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In honor of the 10-year anniversary of her passing, this website was created in memory of my mother, Majjida Ahmed, also known fondly by many as "Nicki".

In her short life she made a lasting impact on everyone who got to know her.

This site celebrates her life journey and I hope it can serve as place of solace for those who love and miss her. Please use this to read about various chapters of Majjida's life (a work in progress on this site as you all share memories with me). Please browse through photos and videos (and feel free to add your own!), share your most cherished memories, stories, and tributes as we come together to honor a life that enriched us all.

Majjida possessed a rare combination of strength, compassion, and grace. She was a always a people person. Whether someone met her for 10 minutes or 25 years, she would leave a positive memory with the person - without even making an effort. She was always there for her loved ones, offering a listening ear, a warm embrace, and words of encouragement leaving behind a legacy of love, laughter, and countless cherished memories.

She was a beacon of warmth, kindness, and unwavering support, always putting the needs of others before her own. Her smile could light up any room, and her words of wisdom provided comfort and guidance throughout our lives. Most of all, she was there when anyone needed her. Her unwavering strength, tenacity, and zest for life served as an inspiration to us all. She taught us the importance of family, compassion, and perseverance.

As a mother, she was a guiding light and source of strength and unconditional love for her children, Alizeh & Saad. She continually instilled in us the values of kindness, empathy, and perseverance. She taught us that regardless of any odds, we could succeed. Specifically for me, she championed women's rights - leading by example, she taught me strength and bravery; she showed me how to face challenges with grace, courage and resilience.

She was a loving daughter, wife, sister, mother, and aunt to her family. Despite her ferocious love for her family, her love and support extended much further -  she was a true friend, a confidante, and a source of inspiration to all who knew her.

As one of the only female orthopedic surgeons in her field while simultaneously running a successful family practice - she gave it all to both her professional and personal life. Her giant heart lives on in the memories of her many staff members and patients who still keep in contact with me. Her generosity at work had no limits - she would see patients who couldn't afford healthcare during her own time despite long work hours because she knew they needed her help. Her volunteer work and involvement in various charitable organizations were a testament to her selfless nature and her desire to make a positive difference in the world. Her generosity and willingness to lend a helping hand knew no bounds, and her impact on the lives of those she touched will forever be remembered.

Though we grieve for her loss, we find strength in the countless memories we shared. The echoes of her laughter, the warmth of her embrace, and the wisdom of her words will forever remain etched in our hearts. Her spirit will continue to guide us, her love will forever illuminate our paths, and her memory will forever be cherished as a source of inspiration and strength. We will forever carry her in our hearts, finding solace in the beautiful memories she leaves behind.

While we truly believe Majjida was destined to brighten this world, we also believe that God needed her for a mission more important than we are able to comprehend.

Thank you to everyone who helped make Majjida's years the absolute best. While we wish we had more time with her, we know you all will keep her spirit alive and help her memory live on.

In honor of her memory, I've created the Majjida Ahmed Day of Good. This is an annual event hosted on May 2nd, dedicated to doing good deeds. I decided to turn this day of sadness into a day of good - something my mother felt so strongly about. Personally, I will also be using her birthday, March 12th, for an additional day of good.

The event encourages people to engage in acts of kindness, such as donating to non-profits, volunteering, or supporting friends and loved ones. The primary goal is to inspire individuals to make a positive impact, whether it's in their personal network, community, or the world.

There is no required cost to participate, and any money you choose to spend to do good is totally up to you. Just wherever you are, however you want, on May 2nd, do something good.

And there are a ton of free things you can do! 

For example:

  • Volunteer at a food bank, or a homeless shelter
  • Call your parents or grandparents if you haven’t in a while
  • Donate your time pro-bono in your field
  • Spend some time visiting a local senior center 
  • Volunteer teaching for underpriveleged youth
  • Donate that pile of clothes that’s been sitting in the back of your closet for the last 3 years
Since my mom championed fundraising for those in need, I will also be updating a fundraiser for a current cause - all proceeds will go to the fundraiser in honor of Majjida Ahmed. This year, I am fundraising in her honor for those in need in Gaza. I will make sure to donate these proceeds directly to someone on the ground. You can donate here: Support for Gaza in Honor of Majjida Bashir Ahmed, M.D. Please feel free to share and support.

Thank you for your time & for keeping the memory of my Mama alive. I'm really looking forward to reading all your posts and memories.
May 27
May 27
From the day we met we were friends. She offered supportive help, a family, her home, Hospital board membership, invited me to dinners and events to meet people in interesting field's and post in life. So giving, caring, passionate about life, all of life causes. I learned much from her, love deeply, give of yourself freely, and fight without fear for what you want . She shared the power of tea in truth and heart. She was my a great friend and a mother I never had.

May 2
A beautiful spirit has traveled away, but will remain in our hearts.
May 2
May 2
What a beautiful soul, taken from the world too soon. But her legacy , especially her beautiful children will always remind us of what an amazing person she was . May God bless her . Ameen

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Recent Tributes
May 27
May 27
From the day we met we were friends. She offered supportive help, a family, her home, Hospital board membership, invited me to dinners and events to meet people in interesting field's and post in life. So giving, caring, passionate about life, all of life causes. I learned much from her, love deeply, give of yourself freely, and fight without fear for what you want . She shared the power of tea in truth and heart. She was my a great friend and a mother I never had.

May 2
A beautiful spirit has traveled away, but will remain in our hearts.
May 2
May 2
What a beautiful soul, taken from the world too soon. But her legacy , especially her beautiful children will always remind us of what an amazing person she was . May God bless her . Ameen
Recent stories
I have so many memories about your Mama forever in my heart. She made each of your friends feel like they were special as if they were her very own children- her house felt like our house. I can still hear her voice so vividly…like on a Friday night -“we’ll get you girls, In-N-Out or pizza” and “Danielle, when will you come to visit me again?” Her taking out my stitches at the kitchen table. Her having a day off at the beach, and I must have tagged along with you because I remember her staring out into the ocean with tears in her eyes because she thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. When you surprised her and flew in from Michigan late at night to surprise her on her birthday, I picked you up and walked you in and she was so shocked and full of emotion when she saw you- it took her forever to finally speak. I remember all the little things like going to Marie Callender’s and she knew the waitress by name. And her inviting my grandparents over to play bridge with catered sandwiches. And getting ready to leave for a party, she’d always ask “Danielle, how do I look?” I can go on and on, I remember so much.

The motivational pep talks she gave us were such an inspiration to me. She was always a safe space for advice and even now if I’m in a pickle, I pause to wonder what Nikki K would say about it.

But mostly, I remember how much she loved you and Saad. She believed in you two and I know she’s with you both every single day. 

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years. Thank you for creating this page to honor her….Until we meet again <3

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