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May 12
May 12
Happy Mother's Day mom!
It's been 12 years since we last spoke on the phone on mother's day, seems like yesterday we were sitting on the porch listening to your little wind chimes and talking.
I sure miss talking to you a lot but one day I'm sure we'll meet again and Acknowledge what I've known all along.
Thinking of you today mom.
Love, your son.
March 31
March 31
Happy Easter Mom!
Going through pictures this morning and just thinking about you, missing you n stuff. I got my new job. Thank you for all you taught me about those things. To always believe in myself and stay humble and everything will work out for me. It's true.
Sent Chris and Tony and little Madi your picture today all glammed up. I remember that day you getting all fixed up for those special photos. Hard to believe it's been 12 yrs now since we last talked on the phone. Corndog is still with me every night, right by my side. She's getting old now. She'll be 14 in July. She sleeps a lot now days so I just buy her fancy little treats and brush her alot. She likes that. Not sure what I'm gonna do when she's gone. She's been by me for 13 yrs, more than a quarter of my life. I been driving my same truck 14 yrs now. I keep it because we used to go cruising together in it. I bought a new car a few days ago. But I'll probably just keep driving my ol' truck. Corndog and my truck my two favorite things in this world.
Well mom, I love you very much and of course I miss and think about you often, even though I talk to you I still like to write sometimes too.
I'll let you know how my new job goes and we'll take a ride in my new car. How about that!
Love you.
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas mom!
Never has been the same without you.
I miss finding your card in the mail or stopping by to see what's cooking and share our little gifts.
Though I have wonderful in-laws and Christmas times here it's not home. I miss that more than anything. Knowing there's always a place to go home to.
Love you very much and I'm gonna get you a gift this year.
We'll celebrate News Years together.
How bout that.
Thinking of you.
Your son.
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Happy birthday mom!
Well you would've been 78 today cooking all day and hoping to hear or see everyone so I thought I'd stop by and let you know I'm still here thinking of you, missing you.
A lot going on nowadays as all the kids are getting older and starting their busy lives. I'm just getting older and slowing down. Guess that's a natural thing. Once I start eating soup everyday then I know I'm old but I'm not there yet. I'll be 53 in a few months and I'm really tired of working. I'm ready to retire but still have a ways to go. Life really is a mystery with so many gifts along the way to be thankful for especially health.
I'm very thankful for our entire families health and safety along our journey, it really is a blessing.
Well mom, I love you very much, you're not forgotten and I still miss our talks and laughs. I'm sure I'll see you again and this will all be a blink of an eye seemingly.
Much love and be glad you're not working
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Corndog is 12. We're both getting old
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
Hola neenee!
Have been thinking of you lately. As I'm getting older my back goes out for no reason. My feet hurt. I can't see trying to drive at night or reading a book, yet too stubborn to go get glasses which I desperately need daily..yep I'm getting old and I'm reminded of the mornings and evenings you would get up sore or get home from work hurting from arthritis and everything in between. Being young, those comments fell on deaf ears as life was going 100 miles an hour back then, but now, getting old, I hear your voice everyday, in my own life loud and clear. How long? That's the question I find the most nowadays.When your body starts to show it's age that question finds you. How long can I keep working? How long til retirement? How long will my back be good? My health, heart, eyes..Everything becomes how long as opposed to how much.. it's a shift I guess. What's stranger is in your 50's you finally begin to become irrelevant with young co workers and the faster, younger society. Your jokes are old, you don't game or watch the same shows. Don't listen to the generations music and one day discover your decades off.
When you talk and try to join in around younger people it's as if you're not even there and your comments are ignored so quickly so often you slowly begin to stop trying to fit in. To participate. Eventually you just settle in to observe... and quietly. It's that voice inside that has no choice but to convince you to stop trying. Once you hear that inner voice, like a wise old friend you finally realize... I'm old.
All of a sudden it happens. That fence you thought you'd never hop over. The "I'm never getting old* motto finally meets the new motto in life. "How long?"
How long have I been un-cool lol yep. That eventually finds you too.
Sucks getting old in some ways but getting old is awesome. Not everyone gets the chance.
"Gotta love it" as you used to say.
Love ya mom. Missing you always.
May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023
Hi mom!
Sorry I missed stopping by on Mother's Day. You know I'm always thinking of you on our shared holidays.
