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Dear Dad

February 28, 2021
When I heard the news I was shocked and teared
I love my dad dearly you set good goals for me to reach. We had so many good times together while growing up back in the days. Not a day passes by that you don’t cross my mind,Not all of you departed 
When you left our earth behind. In my heart there is a place that only you can hold. Filled with loving memories more priceless than gold. I know you still hear me Dad ,So please know this is true. That everything I am today, Is all because of you.

He will forever be remembered,Deep in our hearts. You will always stay loved and missed everyday.
I will miss you Dear Dad , may your gentle soul Rest In Peace!

Dear Dad

February 28, 2021

I’m devastated, hearing this terrible news that you’re gone from us.

 You were not one with health problems, then one day came and I heard you were sick with malaria and typhoid and then came the cardiac arrest.

I thought you would have a lot more years to live. I know living things can die but I was not ready for you to go, we had some unfinished things to discuss and take care of.

You taught me a lot about life. You were my advisor, someone I could go to when things became too hard to bear. I’m still trying to figure out what to do now when I need you. 

Daddy, I will miss you greatly.Well God knows best and decided it was time for you to come home You are now one of the angels.

Please keep watch over us left here. I love you dad. Rest in peace till we meet again.

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