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My dearest Larry

December 16, 2022
Every day that passes it miss your more and more. I wish I could have any hour to sit and hold your hand. The days are long and empty without you.
Until we see each other again. I miss your boo.
I love you
Your loving wife
April 9, 2022
Happy Birthday Darling.
Wow how time goes by. Today you are 77 years old.
I can still hear your voice , sense you are right here with me. Every so often I can still smell your after shave around me.
Each day is a new journey for me. I wish heaven had a stairway, so I could visit you and my girls Ms Mollie & Ms Oakley.

I miss you all so very much.
I love you.
December 16, 2021
I remember meeting Larry in 1970 when this "fresh caught" MSC Ensign began his first assignment as a commissioned officer.  Larry, then, was HM1 Larry Oxford, a bright, ambitious young man.  He was a great help in my getting set up in my new Navy role.  A couple of decades later, as my wife and I situated in rural Ohio from the big city, Larry and I were reacquainted via the resources of Facebook, where we shared many of our life experiences and really got to know each other.

Larry, our acquaintance was much too brief.  

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