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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Lee Hopkins, 24, born on May 2, 1987 and passed away on February 7, 2012. We will remember him forever. Always in our hearts, always missed.

Thank you to Lee's family and friends for honouring this special life and please feel free to share any photos and stories that are special to you and Lee.

Charlie England has also set up a donation option where funds raised will be directly and solely sent to the Pneumonia Research Department of the British Lung Foundation. Pneumonia is not just a disease affecting the elderly. Both Lee and his mum Jill were taken from us way too early from this disease. Anyone can donate or fund raise whether it's a specific run or just by lighting a candle on his page. Please pass this on to family and friends so we can make a difference in Pneumonia research development. Also if we reach our target a tree will be planted in Lee's name.



May 2
Happy Birthday Lee … thinking of you dancing and free Xxx love and miss you always
February 8
February 8
Dearest Lee, no matter how many years pass we'll still remember you and your mum, always.

Love Carole and Carolina xx
February 8
February 8
Years go by so fast but time stands still when we remember you, we miss you so very much xxx
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
Another Birthday - remembering you and wishing, so wishing, you were here Xxx
February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
Dearest Lee, remembering you all these days. Hope you 3 are together and no longer lonely.

Loving memories from Carole and Carolina xxx xxx xxx love you all to bits
February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
The years don’t take away the memories- love and miss you Lee xx
February 7, 2022
February 7, 2022
Dearest Lee, so many years already gone by since you parted, just want you to know you're still remembered dearly by all of us.

Big hugs to you, your mum and to Nan.
Xxxxxxxxxx Love aunty Carole and Carolina xxxxxxxxxx
February 7, 2022
February 7, 2022
Memories that never fade xx  never far away, so many years passed by, big hug sweetheart
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Never far from our thoughts, always in our hearts
I hope you’ve had a hug from Nan
Missing you both sooooo much Xxx xx
February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021
Dear Lee, still thinking of you today. Hope you are with your mum and now with your Nan too.

Big hugs, aunty Carole and Carolina xxxxxxxxxxxx
November 2, 2019
November 2, 2019
Hey big bro, thinking of you everyday just thought id check in on you see how your getting on with all that sunshine up there, absolutely none of that down here haha, keep a close eye on nan for me she needs a feather to keep her plodding on :) especially with my holiday coming up ;) xx anyway love you lots don't spend all your time turning my tv on and off lol xx much love xx
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Happy Birthday sweetheart
Another year missing you more Xx
February 7, 2019
February 7, 2019
We never stop missing you sweetheart, just a tear away ....and always in our hearts, a big hug on this very sad day Xxx
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas sweetheart
Never far away and always in our hearts Xxx
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
Happy Birthday Sweetheart, always in our thoughts and never far away xxx
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
Dearest Lee,

Wish you and your mum had been here to celebrate your 31st birthday. We miss you both and will always remember the good times we spent when we were together. Love Carole and Carolina xxxx
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
Dear Lee
So many things have happened since you left - 6 years go so fast.
You and your mum will always be in our hearts and we know both of you are with us. Love and big hugs to you both, Carole and Carolina xxx xxx
February 7, 2018
February 7, 2018
Dear Lee
Thinking of when we said goodbye, so much has happened so much time has passed, I know you have laughed and cried with us, never far from our side...... always in our hearts we love you
Anita xx
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
Happy Birthday Lee

Missing you so much especially today

Lots and lots of love and Hugs
February 8, 2017
February 8, 2017
Dearest Lee,

Thinking of you and your mum always. Love Carole and Carolina xxx
February 7, 2017
February 7, 2017
5 long sad years.we think of you all the time .we miss you very much but I know you're never far away xx big hug today X
May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016
Happy birthday Lee, keep sparkling wherever you are!
Lots of luv n hugs,
xxx Carole and Carolina xxx
May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016
Happy birthday Lee!!, i will never stop missing you and i frequently find myself adding you into a conversation nearly every day. i feel your presence every day and its just as strong if not stronger from the last time we shared a moment together and i know it will never fade.
i miss and love you lots hope all is well and everyone around you is well xxx
May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016
Happy Birthday !!! Always on our minds and never far away Xxx
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
Another year has passed, still so sadly missed and never far away . A big hug in heaven X
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
Dearest Lee, still missing you and your mum. Lots of love and hugs Carole and Carolina xxxx
February 7, 2015
February 7, 2015
You are never far away from us and always in our thoughts our dear Lee
May 2, 2014
May 2, 2014
Happy Birthday dear Lee.
You are never far away we know, but we miss you so much...
big hug love xxx
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
still think you're going to walk in through the door Dolly....miss you always xx
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
You enjoy all those balloons and notes :) My wonderful best friend! If only I could turn the clock or have one wish! Just one more hug! I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait! Love you with all my heart! Xx
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
You must be tap dancing on those stars Lee - they are twinkling like crazy! Love forever.
February 7, 2014
February 7, 2014
Dearest Lee, we will never forget you and your mum.
Love you both always
Carole and Carolina xxxx
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
Dearest Lee, a happy 26th birthday to you :)
No doubt you'll be throwing some great party today wherever you are.
Keep dancing.
Big hugs + kisses to you and your mum from all of us over here
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
Happy Birthday Lee , Time doesnt make it easier to be without you here, Blow out the candles lee and be free, but listen sweetheart Joanna needs you to help her along on Sunday, hey I know you will right by her side , we all miss you so much , Xbig kiss
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
If tears could build
A stairway and
Memories were a lane
We would walk right
Up to heaven and
Bring you back again, we miss you lee with all our hearts x
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
To our angel
I miss you SO much. Even after a year I think you're still going to be just around every corner and there to share more great times.
Don't think we'll ever come to terms with it but I just KNOW you're with us all the same.
Love always
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
The years we've shared have been full of joy.
The memories we've made will go on and on.
I haven't stopped crying since you went away,
and I've asked God time and time why couldn't you stay.
You lit up my life, my hopes, and my dreams.
You've opened my eyes to see what it all means.
So now that you're gone how can I forget;
Because you were the greatest out of all I have met.
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
Hi Lee, my god the world has made it a year with out its favourite son, friend and brother. there is not a day goes by that i wish i could come and visit you, this year that has gone by with out your funny and loved self here but we all have grown stronger with your feelings and memories around us, i miss and love you so much lee as my brother and as my angel to look up to,forever missed X
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed, and very dear."
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
So a year ago I learnt the lesson that not every day is promise, when your light went out of my life. I can't believe how time has flown, when it still feel's like yesterday to me. You will continue to live on in my life and to everyone who loved you, you are the hand print on my heart that will never be forgotten. I will miss you yesterday, today and tomorrow my friend.
February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013
So we grace another table
And raise our glasses one more time
There's a face at the window
And i aint never, never saying goodbye...

