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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Melanie Respress, . Please add notes, photos, videos, and anything you would like to share about what Melanie meant to you here.

June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Melanie was a friend and Mentor to me for years. She helped me figure out politics in the work setting, learn more about myself, talked me through many different situations and always believed in me.

We had apartments in the same building and spent a lot of time watching TV shows, the fireworks on the lake, eating pizza (Lou Malnatis), trying the Seattle Sutton meal program, and just hanging out.

When I moved to Las Vegas, she let me keep my address at her apartment because it was easier and also managed my mail for me.

When I was in town and she was in Springfield, I stayed at her apartment as a home base. It was my Chicago home then.

I know how many lives she made better, even when she herself was doing three different jobs at once.

This is all still so much of a shock, and it will take time to adjust to this hole in my world.

Love you Mel.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
My name is Christina Orlando. Melanie was my boss at Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Springfield. I was just 18 when I first started working for her. Imagine the look on her face when she realized I was 18 and the secretary running the administrative tasks for her and 300 plus people. Her confused look turned quickly into a smile as she threw a $10 bill at me and said "great you are 18, would you mind doing me a favor and buy me some Benson and Hedges?" We became partners in crime. little did I know that this small moment was just the start of a 17 year journey of mentorship, friendship, family and love.

Melanie was my North Star, my compass of life. Any major decision or question I had with my career, personal development or relationships she was always there. That didn't mean she instantly gave me any answer as that would be the easy way out. She made me dig deeper and questioned my questions. She guided me and it was always on the right path. I owe my happiness, triumphs and success because of her guidance and love.

Melanie taught me so much. More importantly, she taught me to believe in myself. I believe I speak for many people when I say that. Melanie touched the lives of so many people at ever level imaginable.

To her family I say-THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing her with me, with so many people. Our time with her was a treasured gift and one that will never be forgotten.

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June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Melanie was a friend and Mentor to me for years. She helped me figure out politics in the work setting, learn more about myself, talked me through many different situations and always believed in me.

We had apartments in the same building and spent a lot of time watching TV shows, the fireworks on the lake, eating pizza (Lou Malnatis), trying the Seattle Sutton meal program, and just hanging out.

When I moved to Las Vegas, she let me keep my address at her apartment because it was easier and also managed my mail for me.

When I was in town and she was in Springfield, I stayed at her apartment as a home base. It was my Chicago home then.

I know how many lives she made better, even when she herself was doing three different jobs at once.

This is all still so much of a shock, and it will take time to adjust to this hole in my world.

Love you Mel.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
My name is Christina Orlando. Melanie was my boss at Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Springfield. I was just 18 when I first started working for her. Imagine the look on her face when she realized I was 18 and the secretary running the administrative tasks for her and 300 plus people. Her confused look turned quickly into a smile as she threw a $10 bill at me and said "great you are 18, would you mind doing me a favor and buy me some Benson and Hedges?" We became partners in crime. little did I know that this small moment was just the start of a 17 year journey of mentorship, friendship, family and love.

Melanie was my North Star, my compass of life. Any major decision or question I had with my career, personal development or relationships she was always there. That didn't mean she instantly gave me any answer as that would be the easy way out. She made me dig deeper and questioned my questions. She guided me and it was always on the right path. I owe my happiness, triumphs and success because of her guidance and love.

Melanie taught me so much. More importantly, she taught me to believe in myself. I believe I speak for many people when I say that. Melanie touched the lives of so many people at ever level imaginable.

To her family I say-THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing her with me, with so many people. Our time with her was a treasured gift and one that will never be forgotten.
Recent stories

Wonderful Neighbor...

June 30, 2017

I first met Melanie and her husband Ralph as we would pass each other while giving our dogs their daily walks in our neighborhood. Her two little boy dogs she held the leashes of would voice to my large dog, "don't get near our dog mom or we'll tear up your ankles!" Mel would smile, apologize and tell me they thought they were big guys. It became an everyday occurrence that provided us a daily laughs and something in common as we loved our four-legged family members.

We'd been neighbors for awhile when one day I went to check our mailbox for something important my husband was expecting and all the while tears were streaming down my cheeks. Mel and her sister Penny were enjoying the late summer, early evening by the pool - she walked over and asked, "why the tears?" I told her what had occurred, she wrapped her arms around me, gave me a big hug and asked me to join them for a bit until I felt better. 

We exchanged phone numbers then enjoyed times of conversing over our shared passion for tea. During the '16 holiday season I wasn't feeling well, during my times in and out of the E.R. Mel brought my husband meals, one of which was her Shepards Pie that he raved about and says no other compares. She'd stay in our home with our dog (that suffers from seperation anxiety) and gave her the care and love she needed, even on Christmas day she watched her so we wouldn't miss our special church service.

My husband & I share fond memories of "spaghetti night" when he said he was famished and Melanie filled a plate with a mountain of the delicious food she cooked with her special ingredient of TLC. Melanie was an exemplary neighbor and friend with a true and genuine heart of gold bigger than the state of Texas. We were honored and privileged to have had her in our lives. My minds eye has many forever snapshots of Melanies beautiful blue eyes, her bright smile and the red hair that gave her the special spunk that just made you feel good and lucky to be around her. My heart breaks from the loss we all feel of someone so kind, loving and extordinary. My husband and I express our genuine condolences and thoughts and prayers are with her husband, family and all those that we're blessed to have known and loved Melanie Ann Respress.

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