I just dreamed of us. We were sitting at a restaurant dinner table with everyone around, Chris the kids, Tony. I pulled you aside and sat down with you and held your hand and thanked you for the extra time we had together. I had to return home to Florida and didn't want to leave without telling you that. It was a very very real dream. Today is Tuesday May 30,2022 and I'm off work. I had a nice 4 day memorial weekend and both Carole and I are sleeping in this morning.
And then I awoke from this lucid dream and it took a second to realize it was a dream. It's amazing how your still here with me. We still talk and spend time in my dreams just like you were here. So real.
Life is certainly a mystery but I do know the heart does go on. Love transcends the the two worlds. What a glorious gift it is to know that.
I love you and miss you mom, can't wait to see you again. Life goes by so fast as we get older, it'll seem like a blink one day but I'm glad I'll see you again and we'll laugh as we always did.
Love you!
See ya soon.
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year NeeNee!
We made it. Home safe and all together again.
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Merry Crithmuzzz!

Thinking of you always mom and I'ma eat some pie for you today!
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Feliz Cumpleanos mamita, sus en my corazon y mi vida todas los Dias.
Te quiero Siempre.
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Happy Birthday day neenee!
Well it's been 10 years since I last saw you and today you would have been 77!
I wanted to let you know I'm still here and still thinking of you and I miss you dearly. So much has happened in ten years it seems like an eternity but also it seems like it was just yesterday we were enjoying just being pals and talking about life. I'm headed home to Texas in a few days I'm excited to see everyone and so many memories of places we were together all those years. A trip down memory lane and a chance to make new memories. That's what life is about these days. I love you very much mom and I miss you still everyday. This isn't the same as picking up the phone but it'll have to do for now. Till we meet again, much love. Your son.
August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022
It's been exactly 10 yrs today and I'm so glad our time together is still just like it was yesterday joking and figuring out what to eat for the day. We did that a lot lol.
I miss you mom still everyday wishing I could just call and share our daily goings on. I sure miss your encouragement and support regarding life's little struggles. Luckily your advise is still with me everyday on how to keep trucking no matter what life throws my way. Carole and I are very happy living a simple life far from any drama and that's all I ever wanted. I have some plans of building a motorcycle again just to ride along the beach on pretty days and I know you'll be along for the ride too.
Love you mom, miss you and think of you all the time. I can't believe you've been rent free for ten years. Must be nice..
August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022
One step in front of the other. That's the way forward.

July 5, 2022
July 5, 2022
Happy 4th of July!
Well I went to the e.r. yesterday for my back so it was a weird day. Those were the only fireworks I had. I ate a lot and slept most of the day just like always. I miss you mom and our holiday memories become more and more precious as time goes by that's for sure. I hope my back will be ok as I get older, like you I don't ever want to be a burden as I get older so I'd probably better get to working on my health a bit. I gotta go to work in an hour or two and hope I can fake not being in pain til the weekend so I can rest.
Getting old
Love you mom!
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I wish we could go out to Jack N The Box and get some tacos and good ol' junk food like we used to on Mother's Day. Pizza...
I know you'd always be excited on Mother's Day because Tony would always take you to Joe's Crab Shack for seafood, your favorite. I'd stop by in the evening and just talk about your day with you and tell you I love you. I miss your hugs mom. The world just seemed so much better put together when you were here. Somehow I always knew everything would be ok and if I didn't you'd assure me it was, whether I asked or not.
Your encouragement has taken me far. So many little conversations I never knew mattered back then still echo now and I'm so thankful that God selected you to be my mom. You are still my best friend in life even to this day. You loved me enough to believe in me and you taught me to believe in myself so I could face this world without fear but with an appreciation for life, sunny days and the rainy ones too.
You always said "as long as you have your have everything. Nothing is more precious, take care of yourself"
As I'm getting older those words are truest of most when it comes to happiness.
Happy Mother's Day Mom...I miss and love you very much and I'll celebrate today with some junk food.
Your son. Richard
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
Happy Easter neenee!
Well this year is flying by it seems. Carole and I got to video chat with Kota and the gang and see a little of the farm and some animals. It looked like such a peaceful place filled with lots of love for each other and the animals there. Thank you for looking over all of us, we all still feel connected and so we can't all be crazy lol. I wish we could all go back in time and be silly again and all of us together and just down the street from each other but life isn't fair it seems. We all have to grow up and try and make our way through this crazy world and that takes us all in different directions sometimes. I know how you must have felt now being so far from home and missing family. You just wake up one day and wonder how you got there. Life is truly a mystery in that regard.
