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June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Mama lived a fulfilled life. May God grant the entire family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. AMEN
- Engr. Johnson Adeoye Ayokanmbi
Nigerian Gas Company Ltd, Warri.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Mama you have lived a fulfilling life. Your good legacy will forever remain with us.
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
June 9, 2020
Iya Omotowa's life in our midst as a WIDOW was commendable. She was focused on the wellbeing of her children, grandchildren and those lucky to cross her path.
The pains of widowhood do sometimes wreck widows so much that the family will be in disarray, but HERS WAS AN EXEMPTION. She demostrated strength, build capacity and provided the required leadership for the home.
She hosted our annual gathering a couple of times in her usual humility and love.
We never knew that she was parting with us finally when she was travelling abroad. Our Committee wanted her to host the 2019 gathering again, but discovered that she was going to travel. She was a worthy example amongst us; a generous giver and totally committed to all the activities of our Fellowship. She lived her life touching lives with an unassuming demeanour. The
Redeemed Sisters' Fellowship is about 20 years old and she was the FIRST to part in death. Good night to our great Sister.
Our good and faithful God who is taking over that BARTON will watch over all you left behind to glorify Himself and to continue in the race until the Resurrection Day. We loved you, but the Lord loves you most. ADIEU!!!u Sun Re o.
By: Reddeemed Sisters' Fellowship, UMCA Chapel, Tanke.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Mummy, your last words to me "Odaaro o" 'Good night.' I didn't imagine it would be the last words between you and I. Hummn, God knows better. It's often said and I strongly believe that 'we meet to part and we part to meet to part no more.' O K, before I come, do say me well to my brother, Chief Joseph Tolorunleke Omotowa. Adieu Margret.
(tribute by CHIEF KANJUNI P B)

Tribute by Elder and Deaconess PAUL A OMOTOWA:
Our wife, mother of everyone, we love you truly but God loves you more than anyone else. We are missing you o but there's nothing we can do about it. May the Lord grant you eternal peace.

Tribute to our darling mother:

"MOMO DELE," This was how you were fondly addressed by most of us. Even after the birth of the other siblings who we could say were equally entitled to the same privilege, this nomenclature has remained to the honour of the now father of the house.
Our gentle mother, most reverend among the Omonare's darling wives,we are missing you. Your charming smiles that always betrayed the whiteness of those well-set teeth placed within the cotrasting, shining background of a beautiful ebony face which had always warmly welcomed us to the house will ever remain fresh in our memories.
Your departure which of course will be the way of everyone gives us pain because of its suddenness even though we have no choice. We thank God all the same for a life well fulfilled to the glory of God. Adieu our darling mother,"Momo Dele"
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Mama MEO, thanks for living out a rich and purposeful life. Though we never met 1-on-1, I have been in direct contact with your legacies in the fantastic impacts of your life your sons (Babs and Seyi) who I have met and closely interacted with over the past 2 decades. The excellence radiating from them (and your other offsprings) are testaments to the brilliant work you did as a mother, mentor and educator. Reading through your biography is a sermon on a legacy of focus, hardwork, perseverance and foresight.

While we may wish you had stayed longer to continue your good works, we are consoled that Heaven has gained a saint who returned home. Thanks for everything.

May the Lord Jesus bring comfort to the family you have left behind.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
The sudden but peaceful departure of Mama leaves us all catching our breath at the sovereignty of the Almighty God! He did not give us any opportunity of disturbing His sovereign plan! What a mighty God we serve!
Mama was till the last to give to me even as an In law when I visited with her children in Idaho USA while she was there!
She continued to send me WhatsApp msgs till May 18th!
My regret is that I did not visit with her while she was in Lagos! At a time she called that she wanted to visit with us while she was in Lagos and I told her I would visit but I didn't till she departed!

Mama, you never looked like you were going soon! The lover of your soul decided it was time! We miss you!

June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Great Grandma(Dr. Mrs. M.E Omotowa) was one special Mother and the loss of her is felt deeply but death is an inevitable and unavoidable catastrophe, even though she lived a fulfilled life but I never expected death coming that soon.

