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May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
To my beautiful mother it's been 13 years today that you have been gone I think about you everyday don't know what I'd do without you but I'm doing it. I've been sick but Kayla's been taken care of me I've been through a lot wish you were here to help me through this but I know you're up there looking over me making sure I'm getting through this. I know you all are I love and miss you so much Mom there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you or I don't miss you look at your picture everyday smile at you and tell you how much I miss you you have five beautiful grandkids two granddaughters one named MaryKathryn who's named after you was your first one and then you have Steven Taylnn Hayden and then Austin. They're all wonderful kids you would enjoy them all they keep me on my toes. I wish you would hit we're here to see them all and enjoy all of them with me I love and miss you so much Mommy kisses and hugs to you up in heaven.
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
Happy belated birthday Mom I love and I miss you so much you don't know how much I miss you there's so much going on with me right now I just don't know how to describe it my health is bad Kayla's taking very good care of me and so is my four grandchildren you got two beautiful granddaughters and two beautiful grandsons wait let me rephrase that three beautiful grandsons James has one Kayla has two boys and two girls and James has one boy Kayla has one girl named after you Marykathryn 9 taylnn 3Steven 7Austin 2 months an James has a boy named Hayden 5 an Kayla lives with me an so do the kids.i still keep in touch with Mike.i love an miss you so very much so much mommy.
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
Mom you where not only my mother you where my best where the worlds greatest nana to my kids an your other grandkids .there is not a day that goes by that I don't miss you.i think about every minute of the day .I wish you where here with us.i love an miss you so much.

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