Carole is getting on a plane to go see her 97 y.o. granma tomorrow
She'll be in Indiana all week so I gotta take care of all these kitties and ducks and stuff she feeds so help me remember..Please continue to look after us all and always know your in our thoughts. I miss you very much mom and I love you.
I'm one day late from Easter because I broke my phone and the thumb reader broke so I forgot my password
March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
Sup foooos?
Well there goes the neighborhood.
It's official. We're all here.
Somebody knock on Hunter's door, wake him up.
Hunter where you at. I'm still wearing the same socks from Journey's we got like 7 years ago. Since I just wear flip flops here they're still in my
Hi Daisy! Thanks for the update. It's really cool you speak english now. As I child I never could understand you. Just kidding, you know Im just playing. Its weird everyone is so grown up now and its like Ive gone through a time warp.It's cool seeing everyone here.
I know as teens nobody wants to hang around old people so I just had to wait til you guys got older and realized how cool I am.
It worked!!!
Just kidding.
I've really missed everyone and am happy we're all here. I'm sure mom is happy too.
Well, as Perry's we suck with sending cards and stuff...obviously. but maybe now on Holidays at least we can connect from where ever we are with a shout out to eachother.
I plan to come visit and see everyone. Im married now
My wife's name is Carole. She's super chill and enjoys boring stuff like me. We have 4 cats. Corndog (remember Corndog?)
Kitty Rogers, Mabel Wong and Mauricee.
Tony gave Mabel the Wong last name.
Alright, call text or come by anytime. Send photos, money, updates, money, stories, money...anytime.
My email is ans my phone digits beez 850-860-2633.
Love you guys,
Uncle Richie, Carole, Corndog, Kitty Rogers, Mabel Wong and Mauricee.
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
It’s 4AM, I haven’t unseen this page since my eyes glossed it. My fondness for all the things we had still nips at the life I live now. With all of my successes there’s still a sea of missing memories since you walked across to where angels go. I’ve shut out all the pain and all things grieving behind a locked door only opening it when I’m prepared to, like getting ready to jump off of a cliff I have to be inside my head to navigate what I feel and keep my defenses bolstered. Yep, your son found a way to deal with your death, by simply not dealing with it. Never forget the time I was out on a run just talking to you and I saw 2 shooting stars in a sequence. Knew that was you. Im at the point in my life path where I’ve some work to do. To get things right, ease my shouldered burdens for my trip to heaven I’ve all my to do’s spread out on a table. Where most would have a mountain I have but a few. A good life I’ve led, trying to do what’s right, following God without too much hassle. Hopefully he will agree when the time comes. Working on that pile and it gets smaller as I grow older. Only a few to go.
Love you dearly, miss you even more.
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Hi grandma. First of all I miss you bunches. I think what I miss the most is all the memories we didn’t have the chance to make. I was playing sims yesterday and it randomly generated both your first and last name. I knew it was you saying hi to me. I still hold all my memories of you close. All the times we went over and I played in your scary doll room, all your costume jewelry, and the delicious snacks you always offered to keep our bellies more than full. I remember the light flowery smell of your house and the cold, crisp, air that blew through it. I would’ve loved to know more about your life growing up, your experiences traveling the world, and also the way you viewed life spiritually. I believe us stumbling upon this page was your way of nudging us telling us to reconnect with one another. I know you’re in heaven smiling happily down upon these conversations/reconnections that have been allowed to take place through you and this page. I know you’re with us everyday, always watching over us and each milestone we pass. But to catch uncle Richie up, I’m now 22, living in a tiny home, and working as an early education teacher. That’s a fancy way of saying, I work at a learning center. Not my forever job, but I’m happy and content for now. We think of you (uncle Richie) all the time and wonder what you have been up to since our Florida trip years ago. That is one of my favorite memories of my childhood, especially the helicopter ride we took. I often look back at that mini documentary you made of that trip. It brings back happy nostalgic feelings. We love you, miss you, and I hope all is well in your life.
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
I've been visiting this old site for years just talking to mom and what a wonderful surprise to have company here.
I sure miss everybody and I was very happy to read your updates.
