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Medium Maryann

April 12, 2014

I worked with Maryann Haggerty's daughter, Maryann, at the Sunrise Mall on Long Island.  When Mair's mom came to visit, I greeted her as Mrs. Sapanara.  I quickly learned that she was no longer a Sapanara, and that I should simply call her Maryann.  Well, I was a little uncomfortable with that, so I suggested Big Maryann.  As I am sure you can guess, THAT did not go over well.  So, the name Medium Maryann was born.

So, Medium Maryann woud come to the mall now and then and do some shopping and she would always stop by the snack bar.  I never wanted to charge her, but I also didn't want to get in trouble for giving away free food.  So, no matter WHAT Medium Maryann ordered, I would just say, "Gimme $3."  That was our thing.

I think of her and her family every day, and it breaks my heart that she is gone. 

A superior couch bed

January 15, 2014

I spent one night in Maryann's home in Massapequa, and she made the most bedlike couch I've ever slept on. Not only were the couch cushions tightly covered in sheets, she had a way of tucking in the flat sheet so it seemed attached to the couch and did not pull out or crumple the way it would if it was simply draped on top like a blanket. Perfect!

If only I owned a couch...


Friday Night Fun

November 30, 2013
Maureen and I were sitting in the kitchen, just hanging out when it occurred to us just how much fun it was to make Maryann crazy! We carefully planned our attack by turning the throw pillows of the couch slightly off center, moving the candy dish to face a different direction, and wrinkling a curtain ever so slightly. We sat back and admired our work, patiently waiting for Maryann to arrive home. Once Maryann arrived home, she plopped in her chair and joined our conversation. Moments later, Maureen and I watched as mid sentence, she got up, and moved the throw pillows back to their "correct positions", fixed the ever so slight wrinkle in the curtain, and repositioned the candy dish. We couldn't contain ourselves....we broke out in laughter. Maryann stood there, hands on her hips, shaking her head. It became a "thing" for a while. We would reposition things and see how long it would take for her to notice. As she would fix everything we moved, she would always ask us "don't the two of you have anything better to do?". Maureen was always quick to reply with a simple "Nope". Her home was a safe haven, she was a friend to all who entered, and her love and compassion were undeniable. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Maryann will be missed.

Coolest Mom

November 30, 2013
I always loved having dinner with the family. Mom was an amazing cook! One of my favorite memories was her eating at the table, and dancing to "I Want Your Sex" by George Michaels... I just remember looking at her and thinking, " That's a cool mom!". There are so many things she did that I try to model as a mom. PS... Remember JC ... That dog was hysterical!!
November 29, 2013
If you know anyone in my family, you know that we are a sarcastic bunch. So, when talking to Mema, I tended to say some pretty hilarious and sarcastic things(at least they were funny in my mind). My favorite? Somewhat jokingly reminding Mema that I was her favorite grandchild. Each time I said something like that Mema would look at me, smile, and say "Bridgey, you're too much!" I, of course, always responded with a sarcastic, "Too much what? Amazingness? Perfectness? Awesomeness?" This seemingly silly small routine always made both of us smile. if you look at any picture of Mema, you would see that her smile was beautiful and she lit up an entire room with her bright shining blue eyes.

Phoebe Don't Care

November 29, 2013

Growing up, we were always told that Mom was "deathly allergic" of cats.  It was phrased just that way, every time.

All 3 of us kids ended up with cats.

Mom learned to stock up on her allergy meds but still tried to be careful around our pets.  The pets, for their part, usually tried to behave.

My cat, Phoebe, figured Mom was just kidding and made herself comfortable right in Mom's face.  

The Ornament

November 29, 2013

Mom loved Christmas and decorated every possible surface.  Most of the decorations were great.  There was, however, one ornament which was just so...annoying.

It was a gold colored filigree ball.  It wasn't terrible looking.  But it chirped.  It chirped like the most irritating bird who ever lived.  

I don't know what became of that original ornament.  It disappearred many years ago.  But one day, in a little variety store, I found the exact same ornament.  The box was very old, and I knew it was exactly like the one we had grown up with.  

This picture is Mom seeing it.   

Mema and Star-A Love Story

November 29, 2013

Mom was not overly excited when I told her we had adopted a Rotweiller.  She, like many, knew only of the breed's bad reputation.  

Then they met.  

My ridiculous, affectionate bear of a dog won Mom over in short order.  She would practically lose her mind when Mema would come to visit and Mom just loved that dog.  

This picture is from the first Christmas we had the dog.  Mom naturally bought presents for her newest grandpet.  She chose large fuzzy balls in green and red, of course.  By the time we served dinner, it looked as if someone had murdered Elmo in a terrible way under our table.

Mema's subsequent gifts were of the tougher variety.  :) 

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