One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flyin' too close to the sun
Cryin' for nothing
Cryin' for no-one
No-one but you
September 20, 2012
September 20, 2012
Flee.... Miss you more and more every day. It's a shock I'll never come to terms with. You made such an impression in my life. Thanks you so much for the amazing memories you've left and I'm so proud to have been your friend and to watch you grow into a beautiful young man! I know you're stil there for our coffee dates catching up on the goss! Just wish I could give you a big squeeze!xxx
July 8, 2012
July 8, 2012
heya Lee, thank you for being there to help me with my job. I know you were there because if what happened to me happened to any one els they would have rolled that vehicle and i didn't and i just can't thank you and to look up and say i miss and love you makes the world stop and treasure the moments we shared i miss you so much love you brother lee !! xx
July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012
I miss you so much Lee. I still cant grasp the fact that you are gone. I look at our pictures often and remeber all of the amazing times we had together and i am so sad to know that when i make my way back to London you will not be there :( you mean so much to me and i am always going to have a piece missing from my heart now that your gone. I miss you more and more every day xxxxxx always
May 3, 2012
May 3, 2012
I miss you so much Lee and although they say time is a healer I've yet to see was wonderful to see your family on your birthday and I think that the combined strength of them and your family will eventually get us through this. Despite the sadness I am SO grateful that you were such a big part of our lives. Love always. X
May 2, 2012
May 2, 2012
hi lee, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, and a great day you will have. i have missed you lots over these past few months but i have not ever felt not safe any more, i no your with me a lot of the time and i am very grateful for it. you have always been there to look after me, and i no you do your best to now, with all my hearts love can give happy birthday and i miss you so much lee xxxxxxx
May 2, 2012
May 2, 2012
Happy birthday sweetheart
your fingerprints are left on the lives of those you touched.
I know you are right here beside my brokenhearted family, we all miss you so much , be free Lee to dance until we all meet again XXXX
May 2, 2012
May 2, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE,we know you are still with us and looking after paul,miss you son tony and sue
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Recent Tributes
May 2
Happy Birthday Lee … thinking of you dancing and free Xxx love and miss you always
February 8
February 8
Dearest Lee, no matter how many years pass we'll still remember you and your mum, always.

Love Carole and Carolina xx
February 8
February 8
Years go by so fast but time stands still when we remember you, we miss you so very much xxx
Recent stories
February 25, 2012

Where do I even start... Lee you were such a wonderful person, friend and confidant and I will miss you every single day!

All the fun, almost stupid moments we shared, making up songs, dances and nicknames for each other. Probably to other people we would seem mad! There was never a dull moment when Lee was around! He enriched my life and i'm sure all who knew him felt the same. There were the times which bordered on the hysterical to the point we laughed so much it hurt, for example, when Lee, Charlie and myself went to Bikram yoga and followed it up with a Macdonalds, Ha Ha Ha. He loved life, his friends and family and although it,s the hardest thing i've ever had to do, i know he wouldn't want us to be down, he'd want us to celebrate the good times and precious memories. . He's been an amazing friend to so many of us, but now the Angels have taken him to a better place and reunited him with his beloved Mum!

Now the time has come to say goodbye,  and we will all be sad, but i know he will live on forever in all our hearts and memories, and finally lee, i give my heartfelt condolences to all your family and to say i am so proud that you were a friend of mine!                                              God bless you Lee, sleep tight, Kellie xxx  

the eyelashes

February 15, 2012

so wen lee was little everyone used to comment on how big and beautiful his eyelashes were, when he got to about 5/6 he decided he couldnt take this anymore and cut them off! was so so funny watching him go round with no eyelashes for weeks haha.

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