Maddie in High School..and driving. That's so exciting Maddie. You should joke with dad and tell him you prefer a motorcycle and be serious while telling him. That would be priceless lol.
Kota, yeah I agree even I wish I knew more about mom. It seems we all know so little and the language barrier sure didn't help with her entire family speaking Chinese...or was it wait. Spanish.
Did you two know grandma spoke 5 languages, 6 if you include "ghetto slang" English, Spanish, Italian,German, French and Portugese. Cool eh.
She was a pretty cool and funny mom and grandma.
I have a bunch of her letters and they always start with:
"Hey fool" lol
I love re-reading them.
They are always full of encouragement and helpful words about life's never ending challenges and struggles. "Sometimes it seems like the challenges never end but you just have to laugh at them and as long as your healthy, nothing else really matters" she always said that.
Well, I love you all very much and I was so happy to hear from you and your right too Kota, mom always did keep us all close.
Now, Maddie...go cut out a picture of a huge Harley and tell dad that's what you want lol.
Tell everyone hi.
I don't have a face book or anything but my email is and my phone is 850-860-2633.
Drop a line anytime.
Love and miss you,
(Hi mom)
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Hello! It’s been a long time, so much has happened, luckily we’re all still happy and healthy. I miss you every day, so many questions I wish I would have asked, I wish I knew what your story was, how you grew up, life before your had to raise the three stooges, who your parents were, stuff you don’t think about in middle school. I wish I could have gotten some recipes too, I’ll never forget that birthday you came over to make a huge seafood feast, me and dad talk about it all the time. I’ll alway cherish the time we had, no matter how old we all get, we will always be your “little shits” or as us kids ever got to hear “the niños”. Also, hey uncle Rich! We all miss you man, I’m glad to hear everything is going well over on your side of the world. I guess what you said on here is true about grandma, even in the afterlife she is the glue the brings us together. Hopefully one day you can come down here or we can go up there and all catch up over some pizza and cheez its haha, love you and stay safe unc!
February 23, 2022
February 23, 2022
Hiii grandma!! Stumbled upon this little website and thought I should tell you what's been going on in my life!
Well first of all, I turned 15 this month! I'm finally old enough to get my permit which I'm suuperr excited about! Dad's started teaching me how to drive, he says I'm a natural but I'm sure he's just saying that to make me feel better lol. OH! I'm also in high-school now! It's definitely not as scary as I thought it would be annd I've been making straight a's all year! Today was pretty easy at school, we didnt do much in most of my classes. But i did have to write two essays today. One in math about finding tax or something like that and one in reading about our favorite childhood memory (i wrote about our trip to florida in 2013? Maybe 2012). Oh and I wanted to tell you that me and daisy like going thrifting! It reminds me of you! It's one of my favorite things to do and it's where I get most of my shirts now! I'm even wearing one now! We still think about you a lot, dad always tells me fun stories from when he was younger.
We miss you lots!
- madison, your youngest (I'm pretty sure) grandchild
January 2, 2022
January 2, 2022
Happy New Year mom!
It's finally 2022 a year of rest for me. I did not eat beans yesterday. In fact, I may never eat beans on New Years day after 2021.
From work travel, 3 major surgeries and deciding on a new job plus dental implants I think I fit enough in for one year. So this year I'm resting.
The entire year will be devoted to sobriety, rest and health with maybe a little exercise. Maybe.
Amazing things are in-store for this year, I just know it.
Betty White passed away New Year's eve just shy of her 100th birthday by a few weeks. People magazine has her one the cover titled " Betty White turns 100" she would think that's funny
What a long life.I turn 51 in a few weeks and wonder how long my life will be. 88 I was told once by sweet Norma, she knew your Year's and I remember the day she told us our times end.
Amazingly she was exactly right with yours and so you knew. I believe that.
Your belongings were in a Hawaii bag, that you packed, and returning home I saw your " Pink Clouds" nail polish on the dining room table. So you knew.
I'm glad I had such a cool mom for those 42 years. You taught us all how to survive in this world and we're all doing very well, no one ever went to jail or even got in much trouble and we've all created wonderful successes and careers.
Thank you mom for believing in us 3 boys. It seemed no one else really ever did and it was you that guided our future. You truly taught us all what it takes to survive in this world.
I miss you terribly. I miss your words of encouragement and your sweet hugs and spirit of innocence that you never lost. You saw the good in everyone and everything and that's rare.
