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June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Dearest Friend Marina,
First I met Stephen and James at a Nuernberg/Fuerth reunion in the Catskill Mountains of New York; I was so impressed with what they had to say that I just had to meet this very special lady, Marina. When my friend Henry and I came to England to visit family, we made sure to include the very special Holocaust Centre in our plans. Our visit with you was a particular highlight of our visit. We loved our visit with you and I dedicated a rose in memory of a beloved aunt and uncle who were murdered in Auschwitz. To remind me of our most memorable visit to you I brought home a copy of "Behind the Rose" which includes an article and pictures of my family.
Dearest Marina, you made us feel so very welcome and our time spent at the Holocaust Centre will never be forgotten. Our love for one another was immediate. May you rest in everlasting peace. Much love, Inge
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
As a Holocaust Educator I visited Laxton a number of times.
what a thoughtful, kind lady Marina was and a wonderful hostess
I had the privilege of a delicious birthday lunch at Laxton with Eddie and Eve Oppenheimer - the three of us shared a birthday and I think of both of them each year on June 23rd
My thoughts are with Stephen and James and all the family.
Marina's legacy lives on
Louise Heilbron
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Over a long period of time, especially in her ‘retirement’ years and right up to the Covid19 lockdown, to raise funds in support of the genocide prevention and humanitarian work of Aegis Trust, Mrs Marina Smith always held wonderful garden tea parties in the Spring and summer and various special events in her cosy home, Bethany during the colder months. These was despite a incredibly busy schedule of hosting visitors, churning a mountain load of correspondences, fielding numerous phone calls day and night and still finding time to record volumes of memoirs for posterity ( she is the one who knew the whole story from beginning to end and inside out too). Despite that, ,she would always make time to attend to any individuals’s crisis which would inadvertently crop up every now and then, more often than not. In this section is a compilation of the messages of condolences sent in by some of the visitors (who attended these events or who visited the Holocaust Centre) upon hearing news of Mrs Marina Smith passing away. Some have only met her the once but she always left an incredible impression on them….more importantly she was able to engage people towards some understanding of the plight of people suffering oppression and injustice, especially in less peaceful lands where violence rules.
“Such sad news. She was an inspiration to me and many others”.
Stella Barczak
“So sorry…..I know how much this wonderful, inspirational lady meant to you and many others. Her legacy indeed lives on. May she Rest In Peace”.
Irene Astbury
“So sorry to hear about Mrs Smith. I met her once when I went to a garden party with you. She meant such a lot to you….” Sue Middleton
“Mum and I are so sorry to hear this news, we know she meant so much to you and many others. Our heartfelt sympathy is sent to you and the Smith family”.  Karen Needham
“Just seen your message……I am so sorry to hear about your sad news. Totally understand you needing peace today to reflect on the very special lady and pass on our condolences to the family and of course yourself too. Take care. love and hugs”.         Anne Clark
“So very sad to hear of the passing of Mrs Smith. Yes, I remember meeting her and her husband who warmly welcomed me into their home. I know she was always such a big influence to you and Chooy’s (life)”.  Ros Yuen
“I ‘m sorry to hear this sad news. I know how much she meant to you. My first thought was to ring but I realise it’s difficult for you to talk at the moment. Just be assured I am here for you when needed. My thoughts are also with her family. What an amazing woman she was. Thank goodness we have such strong principled people in the world who work so tirelessly to make so many lives better. Such a lovely inspirational woman, will be sadly missed by so many xxx”.           Maureen Proctor
“My heart goes out to you at this sad time. A woman of faith and honour never leave this world as her legacy and memory lives on in those who she has influenced and cared for during her earthly life. Her principles and Christlike quality lives on eternally as they come from Christ himself. The baton is passed on to those who have been touched by her. I know you will be heart broken as you loved her. So very much….”
(This next bit added on after reading the Memorial page)
“I have looked at the wonderful photos . What a marvellous well lived life….such a legacy.”
“I’ve been looking at the photos and the wonderful tributes……a life well lived”.          Darren Clawson
“I am very sad to hear the sad news, please accept my condolences. I am so sorry, she was an amazing woman and her life was very influential for many people”.        Svetlana Gibson
“So sorry…….she was a wonderful lady”.     Christine Wright
“Oh no, we are sorry to hear that, a wonderful lady who welcomed everyone into her home. She will be greatly missed. Condolences to everyone”.
Ann Halse
“Very sad to hear, May her light shine on”.  Michael Hall
“I am very sorry to hear the sad news about your dear, dear friend, mentor, ‘mother’ and wise counsel. I know how dear she was to you because of the way your face lit up whenever you spoke of her. You have been truly blessed to have known such a grand selfless lady. Take solace in knowing Mrs Smith is in a good place now. Try not to be too sad as you well know that Mrs Smith had a very fulfilled, happy life surrounded by wonderful people like yourself and her two amazing sons. Take care my friend “.
Shamala Murigiah
“I’m sorry to hear the sad news of Mrs Marina Smith, she was such a lovely lady and always made everyone welcomed when we went to her house. Thank you for letting me know”.   Lynn Sawyer
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
I, my family and my friends and colleagues at the University of Nottingham are deeply saddened to hear the news of Marina's passing. She was a remarkable women and loved by all those lucky enough to call the Centre our home. I have had the privilege of attending many events at the Centre and witnessed first hand how the Survivors would spontaneously embrace Marina and Eddie. She has done so much for so many over a very long and highly distinguished life and career.

It has been inspiring to read of her time as a school teacher and in my work with her I was always struck by the delighted enthusiasm she showed when in the presence of young people. There was a real drive towards helping pupils grapple with the complexity of some of humanity's darkest hours and in developing opportunities to help them to see that through their actions the world could become a better, more caring environment to live in. Marina always had those wonderful generous qualities of sharing her wisdom and making everyone feel she would always have time for them. Her influence on so many of us involved in the world of education has been profound and significant.

