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June 7, 2021
Throughout high school, Lucas and I became friends through the arts program at our school. My favourite thing about Lucas was his good energy. Even if he was having an off day, he wasn’t pessimistic about it. He was light, and welcoming to everyone around him. We’ve shared a lot of laughs and stories, and I will always cherish those memories. 

I hope everything is good up there buddy, miss you lots

April 25, 2021
When Lucas' mom, Rose, and my son, Derek, got married Lucas asked me if he could call me Nana. And I said yes of course you can.

Graduation Day

April 24, 2021
After four years of knowing Lucas in high school, and sharing many laughs and funny stories, especially over our hatred of the chickens working hot foods, on graduation day I forgot my sash, and without even thinking about it, Lucas offered me his. Thankfully there were extras, and my brother hadn’t left the house yet, but Lucas’ selflessness and kindness will never be forgotten. He always had a smile on his face and was the first person to make anyone laugh or smile. Coming home from the youth homeless peaceful protest we shared so many good laughs and stories. We always shared so many laughs and he had the most kind soul who will forever be missed. Lucas, your positive impact in my life is so truly appreciated 
April 2, 2021
My first memory of Lucas was in St.Annes, at the beginning of the year when we still had the milk room, he went out on lunch and bought chips for everyone. By the end of grade eight, I remember going over to his house and being brought a million snacks while he taught me to play chess. His kindness and laughter will never be forgotten. Beyond blessed to have had him call me a friend at one point in his life. 
April 1, 2021
Lucas & I would play Zombies together for hrs, drink a beer & smoke, I miss our together time. I miss you son

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