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June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Marina provided me with the most profound strength and love from a recent message she sent me after the sudden death of my partner aged only 37 which broke me. Her words, wisdom and deep felt love within that correspondence carried me through a terrible time. I am forever in her debt and she will be in my prayers thank you Marina RIP xx  'For the sack of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world ' thank you love Damian
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
What a sad day for all of those of us who knew and loved Marina and the humanitarian work to which she dedicated her life.

The last time I saw Marina was on 10 October last year at the reunion of friends and family of Beth Shalom. As the attached photo of Marina and Frances Segelman shows, Marina had not lost her love of life and commitment to the important work in she was so deeply involved. I spent a few minutes chatting with her on that day which I shall always remember and treasure.

My Mum, Holocaust survivor Victoria Ancona Vincent, and Dad first met Marina and Eddie in 1995 and I met Marina and Eddie shortly afterwards at Beth Shalom. Ever welcoming, ever loving, her big heart and thoughtfulness struck us all. She was the ideal matriarch to head up the Beth Shalom project and be the essence of the values Beth Shalom epitomises. I shall miss her.

I am also thinking of Eddie. His unwavering support and encouragement behind the scenes, always in attendance at Beth Shalom events, must have been a huge value to Marina and the whole Smith family. It must be very hard for him, after 58 years of a loving and fulfilling marriage to say goodbye and start a new phase of his life. When you think the time is right, please pass on my love and thoughts to him at this sad time.

With love from us all,

June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
We are forever grateful to the very depths of our beings for the love, support, advice and care Marina provided to us and our family, from that first meeting - Bonfire night, 1987!

A date we remember each year when Janet sends roses to Bethany, reminding us of your message to love.

I was then a young man, only just 20 years of age, much to learn and much to lose. Janet was in her twenties with two young children, Gina and Dinah. We had just married.

It was our incredible good fortune to have met you then, Marina, and later have the privilege to know your sons, Stephen and James, Eddie and your wider family.

Our family have been blessed in so many ways through your consistent and persistent love. That knowledge is an ever-present reality that will last and last, echoing through the generations.

Ted, our youngest grandson, is a living testament.

For it was in the early summer of 1992 when you visited us in the New Forest, where we lived at that time. Accompanied by Stephen, James and Eddie, we shared a delightful time together by the nearby bluebell wood.

At the end of that day, you shared that you thought it would be wonderful if Janet and I were to have another child, alongside Gina, Dinah and young Emily.

Not many people would dare to offer such advice! But we knew this was only born of your love and sincerity. Abi, our fourth daughter, is now the proud mother of Ted, who will celebrate his fourth birthday this August. Our family was complete with Abi and even more so with Ted!

Gina, Dinah and Emily had the privilege of meeting and knowing you when they were young. You recently prayed that Emily, now in early 30s, would find a life partner. Low and behold we met Derek a few weeks ago, together with his two children! We have never seen Emily look so happy and fulfilled. It is a wonderful sight for any parent.

Our eldest daughters, Gina and Dinah, are living full and happy lives with their husbands and children. When we see them all together, Janet and I quietly think of you Marina and all that your love has enabled.

Thank you, Marina, from the very bottom of our hearts.

Thank you Stephen and James for sharing your mum with Janet and me, not to mention the countless of other people besides. We know she loved and admired you both so very much, that your lives and work was and is an exact embodiment of what she would have wanted. She always spoke so highly of you both, for very good reason.

May your family be forever blessed and may your work and her life’s work spread wide and far.

We are forever grateful.
Glen and Janet (Ford)
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Its with a mixture of Joy and sadness I write this and even with tears in my eyes of gratitude and thanksgiving - on the one hand joy that Mrs Smith is with her Lord whom she loved and served so vigilantly and carefully all her life; what a reward she will deservedly receive.... Well Done Good and Faithful Servant - Come and receive the Reward I have prepared for you! But also sadness that she will not be with us! I'll esp miss the hugs and quips! Oh here's Gregory our Vicar! (which could not have happened without her contientious work in my life!) A major part of my life for over 30 years... Her Love; acceptance: hugs: teas: celebrations: Birthdays! challenges: times for me to repent: forgiveness - Healing! Setting the lonely within a family! Thank you for your precious Life Laid Down for the forgotten; the survivor: the victim: the disadvantaged; the hurting the Lord's People; even the stranger; the waifs and strays of life building something beautiful in the Garden of Love from broken bricks like me - that is Eternal! Thank you for adopting me as a spiritual son and for paying the price for being my extraordinary spiritual Mother! The wisdom; discernment ... I cherish it all and will miss you humour and wit too.... Love; Gratitude: Thanksgiving and streams of Living Water flow because of what you have invested in me - I will try to live my life on the foundations you have laid in me to honour your life: dedication and work. Gone for now; never forgotten: much loved and precious with an incredible legacy that words are inadequate to express. Rest at last.. and so well deserved! I will miss you deeply. Always in my heart with love - Your 'Work in Progress' Gregory
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Marina was a very special lady. You could not help but love her and know that she loved you. My brother, Geoffrey Wigoder, helped to found Beth Shalom, and since then she has been in close touch with me, praising and encouraging me in every way. I have such happy memories of my visits to her and Eddie in their charming home and glorious garden. She made this world a better place and will be sadly missed
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
This message comes with love to someone who has been truly a part of my life for so many years

Marina, we shared the same Scorpio birthday which added to our super close kinship as mothers and `mates` in many ways.

