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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Mom, Grandma, & Best Friend , Linda Bucciero, 64, born on June 21, 1947 and passed away on April 28, 2012. We will remember her forever.

June 21
June 21
Happy birthday dear friend. Always and forever missing you. John and I were just discussing you yesterday.

Hard to believe it is 12 years. Hugs and love

April 28
April 28
Today , 12 years ago is a day forever in my broken heart. Miss our ever long telephone chats and how we solved the world problems. You are so missed by me and your growing family.

RIP my dear friend. Till we meet again.

June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
To my dear friend ,

Wishing you a happy 75th birthday, 10 years of your birthday missed. Sadness is always there.

Enjoy your special day. Give Daisiella a big hug from me. Love to you

Kathy   God speed Linda
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022
10 years today. Very difficult to understand why. Miss you and speak of you with John frequently.

My dear friend just keep looking down on us please.

We shall meet again
Love Kathy
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Happy Birthday my friend. Think of you so often. May your day be enjoyable. Please spend time with Daisiella. Maglin. Miss you terribly.

April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Here we are my friend. 9 years later. A day I will never ever forget. Still so unbelievable to me . Miss our talks we always had. Maggie had 3 beautiful grandchildren and 3 dogs. Great Mom. I know you are watching over her. Miss and love you always.

June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
My dear friend ,. Missed your birthday by one day. Ever so sorry. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, but never ever the same without you.

Love you forever Linda
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
To my dear friend. 8 years already. What a devastating loss to myself and your family. Miss and love you.

June 21, 2019
June 21, 2019
Happy Birthday my dear friend. As usual a day does not pass without thinking of you. Happy Day up in heaven.
December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear friend. 6 years since your passing. Still missing you.
April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018
For my dear friend:
6 years since you left us with broken and empty hearts. Miss our daily chats of conquering the world conflicts, etc. You gave me a wonderful friendship and also the best gift was my Daisiella Maglin. Please love her for me . Many could have , should have, would have in my mind daily as to your health.
Love always,
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friend
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Happy Birthday my dear friend. Love and miss you always .
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
My dear friend Linda. Never a day goes by without you in my thoughts.

Will always miss you and care about you.
Sending my love
January 13, 2017
January 13, 2017
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Missing you. As you are at peace, my Mother joined you on December 16,2016. She will be with my Dad and her beloved Daisy whom she adored like a child. There are no words I can say to ease the pain of your loss. Love you always my friend.
June 21, 2016
June 21, 2016
To my dear friend . Four long years and wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Miss you each and every day.

May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
I avoid this page......i guess bc it's just another reminder you are truly gone. 4 years and it has never gotten even a tiny bit easier..... i hate the fact I can't speak....hear or see you. I always wait until I wake up from this nightmare..... some dreams seem so real....and when you wake up.....u realize just a dream.....well that has not happened. There is so much I want to tell you..... and so much I want to hear from you. I'm just wish we could have more time..... bc i would make sure I saw you more..... talked to you more..... and just spent time with you. I would have asked more questions ....and just listened to every word. I wait to see you in my dreams.....Sometimes I know you are in it....but can never see or hear you..... and i wait and wait.....bc at this point even seeing you in a dream...... i will cherish. MOTHERS DAY.....bdays.....holidays.....nothing is the same.
June 21, 2015
June 21, 2015
Happy Birthday to my dear friend.
Always missed
April 28, 2015
April 28, 2015
To my Buddy,
Year three. Still so unreal. It was three years ago on Saturday around 6 pm. Unfortunately that day is forever burned in my heart and mind. Miss you as always. We are coming upon another Mother's Day and your family is without you and missing you. Peanut and Jack are fine.

Love Always,
December 17, 2014
December 17, 2014
To my dear friend. Another Christmas without you. Sure do miss you. A day does not go by without thinking of you. So very hard to grasp. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .
June 21, 2014
June 21, 2014
To My Wonderful Friend. Wishing You Happy Birthday. Miss you always .

