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January 25, 2017
January 25, 2017
I have only just heard of Madeleine's passing which explains why my SMS's and emails were no longer answered. I am so sorry to have missed her funeral which I would have come from Switzerland to attend. She was the most wonderful person whose wise words with so much life experience helped me in several difficult moments. I really treasured her company and I will really miss seeing her. I will try to upload a couple of pictures of us when I was her guest in summer 2015. My sincere condolences to family and her many close friends.
October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
Gisteren (28-10-2016) ontving ik bericht dat mevrouw Eekels op
7 september j.l. overleden is. Hierbij condoleer ik haar familie en andere dierbaren. Haar Steinway-vleugel mocht ik 20 jaar lang stemmen, voor het laatst op 10 juni j.l. Ik wist dat ze ziek was en merkte toen op dat ik dat kon zien. Ze nam het mij niet in dank af, dat ik dat zei. In de conversatie die toen volgde zei ze “Ik heb een prachtig leven gehad met een héérlijk beroep, een hele lieve man en een fijn huis”. Mevrouw Eekels is een van mijn aardigste klanten geweest met een van de mooiste instrumenten die ik in onderhoud heb. Ze was altijd vriendelijk en voorkomend. Ze had iets adellijks.
Na het pianostemmen voelde ik mij onhandig en vroeg hoe wij deze keer afscheid gingen nemen. Van een afscheid wilde zij niets weten, wenste mij tot ziens tot de volgende stembeurt en gaf mij een stevige handdruk. Ik zal goede herinneringen houden aan mevrouw Eekels.

Paul Bouwman
October 23, 2016
October 23, 2016
Lieve Madeleine,
We hebben elkaar maar een paar keer ontmoet, op de massagetafel heb je genoten van de ontspanning, de massage en de aanraking.
Het was fijn je dat te kunnen geven.
Rust zacht mooie vrouw.
September 30, 2016
September 30, 2016
Lieve Madeleine,.
We zullen je gezelligheid en warmte missen, je was (samen met Herman) een van onze lievelings gasten.
We hopen dat jullie weer gezellig samen zijn.
Om met Herman's woorden te spreken "All the best"
Sterkte voor de familie.
Harry en Fleur (en alle collega's van Didong)
September 28, 2016
September 28, 2016
Dear Sean,Kris and Galen,
We so loved Madeleine and were thrilled to have spent time last summer with her. My fellow ballerina! We exchanged many recital photos and ideas about ballet and music.We will miss her exuberance about life as well as her elegance and sweetness. I last saw you three as very young lads in Nashville but wish you and your families great strength at this difficult time. Beautiful Madeleine will be so missed but hopefully she is dancing amongst the angels with and for her beloved Herman!
September 25, 2016
September 25, 2016
My mind and heart are full of Madeline’s light in my life. Raising children, negotiating careers, celebrating weddings, exploring travel sites, and navigating the challenges of aging are a few of the pictures I hold in my head. Some of these memories bring smiles, some bring tears and some bring hilarious laughter.
Some of the sweetest memories were her calls and her visit to me in Tbilisi, the year John and I were living in The Republic of Georgia. The last time she was in Klosters she sent me a picture of the small tapestry that she bought in Tbilisi as we strolled through old town.It was a picture of Georgian male dancers in full costume . It reminded us of the evening we spent at a restaurant overlooking the city. Her beautiful smile attracted the attention of the near- by table of Georgian men and women. We spent a great evening toasting and sharing stories. The men were inspired to show off their dancing - right out of Romeo and Juliet. Madeleine was most appreciative of their talent. They were glorious with their amazing jumps. Fortunately there were no swords.
I am very thankful that she was my friend.
September 25, 2016
September 25, 2016
My Divissima Madeleine, Thank you so much for all being part of my life. Thank you for all the many fantastic memories we had together. You will forever stay in my heart. We will meet again in another place and continue our mission together, as if nothing has changed. I love you and there is not one day that you are out of my mind. Love from your Divissimo!
September 22, 2016
September 22, 2016
I feel so fortunate to have known Madeleine, both in my childhood in Nashville as the mother of my good friends – so sophisticated, exotic and accomplished (a ballerina with a Dutch accent!) – and later as a dear, dear friend who came to our wedding in Ireland and whom we visited in Wassenaar and Klosters. She was so posh and down-to-earth at the same time – a rare enough combination – and so very generous, loyal and sweet-natured. One among many things I have treasured so much and will miss so sorely is her mischievous, almost wicked sense of humor, so evident in the photos I’ve posted with my wife Iris, whom, like me, she had in stitches so many times.
September 21, 2016
September 21, 2016
Lieve Madeleine, het was een voorrecht om zo dichtbij jou te mogen zijn gedurende het afgelopen jaar. Ik deed verwoede pogingen om zo goed mogelijk voor je te zorgen, maar dat was best een dingetje... Dan kwam ik om iets "verpleegkundigs" te doen en voor dat ik het wist zat ik aan een uitgebreide koffie- of thee-tafel, inclusief koekjes en chocolaatjes op een keurig schaaltje... of aan de lunch... of aan de borrel met diverse nootjes en zoutjes... Het leek wel de omgekeerde wereld: jij zorgde vooral ook zo goed voor mij!
Ik mis onze dagelijkse telefoontjes om klokslag 9 uur in de morgen, niet in het weekend want dat vond je dan weer zielig voor mij, even horen hoe de nacht was geweest en elkaar een prettige dag toewensen. Het was bijzonder en bewonderenswaardig om van de zijlijn te zien hoe jij vorm gaf aan je keuze voor kwaliteit van leven boven kwantiteit. Veel van je geleerd en vooral erg genoten. Dank je wel voor alles, heb het goed waar je ook bent (hopelijk weer samen met Herman)!

