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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Marilyn Kasputys, 80 years old, born on March 11, 1936, and passed away on February 5, 2017. We will remember her forever.
March 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
Remembering your beautiful smile and all the wonderful birthday celebrations we had together. Dad, Clare, Patti, Jackie, Boo and I had lovely video visit today and talked about how wonderful you were, we laughed and cried at some of our memories. We know you are in heaven surrounded by love and light and we miss you here on earth but you are with us every day. Love you mommy!
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Mom, I'm also thinking of you on what would've been your 85th birthday. Your whole family is doing the same and sending lots of love. Miss you everyday and am so thankful for all our wonderful memories of you, particularly the fun and raucous parties to celebrate your birthday!
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Dear Mom, I am thinking about you on your 85th birthday. I wish I could sing “Happy Birthday to youuuuu, “ as we always did. I miss you a lot and you are in my thoughts every day, Mom. Sending hugs to you in heaven from Giz, Tracy, Julie, Boo and me. We love you so much! ❤️
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Mom, today you are particularly in my thoughts, although every day I think at least once of what I would say to you if you were only a phone call away or we were visiting in person. Your family is going strong with a lot of love and togetherness, although we physically have been apart due to the COVID pandemic. As we share memories and photos of you it highlights all the many times we were able to share laughs, silliness and good times w you and the family. And guess what, Tom Brady is in another Super Bowl - I’ll snuggle up under the Patriots blanket you enjoyed so much and cheer him on for you.
With love,
February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
Mom, I’m so grateful for all that you dedicated to our wonderful family throughout your lifetime. I know you continue to watch over us and am sure you are surrounded by peace, love and light. Your grace, wisdom and love is with us everyday. Love you!
February 6, 2018
February 6, 2018
I love you so much and am so grateful for the wonderful family you and Dad created. You have given us lifelong memories of laughter, wisdom, togetherness, silliness, perseverance and of love. You showed us style, grace charm. You were smart, funny, determined, compassionate, kind, patient and loyal. You were my dearest friend and I will cherish our memories forever, each and every day. I feel your presence and see those stars twinkling above. I know you're shining upon us all. Our angel, our amazing mom! ❤️
February 5, 2018
February 5, 2018
Dear Mom,
I have missed you so much over the past year since you went to heaven. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you. I Know that you hear me when I talk to you. You continue to be my source for comfort and guidance as I deal with minor struggles. I know you are there to cheer for me when good things happen too. I wish that I could see you and talk to you in person or by phone. But I know that you are there for me, as always.
With lots of love and panda hugs too!
Patti and Boo
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Mom you are an amazing lady -- you were a fantastic role model for me as I grew up and one of my best friends throughout my adult life. As a young mother to me and my sisters, you adapted well to the challenges of raising us four girls. You did so much to make sure we had everything we needed to thrive and grow both physically and emotionally. You took on daunting tasks such as setting up households in many different cities as Dad was assigned to new posts in the Navy. Your sense of humor and love of fun and celebration was always present and you set the mood for our family with a healthy dose of laughter where being silly and playful was encouraged. You used your intelligence and perceptiveness to provide great guidance and motherly advice when we were faced with difficult situations. No daughter could have a better mom in her corner when we needed your help. I miss your laughter, the sound of your voice, and being able to give you hugs and share what's happening in my and my family's life. I'm so lucky you and Dad met and fell in love and created such a wonderful family with many fun memories and traditions over the years. As my heart aches missing you every day, I am comforted by knowing you had a great life and were able to fulfill many of your dreams and have so many people who loved you and shared your passions including skating. Mom, in many ways you made this world heaven on earth for me and my family and I cherish all our shared memories and the wonderful times to come where you will always be with me in spirit, by my side and in my heart. Love always from your daughter, Jackie
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Shortly before Marilyn ascended to heaven, I wrote a letter to her to express my gratitude and admiration for the incredible woman I knew as Grandma. I’m blessed to share parts of that letter with you, her family and friends.

Thank you for this family. Thank you for having been the rock in this family. Thank you for raising four amazing daughters, six grandchildren, three great grandsons, and one opinionated bear named Boo. Thank you for being a loving and devoted wife. We've had so many wonderful times as family.