I'll see you soon I'm sure, but until then thank you for being my mom. Your words I still have in letters and memories. Thank God I have your letters and music you left me.
I love you mom, this year I devote to you both in spirit and in doing. I'm gonna live an amazing year this year in honor of this beautiful life you've given me.
Thank you mom!
With love always, Rich.
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021
Merry Christmas!
Well, technically it's the 26th but I just never got a chance yesterday. We're in Lynn Haven visiting with Jeanette and Don from Miami, Carol's mom and family today.
I'm just done with breakfast laying down listening to the birds chirping outside as the sun is starting to fully fill this room to an amazing brightness. Just laying here listening to everyone talking over breakfast clean up.
It's a perfect morning. Wish you were here mom.
Christmas was big this year as I just bought everyone everything it seemed. After 3 surgeries traveling, new job it's been a very hectic and crazy year I just felt like spending. It was fun.
This new year will be life changing. Don't know how I know, I just do.
It's going to be an incredible new year. One I've needed.
Love ya mom!
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
Happy Birthday Mom!
Well I know things have to be much better on your side but today you'd be getting ready for Joe's Crab Shack and some Texas Tea!
I sure miss our little celebration opportunities. Seems like we tried to celebrate everything lol.
I'm sure everyone will be thinking of you today wishing you were still here. I know you're always there mom, you said you would be and so It is.
Life is moving along pretty fast these days, it's been 7 yrs now but still feels like yesterday in my mind and memories. I love and miss you much!
Til we meet again, I love you.
November 25, 2021
November 25, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving Mom!
I remember you would be cooking all kinds of stuff on Thanksgiving, watching the parades and just enjoying the day. I'm thankful for all the sweet times and memories we shared they're still with me after all these years. I wish we could be cooking together today like old times but we are in a way.
I love and miss you mom, I'll eat some pie for you!
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
Lighting a candle for the night for you. I sure am tired mom. All these surgeries. Work. At 50 what's it all for? Money doesn't seem to matter much anymore. Material things have become worthless. Watches, clothes, cars it all just seems such a waste of energy. I'm happy. Carole and I are happy but we're tired of working in this world. People are rude and narcissistic, selfish and its just such a graceless and manorless age.
Carole finally got her Covid shot today and we had to for work. Dunno mom. I just wish life meant more lately. I hope 2022 is a happier year in America. Lately it's just depressing.
Love you mom. As always I miss you.
October 31, 2021
October 31, 2021
Happy Holloween neenee.
Well we went to a fair, concert and two corn mazes this weekend wish you could be here to share in the fun. Miss you as always and thunking of you!
Love, your son.
September 9, 2021
September 9, 2021
Just wanted to light a candle for you. I got your paperwork today.
I miss you mom.
Thanks for always being by myside. Can't wait to see you again. Love, me.
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Hola NeeNeeeeee.
Well its been crazy. Hard to believe its been 9 years ago today you went to Hawaii with your "pink clouds" nail polish on.
Once we got home from the hospital on your dining room table was that nail polish and your "belongings" bag had Hawaii on it. Somehow you seemed to know you were going away and so quietly and gracefully packed and got ready for your trip. Alone with your thoughts.
You never inspired worry for anyone. Like so much of what we all went through you kept it inside and hid travesty with a smile and a laugh and a good dinner out.
I miss you mom. Just as much today as yesterday and even more as life goes on. Your lessons and words of wisdom and the bravery you instilled in us boys has served us well against any storm this world trys to dish out. We all still stand strong and success is ours because you did believe we were better and that we ALL deserved better.
I love you mom. I thank you for stating by myside even now. My Guardian Angel.
I'll be seeing you soon enough.
Cant wait for our smiles to see eachother again.
I love you.
Your son, Richard.
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
"Happy Mother's Day Gee Geeeeeee"
Awe. I miss you so much mom especially today. Tony would always take you to The Crab Shack and then we would kick it with pizza and your "Texas Tea" on the porch with gizzy.
Times were so sweet back then. It seems we were all together only because of you. You certainly were the glue of our crazy family.
But I know Brooke , me , Chris, Tony and all the "little shits" and rascals remember you.
You left a beautiful foot print behind. One of constant giving..concern...little gifts and cards for even the smallest occasion. You sacrificed all you had down to your last dollar to give love to so many people and you hid behind it all woth nothing left with a smile.