She was our rock and our everything.
The love of a grandma is unique. God must have given her to us to liven up our lives, to make our lives more complete, to make us well rounded and better human beings. She played a big part in my mom's (Mrs. R.T Ebiekuraju) life and I can remember so many times sitting in the kitchen with my mom(Mrs. R.T Ebiekuraju) to discuss about her sister (Dr. Mrs. M.E Omotowa) with special love. She taught my mom a lot about love and the meaning of family.. She has never been just a sister to my mom but can be simply described as a mother, guardian, friend and inspiration.

I can vividly remember the very last time I visited her dated 1st December, 2019 to discussed with her my plans and seek her support and she promised to support in her own capacity and she encouraged and advised me and with the few days I spent with her all I could feel is love and care not knowing I'm receiving my very last love, care and benevolence from her.

Still, I can’t believe our lovely Grandma was taken away from us . I will surely miss her, but her spirit and strength, lives on in each of us and in the lives that she touched. She lives on in me and in all those who have been touched directly or indirectly by the love, strength, conviction, wisdom, and beauty of her soul.
Love you grandma, You truly were a special, special woman! You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us. Thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concern, your love and everything that you have done for me directly and indirectly.  I know you are in a much better place. I will be forever grateful and thankfull for your kindness.

Rest in Peace Great Grandma I love and miss you so much.. Until we meet again.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Tribute to a Dear Grandmother

I still remember me talking into your ears 'grandma no''grandma not now''grandma please' repeatedly shouting 'grandma'...I would give up anything at that moment just to see you back to life. I guess hope was still whispering to me even till we got to the morgue...I watched your eyes closed in death and your felt your cold hand, your calm face saying 'peace be still'...'I was hoping to hear scene 'cut' so I would tell you it was just an act....hmmm, grandma

You may have passed on, but your memories would always live within me. Thank you for your concern, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for the lessons, thank you for your care, thank you for your gift of love, now you are sharing it up above. You had many things to say; many lessons to teach though my life changes from day to day, your memories I forever cherish cos I know you are in a better place and only consoled that *God knows better*.

  Forever in my heart grandma 24/05/2020, a day to never forget. I miss you.
June 8, 2020
Condolence Message to my Boss - Oluwaseyi

Hearing about the demise of your dear mother has deeply saddened me. From what I read about your MUM it shows that she lived an exemplary life - GREAT MOTHER. She has played her part, what is left is yours and the rest of those she has touched with her VIRTUOUS LIFE either directly or indirectly. I pray that her wonderful and gentle soul will remain in all our hearts as I have no doubt she is resting in Lord's bosom.

May the Lord grant you and your entire family the strength to bear this great pain Amen.

June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
My tribute to my dear and everlasting Mummy.
I am writing this message of tribute on behalf of my immediate family, Charlotte, Abigail and Babatunde Aiyenibe, to express our profound sorrow as we mourn the passing of our beloved “Mummy”, Dr (Mrs) Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa (Fondly called Mummy), who has made such a magnificent impression on our lives when she met us in May 2017.

I was six years old in 1966 when I first met mummy. She came to visit my parents in Aiyetoro Gbede with her husband in their new Ford Consul Cortina. I was very fascinated with the rear light of this new car, to the extent that I stayed a long time in the rain inspecting it. Mummy found my curiosity amazing and remarked that I shared this similarity with her young son, Dr Bamidele Omotowa (mummy’s first born), who once attempted to prise open their radio, to see who was speaking inside! Since that time, she became my icon and she embraced me as her child.

In the early sixties, Mummy and my mother went to Women Training College (WTC) in Kabba where they became and remained bosom friends ever since. She has supported my family in many ways, facilitating my mother's relocation to Ilorin to join my father in the 1980’s. My father has just moved there to start a new job then. Mummy was at the time already living with her husband in Ilorin. She provided my parents with temporary accommodation in her home when my mother arrived and assisted her to settle down in Ilorin. She used her influence to provide education and training for my siblings. One of my brothers in particular, studied Mathematics in a special training programme arranged through her. I could go on and on with the many positive impact Mummy has on my family and my life, it suffices to simply say, she will be sorely missed.