Miss our talks and deep thoughts.
April 28, 2014
April 28, 2014
Mom.... it's been 2 years today..... time has not made it any easier.... miss u more than words can describe.
April 28, 2014
April 28, 2014
Mom.... it's been 2 years today..... time has not made it any easier.... miss u more than words can describe.
April 28, 2014
April 28, 2014
Today my dear friend is a very ugly day in my life and your family. You are always in my thoughts. I just remember leaving Virginia and us planning on my return to do some fun stuff when I returned. I have guilt on my leaving. I left and 10 days later , the angels took you from us. Love you and always will my friend. <3
December 25, 2013
December 25, 2013
Another xmas without u Mom. It's never the same without u. Altho yest u were laughing.. chassie fell in goose poop at the cemetery. .. we all miss u more than words can express. Merry Christmas in Heaven Mom. I know u r next to us at all times.... Our guardian angel ♡
December 3, 2013
December 3, 2013
Dear Linda:
Another Christmas without you and it is still not getting easier. It is now 20 months almost. Always on my mind my dear friend. Happy Thanksgiving, pre Merry Christmas and a New Year is ascending upon us without you. Your family misses you so. Not the same without you. Rest In Peace. Be with Ruby and Wolfie. I love you.
June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013
Happy Birthday Linda. You certainly are forever missed. it is your second birthday up in heaven. Do not understand why? Guess we will never know.
June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013
Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mom! First day of summer & it's bright & sunny out! I can hear u saying what u always said on ur bday! I miss u...... When I hear ur voice mails... I want to hit call back & I can't! I miss u more than words can describe! Happy bday in heaven Mom :(
May 12, 2013
May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers Day to my wonderful friend. Your family misses you and it seems to have fallen apart without you. Words can never express how I mourn your passing. RIP my friend. Will always feel like a lost a sister. That is what we always said. We were. like sisters . Love You
May 11, 2013
May 11, 2013
Well it's the 2nd Mother's Day without u..... & it's been extremely hard!!!! I miss u more than words can express! I believe u know what I'm feeling. Even up in heaven, and I will always love u Mom! Happy Mother's Day in heaven Mom! I wish I could call u right now, but I can hear ur voice with the messages I still have, I cherish them. :(
April 28, 2013
April 28, 2013
Mom.... It gets even harder, a year and not a day goes by that I have not thought about you! And when you died the family finally fell into pieces, I know you already know, and when I see you again we will be able to talk, but for now I know you are by my side, in spirit, I have an angel who I call mom next to me. I know you see me struggling, I know what u would say! I love you Mom :(
April 27, 2013
April 27, 2013
To my dear friend Linda. Tomorrow will be one year that God took you from us. Miss you always and more and more. Has not registered yet that you are not here. I am ever so grateful I had you in my life. I am grateful we got to spend Easter together last year. Our daily phone tribunes are gone. Wish I could have just a couple of minutes again to talk to you.Love You Always and Miss You.
March 7, 2013
March 7, 2013
Not a day has gone by that I have not thought of you! I have alot of questions I need to ask you.... & I cant..... I want to believe you are still close by... But the realization death is final....and i will never feel your presence again.... And it sucks! Memories are not enough, i want my Mom back!
February 21, 2013
February 21, 2013
Sat here all day thinking of you. Crying my eyes out. This time last year, you pulled thru an unbelievable operation. What happened? Why did God want you so badly. You are a wonderful person, and I guess he wanted you. Little did he realize he left us with broken hearts forever. I will always treasure our friendship.
January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013
Another month without you. We are still heartbroken. If you can see what is going on,you would be so angry. Miss you as always. In my thoughts everyday. I regret we never did all we set out to do. Gina is suffering without you and I am sure the rest of the family.Love and miss you as always
January 19, 2013
January 19, 2013
Mom if you only knew! But better you didnt get to see all thats going on! But hopefully you know I realize all that you told me! I wish I had when you were here! I know you are not in peace yet.... But i have to believe one day you will be. And I know you are walking right by my side until you can have the peace you deserve! Miss you more than any words can ever describe. :(
December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012
I have not forgotten u on Xmas, more like avoiding it! You should still be here, i do not want to write on a site, i do not want to go to a cemetery, i want to pick up the phone and talk to my Mom.
December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Linda. I hate when the 28th of each month comes around.Miss you so deeply my friend. This time last year we were doing our usual chit chat on the telephone. That is gone forever,but my memories of you will never be forgotten. You were like a sister to me.Love and missed.
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
Merry Christmas to my dear friend. This time last year we were giggling and laughing about the holidays approaching. Here we are without you.
Wolfie,Ruby ,Walter and Pop Pop are with you and watching over you. It is not getting easier Linda. It will never pass,the loss you have left in my heart. Happy New Year. Love Kathy
December 11, 2012
December 11, 2012
Mom, yet another holiday is approaching, and reality is hitting harder that you are no longer here! Last Xmas presents still are painted in my memory, and will always bc it was the last Xmas we got with you even though we had been miles away. Now you are even further away! Chassie and I miss you more than words can express! :(
November 25, 2012
November 25, 2012
Hi my friend.It is my birthday,and we just finished Thanksgiving unfortunately without you.Just give me one more time to speak with you.Gets harder and harder each day . What happened ? We will never know. Love you always .