Her legacy will forever be enshrined in the work of the Centre.

My/our thoughts and prayers are with Eddie, Stephen, James and the wider Smith family.

Rest in peace Marina.
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
I think her legacy speaks for itself and the outpouring of emotion tells its own story. For my part she was the paragon of kindness who always looked out for my mother and radiated warmth love and affection. She will be missed but her legacy will live on. Rest in Power.
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
I am so sad to hear that Marina will not host us for tea again. That we won't hear her sense of gratitude and love in her special notes at Rosh Hashana and Peseach again. I am grateful to have sat with her in the garden so many times and been able to call her family. She will have a special place in my heart, and my children's heart, always.
Much love,
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
No one could be left untouched by Marina's kindness and thoughfulness!
To have had the deep feeling and empathy to conceive the opening of the Memorial Centre was quite extraordinary. No thanks are enough for what she and your family have done.
We will always remember the wonderful hospitality she offered us when I visited with my son David and his daughters Alexandra and Annabelle and were offered a splendid tea in her charming home. It was exactly 7 years before she left us!
Her expressions of sympathy when we tragically lost Alexandra last year were deeply felt and much appreciated.
May her works and her memory live on, develop and be an everlasting memorial to her.
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
I remember so well when you and your family arrived at Cliff ~College to speak, 1978 I recall. Steven was about 14 yrs old and led worship. I was a student there then. Your family were clearly anointed and I felt that even then. My parents Liz and Bob Grainger came to Bethshalom many times, at that time as part of a small house fellowship where they learned so many Biblical spiritual truths from Marina .
Marina invited me to come to Beth Shalom on a number of occasions , we always had tea , lovely cake or cookies and chatted.. and I loved her and I felt her love for me. Genuine deep care and concerns for me and my spiritual walk. Her discernement in so many things was a Godly gift but such a sense of fun and often laughing about so many things. Her beauty was radiant.
When you came away the aroma of Christ went with you. 
There are few people in life you spend time with and come away feeling you have been in the presence of a Holy person, as she radiated Christ and love for all.
I am so sorry for your loss dear BR Eddy and Steven and James and all the family . She was more precious than gold and will be so missed by so many. Now home in that beautiful place that has been prepared for this precious Pilgrim with her Saviour in whom she trusted ... Cindy Rich
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Dearest Smith family I am so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful inspiration to all of us and I am privileged to have known her. You will.never be forgotten
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
If you never met Marina Smith, I couldn’t begin to describe what a remarkable lady she was. If you did meet her, you wouldn’t need me to. So many would say, “How on earth did Stephen and James create the Holocaust Centre and Aegis Trust?” Then they’d meet Marina and say, “Ah … now it makes sense.”

A monumental influence on my life, she was a teacher, counsellor, confidant and leader who inspired not just appreciation, affection and respect, but a sense of awe for her closeness to the Divine.

Most of us try to invest whatever love we’re capable of in a relatively small circle; close family and maybe a handful of friends. Beyond that, we tend to invest less, because we find limits to how thin we can spread ourselves. We’ll feel sorry for the colleague having a tough time outside work, but won’t really want them to unload. Because if they did, we wouldn’t have time. Or we wouldn’t understand. Or maybe for once we’ll go out of our way to really listen and help, but committing the personal bandwidth to be there for them as long as it takes - especially if as long as it takes means for life - is rare.

Mrs Smith, however, didn’t limit that sort of love to a handful of people. In fact, she didn’t limit it at all. Never shallow, insincere or self-promoting, it was deep, real and rich; full of understanding for the individual; full of compassion for the suffering, and full of truth for those who needed to hear it. If you wanted a better idea of someone’s character, you only had to introduce them to her. People who recognised good when they saw it invariably came away with a sense of appreciation.

I’ve had the privilege of experiencing Mrs Smith’s love throughout my life. The love of a mother, it shaped me. Often in the bracket of those who needed to hear home truths, it did me the world of good; they wouldn’t have been delivered with such a combination of love and painful accuracy by anyone else. As Marina’s love extended to Holocaust and genocide survivors with the development of the UK National Holocaust Centre and Aegis Trust, it also opened my eyes to the brokenness of the World and gave me something bigger than myself to support in the work of her sons.

Yet despite the growing scale and depth of her work, Mrs Smith never lacked time for me, and somehow would think of me whenever I needed it most. Very late one evening in April 2019, lying in a Rwandan hotel room far from home and drifting in and out of sleep while battling a fever caused by food poisoning, my phone rang. It was Marina, calling with a sense of purpose and urgency, because she had been praying for me and felt I needed a call. “Are you with me, David?” “Yes, Mrs Smith.” Too right I was. I would have been sitting bolt upright, if the fever hadn’t been so strong. “We’re going to pray together now.” And then, praying again, she addressed not only my sickness but somehow, with unerring accuracy, each and every challenge and insecurity which lay heavy on my heart at the time. Cutting through the haze of that fever, I felt so deeply and completely understood, loved, and valued; not only by Mrs Smith, but as if the Almighty Himself had reached into that hotel room and wrapped me in His love.

It’s a moment uniquely mine to treasure, among so many I could have chosen, but what’s more extraordinary, she brought that level of care to everyone she knew.

Marina was indeed a haven for little boats, including some very storm-tossed in this troubled and violent world. She meant so much to so many, but it's deeper than that. When I'm true to who I am – to who I really am, in the core of my being – then I'm true to the values she not only taught but lived and demonstrated constantly throughout her life. They weren’t hard, shiny values you could pick up and put down though; they were a spirit. A Divine spirit. One of truth, grace, love, peace, and unity. And so it’s my blessing to count myself one of her spiritual sons.