Liefs, Heidy
September 21, 2016
September 21, 2016
Dear Madeleine,
I admired you a lot, you were a woman with a mission. Thanks for all the beautiful moments, especially during our time together in Klosters. I was the only not-dancer..... My feet are parallel......
You will always be in my heart.
September 21, 2016
September 21, 2016
Lieve Madeleine, de lerares die mij kennis heeft laten maken met het ballet! De uitnodiging voor de reünie was een hele gezellige gelegenheid om u weer te zien en vooral de vele mensen bij jouw thuis toonden aan hoe belangrijk jij bent geweest voor velen van jongs af aan. Ik ben heel blij dat ik er ook bij mocht zijn en zal mij dit altijd blijven herinneren. Heel veel liefs, Sabine
September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016
Hi Madeleine, This medium of leaving you a message is beautiful and the music is inspirational. It brings you into the room and all i want to to say is you were the best, what a wonderful life. You undoubtedly will be 'forevermissed'
Love Nigel, Livie and Noni
September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016
Lieve Madeleine
Veel dank voor de goede tijd,die we samen,ook nog met Herman hebben doorgebracht.
Je blijft in onze herinnering!
Willem en Loes Veldhoven
September 19, 2016
September 19, 2016
I have many fond memories through my childhood of Madeleine visiting my grandmother Darnelle in Arkansas. I even remember Madeleine's mother Wilhemina, and her quiet strength forged through the prison camp during WWII. Madeleine was beautiful inside and out, and a true lady in every sense of the word. Her laugh was contagious and her elegance was unmatched. I'm grateful for the interest she showed in our children, especially Rebecca's dance. Sending my love to Galen, Sean and Kris...I know you will miss her always, as will I!
Love, Jessica Gentry Brogdon
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
I'm writing this for Darnelle Gentry Friar as a tribute to her beloved Madeleine. She was her daughter in LOVE for many years. Dar kept the picture I just posted of the them together on her dresser with all her other family pics. They never missed a birthday or holiday without sending cards and calling each other through the years. They were kindred spirits in their love of beautiful things, especially flowers.
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
As the song goes " i always thought i'd see you again." Ours was the kind of friendship that, even with long gaps and an ocean between, could pick up at any time and place. 

Many years ago, when we both lived in Nashville, TN, Madeleine and i taught ballet together at Dancers Studio. We thought of ourselves as two halves of one job.