You...were one on a million Mom...
I miss you so much and I try to do the same out in this world.
Big hug momita.. Big love...but more' re not forgotten gg..
Not for a minute.
Happy Mother's the best Mom ever..
Love. Your son Richard.
February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021
Oh yeah.
The Florida lottery website numbers are stuck on Wednesday January 27. Even today.
The numbers were.    1 12. 17. 24 25. 45
My numbers for 21 yrs. 1. 8. 12. 17. 24. 25
Funny thing is its our birthdays and Jesus's birthay.
Mine 1 24.  Jesus 12. 25. Yours 12. 17 and my lucky number 8.
Weird thing is I couldn't decided on using your birthday or year...which by year would have been 45.
Just funny how its stuck on that day. With all our birthdays which happens to be my lotto numbers.
Soon. Gotta love karma and the universe.
February 19, 2021
February 19, 2021
Hi mom!
Well I finished my first travel assignment here in Inverness , Florida at Citrus Memorial living at 414 lake drive about half mile to work. The light just flickered on the old house my butt.
Im going home now for two weeks. I signed on again to help stabilize staffing here but I think being away from Carole and our little life by the beach is proving tough for both of us so money for us really doesn't mean anything. Being together we've decided is much more important.
So my time on the traveling will maybe be one maybe 2 more assignments and I'll settle in at Andrew's Institute in Gulf Breeze as I head toward retirement. "How bout dat mudda fuggah" lol
I miss hearing you say that.
Carole bought her 1 st brand new car on Feb 1 st 2021 by herself. A 2021 Toyota Camry. She wanted to keep her little 2009 corolla forever but it was time. She drove that poor thing to death much like Im doing with the truck we used to enjoy riding in around the beach
Just cant seem to part with my truck. I have memories of us cruising around and know you're still beside me at times out here alone in the world.
Thank you mom for keeping me safe and for helping keep my Karma at peace always within the world.
I can't wait to continue traveling and experiencing life while Im here. I hope my one wish will come true soon, here..
Until we meet again know that I love you today just as much as yesterday and even more tomorrow.
Goodnight geegee.
Get me home safe ok.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Im home in Pendacola for my 50th birthday!
I turned 50 today mom can you believe it. How crazy does that sound. Carole and I went shoppong all day yesterday in Destin at the Commons and had lunch in Pensacola Friday.
We returned her minivan rental yesterday too.
Today we are gonna try very hard to do nothing before I leave again for business Monday. It's hard leaving home.
Anyway 50 years ago today you saw my face for the first time and we met and from the very firsr day we became best friends. Thats what I miss the most mom. Our shinanigans and thrift stores and just hearing your voice. I know it will seem very soon we will see eachother again Im more than halfway home at 50.
I hope the second half of my life is the best. The Golden years as they say. I've certainly had an amazing journey up until now...but I know life gets better as we go.
Love you mom!
Thank you for all 50 of my years.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
How...did my phone just turn on...and play this song.....
Out of the blue...
I knew you were still here. I knew it. Knew it knew it....
Im still here after all these years......
Never heard this song until now!!!

I knew it!!!
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Your still here!!!
My lamp told me so.
Well for whom ever finds us..
The Lumineers. Song "nobody knows"
Thank you mom!!
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Happy New Year!!
Well I'm in Inverness Florida still but now Im in a lakehouse how bout dat. Spent Christmas at home visiting all of Carole's wonderful family. They are so happy we finally got married. Her dad is so proud amd at his age it's very sweet to witness that. But anyway sorry Im late gg I had to move on January 1st lol can you imagine.
I'll be in Tampa tomorrow for a test at the Prometric center which I hope I pass I've procrastinated Im afraid with studying but Ill see tomorrow.
I turn 50 here on the 24th. Ill be back home with Carole for that in Gulf Breeze we're hoping to visit the Gulf Breeze Zoo thats 2 miles from our house but never go. So with all that going on thats why Im just dropping by but I think about you all the time and miss you still.
So much I want to share with you but in person. I sure miss your voice and hugs and fried egg sandwiches. I hope your watching over everyone. I've all but disappeared from life regarding Texas but everyone has their own life and at this point I just probably need to move on. You were definitely the glue that held us all together. You saw the best in all of us and I thank you for seeing the best in me.
I love you mom thank you for watching over me amd for loving me when no one else could. I miss that feeling.