Marina has many spiritual sons and daughters, some of many decades standing, some much more recent. Across languages, countries and faith traditions, there have been prayers, tears and breaking hearts. We didn't want our mother to go, and we have all been so privileged to share her with Stephen, James and their entire family. We wanted to continue being able to draw on Mrs Smith’s wisdom in life's varied challenges, to share our joys and our sorrows with her, to have the security of knowing she is watching over us - and especially over the work for which she laid the foundations - in prayer.

But actually, however painful her departure is for all of us who had the privilege of knowing her (and painful it certainly is), I believe it's another beginning.

When a mother departs, her children have to grow up. It’s a lonely place to be. Yet when we look inside our hearts, we find precious gifts she planted and nurtured there. Now it’s time for us to more deeply appreciate those gifts; to tend them, and to use them as she used hers, to bring a little more hope and healing in this broken World.

Speaking of gifts, if there’s one thing Marina Smith taught me, it’s the gift of gratitude. That’s why I’m heading straight to from here, to add a monthly gift in thanks for all you did, Mrs Smith. For humanity, yes. But also for me.
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Our Mother has left us. We cannot believe it. She who was always there is now in eternity. If ever there was a one ready it was she. Not only was she ready she was ALWAYS ready. 

She lived her life to the full here on earth, yet she always had her eyes on eternity. That is the goal – that was her goal! That’s the real thing. HERE is the preparation for THERE, a journey to heaven. She encouraged others to make ready too and to be always ready in our lives and our daily walk with that in mind. 

She had a special work to do here on earth and she has done it. She has fought the fight. She has won the race and finished the course. She was tenacious in doing it. She was never a procrastinator. She didn’t put things off until tomorrow that ought to be done today. “Today and now” was her watchword.

Her life was full. She was a builder, a restorer, a channel of life and love. She was a comforter, an encourager and a guide. She was a leader, an instructor, a general, a warrior, an intercessor and a weapon against evil and wrong. 
She enjoyed life, yet she would lay it down for others. Her life was full and her work was huge and extensive, far-reaching and overflowing in love, kindness and understanding, using every opportunity given her to guide and encourage in love and in truth. 

She wasn’t ‘one in a million’, she was unique, special. She cannot be replaced, there was only one of her. She was the special edition! She was given to us by God. That is why we need to listen to her and take heed to all she has said. 
Has she left a hole? Is there now a gap, a void now that she is not here? No, no, no! She has slipped away, yet what she has sown will go on to a harvest of abundance. Like a stone thrown into a pool, its ripples go outwards on and on and those ripples will continue. What she has put in place will continue to grow and spread. That is the quality of a true leader. Their work doesn’t fall apart when they leave, that proves that what she has done is eternal. 

She is a blazing torch and she has lit a fire, a blaze that will continue to spread and no one can put it out. 
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Dear Marina
The last time we had lunch with you, dear Marina, was on the 21st April 2022
We did not realise that this would be the last time.
Your inspiration and courage how you dealt with your declining health was remarkable. You always had a smile even if you were in pain. You have set such a strong example for all of us to follow. You will live on in our thoughts and every time we visit Beth Shalom and see your bust you will be with us.
Many thanks for giving the survivors of the Holocaust to find a home where they feel safe. Love Peter and Hanneke
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
My wonderful spiritual Mother you helped to change my life and helped me through so many dark years
You showed me what real love is and always pointed me to Jesus. You showed me by your life and your love for me. You always prayed for me and for my family and when we moved away to Wales I cried for 2 years or more because I was separated from you. I am not crying now because you are with Jesus and in not too many years I will be with you but there is a huge gap in my heart and on this earth because you're no longer here with us.
You pointed me to the truth always in love.
There were wonderful times of feasting and we wanted it to last forever but our family had to learn to walk our road dependant on Jesus whilst carrying your teachings in our heart
Our family love you very much

Thank you for everything my beloved mother
From Liz
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
We are so sorry for your loss, Stephen -- you and your family are in our thoughts.

Sandy & Michael Russell
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
My dearest Mother and best friend on this earth, the great debt I owe you cannot adequately be expressed. What an amazing life you have lived. Your life-changing, world-changing work has been so unique and precious. It is going to continue. The rivers of life will continue to flow out into this needy world. Meanwhile you have run your excellent race, fought the fight, finished the course and gone to your eternal reward, and though this time is painful for those who are left, it is also very precious, with all my love.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
It is with great sadness that I read the email yesterday informing that dear Marina had passed away. Marina was a very special person, with a very special soul. From the first moment when she hugged me over 20 years ago coming off the coach, when I first visited the Holocaust Centre, I knew she was a unique incredible person. Kindness poured out of her, she had such empathy and understanding for humanity and for those that suffered such horrific times in their lives. I last saw her pre covid when I visited her and dear Eddie at the cottage. She insisted we had afternoon tea, and we just talked about life, the family, whom she was so proud of, and it was a beautiful afternoon. I feel very blessed and humbled to have had the privilege of knowing such a wonderful woman, I used to look forward to her lengthy emails updating on what was happening, so informative and kept me connected. I wish dear Eddie, Stephen and James long life and May you all be spared from further sorrow.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
'Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints' [Ps. 116:15].

'To live is Christ, and to die is gain' [Phil. 1:21].

I am grateful to God for the work, witness, and memory of Marina Smith. Above all else, she loved Jesus.