A precious memory is our first recital in her backyard - little girls in pink and white dancing joyfully to music by Gottshalk and Poulenc.

The memories - there are so many - all carry the spirit of that recital. it seems, no matter where we were or what we were doing, we were always in a sense dancing together joyfully. The love and joy, my gratitude for it, remains in my heart.
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
As the song goes " i always thought i'd see you again." Ours was the kind of friendship that, even with long gaps and an ocean between, could pick up at any time and place. 

Many years ago, when we both lived in Nashville, TN, Madeleine and i taught ballet together at Dancers Studio. We thought of ourselves as two halves of one job.

A precious memory is our first recital in her backyard - little girls in pink and white dancing joyfully to music by Gottshalk and Poulenc.

The memories - there are so many - all carry the spirit of that recital. it seems, no matter where we were or what we were doing, we were always in a sense dancing together joyfully. The love and joy, my gratitude for it, remains in my heart.
September 17, 2016
September 17, 2016
Madeleine was part of our family and we always looked forward to her visits to America. She visited Dar in Hawaii and in Arkansas and we made every effort to spend time with her during every visit, because she was such a joy to be with. She made everything special from formal dinner parties to picnics which she and Dar both loved so much. We always loved sharing pics and stories about our grandchildren. She was so interested in Rebecca's ballet and Ben's golf. She adored her grands and cherished her time with each of them. The last time we talked to her was when she called to wish Joe a Happy Birthday, which she did every year. Joe tells a funny story about the first time he met her years ago....He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had seen and his comment was "How did Hal get her!" LOL. She invited me to visit her in Holland and I truly regret I never made that trip. Her passing has left a huge hole in our hearts and we will never forget her.  She loved her boys more than life and our hearts are heavy for Galen, Sean, Kris and their families. Kris, thanks for giving us this website to share just a few of our many sweet memories of beautiful Madeleine(cha) (forgive my english "phonetical" spelling of that), but I can still hear Wilhelmena calling her by that name. Our thought and prayers will be with all of you on Sept 30, and beyond.
September 17, 2016
September 17, 2016
Dulces ante omnia Musae
Madeleine, mijn lieve Muze, schepster van het schone, zonnestraal, inspiratiebron, mijn schat, je leven ging boven alles. Blijf bij iedere voorstelling naast mij zitten, deel met mij de zon, het licht, de kleuren en de muziek en bovenal de dans.
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
10 augustus Gerard and I mailed Madeleine after bringing some 'viskoekjes' which she adored so much. From now on we call them Madeleintjes. Madeleine responded our email. We're so happy to express our feelings to la grande dame

dd 10.08.2016
Lieve Madeleine,

Heerlijk je vandaag te zien. Dank je voor alles wat je voor Gerard gedaan hebt. Jullie hebben samen zo veel plezier gehad. Je betekent heel veel voor hem.
Je hebt mij (Paul) enorm geïnspireerd; weer van het leven te houden zoals het is. We hopen dat je de mooiste reis gaat maken.

Met heel ons hart, voor altijd!
Gerard en Paul

dd 11.08.2016
Van Madeleine,

Lieve vrienden
Ga ik doen !!
Dank en liefs aan jullie !
Kus , Madeleine
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
She told me, when they take a picture open your eyes!
I look at the pictures and realize she always smiled.
I will try!
September 13, 2016
September 13, 2016
Lieve mevrouw Eekels, wat hebben wij een plezier gehad met/in uw tuin! het terrasje van Fleur,de waterlelie van Jan(altijd bloeiend op uw verjaardag ,ook dit jaar weer ,) de uitstekende zorg van Corne . meer dan 35 jaar herinneringen en verhalen. you'r unforgetteble ! Thanks .
September 13, 2016
September 13, 2016
Dear Madeleine, we will miss you in Klosters but we will think of you in good memories. Love Eveline❤️
September 13, 2016
September 13, 2016
Looking at the photos brings back memories of New Orleans when we first met, of visits to Nashville, Wassenaar and Klosters, of Madeleine with Herman, of her love for her family and for her work.
How lucky we were to have her in our lives.
Annelies and Morry Sheehan
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Mein liebes Schätzchen, Wat zal ik jou missen, jij was een hele lieve vriendin en een geweldige vrouw. Wij kennen elkaar sinds 2001. Samen met een groep andere vrienden de jaarlijkse stedentrip. Samen, met Herman nog , een abonnement op het concertgebouw met vooraf eten in Amsterdam. Ons bezoek aan Klosters en later ons samenzijn, altijd even gezellig en warm. Jij hebt mij van het ballet laten genieten en ik mocht een paar keer helpen bij een uitvoering in jouw studio om de kinderen te verkleden. Vergeten zal ik jou nooit maar heel erg missen.