I remember growing up and hearing the stories about early morning ice skating lessons, you made sure your girls never missed one. The stories of late night dinners that you somehow miraculously kept warm as you waited for Grandpa to come home from working all day and attending classes at night. The stories of the many moves…New York, Hawaii, Georgia, DC, and Boston; to name a few. The stories of having very little money, but more than enough love. 

I remember summers in Concord when my brother, Joe, and I were kids and Christmas at the house in McLean. I remember winters in Vermont and you skiing with Jake and Cassandra.  

Your love of New York was passed on to Tracy as was your love of Sun Valley to Julie and of course Joy, who has chosen it as her home. I remember coming to Sun Valley for the first time and seeing you skate on the ice rink with the mountains in the background. I still can't believe how beautiful and graceful my Grandma was. Watching you skate around that rink was like watching a movie star. You’ll always be a star.

You’ve given us all so much. The women in this family are lucky to have your fashion and design sense...even if the men don't always appreciate the effect it has on their pocket books! Patti got your skill in proving a point, which she now uses everyday in her career. Jackie got your love of skiing. Joy got your love of ice skating. And Clare your independent spirit.

You were always there for me, you were there at all the important events in my life. And this is true for man, the people who were so blessed to have called you wife, Mom, Grandma, Aunt, and friend. I remember seeing you watch Patti, Jackie, and Joy all walk down the aisle and the proud look on your face.

You will live on in the hearts of your family and circle of friends. We love you so much.

We remember the extraordinary person that Marilyn was. I want to share a poem with you that gives me great comfort as it speaks to all of us in helping to carry on Marilyn’s memory as well as reminds of the great love story of Marilyn and Joe.

i carry your heart with me by E.E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

We all thank Marilyn for everything that she was. Her memory will live on forever through us, her family and friends.
July 13, 2017
July 13, 2017
You were such an amazing part of my life. I am so thankful to have lived just 20 minutes away from you while I was growing up, because that meant that I got to spend holidays with you, and just everyday dinners. It means a lot that I grew up with such a loving grandma. I know you are in a better place now, even though I miss you incredibly! There are countless memories we've shared, and whenever I am around Boo Bear I will always think of you and how you perfected his voice. I also know what an incredible mother you were to my mom, and raised her to be the incredible mother she is today. I have always treasured the family that you and Grandpa built, and couldn't ask for a more amazing, loving, and fun group of relatives to call my own :) I hope you are feeling healthy and are able to walk and skate and shop up there in Heaven. We are constantly thinking of you.
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Dear Grandma,
On February 5th, I know you took a rocketship to Heaven. I know that God is watching over you and taking care of you the best he can. I wish I could see you and give you a huge hug. You are one remarkable woman. I'm lucky to see so much of you in me. I have your beauty, which was passed down to my mom and then to me. I have your strength, the ability to take any hardship and preserver due to your optimistic outlook on life. I have your incredible sense of humor, your ability to find joy in nearly every situation. You taught me what true love is, and you never did a single bad thing in your life. These are just a few of the qualities I admire about you and the traits that I hope to pass down to my own daughter someday. I hope she has your eyes and your smile, and your courage. I hope she is just like you. After all, I plan to name her Marilyn, and not after Marilyn Monroe. It takes a special woman to have that name, but no one can and will ever be as special as you. No one will be a better mother, grandmother and a friend. I love you so much, Grandma, nothing will ever change how much I love you. I firmly believe that your spirit is shining in the sun now. It is only fitting, because the sun is the symbol of your favorite town, Sun Valley, Idaho. Not a day will go by when I don't think of you and how much you've shaped the woman I am today. I'm so thankful for the 20 years I shared with you. Coming from an avid Ravens fan, I'm glad the Patriots won. It's only fitting, and it was some kind of miracle. I'm sure you pulled some strings in heaven for that amazing win. I miss you so much, and I can't wait to see you again someday. I hope you're drinking the finest champagne and wearing your jimmy choos in heaven. I love you and will miss you, but you're my angel now. May you always Rest In Peace.
Love your granddaughter,
Julie ❤️