I moved to UK in 1992 to continue my medical training and Dr Bamidele came to England later to study at Bath University for his PHD. After we met, I remember clearly, how pleased Mummy was to know that we were both studying in England. Dr Bamidele later moved to the US. I Lost contact with Mummy briefly thereafter.

However, in Late April 2017, Mummy surprisingly rang me. I did not know how she got my contact but she did! I was just leaving Edinburgh in Scotland after a brief visit and I was on my way back to Durham, where I now live when I got the call. She told me she was in Edinburgh, where I have just left! I was so excited that I wanted to turn back and visit her immediately but she said I should fix another day for the visit as it was rather late and I was further down my journey from her. The surprise call was the most uplifting gift she gave me. It reconnected me with the memory of my mother who recently died. I met her in Edinburgh on the 1st of May. She visited my family in Durham on the 5th of May and prayed for us and we talked about my late mother. We visited the Durham Cathedral in Durham, she admired the City where her husband studied in the sixties. We drove back to Edinburgh and had a pleasant time together with her grandchildren.

Mummy later went to Dr Bamidele in Idaho in US. We continue to hold telephone conversations at times about my family, especially my role after the death of my mother, few years earlier. She advised me to hold my family together at all costs in my mother’s memory.

In February this year, she called me from Aberdeen to inform me about the good news that she has a grandson. Noah is born to Mr and Mrs. Atinuke Fasina, her youngest daughter in Aberdeen. We planned to celebrate the joyous occasion together with my family in Aberdeen. The Pandemic broke out and hampered the plan.

Mummy’s has always emphasised that her priority for me was to ensure that I maintain solidarity with my family. She believes this is paramount irrespective of our existing differences. I assured her that I shall work hard on the subject and report to her regularly about my progress. I improved relations with my family in Nigeria which was strained after my mother died. When I thought that I have good news about my progress to report to her, this monumental tragedy happened.

In her characteristic way, Mummy left us in a peacefully way, this enables us to have the strength to celebrate her remarkable and extraordinary life. A life full of joyful and memorable moments, providing us hope, as we mourn her passing.

There is only one Mummy, unique, irreplaceable and everlasting in our hearts. It is extremely difficult to come to terms with losing her loving and caring personality. She always tried to do whatever she could to help any and every one. Personally, I have lost the last pillar of support for my family. Our thoughts about her good deeds will strengthen and provide us with the fortitude to bear her loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with the whole Omotowa family at this moment.

“Hàà érin wo!” there is so much to say about Mummy that will not fit into pages of a book. She lived a happy life and enjoyed the fruit of her labour with her children and grandchildren. We enjoined all, whose lives mummy has touched, to celebrate her good life as she would have wished. May almighty God give all of us the fortitude to bear her loss. She is resting peacefully with the lord and that is a consolation for all us to share. Sun ré o Mummy!

May the gentle soul of Dr (Mrs.) Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa rest in perfect peace – AMEN

Dr Babatunde Aiyenibe
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Thank you for your sacrifices,your care and concern,your love and everything that you have done for me, I know you are in a better place. I will be forever grateful and thankful that you are our 'grandmother '.Rest in Peace Grandma we love and miss you so much ..
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Mama has lived a righteous life and left behind children of excellent character and hard work. May her soul rest in perfect peace
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Words can't express d news of your sudden departure grandma illorin as the children call you you were a rare gem we love and cherish your warmth reception anytime we come around you you always made sure we are comfortable but that is no more because of the cold hand of death but one thing I learnt from you that is a blessing to me today is praying u always start off with prayers in all you do and also conclude with prayers  but I am consoled because I know you are sitted in the bosom of the Lord may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace adieu mama 
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
You left a hollow no one can ever fill halfway. Mummy as we always referred you; you are a beautiful flower plucked from the flower bed to be a sweet-smelling savor in the presence of your maker. But it is hard to come into terms with the fact that we will never hear from you again. With a heavy heart i say keep resting in the bossom of our lord.

#Owonibi Faith Oluwalotoyosi#
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Beloved mama MEO, knowing and having one of your children (Oluwaseyi) as a colleague and family-friend is as good as knowing you because of the virtues you bestowed on him and the rest children.

