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Commemorating The Life & Legacy of Evangelist Mary F. Jones

February 24, 2019

It began in my home church in Dallas that Mary was a member of the class on prayer that I was teaching. She was a new member and the program was a new member orientation class. After she told me the Lord had a calling on my life, at the end of her 1st class, we gained a relationship in Christ as Spiritual-Mother-Daughter like no other.

My prayer for an older woman to mentor me in the vision God has given me for a Titus 2 type ministry to women, and she was the answer. However, that relationship was much much more than I could have ever prayed for. The Titus 2 Women to Women began in 1999 with  Saturday prayer coffee's in my home. She would become the President and director and I was the Vice president. A Mother Daughter Luncheon was held in the church fellowship hall as the launch took place. Many did not understand this arrangement, who knew it was my vision, nevertheless, through adversity we prevailed over the on onslaught of the enemy and helped many women would truly wanted God's purpose for them to be revealed.   Over 23 years we lived a life of teaching, traveling, praying and encouraging one another and others, writing books, healing each other through life threatening illness, in and out of surgeries, fighting for the true things of God with those who did not understand the move of God nor our mission as a team of prophetic leaders. We held and attended prayer retreats in Texas, and she would teach 1000's of pastors and leaders around the united states. 

She held positions of leadership and influence in the community and in the church,  teaching concepts and principles like no other that would stir your soul and your mind into spiritual power, anointed by the Holy Spirit. By sitting  in many strong christian organizations such as The National Baptist Congress of USA Inc, NAACP, and numerous others, her workshops were life changing. She helped many churches establish strong foundations and ministries, and associations for the cause of Christ alone.  Among them are these:

  1. Salem Institutional B. C.
  2. Griggs Chapel M. B.C.
  3. Pleasant Grove M.B.C.
  4. Mt. Zion M. B. C. 
  5. Greater Bethlehem M. B. C.
  6. Greater Mt.. Pleasant B. C. 
  7. St. John M. B.C.
  8. Friendship West B. C. 
  9. Pilgrim Rest M.B.C. 
  10. Pearls of Wisdom Kingdom Ministries, International
  11. Galilee Griggs Memorial District Association
  12. National Baptist Congress USA Inc. 
  13. Texas District Association 
  14. Urban Ministries Inc. 

The Lord would order her steps over 35 states in the America as a difference maker. May women who were timid and fearful were transformed by her ministry to 'act like a lady and think like a Queen., be bold and daring to obey God rather than man, showing the love of Christ and care to every man. 

She was member of Campus Crusade for Christ under the late Dr. Billy Graham, and a strong member of Mr. Zion Baptist Church in California under the late Dr E. V. Hill. it was in California where she began boldly declaring that, "women in the ministry" were called and chosen just as men were. This became her mission throughout many dry places that God would send her. It was the mission with me in Griggs Chapel in Dallas Texas.

Later she would help me as co-founder of the ministry I now lead globally in the USA and Africa, Pearls of Wisdom Kingdom Ministries International. I honor her with everything Godly because of her "mentor-ship" and love for me, I am who I am today, a Global Leader. She cried for me, prayed for me and  fought for me, stood strong for me when I could not do these things for myself or even understand the necessity of them. She was a strong proponent of excellence and success in all things. 

Many would come to love her if they misunderstood her, by my prayers that God's will would be done. She taught me well and those who would submit to her Godly bold leadership as well. 

How thankful I am to have been her spiritual daughter for these years I have been connected to her. God is good and I will forever cherish her love and miss her sweet loving voice of courage that only a God send angel could deliver. 

I will truly miss her, however her work down here is done and I am glad that she made it in to heaven. No doubt her name is written, in the lambs book of life. 

 Thank you Lord for The Life and Legacy of Evangelist Mary Frances Jones. 

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