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Elegant, caring, smile always

May 31, 2022
Most of my memories of Marilyn revolve around bridge. In her home, in mine, in those of others, we shared hours of trying to outwit each other, communicate with it partners, and have fun doing it.  I remember her smile, always at the ready, always embracing me with its warmth. She wore aqua, teal, silver, white, but I remember most the blue green of the aqua range. Slender, elegant, and relaxing to the eyes. A bright interest in life, what others were doing, a little shy sometimes about sharing her own stories. Caring came out of every glance and conversation. Another place I remember was at Mission Chamber Orchestra concerts. She and Ed had a connection with the director. Sometimes we would sit together, in particular when I was no longer on their BOD. I will miss her dearly. Her face and smile are vivid for me.

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