I know that you are now at peace and wish Eddie Stephen and James many happy memories  With love from Susan
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Edward Smith Tribute to Marina Smith
Sunday 26th June 2022

It was June 1961. I was sitting in the Methodist Minister’s office after Sunday service. There was a little knock at the door - and there in the doorway was a gorgeous girl.

‘My car won’t start. Can I use your phone?’

Bless that broken down car! We had a cup of tea together, and I learned that she was starting work next term at a local grammar school as head of Religious Education. She ransacked my library. It took two of us to carry the books into the car.

When term started, I was invited by her to speak to the students, and went back after for ‘tea’ to her digs. Actually, she was going to serve cup-of-tea, but I needed the something-to-eat kind of tea, so I scrambled some eggs and she made the toast… a homely way to start off our relationship. Eight weeks later we were engaged. We were in love, and in our late twenties. There was no stopping us. I had found the love of my life - Marina Fleming.

The following August we were married at Sidcup. After a honeymoon holiday in Scotland, marred only by our failed attempt to go camping in the hills, we arrived at our new post in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. We were glad we still had the camping equipment when we arrived as we were a few days early, and there was no furniture in the house! We were obviously very happy together, we did not notice how cramped our house was, nor how poorly maintained.

I remember our relationship was always about laughter. I would joke and pull her leg. She would laugh and hit me and tell me to stop making her laugh so hard. 

Within days of setting up home, I realised Marina’s ability to help and care for individuals. She was a magnet for people with all sorts of needs. One day, I returned from visiting to find a couple in the lounge, another in my study, and a third sitting on the front porch.

Stephen and James were both born in Ashbourne. Virtually as soon as they could walk, they were laying tables and tidying up for the stream of visitors we had.

We moved first to Mansfield, and then to the coal-mining village of New Ollerton in 1972.

Our home was seldom empty. Marina worked part-time at the local comprehensive school. So we had middle aged congregants with marital problems and disaffected teenagers ransacking the house at the same time.

Such was the nature of our work that Marina felt we should provide support, counsel and retreat to ministers and their parishioners on a permanent basis. We bought a derelict farmhouse which Marina named ‘Beth Shalom’ - House of Peace. It certainly was not the ‘House of Quiet.’

Beth Shalom was a retreat and conference centre. But as groups came and went, Marina’s gift for caring and counselling came to the fore, and the house became a place of respite, healing and support for many hundreds of people with personal and social problems. It was my pleasure to support her in that work.

In 1981 we went to Israel as a family. This was a turning point for us as a couple and a family. We enjoyed being in Israel, discovering some of our spiritual and theological roots in Judaism. A decade later when the boys shared desire to start a Holocaust Centre at Beth Shalom with Marina, she was enthusiastic to support them, knowing that they had important work to do. A few years later in 1995, the Beth Shalom Holocasut Centre was opened.

Marina’s desire all along was that Beth Shalom should be a place of memory for the Holocaust survivors. As was always her principle, it should foremost be a place they could recognise as their own. A place to feel at home in.

I never imagined when I met that beautiful young girl in my office, that almost sixty years later I would love her just the same. I have had the privilege of sharing in her life. I have seen her give a hundred thousand hugs, everyone of them genuinely meant. I have seen her joys and her sorrows, her abounding energy, her sense of justice, her warmth and her hospitality. Words spring to mind; compassionate, caring, dynamic. She was an amazing mother to our two sons, but she also treats strangers as a mother would. I have heard people her own age talk about her as their ‘mother,’ as she cares, supports, chastises and prides herself in everyone’s success.

I know more than anyone else that what you see, is what you get… she was always the genuine thing. There is no other Marina than the one you cannot but help come to know and love.

Today she left me. I have been in the situation as a minister of religion where I have been the one comforting bereaved families. It is very hard for me to find that this time it is me that is bereaved of a person I wanted to be with until my dying day.

Every time I read Proverbs 31 about the ‘valiant wife’, I am certain in my heart of hearts that it was written especially for her.. which has made me the most privileged husband on earth.

We joked and laughed our whole life together and now there is silence. 

Rest in peace my sweet Marina. As I told you in the hospital this week. You have been the one and only woman in my life.

I have loved you always, and I always will.

26 June 2022
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