You nursed, nurtured and raised yourself in your children. That is the ultimate legacy a parent can leave behind for the offspring to hold and live with by the grace of God. No wonder you were known to be devoted to the family and an epitome of love.

Adieu mama! Rest peacefully in the bossom of the Lord, amén.
- (Mr&Mrs) Tony&Stella Oyovbaire - Abuja
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Although the news of the home-going of our dear Dr. (Mrs.) Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa came to us a shock, we give glory to God for the comfort we received in the knowledge that Mama lived and died in the Lord.

Of very amiable personality, friendly and gentle disposition, it was always refreshing to exchange pleasantries with Mama whenever you came across her.

What struck me most about Mama was the very warm and close relationship she had with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bolaji Omotowa, and I am sure it was the same with the others. That character trait in her was exemplary.

I pray that the vacuum created in the family by her sudden departure will be adequately filled by God who is also able to take care of all that she has left behind.
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Mummy, I shall miss you dearly, your loving care and persistence to make my life and those of my family better. The space here can not contain how I feel about this moment. You occupy a sacred part of my heart and your memory will forever be fresh in my heart.
You are irreplaceable, I will remember all the words we share and keep to your advice. This is my consolation to bear your monumentous loss, which I share with your family. Erin Wo! Sun re o my dear unforgettable mummy!!
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Mothers are invaluable jewels and losing her makes you feel the world is close to an end. It is difficult to feel the absence of a mother if you have yours. Adieu mama, the vacuum you left behind cannot be filled by any other creatures
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
To a great mother who loved her children and showed so much love and care to them. Leaving behind the children and people you showed so love and care to at this time was unexpected and no one can understand the pain of going through life without such an important personality being part of us. We all miss you but with the hope of meeting you someday gladdens our hearts. Adieu Mama and Rest In Peace.
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Our dearly beloved sister, Dr. (Mrs) Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa:

It still feels like a dream! With shock and surprise we received the news of your transition to glory. So soon? There wasn’t even time to say our goodbyes... But we rest in the blessed assurance that our God does all things well. All the time.

We will surely and sorely miss you our darling sister. We thank God for your life, fulfilled and well-lived, as we reminisce on the good times we shared as professional colleagues, as friends and as sisters in Christ.

We cherish the wholesome camaraderie, the many celebrations of joy, the mutually edifying interactions, and in particular your wise and calming disposition - all of which remain indelible in our hearts.

Rest on beloved in the bosom of your Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, until we meet to part no more on resurrection morning.

Your friends of Queen School Connection:
1. Chief (Mrs.) Victoria Wuraola
2. Chief (Mrs) Janet Olarogun
3. Mrs Veronica Oshe
4. Dr. (Mrs.) Stella Olutade
5. Chief (Mrs.) Halima Alayoku
6. Chief (Mrs.) Bola Titiloye
7. Chief (Mrs) Janet Adegboye
8. Dr. (Mrs.) Rhoda Oduwaiye
9. Mrs. Ruth Achor
10. Mrs. Bimpe Korode
11. Dr. (Mrs.)Christiana Famro
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
We closed our eyes for just a few seconds, and you were gone. Since that night, our hearts ache, our souls morn, and the entire household is shaken to its core, only a moment that changed forever. And, forever is such a very long time. But, you can be sure Mama, you will live forever in our hearts and memories.
Goodnight Mama!
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Beloved Dr. (Mrs) Omotowa, you came, you saw and you conquered. You have fought the good fight, you have finished your race and you have kept the faith. So now, yours is the Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord your Saviour has prepared for you, as well all who love His appearing.
Rest on anty, in the bosom of the Lord till we meet again on resurrection morning. Adieu!
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Grandma, Your death came as a shock to everyone but God knows why.
You are so kind-hearted, caring, loving, your encouragements has been a source of strength to people. You are concerned about the well-being of everyone who has come in contact with you in one way or the other. You left indelible mark in the heart of all.
May Almighty God grant you rest Mama.
Adieu mama
June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020