Well lets hope 2021 is a better year. I took the covid 19 virus shot...nothing happened so I should be good! Thanks for the strong hardy no allergies genes lol!
0k mom. I see ya soon enough. Time sure seems to be flying by nowadays

I love you.
Your son.
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Im home from Inverness Florida business. Me and Carole had an amazing Christmas.
Miss you as always.
See you soon.
December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020
I just saw youi and Norma. You came to me in my dreams and I was able to say goodbye and hug you both. We were all together at a party type gathering and I kept telling everyone. "This is the last time we're all going to be together" and I hugged you mom. I just woke up but I could smell your perfume and I was also able to sit next to Norma and hug her too. I was so happy we were all together, but I knew it could be the last time.
Thank you. I did get your message Norma.
I love you both. I know your birthday is tomorrow GeeGee and I have a very special gift for you.
Thank you Norma , I miss and love you very much. Gracias te quero mucho. Hola Raul.
God Bless you.
November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Mom!
Sorry Im late gg Im traveling! So me and Carole are very happy we got married. Our wedding week was not good due to stress and just the craziness of my leaving for business the following week. But her family is so happy for us Im very thankful for them they've really made us feel special and loved. So I truly am happy to have a sense of family.
My traveling is very interesting. I always wanted to travel for a living and that dream has become a reality. I miss home but I turn 50 soon and this has always been a dream of mine so I get to check this box off now. Just gotta hit the lottery and my life will seem complete lol. One day soon eh?
Well I miss you as always mom. I want you to know I think of you all the time still and I can't wait to see you again.
I love you mom. I miss you and Ill stop by at Christmas ok.
I love you.
November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
Hi mom.
I got married today!
Me and Carole finally did it! I wish you were here with me. I know you would love her as much as I do. I feel so alone. I have no one to share today with. I told Tony and he had only a one word reply. Awesome. So its hard in a way. Carole has so many loving relatives calling and texting and congtatulating. Kinda weird just sitting here. But Im happy inside. We've been together long time now so its good at our age to have this.
I start my new travel job next Friday. Kinda scary leaving to go travel but financially its worth it. Maybe I can have a home someday.
We're having pizza of course to celebrate. We're going over to her brothers house for dinner. We're paying lol.
Tomorrow we go see Carole's dad. He'll be happy.
Carole's grandma is 97 and she was sooo happy to get the news. Life just isnt the same without you mom. I truly feel I have no one to share lifes happy moments with anymore. I guess I understand how you must have felt here with us 3 boys. Your family was so distant I feel your lonliness now. Looking back Im so happy we had eachother mom. You truly did love me and Ill be forever thankful for that.
I love you mom.
Ill talk to you soon.
Your son Richard.
Friday the 13th 2020.
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
Hola gee geeeeeee.
Well Its Tuesday the day after labor day as usual we did absolutely nothing yesterday. Beaches were crowded anyway.
I have my new job now. Seems easy enough.
I just wanted to day thanks for all your help mom, all your words I can still hear when it comes to getting a job just like my first job. Gets harder to endure people's crap as we get older. You never told me about But being humble is always best in life no matter what and humble we seemed to be ok with. It was our way.
I sure miss sharing things. I miss being able to share my accomplishments and hear your encouragement but I know you'll always be by myside. You promised me that so I just know you are.
I miss family. We're all so independent its painful for me sometimes but I guess it was how we were raised better if I just leave things be.
Anyway. Its 2:30 am and I got up to pray and wanted to say hi gg...
Love and miss ya girl...
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
8 years ago today I was sleeping overnight in the hospital waiting area. Today 8 years ago was the last time I held your hand and kissed your cheeks. It feels like just yesterday we were hanging around on the porch just talking about life. Enjoying the night breeze and listening to all the little chimes on your porch.
I miss those days so much. Life was so much sweeter when I could call and talk or drop by and see how you were doing. Eat something you concocted lol or check out your latest thrift store find or just go to Sonic or Judge Beans.
I know you and Gizzy are together and I love your messages. I get "possible match" with your name in my email from I know its you saying Hi!
I got the job yesterday. I think Im gonna love the new place. Thank you for always being there Mom. I cant wait to see you again.
Love always and forever. Your son. Richard.
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Hi mom.