May she rest in peace, and may she rise in glory.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
It was a deep sense of sadness that my wife and I learnt from an article in the Jewish Chronicle that your mother Marina had died and I wanted to send you our condolences and to wish you and your family 'Long Life' We first met your Marina about 30 years ago when we made our first visit to Laxton and it was she who greeted us at the front door. She exuded a deep warmth to us as visitors to her 'home' which made our visit most extraordinary. We followed the development of the Centre and her pride in all its achievements.  The brightest of lights that she brought to the Centre's programmes was very special indeed. We wish you well. David and Hannah Jacobs
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dear Smith family,
I am so sorry for your loss. Although I only met Mrs. Smith once, my late husband, Henry Ross, knew her well & had tremendous admiration for her & for all of you. Before he became ill, he really used to look forward to his visits from Newcastle on Tyne to Beth Shalom & Marina always made him very welcome. She was most hospitable & supportive in every way.
I wish you all a long life, free from further sorrow & with many happy memories.
Best wishes,
Adrienne Ross.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I’ve heard it is hard work being a mother and that even just one or two children are a handful. So how do you be a mother to thousands - but you just were - you were to me and I saw you doing it first hand with a mother’s love, care and intuition for every one who came your way.

Recently I came home to find a vase of red, white and blue flowers alongside presents for my upcoming birthday - apparently you had been insistent I had them in good time. I paused for a moment - it was the eve of the Platinum Jubilee so, actually, yes, that made sense - the Queen had no bigger fan than you and you wanted to share the celebration with us and thought you would send my birthday presents at the same time. ‘How lovely!’ Whilst on the royal subject - it wasn’t lost on me that after the literally hundreds of thousands of correspondence you wrote over your life, probably the last email you wrote before you ‘laid your pen down beside the river’, was a beautiful email celebrating the steadfastness of the Queen to her Maker. That had been the key to your life too and one last time you were commending it to us in the most beautiful way. That was how you had covered so much ground, loved so much, loved so many and stood so gently but strong.

My birthday is still a couple of weeks away. You didn’t know you would no longer be with us then. But there we go, even now you’ve done it again - dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘T’ (twice if not three times) and timed it perfectly.

When I open that card there will again be that letter of encouragement you have written to me on every single birthday I can remember (I still have them all). You could encourage like no other and you knew I needed it. I’ll never get one of those letters again. But, actually, I won’t need one now. You gave me all I needed. You never left anything you did for anyone undone and you haven’t for me either.

And so it will be with all you did and built. Right now it’s hard to come to terms with the fact you have gone. The timing seems strange - but I won’t question it. In this moment as beautiful tributes flow in, the family you have built around the world and it’s united witness to all you stood for feels a mighty, powerful force for good. While, when many outstanding leaders go, they cannot be replaced and their work often goes with them, yours will only shine more brightly.

I guess tears will come again when I open that letter on my birthday and I’ll probably think back on your humour, your vitality, your faith - the mother, the teacher, the warrior, the friend - so many things - but I’ll also know the way ahead hasn’t changed - it is just that you will be urging me onward from up there now, just as you will be for so many of us.

Goodnight for now mother and thank you.

PS. A tribute to you would not be complete without a PS and I’ve just remembered I never said thank you for my birthday present because I hadn’t opened it before you left…but I’m sure you’ll understand. Afraid I couldn’t match your immaculate timing…although I reckon you’ll probably understand that too.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I was so sad to hear the news of Marina’s passing . She was a wonderful person and indeed the whole family are an extraordinary example of the very best of humanity. I never lose sight of the irony that such wonderful people have dedicated so much of their lives to educating people so as to hopefully prevent the very worst of society prevailing.
From the very early days of Beth Shalom to it’s current world class status as the National Holocaust Museum Marina, her family and all at the centre have displayed a level of kindness love and understanding that most of us mere mortals can only dream about.
Marina’s legacy will live on for ever and as the son of a survivor who knew her so well I am truly privileged to be able to say that our paths crossed; I am unquestionably a better person as a result of that
May Marina’s memory be a blessing for you all and we wish all the family a long and peaceful life and our heartfelt sympathies are with you at this difficult time
All the best
The bibring family
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dearest MMarina,

It is an honour and blessing to know you and your family through my life in Pontefract and Grimsby and Brunei. You are a True Ambassador of Love and Peace as what I had written my email to you few days before you are with Our Father in heaven. I will try not be sad about your sudden demise But knowing that you have finished your race and is at home with the Lord, with no pain and can move freely, maybe skipping. We will see each other again in heaven. I will always love you. Thanking you for your hard work throughout the years gone by and how you have welcome so many people to Beth Shalom later become The Holocaust Centre. What a great privilege for us to see the beginning of your true work-Tikum Olam. I am honored of being one of your spiritual daughters.

I always remembered my first hug by you and what a hug it was and said “Welcome”. Nobody has given me a hug before( our family is not demonstrative). Thank you for teaching me the way of being true in my walk with the Lord. Our last meeting was in 2018 May! I was supposed to visit you and Br Eddie in 2020 but Covid -19 threw my plans away. I will visit 2023 as promised and I will continue my journey until I also finish my race. You are my role model of how a person should be— help one another and especially those in great need. Nothing is too big.

Dear Stephen and James
Thank you for sharing your mum with me and many other people also. Your songs bring healing. Your mum, mother, MMarina , Mrs Smith will always be in our thoughts. Please give my love and condolences to Br Eddie.Thank You.

Dear Talia, Stephanie, Aaron, Ariella, Sebastian
Thank you for sharing your Safta with us and I will always remember the time playing with you all at safta’s beautiful garden.

In God’s own purpose there is a reason,
In submission I find
That His own Loving and His own caring
Enfold me, wrap me around

Deepest Sympathy
Your spiritual daughter

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dear Stephen, James and Eddie,

I'm so sorry to hear that Mrs Smith has passed away. Whilst I was only at the Holocaust Centre for a few short years, it was such an honour to meet and spend time with Mrs Smith. I will always remember her warmth and kindness, particularly on my last day at the Holocaust Centre when I was invited round to Bethany for tea and cake - a memory I hold dear to my heart. Thinking of you all.