Mummy you were born to be what you were: an embodiment of humility, love kindness, dedication, unity, peace and warmth. A rallying point for all, you were born to love and serve the lord all the days of your life, your Christian life was exemplary, covering so much in and out of the church you loved and believed in. A recipients of outpouring and attested touch to life, you provided a shoulder for so many to rest on including my late husband (Tunde), your large beautiful heart bore so much burden for all, it was a home for my family. Your words of encouragement was an asset, you were a woman of a golden heart who cared and loved my family to a fault, mummy you are a remarkable woman in all ramifications, a jewel of inestimable value an educationist per excellence, from pencil to pen you added value to many lives, Mummy you are like st Paul, you ran the race to the finish, you kept the faith undiluted and you poured out your life as liberation, the crown of glory is surely yours. I wish you well in this journey to the new home your creator has provided for you. Thank you mummy for all you have done for us, may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Ajiboye Titilayo
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mummy, I can't believe you are gone. The news of your exit was a great shock to me. The memories of the last time I visited you still lingers. I can't ever forget your warmth and your hospitality and the way you always checked up on us with phone calls. I will surely miss you mama.
May God comfort us all.

Adieu mama.
June 7, 2020
Dearest Sister,

A sister that is worth more than a million sisters, you stood by me as a champion. You advised our mother that I should not be left alone, without going to Primary School. I would not be where I am today if not for you. You always encouraged me to press forward.
Sister, the news of your death came as a shock, with deep pains, but God knows what is best. My consolation is that we will meet, to part no more, we shall see ourselves, and rejoice, singing heavenly songs together.

"Omoe mode"

Your Sister;
Mrs Grace Olutomola Ologe.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mama, your demise is still a shock and we struggle to find the words. You lived an exemplary life , indeed worthy of emulation. When we had our son, you were there, also at his dedication just like a great grandma Will. Your contagious smile still and will always resonate with my household despite the void your passing has left. We know for certain you’re resting after toiling in this world and all your good works and great achievements will continue to speak, most especially your memories will forever remain in our heart, we will miss you, till we meet to part no more. just like you always say at the end of our communications “I love you”

Tomiwa & Mayowa
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
The news of the sudden demise of our dear, loving, caring and above all God fearing mummy frittered in with a rude shock. I was devastated, but found solace that she is already resting at the Lord's feet. I grew up knowing mummy as someone with a very large heart, who dedicated her all to the service of God and humanity. She will be greatly missed for her care and love she extended to the KANJUNI family. Never found her enraged with anyone, instead she was always smiling and rendering advice that could help one live a devout life.
Thank you mummy for every thing.
Rest well, until the resurrection morning, where there will be no more weeping. We love you, but God loves you more. Good night!
June 7, 2020
I still find it difficult to convince myself that I am writing a Tribute to your memory, and you are no longer physically with us. Since the depature of my mother-in-law in 1997, you have been playing her role, and yours as my sister-in-law. Indeed your frequent phone calls to us, and your good advices each time we are together has ceased. We will never forget you, we cherish and appreciate you, we believe that you have gone to restnwith the Lord. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace in Jesus name (Amen).


Chief Samuel O. Ologe;
The Oluhoaiyero of Ijumu Land;
The Asiwaju of Gbede Land;
The Ona Asiwaju of Ijumu Kingdom.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
I met Mummy through Bro Demola & Sis Tinuke Fasina. Mummy was a loving mum. Always had a smile on her face. Ever so welcoming with such honesty and sincerity. I love her deeply and I am still finding it hard to come to terms with. My only consolation is that she has gone home to rest and now in a better place. Loving you always Ma.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
I am humbled by the fact that Mummy Margaret Omotowa took time out to reconnect with me. I was in my office sometime in 2017 when I received a call from the United States. I picked the call and she introduced herself as Mrs Margaret Omotowa. There was a long break afterwards but we had a chat on WhatsApp in April 2020 during the Easter holiday.  
Little, did I know that this was going to be our last conversation. I was looking forward to more of this but the relationship ended too soon. I feel pained but God knows best and has all the answers. Adieu to a great mother.
Dr. Bunmi Olopade (nee Omotowa).
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mama as I fondly called you, it's still unbelievable you're gone to be with the Lord.
You were a truly beautiful soul. So gentle, kind, generous and a true christian woman.
I can still remember your 70th birthday celebration here in Aberdeen.
You constantly called to check up on me and my family.
Whether you were in Ilorin, Aberdeen, Edinburgh or would call me even until February this year when you came to take care of your latest grandchild by Mrs Atinuke Fashina. You called to know how I was fairing and to mention you were in Aberdeen.
You always had a word of prayer and goodwill. I thank God for your life. It's so sad that I didn't cone around to visit you before you left Aberdeen for Lagos.