November 23, 2012
November 23, 2012
Mom... This has been very hard year...... First we lost you.... And now PopPop..But i know as many disagreements you guys have had, he was like a father figure that you never had..Him and Nana are watching over you now! I miss you, and its getting harder and harder every day! I want to pick up the phone and hear you say hiiii Gean ( u were the only one who could call me that. Love u Mom
October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012
To my dear friend.A. few days ago marked the anniversary of your passing.Six months already.I just do not believe it Linda.Seems like I can still reach out for you. Sadly missed by all.Hoping you are in touch with pop-pop.Love and miss you. 
October 2, 2012
October 2, 2012
Hard to believe it is only a little over 5 Months. On the day it would be 5 months, PopPop was laid to rest. Now he is there to look over you. It feels like its been years since you left us.....We miss you more than words could ever say ;(
September 26, 2012
September 26, 2012
September 26,2012.My dear friend,in two more days you left us,actually five months ago. Time does not make it easier,but harder.I just smile when I think of all the great times we had and laughed.That time is gone forever for me and your family.I know your spirit is with us always,and I treasure that. Your boy Jack is very content,but the loss of you will never be forgotten. Peanut also.Xo
August 26, 2012
August 26, 2012
Dear Linda
We are approaching your 4 th month since you left us.I dislike the 28th of each month.Can not believe you left us, and how much you are missed.Wish I could pick up the phone and talk again to you.Wealways solved all the problems of the world together.Her we all sit without you.Just want you to know how. very much you are loved.
August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012
Hard to believe it will b 4 months since u left us. Miss you so much! Still feel like its a bad dream.... Hear your voice on my voice mail is so hard, but at the same time its all I have left to hear you say you love me. I just hope you are in a better place. I love u Mom!
August 12, 2012
August 12, 2012
Time does NOT make u being gone any easier.......its getting harder and harder with each passing day! Especially when Nana died. The family started to fall apart, but now with you gone it totally fell apart! I still reach for my phone, and know i see Mom and your number... But i cant talk to you. I need to know u r ok, when it rains out, chassie says thats grandma crying in heaven :(
July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012
Tomorrow 07/28/12 will be 3 months since you left us. Truly miss you my friend.Think of you every day. It is very difficult to imagine you in your final resting place.I would love to talk and hear your voice one more time.I imagine you are watching over all of us. God,please rest in peace my dear friend.Love You.
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June 21
June 21
Happy birthday dear friend. Always and forever missing you. John and I were just discussing you yesterday.

Hard to believe it is 12 years. Hugs and love

April 28
April 28
Today , 12 years ago is a day forever in my broken heart. Miss our ever long telephone chats and how we solved the world problems. You are so missed by me and your growing family.

RIP my dear friend. Till we meet again.

June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
To my dear friend ,

Wishing you a happy 75th birthday, 10 years of your birthday missed. Sadness is always there.

Enjoy your special day. Give Daisiella a big hug from me. Love to you

Kathy   God speed Linda
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11 years gone

April 30, 2023
To my dear friend, 
Hard to believe this day brings us to 11 years. Maggie wrote a beautiful tribute in your honor. She has 3 beautiful children you would adore. A day doesn’t go by without thoughts of you. Our daily phone calls, laughter and conquering all the world problems. Be at peace my friend. Hugs to my Daisy and Jack also. Till we meet again one day. 
Much love to you Linda❤️❤️

Sincerely Kathy

April 30, 2023

Another birthday gone by. Wishing you a Happy Birthday watching over us all. ❤️

Me and Grandma together

June 13, 2012

This story is by Chassie.....and she is writing it all by herself!

i remember when i went to Gram house to see how she was doing when she whent to emegey room and her friend Kathy whent up the stairs and then when she whent up to see GRAM  she farted.GRAM was laughing so hard! i was craking up

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