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Memorial Service
Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Edmond Street, off Dolphin Drive, Nassau, NP Bahamas
Saturday, August 27, 2022, 3:00 PM EST
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Remote: Zoom
ID: 829 7348 4956
Passcode: 989939

Alternate: KHConf

Electronic copy of the obituary: link

Menett’s memory will be cherished by her daughter, Tamara (Richard) Harrison; sisters: Gertrude Gueido Fournillier, Leastine Bastian, Deborah (Sidney) Outten; nephews: Collingwood (Yvette) Sweeting, Gary (Precious) Sweeting, Dairen (Barbara) Bastian, Dwayne (Dale) Wright; nieces: Theodora Wright, Theresa Cooper, Ruth (Kevin) Duncomb, Pamela Atkins, Deann (Brett) Hallett, Delane (Tony) McCloud, Dekera (Greg) Gordon, Sherrene (Simon) Stalder, Sidney (Dietmar) Outten-Bauer, Rodger Outten, Bobi-jane (Yen) Newton; in-laws: Freddie (Beverly) Russell, Lindsay Bastian, Anthony (Nancy) Russell, Patricia and Kim Russell, Elvira Russell; relatives & friends too numerous to mention, including the Seabreeze Congregation and the entire family of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
She was predeceased in death by her husband, Tyrone Russell; and her parents, Errol and Magnolia Wright.

We, the Family, would like to express our humble gratitude, heartfelt thanks, and sincere appreciation to our friends and those who in some way or another shed tears with us in our grief, consoled and comforted us in our time of sorrow, and provided us with support, prayers, meals, telephone calls, condolences, and other sympathetic gestures that gave us the strength and courage to carry on. Though Menett will be missed tremendously, we are comforted by the hope of a resurrection to life in a perfect paradise earth.—Acts 24:15.

December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Dear Tamara, Richard & the entire Family,
Menett was a kind, beautiful, faithful servant of Jehovah. We have so many wonderful memories of her going back to our childhood. She helped to groom so many of us to pursue the full time ministry. And she had so many letters of recommendation among those she aided to serve Jehovah, number one being her pride and joy, Tamara.
How we long for the grand reunion in Paradise, when in perfect health, she will continue her legacy of teaching the truth, being a big sister to many, sharing warm hospitality, and so much more.
Until then, may Jehovah continue to comfort, strengthen and sustain each of you and give you his peace. - Psalm 61:1-3
Warm love,
Glen & Joye Colebrooke
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
This belated expression is a word of truth from the Heart! Our families became on with Moma Wright! Nothing will ever separate Us! Not even Death! May our Father remember us as he said Ps.4:3 OUR FATHER JEHOVAH WILL DEAL WITH US IN A VERY SPECIAL WAY! So to Tamara,Lestine,Zeba,Debbie &Sidney and all the rest of the family may our God carry us threw this Storm of Life! The Sun will shine Brightly So we look to the source of our Eternal Salvation!
September 5, 2022
September 5, 2022
By Marsha Knowles


I have known Menett for well over 50 years. Back in those days, all of the Witnesses in the
country knew one another, even though we were not all in the same congregation.
Menett and I also attended the same high school briefly. Even then, I recall that she was
bold in sharing her faith with others. She did not hold back in witnessing to our fellow
students and the teachers on campus.


To say that she was zealous as a Pioneer is an understatement. Menett started pioneering
in 1970 and did not allow anything to interfere with her ministry right up to the time of her
death. Her service to Jehovah always took first place in her life. She viewed the ministry as
her career. Although she worked secularly at one point, she always made it clear that
working was only a means to the end of keeping her in her real career of pioneering.
Even during her pregnancy with Tamara, she continued pioneering and meeting her hourly
requirements. I really appreciated her zeal for the preaching work and her determination to
let nothing interfere with her pioneer ministry.

While Menett was very forthright with her Bible students, she was also very patient with
them. I remember regularly accompanying her on one of her Bible studies with a lady who
was not able to read or write. Menett patiently worked with her, at times taking her hand to
help her learn how to form letters properly. She never gave up on that student.
That lady is now our Christian Sister and especially finds joy in being able to read and
understand the Bible. Her daughter also accepted the truth, due in part, to Menett patient
efforts with their mom.
Menett was an inspiration to me. I really appreciated her friendship and the time we spent
pioneering together. She set a fine example for me and others in staying focused in the
Pioneer Service.
September 5, 2022
September 5, 2022
For Barbara Eastmond moms Bible teacher

Sis Eastmond was baptised in 1963 at Montague Beach.

She met Menett in field service and started a study.

Menett had opposition to the truth from home and at school by her teacher who was a priest.

She came to our house in Mount Royal Avenue every week for her study.

She would come straight from school and then she would go home.

She was baptised at age 14 and joined Sis Eastmond (Barbara) in the field service.

When Menett got married she spent her honeymoon in Barbados with us.

She Regular Pioneered all though her pregnancy.

Many family members became witnesses because of her fine example.

She was respectful and had love in her heart and was a beautiful young woman.

