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Eulogy for my "sister" Marilyn - from her Celebration of Life on April 27, 2024

May 5

Welcome Everyone, to this Celebration of the beautiful life of Marilyn.As we gather here today to celebrate with joy, we are aso reminded of how fleeting life is. There is so much to say, and yet no words convey what a loss it is that she is no longer here with us.

Some of you I know very well, and some hardly at all, but I do know you are all very important people in her life.For me she was “my sister from another mother”, a longtime & cherished friend who was all that to me and so much more.

When creating this video journal, while I grieved some, I was reminded so much of her and how rare and uncommon she was.There was a spirit about her that just drew us in.We became a part of that spirit with her.She inspired us all with her resilience and resolve in taking life’s ups and downs and making them incredibly profound. Her caring and thoughtful nature for all creatures was immeasurable.

Her wonderful sense of humor, infectious laugh and warm smile that she brought to this world, these will stay with me forever.Let us remember the laughter, love, and joy she brought into our lives. I know her memory will continue to inspire and uplift us as we navigate this world without her in it.

Together, we can honor her and cherish the moments we shared. We may have lost a beloved friend, but her memory will live on in our hearts forever.

Celebration of Life

March 15
There will be a Celebration of Life for our friend Marilyn Wanser on Saturday April 27, 2024, 2-4pm, at the Flemington Elks, 165 NJ Route 31, Flemington NJ 08822. 

From an email Marilyn sent to me and Donna Clark on 2/19/14 @ 11:07 A.M.

March 12
by Robert Buterbaugh on behalf of Sharon Lee Rasa
on behalf of Sharon Lee Rasa
"Sharon, I told you that I read this to the "A Course in Miracles" discussion group last night, and I told you how, when I read it (to myself) as I was finishing this book, it was one of those "ah-hah" moments where the light bulb lights up over top of my head.....
Donna, considering how you, too, are searching for your "life purpose", I thought you might like to read this....  
What I've realized is that I'm already living my life purpose... all of the "events" in my life have been guiding me to it, have been "morphing me" into what my soul has become.  On the physical level, the "wiseness" my soul has gained will be summed up in the book I hope will inspire others by helping them recognize the gifts they are bestowing on others, and how that is their "purpose". 

(the Epilogue is attached)

Your Soul’s Gift…
The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born By Robert Schwartz
Whether your path has been smooth or rocky, your life gentle or traumatic, of this you may be certain: You are
among the most courageous souls in the Universe. Were that not true, you would not be here now. Your
decision to incarnate, your willing agreement to embark on the voyage your soul planned, was an act of
profound bravery. Your search for the deeper meaning of that journey is another act of great courage. And
your decision to heal is yet another. Throughout the Universe you are honored and revered.
Of this you may also be certain: You are healing. You heal as you come to understand that there is deep
meaning in your experiences. As you see meaning, you free yourself from the reflexive tendency to feel
victimized and you realize that you are the powerful creator of your life. You let go of the learned habit of
judging; instead, you trust your intuitive knowing that all is truly well and in Divine Order, even though your
logical mind may rail in disagreement. You cease to take your mind’s distractions and diversions so seriously;
rather, you lean into your heart and rely on its wisdom to set your course. You realize that you are not your
thoughts or feelings; you allow negative thoughts and feelings to float gently across your awareness, much as
clouds float across the sky. You no longer identify yourself as your fears and worries; instead, you see them as
small children in need of your love. And love them you do.
Now you release your resistance to life.
Now you wholeheartedly welcome life, both its joys and its sorrows.
In your eternal Home, you knew of the inherent beauty, magnificence and Sacredness of a lifetime on Earth and
so embraced your life-to-be. Now you heal as you embrace your life anew with the same knowing of its beauty,
magnificence, and Sacredness you had then.
In your eternal Home, you knew, too, that life on Earth is but a mirror that shows you to yourself. The beauty,
magnificence, and Sacredness you now see in life are but a reflection of your own. Were it not within, you could 
not see it without. Now you heal as you embrace yourself anew with the knowing that you are that beauty.
You are that magnificence
You are that Sacredness

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