With love,
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I was lucky enough to know Marina for many years, first as a visitor to Beth Shalom, then as a Trustee of the Centre and finally as its Chair.  What a truly remarkable woman - short in stature but a giant in the way that she lived her life!  Loved by all, not just by Eddie and Stephen and James and the family, but by all whose lives she touched, especially her wider family, the survivors.  When she entered the room, they all stood and rushed to hug and kiss her.  They did that because of what she had done for them, opening her heart and her home to them, becoming a family for those who had none and enabling them all to tell their stories to the hundreds of thousands of visitors to the Centre.  Tea with Marina in Bethany was like having tea with the Queen Mother, except that I'm sure the food was better at Bethany!  People often say they will remember her/him forever when someone dies.  In her case that will certainly be true, because she will live on, not only in our thoughts but in the wonderful Centre that she and her family created to try and make the world a better place.  May her dear soul rest in peace, and may her memory be a blessing to Eddie, Stephen, James, her families and us all.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
To Dearest Mother,

I lost my teddy bear at the supermarket - I must have been 2 or 3 - a honey coloured teddy with a blue dress and a bow. I was so sad. Somehow you found out and for my birthday, a new beautiful beige teddy bear, identical but with a brown dress and the same bow, arrived from ‘Thutha’ (Mum and Dad called you Mother –so I said Thutha at 2 years). You made me so happy.

Thank you for holding my hand, a hand that held so many hands – a warm hand hold of gentleness and sureness. I needed you and you never let me go - that's what mattered most. You said ‘trust and obey is the only way’, to ‘just keep doing, keep going’. And yes Mother, the corrections – how so very lucky was I. You saw through me. You would say it as it was. Then you’d build me up again.

You left me the greatest gift. I’m overloaded. My commitment to you is I will share it as directed – and so I also want to say, thank you so much for James as a boss and the most beautiful purpose – I have no life without purpose. It’s home.

I hope you see from Heaven, amongst all the darkness, that there's a garden that's ever growing, of beautiful blooming flowers, even in the most arid of places.

With all my Love and Deepest Respect, I Love You

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Very sad news and loss for Marina's family and friends.
We will all honour her memory in remembering her life as an example of great values and action.
We should like to send our sincerest condolence to her wonderful family.
Ruth and Miriam Shire
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I am so sad to hear that the world has lost this gentle, determined and beautiful woman, Marina Smith. Doing some work with the wonderful Aegis I arrived with my daughter Niña at her home to be greeted like a family member. There was a magnificent afternoon tea, a tour of the delightful English garden with a focus on her special roses and a perusal of all the books about Aegis, her travels and family albums. She was very interested in my mixed Jewish/ Christian family with the incredible tributes her family has made to both religions. From then on we kept in touch and she took close interest in each of my family members. There are only a few people you meet in life who make this kind of impact.
Sending so much love to Eddie, Stephen, James and family - what a woman
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dearest Mother

Along with countless others, I have known and received your care and love my whole life- nearly 40 years! I consider it the most immense privilege to have known and received your wisdom, guidance and encouragement throughout my life in so many ways and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. 

Your impact and influence, upon my life and upon hundreds and thousands of others is immeasurable. Your light glowed bright, long and far.

You had the ability to understand and love people like no other. You had high standards and expectations in everything. You made the most of every minute and made it count. Every second you lived was meaningful and purposeful.
You taught me that in the preparation, the details, the thoughtfulness, the taking care, sometimes putting yourself out to do, lay the basis of serving others and in doing so allowed love to flow and be felt by all involved.

You filled every corner of my life and I’m not sure how I will continue with you. School, gap year at The Holocaust Centre, professional life, colleague issues, life decisions, marriage, becoming a mum, being a mum… you’ve been there at every turn to guide, counsel, encourage and remind me to keep God central in my life.

You recently gave our eldest Mary Jones and her Bible for her 6th birthday. You gave me the same book when I was about her age and I have never forgotten it, I remember being touched by her story of determination to read the Word of God. We’ve been reading it together at bedtime. Just one of the myriad of your thoughtful, meaningful touches that keeps the values you taught flowing in our home, onto the next generation and that made every one of us feel loved and part of your family.

Your selfless dedication and commitment to your life’s work is your legacy that will live on for years to come.

Thank you for all you are and for your incredible, extraordinary, inspirational life.

My thoughts are with your extraordinary family at this time.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dearest Smith Family,

Sending you my love as you go through this time of grief.

As I write this I'm finding it hard to take in and digest that Mrs Smith has passed away. She has been a constant throughout my life and although not possible it somehow felt that she would be here forever.

What a blessing she has given me personally. How humbling that she loved me. She has left me with so
many treasured memories, words, letters, writings and books to guide me. I have been so privileged!

I look back to how Mrs Smith helped mum through her illness and 'held her hand' along that journey right to the end. What a tremendous blessing. It brought such comfort to us as a family and myself personally.

I'm so pleased my children knew her too and had their own personal relationship with her. Sam's words when I rang him - 'Mrs Smith lived an incredible life and brought up two sons that are doing good in the world. She affected so many lives in so many ways. She will have been happy with her life.'

Thank you Stephen and James for sharing your Mother with us.

Helen xxx
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
The news of Mrs Smith’s passing filled me with great sadness. Memories of her came flooding back, like it was yesterday that I sat at Bethany and the quiet places of the Holocaust Centre, watching the many milestones of the vision of Tikkum Olam unfolding. 

I remember all the hand-written notes and letters she wrote. It was so personal and full of amazing updates of all that is happening. 

She took a personal interest in my journey to become a better educator and provided opportunities for a more meaningful and fulfilling purpose with my training.

Her thoughtfulness and love was in all the details and personal touches which created those welcoming experiences for each person, school and group that came through the gates of Beth shalom made an indelible impression on me.

