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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Mary Ellen Lister, 68 years old, born on December 23, 1948, and passed away on March 28, 2017. We will remember her forever.
December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
Happy Birthday, Ma! Missing you tons! The kiddos are crushing it in school. Caleb is wrestling now and focusing on baseball as we started a travel team. He and Sophi are both doing karate too! Our girly-girl is quite the martial artist. Haha. Megs and I are doing the best we can in all we do and living the best lives we have, together. The world is still a bit crazy but only when you turn on the news. Sending love, every day!
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
Holy smokes, Ma!
What a year! If I had money on it, I’d say you’re up to something. Covid & Elections. Absolutely crazy. Quarantined in April through June with school taking place in the house. Clown shows all over the place. One positive is that the family unit moved back to #1. Awesome summer with tons of beach time and the kids are swimming like fish! Caleb is very careful in the waves while Sophi is an absolute kamikaze.  The girl has NO FEAR! Caleb still loving baseball. Now, Kids are learning from home and teachers teaching from the classroom. Caleb comes to school with us now and takes care of all his work on his own. You’d be proud, Mama.

I so desperately miss you! Want to pick up that phone and call almost every day! Caleb and Sophi both say Happy Birthday! Love you! To the moon and back, and around and back again!
March 28, 2020
March 28, 2020
Happy Patriot’s Day! Miss you, Mama! “If only you were around, today.” Quite possibly the most uttered phrase when anything extraordinary takes place. And it’s not just from me. Lol. So much for you to be proud of... Caleb has played his first season of baseball and is performing wonderfully in school and Sophi is a boss; she’s even riding a bike, at three, and the two of them are very much missing their Nonna. We still talk as if your were here, so you better be listening! Megs is still keeping me in line, and she’s still the light of my life. Johnny has a great job, and Joey and Hannah got married in Texas! It was a ton of fun. They’re now getting the ball rolling on building a house on the property. :) The extended family are all doing well; although, we don’t see or talk anywhere near as much as we used to. :( But “life is life, and life gets busy“ am I right? There is just so much that you’d be happy to hear! Pop misses you everyday, so please visit him if that’s a thing. ;)

Love you to the moon and back!
December 23, 2019
December 23, 2019
Happy birthday, Mama! Love you to the moon and back!
March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Pop and I dubbed this day and all future March 28s Patriot’s Day because of how patriotic you are. I figured we’d make our own holiday. Why the heck not, they have a holiday for everything else under the sun.
Heading to EHT for a scrimmage. Yep, still coaching. EHT, I’m sure you remember ‘em. Missing you tons for sure.
The family says hi! We talk about you all the time. The kiddos know your favorite color, favorite animal, and favorite quality in human beings, favorite book, and favorite singer. Also, they LOVE TO DANCE.
The boy killed it on his report card, and Dolly looks so much like you when you were two. Johnny found a pic, and it’s uncanny. Meg’s even does her hair the same way as yours is in the picture.
Love you and miss you lots.
To the Moon and Back!
December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018
Happy Birthday, Mama! Missing you more and more with each passing day. Megs, Caleb, Sophi, and I feel your presence every day. Love you, to the moon and back!
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Hi Mom! I know you are hanging with Gram and having a heck of a time up there. It hasn't been that long since you're departure, but I can't describe how much I miss you! Your wisdom and fortitude are very much alive in me. I love you Mommy.

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December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
Happy Birthday, Ma! Missing you tons! The kiddos are crushing it in school. Caleb is wrestling now and focusing on baseball as we started a travel team. He and Sophi are both doing karate too! Our girly-girl is quite the martial artist. Haha. Megs and I are doing the best we can in all we do and living the best lives we have, together. The world is still a bit crazy but only when you turn on the news. Sending love, every day!
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
Holy smokes, Ma!
What a year! If I had money on it, I’d say you’re up to something. Covid & Elections. Absolutely crazy. Quarantined in April through June with school taking place in the house. Clown shows all over the place. One positive is that the family unit moved back to #1. Awesome summer with tons of beach time and the kids are swimming like fish! Caleb is very careful in the waves while Sophi is an absolute kamikaze.  The girl has NO FEAR! Caleb still loving baseball. Now, Kids are learning from home and teachers teaching from the classroom. Caleb comes to school with us now and takes care of all his work on his own. You’d be proud, Mama.

I so desperately miss you! Want to pick up that phone and call almost every day! Caleb and Sophi both say Happy Birthday! Love you! To the moon and back, and around and back again!
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