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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Laura Sparks, 76 years old, born on July 8, 1922, and passed away on February 9, 1999. We will remember her forever.
July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
Well today is your birthday 07-08-2023 and my mind is on you . I miss you mom and forever will Rest Well In The Hold Over Until We Meet Again.Love You
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Well mom its February 9th 2023 Thursday and I am sitting here with your Great Grand kids foster daughter and her kids.I am thinking how we us to cook chicken and watch Christmas movies.Well I miss you and until we meet again Kay misses you dearly but she knows you don't have to cry any more are hurt any more.We Love You Izetta,Kayisha,,Anthony,Kiera,Raven,Mary,and Anna.
February 9, 2020
February 9, 2020
I'll always remember you Grandma!!! Love and miss you forever!!!
February 9, 2020
February 9, 2020
Well mom it's another year passed and I miss you more than I did the day you left.I no you looking at me as you await your wings. On Thanksgiving I find myself looking for you in hopes that we can give thanks together.Christmas I wish I could hear your voice saying I Love You and Merry Christmas.I no we all have to leave this life one day but I have assurances that we shall meet again Love You Dear Mommy 02-09-2020.
July 9, 2017
July 9, 2017
Dear Mommy today is your birthday and I felt as if you was still with me I had a good thought and I had a sad thought.So I got up and put roses on you and sit chatted about life with you.I miss you mom and I Love you and you will forever be in my heart until we meet again rest in the hold over until Jesus returns.

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July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023
Well today is your birthday 07-08-2023 and my mind is on you . I miss you mom and forever will Rest Well In The Hold Over Until We Meet Again.Love You
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Well mom its February 9th 2023 Thursday and I am sitting here with your Great Grand kids foster daughter and her kids.I am thinking how we us to cook chicken and watch Christmas movies.Well I miss you and until we meet again Kay misses you dearly but she knows you don't have to cry any more are hurt any more.We Love You Izetta,Kayisha,,Anthony,Kiera,Raven,Mary,and Anna.
February 9, 2020
February 9, 2020
I'll always remember you Grandma!!! Love and miss you forever!!!
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My Mother

July 8, 2023
Well I am low today cause it your birthday and I lost your two older children Clara Mae Shelton on 06-15-2023. Eugene Edward Sparks 07-06-2023.May they rest in peace with you dear momma.Its been so hard for me as I struggle day after day to keep strong for the younger generation and stay faithful. You always was so strong even when you got weak and I watch you as your health started declining. You are missed just like it was yesterday I Love Yaw Clara; Eugene; Larry; and Terry  George Edward Sparks -Daddy And You My Mother Laura Mae Sparks . Gone But Not Forgotten!

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