I am forever grateful to Mrs Smith for joining the dots, and sharing that space, time, and friendship. The world will not be the same without her.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022

My heart is broken with the saddest news of the passing of your darling mother Marina
I am blessed to have known her over the last 6 years and especially blessed to have been able to say goodbye to her last week when as always she made me feel so special and as always all she wanted to do was to spoil my family with an incredible number of gifts always thinking of others before herself
I will miss the beautiful afternoon teas I shared with her and Eddie , she forever thanking me for the little I have done to help you , White Rose and the Aegis Trust and me forever thanking her for coming into my life so I could live my life with more purpose and meaning
The world has lost such a special person who cannot be replaced
I have the most beautiful memories of this magnificent human being
I will always treasure the beautiful and thoughtful emails that she would write with the gift of greatness as only a gifted writer could be

Marina will always inspire me to live a better life with more meaning and more purpose
My tears flow uncontrollably
With love and pride and incredible gratitude to have been able to meet one of the finest human beings to have lived and loved on this planet
An inspiration to all
Forever in my heart
Tommy and Lorelle Krulis

Sent from my iPhone
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dearest Family Smith, it is with great sadness that I send my love and condolences to you at this time of loss. Thank you for sharing this very special lady with so many of us - it has been the greatest honour to call her my friend and to experience her mother love.

- - - - - - - -

" 'Make haste, Beloved, be thou like an hart
On mountains spicy sweet:
And I, on those High Places where thou art,
Will follow on hinds' feet;
As close behind the hart, there leaps the roe,
So where thou goest. I will surely go.'

That, as perhaps you know, is the last verse of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. But for Grace and Glory, it was the beginning of a new song altogether. "

Thus closes 'Hinds Feet on High Places', one of the first books I remember you reading to me. There have been scores more - Pilgrims Progress, The story of Jim Elliott, Mary Jones and her Bible, Gladys Aylward - even Tom Sawyer, The Incredible Journey and David Copperfield to name but a few.
But alongside the love of books you inspired in me, I have so many deeper treasures to thank you for.

You taught me so much about humility, love, kindness, faith, forgiveness, resilience and strength. You know the impact you had on me, and the strength your example and inspiration has given me in life. Nothing was ever too much trouble for you, you would go the extra mile, always seek to understand and show compassion, even where others would turn their back. You showed great love and kindness to my children, and they always left your presence glowing. In times of ill health we as a family have been so blessed by your faith and encouragement and I thank you for this.

I love you dearly, and will treasure every memory, every note, every inscription. I will do my best to live as you demonstrated, and to show love and kindness and compassion, and to stand for justice.

Stephen and James and their families have my support and love - they always have and always will.

God speed dear lady. I don't imagine for a minute that you will have your feet up in the Heavens - your armour will be glowing brightly as you fight on for justice and righteousness! Theo asked me this evening "is Mrs Smith a Jedi now?" I rather like that image - the coolest kind of Heavenly Warrior!

Thank you for everything.
My love always,
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
The most extraordinary, wondrous, loving Mother figure who has ever been.  This says it all, but to relate it to myself personally, as many can, I have experienced these facets over and over again for nearly 42 years.  Whatever was good, right, generous and wise, was shown and imparted to me and my family on a personal level in more varied ways than can be counted.  Why?  G-d knows.

I was a troubled and very troublesome girl just turned 20 when our paths crossed.  Mrs Smith in sincerity reached out to me because she wanted to save me from myself and ruining those around me.  Mrs Smith enabled me to have life, peace and purpose I had never ever known before.  I was able to be a wife and mother to 2 children.

My troublesomeness did not disappear overnight very sadly.  I was a hard nut to crack.  Mrs Smith, in her mother’s way, reached out to me extensively, very graciously until I grasped how wrong I was.  She taught me how to live.  She shared with us the plight of those who really had suffered at the hands of others.  She shared her faith with us and my greatest joy is that Her G-d is my G-d too.

Mrs Smith has 2 sons, Stephen and James who are too, extraordinary as you can imagine, having hearts that reach out to a broken world and are doing something about it using the seeds sown by their Mother.  I dedicate my life to supporting them in every way I can, for the rest of my days.

Thank you for loving me very very much,

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dearest Smith Family

My heart is truly saddened to be writing this to you, here is my tribute to our dearly loved Mrs Smith:

My sister and I lost our father at a very young age and so life began with a feeling of something missing. Soon afterwards the Smith family came into our lives as they moved to the area in which we lived. I’m sure my mother would not mind me saying that Mrs Smith became a very great friend to her in her time of need. We enjoyed great fun and family times visiting the Manse in Ollerton and then later visiting the Smith family in their home at Beth Shalom. The warmth, love and inclusion we felt in their company is a feeling I have never forgotten and continue to feel.
Mrs Smith was like my second parent and contributed greatly to my upbringing, education, teenage years and early adulthood with her guidance, love, protection and care of our family of three. I can never thank her enough for all of this (and her care for me to this present day) because I know it made me into the person I am today and without it life would have followed a very different route, I would have been lost.

I know this attention and care of every detail that she gave to me, she also gave to every single person that came into her life- how vast was the love in her heart!

She leaves behind a huge legacy and an enormous hole that no one else can fill. How can I repay her for all she did for me? I cannot but I can do one thing , I can live in the way she has taught me, with the tools of life that she gave me. I know that is all she would want from me.

Thank you dearest Mrs Smith from the bottom of my heart

June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I`m just speechless and at a loss for words, Marina is and will always be
an angle among us that cared for us all, guided us and you can always feel her
Love and gentleness as she walked through life beside us.
Having had the pleasure to meet Mrs. Smith it was an honor and beginning of a great friendship with an angle that day after day she had my family and I at heart and showered us with chocolates full of love.
She guided us through James and Stephen the best could and taught us all like no other the values of life.
I`m thankful to have had Marina as part of my life, my family and I will greatly miss you.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I am crying.
I mourn a loved one -

Receive my condolences James and Stephen, Eduard Smith.

