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August 23, 2019
Granny!!! ,Mami nyanga!!! 
Calling you a legend doesn't really equate to your strength and devotion to serving the world.
You were an open book to anyone who needed knowledge or advice as to lead thier lives.I am glad to have been a part of your family and all I can pray is that,the good lord who took you from us,will grant you eternal rest in His kingdom. Your legacy lives on in your Grand daughter Karen whom you moulded to a fine woman and mother.
We will celebrate you grand ma .
Rest on mami Ndando,until we meet again.
We love you and we will miss you dearly

Mami nyanga

August 23, 2019
Kk do you remember we were celebrating one of your bdays  at home. Grandma took so long to come to the parlour when we asked why she said she had to PAINT her face she can't just come out Lokoloko. Hihihihuhuh fun granny I will miss you 

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