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March 11, 2022
March 11, 2022
Remembering your beautiful smile and all the wonderful birthday celebrations we had together. Dad, Clare, Patti, Jackie, Boo and I had lovely video visit today and talked about how wonderful you were, we laughed and cried at some of our memories. We know you are in heaven surrounded by love and light and we miss you here on earth but you are with us every day. Love you mommy!
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Mom, I'm also thinking of you on what would've been your 85th birthday. Your whole family is doing the same and sending lots of love. Miss you everyday and am so thankful for all our wonderful memories of you, particularly the fun and raucous parties to celebrate your birthday!
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Dear Mom, I am thinking about you on your 85th birthday. I wish I could sing “Happy Birthday to youuuuu, “ as we always did. I miss you a lot and you are in my thoughts every day, Mom. Sending hugs to you in heaven from Giz, Tracy, Julie, Boo and me. We love you so much! ❤️
Recent stories

My Wonderful Mom & Skiing memories

February 8, 2022
Hard to believe its over 5 years now since you've been gone. I still want to reach for the phone and chat with you to tell you about what's going on in my and our family's lives and get your advice and guidance. You are missed every day and particularly on the anniversary of your leaving us 5 years ago. We were sharing stories on our family text on 2/5 and Dad was out skiing w/ Joy in Sun Valley. This sparked a set of memories about your love for adventure and skiing. You & Dad started skiing when we lived in Lexington -- you went up to Killington and took a learn-to-ski program which used the Graduated Length Method (GLM). This meant you started w/ really short skis and gradually increased the length. Back then in the early 70's regular skis were really long compared to what we ski today (as tall as your wrist w/ you arm outstretched overhead) so guess starting small was a great idea. You & Dad got hooked and next thing had your own equipment including those Rosemont boots w/ all the little sand bags and pockets to adjust them. They were a bit of a nightmare. Dad took us 3 older girls to ski at Kings Ridge, NH, renting equipment at Hanscom AFB. This was an incredible effort in patience since the equipment was very old and none of us knew how to ski. I even fell off the T-bar lift mid-way up, colliding w/ many lift riders below. That day I fell in love w/ skiing. I'm forever grateful that you and Dad were gung-ho for skiing, taking us on ski trips, including the infamous one where we stayed at Quittner's Stark View lodge on the back side of Stark Mountain. A heinous trip over the App Gap is required to get to Sugarbush where we skied on that trip. The gravy incident which still cracks us all up happened on that trip in the Quittner dining room.  I'm so thankful you & Dad were committed to skiing as a family and bought a ski condo at Sugarbush's Summit properties. I have so many wonderful memories of time w/ the family in Vermont and I had the privilege of using that condo w/ my own family for many years. I discovered Mad River Glen as a result of coming to the Summit condo and now I live up here in VT. This can all be traced back to your love for skiing and for enjoying outdoor sports with Dad. I could go on and on w/ all the wonderful memories I have of skiing w/ you and the family, including when you skied with Cassandra & Jacob when they were very little at Sugarbush (I love the picture from that day of all of us together on the slope). I'll stop here and say a prayer that you are able to look down from heaven and see how happy I am to recall these wonderful memories. I'm forever thankful for all you inspired in me in my life, including skiing and so much more! 
Love you so much Mom,

My amazing mom

July 4, 2017

I was able to read this to her and she was able to respond - a true gift!

You are so much more than my mother, you are my dearest friend whom I have shared so many laughs and adventures! We have been strong for each other and comforted each other when our bodies hurt or when our heart has ached. You have been there in my darkest days to pick me back up and to protect me from harm, even if I was the cause. You allowed me to learn and to find myself, you believed in me when I didn't. You went above and beyond in your dedication, especially with my skating, driving everywhere at all hours to help me pursue my dream, you always believed in my dreams and told me I could accomplish anything.

You always exhibited such grace and beauty, your elegance continued even when you had to dig deep to overcome not feeling well.

Your sense of humor is second to none, everyone always remarks how funny you are and how they love to be around your sparkling personality.

We planned so many amazing parties and celebrations, with family and friends and of course, with the love of my life whom you found for me! Growing up I bragged to all my friends about how much you and Dad were in love and how I wanted that kind of love and you helped me find it! Over my 51 years, you have taken care of me, shaped me , shown me the way, given me strength, love, wisdom and true joy.
I know your spirit will be with me every day. I love you so much Mom!

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