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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Leonard Williams, 67, born on October 21, 1936 and passed away on May 19, 2004. Father of 4 children and 7 grandchildren. he was a professional body builder and a nutritionist. A man of God A husband and best friend. The Best father a child could ever want. Generous to a fault, Caring and Giving. We will remember him forever. Miss him every day of my life. He was my best friend, always watched out for me and had my best interest at heart. His God and his Children were his life.

May 29
May 29
Hey Dad well here we are 21 years later , how did this happen? My life I'm afr aid has been but a shell of the person I was before u died. Some days are ok but mostly it's been empty. You would be proud of Dàve and Jaye. I really need you Dad. Things in my life are slipping away from me and no one close to help me get on track maybe get better , to much sadness . I love you . Can't wait to be with u again Dad.
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
Hey Dad well here we are another year has passed I can't believe you've been gone 19 years wow I càn still hear your voice dad . Your words of wisdom . Karen passed away a month ago people are leaving it seems like there's just a few of us left. I wish you were still here Dad so much I want to ask you.. I'm almost the age you were when you left us. I pray I get to see you again someday.. I love you and miss you everyday. I still dream about you alot.. miss you Dad so very much
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Goodmorning pops, I still hear your words in everything I do. Your memory will always live on through me. For years after you passed I would look into my heart for your words and answers. And for years I thought it was your voice I was hearing and then around my 40th I realized that it was my voice coupled with your thoughts that you poured out to me all the years of my youth. It all stuck with me pops, even when I was fighting it not to. I see you in me everyday as I attempt to prepare my children for the world and I look at my son and daughter through your eyes of wisdom. In the beginning of life without you I was crushed beyond words but still there was a lesson there that you taught me without knowing it. Don't live in the past and don't look past today... live, love and enjoy the right now because I could wake up tomorrow and it could be gone. I love you for all that you were, all that you are in me and all that you will be in my children. Your wisdom will never die as it echoes through our hearts daily... I love you
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Hey Dad, It's been 19 years since we lost you but I can still hear your deep voice and see your face. Thinking of you is what I do all the time. So many times I've needed your advice but when I think about it I already know what you would say. I love you Dad you have some amazing and beautiful children and a few great grand children.We miss you so much. See you someday . I miss you
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Hi Dad, today is May 8th 2022, wow you've been gone18 years where has all that time went. You were such a powerful force in my life that 18 years later I think off you all the time. I so wish you were here your grandson needs direction and help i know you would love to help him but your not here so I'm going to do my best to say and do what you would do. I miss you Dad, I was reading all your old e mails today 3 years worth it was like hearing you talk. You were loved by so many Dad , My heart misses you. I pray i'll see you in heaven some day. I LOVE YOU.
April 4, 2020
April 4, 2020
"My Dad"   I met him several years ago, The first face I ever knew. A bond was formed right there and then, Our love was new and true. He taught me how to ride my bike, He taught me how to play. But best of all he taught me how to love him every day. His face was warm and gentle His eyes were very blue. His heart was full of kindness The kindest man I ever knew. He had his little sayings, They made you laugh and smile. He picked me up when I was down, He made troubles fade away. I loved him then, I loved him deep and true.He made me feel so special, He made every day feel new.He left us way to soon, It never gets easier. I need him now it hurts so much. Every single day. He was strong and brave, Wise and Calm. There was no man any better, He showed us how to keep our faith, An inspiration to us all.If you met him you Loved him. If you knew him you were blessed.If he Loved you you were honored. Cause you were Loved by the very best.. MY DAD I MISS YOU !!
April 4, 2020
April 4, 2020
Hey Dad, well it's Feb 4th 2020 wow that sounds so futuristic to me. I always believed you would outlive a few of us (your kids). i never thought you would die so young. You've missed so many great moments, moments you would be proud of espically your son. He most of all turned out like you yet we never get to see him. I realize he has a life but I believe his wife (Lisa's) felings for all of us is why we don't get to see him and I could really my brother my friend right now. Dad
January 10, 2020
January 10, 2020
Hey Dad, well it's a new year. These last few months I've come to realize what you went thru when Judy left you and how you felt until the end. I know you never stopped loving her. I pray that's not my fate because I don't honestly think I will survive loving Joe that long since he's no longer in my life. I know I can't change the past but this is one time I sure wish I had listened to you because I'm in a Jam I can't seem to get out of alone and I am alone. I failing Dad and i just don't know what to do. Joe had abandoned me and I don't have the means to make it on my own where i am. I've been praying and crying. I know you've said we are strong and I've been strong Dad really I have but I don't know how much longer I can hang in there. Just to have the basics is more than i can do. I hope I don't disappoint you. I miss you so much. Love Your Daughter Pam
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019