Nevertheless, I thank God for bringing our paths together through your children Mr Babs & Mrs Tosin Omotowa who were first family friends to my twin sister Ifeyinwa and husband Adedayo Dada. I soon joined in the family bond we all shared.
I pray God to continue to comfort everyone. I know you lived a good life, you ran a good race and resting now in the bosom of your maker.
Mama, rest on in peace till we all meet at the feet of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Ifeoma & Afam Umez
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
We give God all the glory for a life well spent . Although your death came as a rude shock to us , we are grateful that you lived a good and fulfilling life.
You were truely a loving mum and grandmother . I saw this in how you dotted on your grandchildren : Tomi and Tumininu. You were so carring especially when Tuminiu was born five years ago. Your daughter in law Philo who is my friend speaks so lovingly about you and how you have always been so supportive of her.
I remember your very soft and calm voice . You would welcome me whenever I come visiting when you are around with so much love and warmth .
I secretly admired your academic achievements and the energy you displayed with your daily exercise routine.
It is an understatement to say you will be sorely missed .
Our condolences to the entire Omotowa family especially our friends Engineer Seyi Omotowa , his beautiful wife and children. 
Love : Mr and Mrs Segun Olusanya.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mama was loving caring and kind. She had no airs about her, rather she bridged the gap between her and people younger to be her children by her warmth. She will be sorely missed. She lived a great life and left great legacies as reflected in her exceptional children. Her generations will be forever blessed, in Jesus' name.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
My parent were very close to mama but I personally became close to her when I lost my dad. Mama always called and messaged me to be sure I’m fine. Your demise still remains a shock to me but we remain consoled knowing you’ve gone to be with God. May God console every member of the family. Sun re o mama dada.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mama, may your soul rest in perfect peace. May God continue to preserve and nourish all what you left behind. Adieu mama.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
It was your 70th birthday thanksgiving at the Father’s house in Aberdeen, but I never knew it would be the last time I would see you.
There is no doubt that you will surely be missed by many. I urge all your children, grandchildren and in particular my friends Mr and Mrs Babs Omotowa’s family and Mrs Tinuke Fashina to take heart in the fact that Mama lived a good Christian life worthy of emulation.
You are no more Mummy Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa because God in his infinite power has recalled you to his bosom, as worthy of His favoured. May your soul find eternal rest in the Bosom of the Lord. Amen
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Late Mrs Margaret Ebuntolu Omotowa

Tribute to a woman who lived a life worth learning from

She was a mother that everyone would love to encounter. The little time I spent with her when she was still alive is a testimony in my life. She was a prayerful mother with encouraging words,words would not be enough to describe her.Death has come to take her away from the surface of the death I know that where she is,she is rejoicing for the life she spent on Earth. If there is going to be a second chance in this life I would love to have her as a mother
Rest on mother for God knows the best.May her soul rest in perfect peace Amen
From Mr Afoke and family
June 7, 2020
Tribute to a woman who lived a life worth learning from. Your demise is still a shock to us, as you were so full of life. The lessons learnt and memories shared will never be forgotten. You indeed lived a great life as it’s evident in the people you left behind. Rest on in the bosom of the Lord Mama!
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Tribute to a always smiling and graceful Mother of all. Though I didn't have a one on one discussion with mama while alive, but I usually admire her smiles from afar. True smiles that reassure's one of something good to look up to "growing old gracefully " . She was full of life and one wouldn't think she was leaving soon. Life is indeed for a season, teach us Lord to number our days, that we might live right. Your good works says it all, Your children are great men to learn from and look up to. You've done your work and paid all the price, you have gone to be with the Lord to receive your crown of Glory. Rest on grandma till we meet to part to more singing hallelujah forever to our God and maker, You will be greatly missed.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Mummy GRA, my Dad called you, Mummy GRA, my Mum called you, Mummy GRA, we all called you, right from when I was a little child.
I always wanted to come to GRA as a child and all my life, I always wanted to be and stay around you, being around you brought joy, you were always full of life. Your smile was infectious, hearing you laugh was even more inspiring. I can't forget your joy on my wedding engagement ceremony, it was true, I can still picture it..... that was about twenty years ago.
On that day when I was told you left us, hmmm....., it was too sudden to put together or understand....hmmmm.......
In all things may the Lord be praised, we apprecaite God for your life, well lived, what I value most, is the way you lived it, never a burden to anyone, rather putting the pain of others first, you were never at ease when you saw anyone troubled even till that same day you left.
I kept picturing that even when you knelt and passed, you were not praying for yourself but again for another.

