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In loving memory of my mom

February 6, 2021
On April 8 , 2020 . We lost my mom to Covid-19. My whole world came down on me . Part of me die the minute they told me she had pass . I felt like the hospital gave up on my mom . But my mom was a fighter. She held  on  for four days . 2020 have change so many life’s do to COVID-19. So many family in pain do to this pandemic . Life will never be the same once all this is over . We still fighting to survive this pandemic every day . We all live in fear . We all suffering inside . Now we in 2021 and still dealing with COVID-19. If I had two wishes in my life .  One would be to see my mom one last time and tell her how much I love her and thank her for everything she did for me and my kids . Two would be to put a end to COVID-19 already . But for the record and to make it very simple. I’m proud to have had Lydia E Malave as my mom . My mom was my ride or die number one person. She was someone very special to my life . She was a awesome grandma/mom to my kids . It was like my kids had two moms in there life . My mom will forever be loved and deeply missed. Life without her haven’t been easy . I miss her calls everyday. I wish she would fight with me one last time . Life without my mom been so different. But we have learn to take it day by day for her . We know she’s looking down on us and want us to be happy and to live life and to enjoy it every minute every second cause that’s all she ever wanted for me and her grandkids. But most of all for her grandkids to be good and make the right decisions in life . Rest In Peace mom ❤️

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