade So you girls Sister Lena and your friend Jenni hop on your bikes to go the store as you were gone Dad went over to get Burger Kings for dinner Amber and I was just home waiting for you to get back well the phone rung and it was my daughter Lena telling me that you got hit by a car, So Amber and I went to the sence and they would not let me see you, Dad came out of Burger King and seen it also.   
                                                                                                                                                       There were so many Angel over there watching you go to Heaven Then Lena wanted to hug this lady that hit you and told her it was not her fault. A few days later we went over to this lady house and told her that we forgive her and she was welcome to go to Kristi funeral. She wrote to Lena a few times and Lena wrote back. I love you sweet heart  Mom

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Kristi last day

September 30, 2021
 Another year has pass and I am still miss you my sweet baby girl you been in Glory for 22 years now, There have been a lot of new things in our family, More nieces and nephews. Dad stop his drinking in 2000 and his smoking in 2008. The Lord been so good to us. We are doing well down here. We all love you forever but you are with God and that is so wonderful following the golden road you follow everyday it must be so great in your Heavenly Home  

I will always remember the day you left we went to the parade and came home and you girls decided to go to Halloween usa store to get makeup for the homecoming game Before you left you said mom you can have my candy I got at the parade So you girls Sister Lena and your friend Jenni hop on your bikes to go the store as you were gone Dad went over to get Burger Kings for dinner Amber and I was just home waiting for you to get back well the phone rung and it was my daughter Lena telling me that you got hit by a car, So Amber and I went to the sence and they would not let me see you, Dad came out of Burger King and seen it also.   
                                                                                                                                                       There were so many Angel over there watching you go to Heaven Then Lena wanted to hug this lady that hit you and told her it was not her fault. A few days later we went over to this lady house and told her that we forgive her and she was welcome to go to Kristi funeral. She wrote to Lena a few times and Lena wrote back. I love you sweet heart  Mom

Last Day on Earth Oct 01 1999

May 12, 2021
  Hi  Kristi you just turn 33 years old I miss you so much On Friday morning you got up and got ready for school and done your own hair After school we all went to the Homecoming parade you got a lot of candy and before your sister and Jenni decided to go to Halloween USA to get some makeup for the homecoming game. You told me I could have your candy. What I did not know would I would never see you again. Lena call me and told me you was hit by a car and it really bad. Your dad went to Burger King to get dinner and when he pull out on Cedar he seen the accident. Amber and I jump in the truck and had to park at Rite Aid because they were not letting any traffic through Then we ran down where the accident happen and they would not get to close. Jesus took my little one home with him with all the Angels around. Lena went over to the lady that hit Kristi and gave her a big hug. Deanna Cook from our Church called our Pastor Ed Owens He was at Camp Leal He came back that night to me with us.  
              I love you my little Kristi Lynn May 11 1988-Oct 01 1999                                                      Miss you and love you forever Thank you Jesus                                                 
                      Mom and Dad

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