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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Leon Bostick, 68 years old, born on March 20, 1949, and passed away on May 2, 2017. We will remember him forever.
May 2
May 2
Missing you dad, sorry missed your birthday miss and love you
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
4 years jave past and I still miss you. Love you dad
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
Another year, I miss the calls we had. Miss you so very much
July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017
I miss you so much dad, I miss our Sunday talks or any day talks. I keep thinking you are here but your spirit has flown to peace

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May 2
May 2
Missing you dad, sorry missed your birthday miss and love you
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