I have rarely read such a painful message. I had found in your mother, James and Stephen, a Mum I lost at a young age.....

Just two months ago I was in the UK. I contacted James to ask if I could drop by to say hello to his Mum. I received as an answer that Marina invite me for lunch.
I had a great time with Marina and Eduard Smith. I could not imagine that I was meeting Marina for the last time.
I promised her to come back in September with my wife and children -
She is gone to meet her Maker and be rewarded by the Almighty for her good work -

Marina sent me messages at Christmas and sometimes at Easter. She always remembered my projects and asked about my children. I will miss her terribly.

To James and Stephen, know that we share your pain. Thank you for sharing your Mum with all of us.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
What beautiful photos - the overwhelming emotion shining through them is love. So much love for family, for Eddie & for nature. And so much love being showered on Marina. How fortunate you have all been. And how fortunate for the rest of us to have been touched by Marina’s big heart.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dearest Mother,

I first remember coming to see you when I was 7 years old. I felt completely enveloped in love. You were the first person to understand me and you knew instinctively what was wrong even though I found it difficult to explain.

And your warm hugs were like being nestled under a mother hen's wings and I knew all was well. On that day my life changed.

Since then you have been a dearest mother to me and to my family and have always been there, guiding, teaching, forgiving, making things right again and pouring out love every day. Only you and I know how much you have done for me.

I will miss you so so much, and I don’t know how life can go on without you. But everywhere there are reminders of your love and I know you will still be watching over us all from your Heavenly home and I hope I can make you proud as I try to put into practise all you taught me.

I would like you to stay with us forever but I know the Heavenly Father and all of Heaven will be so excited to see you and what a REWARD will be waiting. You will also be able to meet again with the countless people you have helped to get there including my mum. What rejoicing there will be.

Thank you for tending the Heavenly Father’s Garden here on earth - the Garden of Love!

The world will not be the same without you.

And I can’t wait to see you again.

I love you so much

June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dearest Stephen and James
I am deeply, deeply saddened. Marina was an angel. How blessed I feel for having known her. I cannot begin to imagine your feeling of loss. She was an Eshet Chael - a woman of worth and i loved her.
I wish you both and Eddie Long Life.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I cannot find words to describe the sadness of losing another Mother!! She has known me longer than my own mother after meeting me at age of 22 !!
Nottingham will never be the-same without her!
Where ever I went in the world always knew I had a home to come back to!! Her words to me was “ never forget you are my daughter “ fair well mother until we meet again! You have been my anchor for so long !!! All my life I learn to switch off my emotions but this time I can’t ! In your passing I found healing will have to face them now .
Thank you Mummy 
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dearest Mother,

How can I put in words what you mean to me and how much you will be missed. You are loved to Heaven and back. You have been a constant throughout my whole life. You have always been there. Life will never be the same now you have gone. Thank you for all you have done for me and my family, which will only be known in Heaven.

Thank you for being you and giving of yourself to others. Thank you for caring about the details, because as you have often said, "caring about the little details makes the biggest difference". Doing this, you showed your love to so many. You had this down to a fine art. The letter and card with a word that meant so much. I have kept every single card and letter you have sent me throughout my 48 years of life with you; quite a boxful, as you can imagine. They will be treasured always.
Thank you for caring enough to have those difficult conversations with people. To advise and counsel.
The biggest thanks is for giving us Stephen and James, and thanks to Stephen and James for sharing their precious Mother. You are truly an amazing family.

It's been a privilege and an honour to have been part of the care team in your later life.

I have witnessed how you have always been in the will of God. Even now with your parting.
You know where you are going. No one is as well prepared as you. Your Father has called you home. How wonderful is that! What a welcome is waiting for you.
How can we deny you your heavenly home and try and keep you in this broken world? You have completed what was asked of you and made seismic different to the world which will go on. Your legacy is incomprehensible and far reaching. 

I know there will be so many tears and hearts breaking as we try to come to terms with you no longer being with us. But you have given us endless teaching and training. We now have to put it in practice and trust our Heavenly Father as you did.

I love you as my mother. I hope to see you again one day as I'm sure you will be there welcoming each one of us home too.
Forever your spiritual daughter, Hannah
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
What a shock I experienced today on reading the email from Stephen and James.

Mrs Marina Smith, you are and were a truly sincere and inspirational lady. The Smith family, with Marina and Eddie at its very heart, have given us such an immense legacy of care, compassion and remembrance for the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.

I remember with fondness the first time I ever set foot inside Beth Shalom; at the first ever Sixth Form conference organised at The Centre. Mrs Smith stood smiling in the hallway welcoming us with such kindness into the newly established facility. Each and every time I took school groups, nothing was too much trouble. Marina, Stephen and James were always on hand with academic and pedagogic advice, whilst showing so much empathy and expertise in and for our most important subject.

Then, when in 2009, when I was asked to work at The Centre, I was so honoured to be able to spend time with Mrs Smith and Eddie, learning from her the importance of our amazing Holocaust Survivors, for whom she cared so very much, in a practical and spiritual sense. Those few years at Beth Shalom have helped shape me and my work.

Mrs Marina Smith, you will stay within my heart and mind forever. May your memory fly high for many years ahead for you have given so much to us all.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I mourn the loss of a very dear friend.

The one hour, twenty minute train journey from London to Newark and my first meeting with Marina and Stephen at Beth Shalom was for me a life-changing experience. Over the years, since that first meeting, I have enjoyed a very special friendship with Marina. My annual visits from Cape Town to my family in London always included a visit to Bethany, sometimes accompanied by my late husband, children and grandchildren .

Inbetween these treasured reunions I was privileged to have been a recipient of Marina’s wonderful emails - brimful with heartwarming and inspiring news of Beth Shalom, Stephen and James and her wonderful grandchildren. My last visit was in 2019 but even during Covid we managed ,with the assistance of Debby, to enjoy some very special whatsapp video calls.