Well a lot has changed since last I wrote. I quit my job May 26th. Just decided to take some time off I guess. So. I applied at a new place. They called today with an interview tomorrow. Im tired though. Tired of the medical field. This Corona virus mess is horrible and Im so glad you didnt have to see and deal with the world as it is today. The riots, racism, hatred, diseases, viruses, shootings, wars its truly disgraceful to see so much negative in what could be a beautiful world.
I keep being positive though. I just hope I can leave a peaceful path behind me and continue to love and honor God the Father, Jesus my Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit residing within me.
Ive grown past material things and just wish for peace more than anything.
I should be getting married soon. Me and Carole are very happy just living a simple life by the beach. But Today is August 11th and Im sure getting this new job so close to your passing over anniversary isn't coincidental. Taking the last few months off were needed. I turn 50 soon and i lost a tooth last week kinda feel like a kid at times.
Anyway I love you and miss you. Ill let you know how the new job is soon.
Love Rich.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Well. You keep popping up on my phone. sends me "possible relative match" with Marissa Navarrette and I love how it has your birthday year as 1945 to blank. Like you haven't passed lol. Clever.I know you never joined so its amazing how that happens but I see it as a hello. So thank you mom. I need those.
Yesterday I woke up very happy for some reason and decided to take a drive to my new job. When I got in my truck I look up and there is a giant perfect rainbow at 6:30am that starts right in the middle of my hood. I took a video. I know thats the covenant of Jesus Christ promise as a reminder He will return so I felt so blessed. The I said and felt. I won the lottery. So I went to get gas the pump stopped on 37.37 another sign from my guardian angels Im on the right path. So I drove to West Florida Hospital. Prayed and came back home to Gulf Breeze. I decided to check my lottery ticket. What do ya know...I got 4 numbers out of 6. I the
But what an amazing day me and Carole just shopped and relaxed all day.
I know yesterday was the first day of some amazing amazing things to come..and soon.
Thanks for always being here with me mom!
I love you very much and of course I miss you geegeeeeee.
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
Its my Birthday today mom!!!
Can you believe I made it to 49!!!!
Im almost 50. Hard to believe I've made it this far.

Well today was an AWESOME BIRTHDAY. I took Carole to her new job interview this morning at my hospital and they gave her the job on the spot. She was so happy it was the best birthday present ever seeing her so excited and happy. She's been a little down recently so this was an amazing gift.

So Im doing well. Ive lost 35 lbs since Nov 5. And my health is looking great so Im very excited about that. Sober now. Not smoking in 8 yrs. Seems like everything is just getting better and better. I wish you could have met Carole. She's truly just the best thing for me and we're growing everyday.
As alwaysI miss you. But I know your always here with me helping life move along. I can't wait to see you again. Its gonna be funny.
I love you very much mom. I hope you like the Versace
January 1, 2020
January 1, 2020
"Happy New Years Mom"
Well its 2020 gee gee can you believe it. Ill be 49 this month. Im almost 50 and doing well.
This year will be the best yr ever I think. Im down 30 pounds since Nov 5. My goal is to hit about 180 for health reasons so its gonna be some work..No pizza...nwver thought I would say that. Lol
Me and Tony are doing great I still never hear from Chris but I love him anyway. You were the glue geegee.
I love you mom..see ya on Valentine's Day!!!
Until then Ill be thinking about you..
See ya soon.
December 26, 2019
December 26, 2019
Merry Christmas geegeeeeee.
Well I got to spend CHRISTMAS with Carole's wonderful family. Their all so generous and accepting.
Its such a blessing to have family here like this
I really do feel as though I belong. Its a blessing in life beyond words to have such coming from no family as we did.
Im truly blessed by Carole and am very fortunate we found eachother.
My only wish now is to give her a proper home here for us and to somehow make her parents proud. Not for me anymore but for her.
As always mom I miss you during these times. Carole wishes so much she could have met and known you but in a way she does.
I hope your proud of me mom. I really feel at almost 50 Im finally finding happiness and peace but most importantly a sense of belonging which is something money never bought me.
I love you mom. Be seeing ya soon.
Your loving son.
December 17, 2019
December 17, 2019
Happy Birthday Mom!
I sure miss you. My surgery went perfect and today I weigh 218!!!
That's a great start eh?
Well I would have gotten you baloons n stuff today but..well you know.
You would've been 73 today GeeGee, but Im sure your just a kid again where you are.
Ill be seeing you soon enough.
Love..your son.
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