Hey, Dad, It's almost your favorite time of year, I'm just going thru the motions this year. I miss you so much and I need yo Dad. My life is not working out for me anymore, I'm not making it and I don't know what to do. I know if you were here you know what to tell me. I promise I would listen. I hope I am with you and everyone else sometime real soon. I know I'm a Williams and I've tried. I've tried for years but things are different now and everything I'm doing is not enough. I'm doing my best. I miss you Dad. Love Pam
October 21, 2019
October 21, 2019
Hey Dad, today is your birthday, wish we could celebrate it together, remember all those times I would just show up in New Smyrna Beach to be with you. I Miss those times. Life without you has been so hard. I miss you, I miss everybody and I wish I had listened to the last advice you gave me cause I'm still paying for it today. I Love You and You In my Heart. Every Day
June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019
Hey Dad , Can't believe its been 15 years since you left us. Time passes so quickly. I think of you every day, Miss you so much my heart hurts and it's overwhelming. Things are so much harder to deal with since Elissa left. So often I feel so alone. I know you felt that way a lot and I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you though for several years we sure got to hang out a lot down south didn't we. I Loved Every Minute of it. You won't believe who went and bought a house in your town (NSB) Kevin Kendall. Never knew he liked it there that much. We sure loved it didn't we. I wish you were here to know your grandchildren-you would be so proud Dad and especially of your son Dave. He really has become the man you always wanted him to be,. I did good for a while but I've been struggling for about 8 years now. You are always in my heart and I try to live the way you would want me to. I Miss You Dad
April 10, 2019
April 10, 2019
On May 18th 2004 I received a phone call from your daughter Janetta and she said ("He's Gone") And In That Moment My Heart Shattered Into A Million Pieces And My Whole World Turned Black. My life has never been the same and I know it never will.  There are so many things about you Dad that I miss every single day of my like. Your wisdom, your faith, your trust, I could go on and on and never finish. I pray someday we will be together again. I Love You Dad and hurt so much without you that my heart feels broken at times. Till I See You Again Love Your Daughter Pamela
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
It's Christmas Again Dad, I know you always Loved this time of year. All the decorations and Family. We all miss you so very much. Never thought we would lose you and still don't know why we did. Hard to believe you've been gone from us for so long feels like just yesterday I heard your deep comforting voice and your positive words. You would be so proud of your son he has turned out to be the man you always wanted him to be. I'm srry you missed seeing all your Grandchildren growing up. I miss You Dad so often I want to turn to you , to talk to you . I still carry you in my heart and during this holiday season My heart hurts from missing you. I Love Yo Dad. Till The Day We See Each other Again. I Live For That Moment. Your Daughter Pam
October 21, 2018
October 21, 2018
Hi Dad, Well today is your Birthday you would have been 82, I miss you so much. All the times I came to see you in Fl on your birthday, Espically the first time when you had just moved to the beach. I never thought we would lose you so early in life, I wish I had spent so much more time with you those last few years. You were the best man, father , husband, and friend possible. The men in this world today seldom if ever have your character. You were my guide threw this rough life and now I'm just drifting trying too survive. I really try to live by your standards but I'll never be the person you were. I think about ALL the time. Your in my heart, I carry you with me always. You would be so proud of your son. I hope you can look down and see the man he has become. I LOVE YOU
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
As I go through this life asking myself questions of life, morality and mortality I feel I can still hear his voice. The times I seem to remember most were when it was just him and I. Weather we were putting up fence or splitting wood these were times we actually talked. Usually with Dad you were listening and learning about anything and everything. But when we were in the woods he would ask me questions and listen to my answers. The woods was the only place we had this type of relationship. I often wonder if the woods was a place where him and his dad had their friendship too, and that voice I hear I have come to realize it's mine. But the Heart and soul of those thoughts are pure Leonard T. Miss You pops..  Written By David Leonard Thomas Williams
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Tommy was so good to my Mom and Dad.  He took them all over the West as well as through Eastern Canada
They loved him so much. 
I loved my cousin. He was a good person.
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Aug 25th 2018, I can't believe it's been 14 years since you left us. I still feel your presence in my life every day. I wish you were here to see the man your son has grown to be, the father , the husband, the provider. You would be so proud of him Dad. He is everything you had hoped he would be. Your grandchildren are growing up and there are a few plus great grandchildren. Of course none here waited to late to figure that one out. I try to be the best person I can be. My life hasn't went in the direction you had hoped but I haven't given u it's a struggle but I make it by myself with some help here and there . You know how much I dislike asking for help so I think I'M not going to do that anymore. We Williamss are made of tuff stuff. I remember . I Miss You Dad Your smile your words of wisdom and most of all your unconditional Love You Daughter Pammy
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018
Dad. I miss you and your wisdom so much. Not knowing why you died haunts me daily. You should be here with me. No better a man was there or will be again. Love you Pammy
October 12, 2017
October 12, 2017
Dad, you were always there for me no matter what the problem was or if I was right or wrong you were right there always. You believed in me and always knew exactly what to say and do. I miss that in my life and I miss your love. There's an empty place in my life that will never be filled by anyone. Love Your Daughter Pamela