Goodnight Mummy GRA, till we meet to part no more, rest in the bossom of the Lord.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Your sudden departure is a shock to us given our interactions both within and outside the Church before you traveled abroad. Our consolation is that you served the Lord Faithfully and that must have been why God took you away without undue pain. Thank you for taking good care of our daughter Tosin.Yes you showed me genuine love when we were together, the Adebola family of Kabba sincerely appreciate you. Continue to rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord until we meet to part no more. Dr. &Dr. (Mrs.) A.S. Adebola on behalf of the Adebola family.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Dear Grandmother,
  I can't explain how much i'd really miss you. You are an inspiration to the whole world, you were full of faith, courage and strength; you always spread happiness and joy in other’s life. Your demise fills my heart with sadness.
  I wish you farewell in your journey to eternity; May GOD rest your soul in peace.
 Mrs Badejo.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
This is a post that is difficult for me to write...
I remembered when i first met her when she came on that special visit to the office, she was so full of life, her smile was so contiguous that you could see the pure beauty in her soul. The love of a grandma is unique. God must have blessed us with her to liven up our lives, to make our lives more complete, to make us well rounded and better human beings. She was one special mother and the loss of her is felt deeply by many.. REST ON MAMA
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Oh mama.....when i was looking forward to coming to see you, only for me to hear that you're gone. This is so painful but i believe God knows best.
You were a mother to me when i was down. You felt my pain when i was in pain. When I'd do something wrong you'd scold me and tell me not to do it again. And you gave me life-saving advice when i needed it the most, and you also prayed for me anytime i was down. You were such an amazing giver who would stretch her hand to all who she came across
Its so painful to know you're gone. We miss you so much already because you're indeed one of a kind, a loving mother to all. I pray that you enjoy in the bossom of the Lord.
Rest in peace mama. You are missed by all
From Christiana ogaba
June 7, 2020
Mum must be a very kind and amazing person. So painful i NEVER met her. My younger sister shared the chat she had with her on how she desired to meet us. REST AT THE BOSSOM OF THE LORD MUM.
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Glory to the most high for a life of Service. Mama left indelible prints in the sands of time. Your legacies live on in the many lives you impacted. My last encounter with Mama was at the family wedding in Abuja, May last year and I just marveled at how strong the Lord has kept you. Rest on Mama. Peace, like Still Waters.
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Amazing journey and an amazing life, very beautifully spent...your memoirs leave a touching story...and May the good Lord grant you eternal rest and keep you in fond and loving memories to all your loved ones.
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
Dearest Grandma,

This tribute is coming with the fondest memory and regards.
I remember the first time I met you in Aberdeen on the celebration of your birthday about 6 years ago. It was a private dinner, privileged too. Your demeanor was very calm and i admired your sound thoughts during the talk through dinner. The news of your departure left me totally astounded. To think you marked your 76th birthday less than 3 weeks makes it so unreal. But in everything we give thanks to God for a life well spent and the special place you hold in the hearts of many.

Sleep well in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Adieu mama.

Ade Agboola
June 6, 2020
June 6, 2020
I still hear your voice echoing in my ears gosh! I felt so at home with grandma, God! Why do good people have to die? 

Rest in peace Grandma.

Hermia Omotowa
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