Marina’s love, sensitivity, insight and wisdom has been a source of great inspiration to me. I will miss her dearly.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Dear Stephen and James,

Deeply, deeply saddened to read your email, it feels very strange, wrong to speak or write of Marina in the past tense.

Only last month she and I corresponded and, as always, her emails were full of life energy and life-giving energy.
Marina was, is, a force for the good and the right.
Every fibre of her being seemed impelled to make the world better, in her way, with her vision which seemed led by the certainty that goodness will lead and galvanise more goodness.

I recall the Passover Seder that Marina, Eddie and I arranged in Rwanda in 2004 at The Intercontinental Hotel when I came to install the two stained glass windows that you had commissioned me to make for the National Genocide Memorial Centre. Although working 25 hours each day to get ready for the opening, somehow you both found time to come to the Seder. I asked your parents if you really could permit yourselves time to come to the Seder. Marina answered that you would find time, just as you would succeed in getting the centre open – a vast task that to me seemed a massive mission impossible.
Marina's quiet reply expressed a granite-chiselled confidence in you both.

Marina is one of those rare people who will always be a strong presence in those who knew her and will influence their thoughts and deeds.

May her memory be a blessing to Eddie, to you and all your families.

June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
They hadn’t realised it was the last time they’d meet together on the ground. As suddenly the beautiful Swallow set off on a new journey across the fields and into the skies. The Sparrow looked up and was glad their last words to each other had been “ I love you.”

And that was all that mattered.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
I visited the Holocaust Center, Bet Shalom, because I got to know Stephen, and was immensely impressed by the originality of the concepts (plural!) that inspired the work there. The fact that it lies next to a village which maintained the medieval traditions seemed to me to be an ideal combination of past, present, and possibly future. Marina was everwhere, looking after amenities,food, content of the meetings, the survivors - and not only of the Holocaust - and the publications. Eddie's (as well as Marina's, of course) Methodism fitted the atmosphere, whether you were Christian, Jewish, or neither. The contacts developed, with both brothers, to this day, and Marina and Eddie were the anchors for their ships. I did not know Marina well, but what I experienced with her was a warm, almost cozy, atmosphere. We shall all miss her very much.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
When I was a happy little six year old in pre-war Holland, a visit to my lovely granny was a highlight. She lived by the seaside in Scheveningen. Whilst playing with my bucket and spade , I asked granny who was sitting in one of those wicker chairs, knitting in Dutch "What's on the otherside of the sea? Engeland" she said. Litterally translated is Angel land. I imagined a country full of angels. Many years later whilst living there, I met one. An angel called Marina Smith. And my whole life changed. I have known her and worked with her for not far off 25 years and that has been a huge honour for me. And now you have gone to your maker, who welcomed you with open arms like you did on earth for so many many years to so many many people of all kinds. You were a wonderful example of sheer goodness, and a very special place in my heart.
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Sometimes in life you only need to meet someone once for them to touch your heart and make a deep impression. Marina certainly did that. I was fortunate enough to meet Marina several years ago when our son visited Beth Shalom as part of his pre-Barmitzvah preparations with Bushey Synagogue.
I had heard many stories about Marina and the incredible Smith family from my husband who had been involved with the foundation.
So meeting her first hand was really a great privilege. Our encounter was everything I could have imagined and more. This wonderful, enigmatic, softly spoken woman connected with the children and accompanying parents instantly. She drew us in with her kindness and passion for humanity. We had just had the honour of hearing a survivor speak.  “Keep telling everyone “ she told us, “ it’s so important as the next generation don’t let anyone forget” .

We will endeavour to carry on her message but also we shall not forget her or the wonderful work she has done. 

May she rest in peace, and her memory be a blessing.
Wishing Eddie, Stephen & James a long life.
Tara, Ian & Joseph Shaw
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
"Why do you want to work at Beth Shalom?" - this was the beginning of the conversation I had when meeting Marina in 2006. I can't remembered how I answered, but the answer now would be profoundly different to back then because of everything I have learnt. I have been beyond honoured to have worked for 16 years at Beth Shalom- one of the most beautiful, spiritual and important places imaginable. Meeting the Smith family has been the MOST life-changing experience for me, and so much of this was down to Marina and the enormous part she played.

Endless cups of tea (and highly calorific cakes) with the most stimulating conversations made it such a privilege and a joy to spend time with this incredible woman. We conversed about everything. I knew how important faith was to Marina, and as it was also for me, very often we would have deep conversations about religion- the good and the bad.

So many times I felt vulnerable- when a terror related incident happened, or tensions flared up in the Middle East and I sought comfort from someone who understood how I would be feeling fearing again that Muslims will all be tarnished with the same brush. Dear Marina spoke with me and worked through my anxieties in a way that no one else could.

I will always be humbled by the many lessons I learnt from her. The Holocaust is one of the most complex and challenging subjects out there- how on earth should it be curated? How should something as seemingly passive as an object speak? How do you incorporate deeply personal testimonies and make these available for the general public? Marina had an answer for all of these and beyond.

I will miss so much. But I want to say thank you for everything. Bethany felt like my home. I was made to feel at home and I know I was in the presence of love and care.

Dear Marina- affectionately known as Mrs Smith- I promise to uphold all the values you taught me. I promise to continue to grow in faith, and be thoughtful and think humanely in all walks of life. I will miss you so much, and I am so grateful for all the years I got to work with and for you.

'Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un' - Verily we belong to G-d and verily to him do we return.

With love and the deepest respect. Aneesa xxx
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
"The life of one we love is never lost. Its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched". Thank you for your immeasurable service to humanity. May the hearts and minds you touched and inspired through your work, carry on your legacy. You will be missed Marina. Rest in eternal peace.
Sincere condolences to the entire Smith family.

With love,

Claver Irakoze
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