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May 29
May 29
Hey Dad well here we are 21 years later , how did this happen? My life I'm afr aid has been but a shell of the person I was before u died. Some days are ok but mostly it's been empty. You would be proud of Dàve and Jaye. I really need you Dad. Things in my life are slipping away from me and no one close to help me get on track maybe get better , to much sadness . I love you . Can't wait to be with u again Dad.
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
Hey Dad well here we are another year has passed I can't believe you've been gone 19 years wow I càn still hear your voice dad . Your words of wisdom . Karen passed away a month ago people are leaving it seems like there's just a few of us left. I wish you were still here Dad so much I want to ask you.. I'm almost the age you were when you left us. I pray I get to see you again someday.. I love you and miss you everyday. I still dream about you alot.. miss you Dad so very much
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Goodmorning pops, I still hear your words in everything I do. Your memory will always live on through me. For years after you passed I would look into my heart for your words and answers. And for years I thought it was your voice I was hearing and then around my 40th I realized that it was my voice coupled with your thoughts that you poured out to me all the years of my youth. It all stuck with me pops, even when I was fighting it not to. I see you in me everyday as I attempt to prepare my children for the world and I look at my son and daughter through your eyes of wisdom. In the beginning of life without you I was crushed beyond words but still there was a lesson there that you taught me without knowing it. Don't live in the past and don't look past today... live, love and enjoy the right now because I could wake up tomorrow and it could be gone. I love you for all that you were, all that you are in me and all that you will be in my children. Your wisdom will never die as it echoes through our hearts daily... I love you
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September 27, 2018

LT.      My Dad was a very motivated, strong, big hearted, loving,loyal man.  He was a Great Dad, there are no better. A wonderful son who was always there for his parents. A loving brother. The best grandpa. I can't believe its been 14 years since you left us. I can still hear your deep voice and see your smile. I miss your words of wisdom . Your Love and all your ways of living. I know your with our Lord you life was lived as he wanted . I miss you Dad

Me And My Dad

May 21, 2018

Hey Dad, Well it's been 14 years since you left us. Wow I can hardly believe that. I have lived 14 years without you and your love, your strength, your unbelieveable kindness. You were always there for me . You loved deeply and truly. I could tell a story there are so many happy wonderful times in our life together. You sacrificed so much for all us kids and worked so hard. I was always so proud you were my Dad. I was so lucky. I know you didn't think Dave turned out the way you wanted him to but oh Dad if only you were here now. I can actually see the smile on your face if you saw your son now. He has turned into an outstanding person a wonderful Dad, a great husband and There's not a better brother. It took him  a while but he became all you wanted for him and then some. I wouldn't be here if not for My Brother. He is actually the only person in my entire life that can make me feel hope and believe me that's hard to come by for me right now. I;m sorry to say I'm not exactaly where I wanted to be at this point in my life (57) barely hanging on but I'm a Williams so I keep trying. I guess I got my life backwards. There is so much of what you traught me and told me inside me. My heart still hurts deeply when ever I think of you. An Dad your granddaughter is so smart and really going to do great things, you have a grandson graduating from High School the 25 a great grandchild that's a straight a student. Your blood runs strong thru us all. I Love And Miss You With Us Every Day. Your Daughter Pammy

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