My darling, I shall miss you so much, you were a very dear friend and a great woman. We have known each other since 2001. With a group of friends we made annual city trips. The four of us, with Herman of course, subscribed to concerts in the Concertgebouw, preceded by dinner in Amsterdam. We visited Herman and you in Klosters. Later we spent much time together; you were such a warm and sociable person.
You taught me to enjoy ballet, and I had twice the privilege of helping you in your studio to dress children for a performance.
We shall never forget you and will miss you very much.
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Dear Madeleine ,

To my great sorrow , I have just learned that you are no longer with us. You were and remain one of the greatest personalities I've ever known. Thanks for all the pleasure you have given us. XX Karin and Chris
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Dearest friend Madeleine,
Thank you for all the great moments together.
Specially the skiing trip to Kloosters with your children many years ago I will cherish forever, You will be missed, love britt
September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
you are the epitome of grace and humour to me, you are an example that grace isn't about striving for a type of perfection, but a type of ease of response to the unexpected things. And while I can't name a specific (or maybe it was something about your europe-ness to this american southern girl) you also remind me the importance of bringing quality and elegance to a meal...presence in that moment when we sit down and share and be present with one another. thank you, i'll carry the lessons to your family during this time of loss...
September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
Op het R.K. Lyceum voor Meisjes in Den Haag kenden we allemaal "Madje". Om twee redenen: ze was ontzettend mooi, ze liep altijd zeer elegant op haar ballerina's en zij was degene die naar de gouverneur van Little Rock was gegaan om hem te vertellen dat het niet goed ging met de rassendiscriminatie aldaar.
Ze bereikte daarmee de krant. Wij, leerlingen van twee klassen lager, keken enorm tegen haar op. Wat een durf!
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
Lieve Madeleine, we leerden je pas laat in je leven kennen en je hebt een grote en blijvende indruk op ons gemaakt. Met je passie voor dans en door wie je was zullen we je nooit vergeten. We zijn dankbaar je te hebben ontmoet. Trudi en Toine x x

Dear Madeleine, we met you late in your life and you made a big and lasting impression on us. With your passion for dance and because of who you were we shall never forget you. We are thankful to have met you. Love, Trudi and Toine x x
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
Dear Madeleine, Your beauty was noted by everyone who met you. At the University of Arkansas you were a queen. In Nashville you brought classic dance to the young and it's still celebrated there by all who enjoy ballet. You made friends wherever you were and your wonderful sense of humor decorates my thoughts today. I shall miss you for the rest of my own life.
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
Madeleine was een groot fan van het Holland Dance Festival sinds de komst van het befaamde New York City Ballet in 1989. Zij had daar ook wortels en ze kon een week lang genieten van unieke voorstellingen. Daarna is ze altijd een 'fan' van mijn werk en van het HDF gebleven. Al zagen we elkaar vaak lang niet, als dat gebeurde dan was het altijd een inspirerende ontmoeting. We zullen haar aanstekelijke dansziel missen.
Marc Jonkers, ex directeur Holland Festival (Dans) en Holland Dance Festival.
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
Lieve Madeleine, dank je wel voor het enorme plezier dat we samen gehad hebben. Je hebt me zoveel gegeven. Je blijft voor altijd in mijn hart! X
Dear Madeleine, thank you for all the fun we have had together. You have given me so much. I will always keep you in my hart!X
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