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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Lovella Harrison, 91 years old, born on April 2, 1911, and passed away on June 14, 2002. We will remember her forever.
April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023
Another year come and gone without you. It has been a year of loss for the family. Lee is with you now. Bill is also with you and dad along with his mother and father. My family is doing fine. The girls have always been there for me during this time. I think I've finally finished making changes to the mobile so now I've got to find other ways to carry on. Wish I could talk to you again. Happy birthday in Heaven Mom.
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
Awwwwww NOW I understand last nights dream. You are right - I got this! I miss you & thank you for the visit.

I know you like the changes to the property. It is a lot to keep up on though. Little by little and section by section, it will come around.
April 3, 2021
April 3, 2021
Hi mom - well we've been living in a senior apartment set-up for the last year. Now getting ready to buy a mobile at the park near your old home and Robin's present. Really looking forward to being back in the neighborhood. Won't have a lot to take care of but able to visit a lot more. Always thinking of you and dad. Until we meet again - love you.
April 2, 2021
April 2, 2021
Happy Birthday Grandma. You would have been 110 today. It's crazy to think about. I miss you. The little baby plum is doing good. I have to prun it to get one branch or do like you did with the pear tree not sure yet. The yard is still not perfect like you had it, but we are slowly coming along. The barn, now that is something to be happy with! You would love THAT.

Love you
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
Mom - what can I say that you don't know? 18 years, seems like yesterday. You are still missed terribly. This you know. I look forward to the day that we can meet again, hug, cry, and continue on our journey together. Love you always.
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
Wow 18 years. Still feels like yeasterday sometimes. I miss you.

So after tearing the yard up, we are FINALLY getting it back in order. We lost a lot of trees the last two last winter but that is alowing us to start a new.

The harder one for me to lose was your Plum Tree in Feb 2019. That poor old tree. In July of that year, we had the stump removed. Uggg

March 2020 came & a week before your birthday I went to the plum tree spot thinking about what I wanted to plant there......low and behold a little plum tree had sprouted. I couldn't believe it. I know it is from you. I know you are sending me your love & support. I know you love how we are working the yard. 

Even got some Tomatoes to grow! Love You Grandma. ❤
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Still miss you Grandma! Someday we will meet up again!
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
Great grandma,
I will always remember your loving smile. The way you showed love no matter what. I loved playing your organ, and you indulged me. It was the neatest thing, I thought. I had so much fun playing with my brother or cousins in the yard. Oh the fun we had at your house! Such wonderful memories for me. I truly miss you, but know that you and I shall be together again one day.
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
Grandma, you were the best! Tolerant of differences, honest with thoughts and always made me feel special. I wish you were here still! I miss you.
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
Thank you Robin for creating this!

Great Grandma Harrison! So happy to send a message to you, I have so many great memories of coming to visit you as a child. I particularly loved your furnace, the chimes of the grandfather clock and the organ in the living room. I remember fishing at Shasta dam and actually catching a fish! I think we even cooked it at your house. There was one winter where my siblings and I built a snow fort - and for city kids, that was a memorable experience. I love you gg, thank you for your continued support to healing our bloodline and for always being around to whisper a memory.
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
Grandma, I can't believe it has been 15 years since you passed. I miss you dearly but I know you are with me. Thank you for all the little signs you leave me to let me know you are around and watching.

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