We both look forward to seeing her in the restored paradise.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
GM baby Sis.. I loved the way things went yesterday at your Mom’s Memorial. Her many beautiful spiritual and personal qualities were clearly seen. She was loved and greatly appreciated as a sister, a servant of Jehovah and as part of the congregation. She gave her very best. Your mom never did anything half way
I knew her from a distance, not really close up and personal. I know I’ve worked with her in the ministry a few times, but I don’t recall any specific experiences. You know we came to your home for Book Study every Thursday back then, and so we talked and interacted. But, I wasn’t a close friend. When I met Menett Wright in the very early 70s, she was outspoken and focused about her service to Jehovah. She wasn’t playin! She was close friends with my aunts at the time, as Aunt Marsha said, and being with them is how I met young Sis Menett. I admired your mom’s confidence, her spiritual depth and knowledge. She was a force! What beautiful memories you have Tamara.
Such an awesome gift 
All thanks to Jehovah for your two faithful and loyal parents.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
It was such a privilege to attend the service and see her wonderful example of faith. Rich and Tamara we love you both and can't wait to attend the resurrection gathering in paradise. We pray that Jehovah continues to help you to stay strong and loyal til he gives you that happy ending so near at hand. -Fulbrights
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
My dear Richard and Tamara,my heart breaks for you. Hearing so many wonderful stories about your Mom, I can see why you are the way you are. What a fine example you had growing up to always lean on Jehovah come what may. He is the one that loves us the most and will help you hold your head up soon. It won't be long,regardless how will be a blessing and a treasure to be in her arms again and go on studies with her.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Dear Richard and Tamara,

We are so saddened for the loss of beautiful mother. We look forward to the day when our Heavenly Father welcomes her back in the very near future. May Jehovah continue to strengthen you each day as you faithfully serve him during this difficult time.


Lamel & Marie Hamilton
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
"I Can't wait to welcome her back with open arms...I'm here Tamara any time and for anything. Will keep y'all in my prayers".
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Tamara and Richard our hearts are aching for you and the family right now. You’re constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
Sis. Russell has truly left her mark. Her zealous example definitely made an impact on both Gene and myself as youngsters in the Seabreeze congregation. I particularly enjoyed watching her teach her Bible students in such a clear, simple yet exciting way and have always tried to imitate that.
Jehovah remembers everything about Sis. Russell and is eager to bring her back in perfect health and ready to get back to work! We eagerly await that day.
May you keep being comforted by Jehovah throughout the days until that time (Isa.66:13)
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
We send our deepest, warmest condolences and hugs to Tamara, Richard and Family, on the loss of your Precious Mom and Sister!! May Jehovah and Jesus also send you Spiritual Hugs from Heaven!! Psalm 102:1,2; Psalm 20:1-4; Ephesians 3:16-20!! Keep on Singing!! 

May Father remember Her favorably - Neh 5:19!!

With Brotherly Love,
Ross & Diane Megie from Miami, Florida
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Sister Menette was a very special spiritual gem. We cherish the “precious memories “ of being accompanied by her in the ministry which she so loved. We can hardly wait to be re-united with her if we are so blessed, in Paradise. Our hearts are filled with sympathy for all her family and close friends.
Our prayer is for all of you, that you may be comforted by Our Lord’s sure promise that hopefully all of us will see her again real soon. - Fred & Gloria Lord
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
This is sad my beloved friend/sister/mom gone. But I will always cherish all that I learn from you wi jehovah's help I'm praying to see you soon.

May jehovah keep all friends and family members strong.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
My dearest Tamara and Richard, our deepest sympathy to you and family. We are so sadden by the loss of your mom, She will be truly be missed by so many. As you go through this difficult time we will continue to mention the family in our prayers and you will continue be a part of our family. We love you and Richard dearly, hugs and kisses from the entire Wilson’s family ❤️❤️❤️
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Thank you, Tamara and family, for sharing Menett with us and Brother Russell for his support over the years. There is or will never be another person like Menett. She has touched the lives of so many persons in a positive way and made us all better individuals and servants of Jehovah. No one has impacted my spiritual life and growth more than Menett. By her love, kindness, persistence, patience, boldness, and zeal, she demonstrated what it is to be a true disciple of Christ.
I am privileged to have spent so many hours in the Pioneer ministry with Menett, driving up and down the 'maze' that is Pinewood Gardens on return visits and bible studies. I remember one such day, while on returns, Menett suddenly asked me to pull over to a particular house; she dashed out of the car and disappeared into the house only to emerge with a Bible study publication in hand! I stared at her in amazement, and she said, "Yes, I went to get my book back! I can give it to someone who will really use it." Back in those days, our publications weren't free.
When we went on her Bible studies, Menett never brought a head covering, which meant I had to conduct ALL of the studies ALL of the time. I often wondered why she would do that, but I realized, in time, that it was her way of training me to be a better Bible teacher and public speaker.
There are so many memories, I could go on and on, but it is so comforting to see, everywhere I go, the fine fruitage of her many decades of faithful service.
I look forward to seeing Menett again and spending many more hours with her in the ministry. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Tamara and Richard, I know is one of the most difficult times in life for you both. Please know that our prayers and thoughts are with you.
I remember the first time I met Aunt Menett and when she & uncle Ty came to GA ..we laughed and she shared with me so openly what I needed to know about living in the Bahamas. She was a person that just enjoyed life, travel and people in general. Her joy for the ministry was most contagious. I have lots of fond memories and picture from the first visit to GA, traveling and just sitting around the house talking and laughing. It is with a sadden heart that I say, “she will be missed by all those she has touched.” But we know there is a better life ahead and we can’t wait to see her in the new world.
Take care and be strong love.
Sincerely, Barbara
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Tamara, we were saddened to hear of Mennette's passing. Her love, passion and zeal for Jehovah, His organization and the ministry will be remembered fondly by all. She was an excellent example of faithfulness for all of us.
Be encouraged. We will keep you in prayer to be consoled by the promises of the resurrection promised to us.
Numbers 6:24-26
Stephen and Marie Galanis
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
When i first came into the Truth Sis Russell was often mentioned as one of our zealous pioneers. I had the privilege of attending Pioneer Service School with her and other members of the first class held in the Bahamas

Due to time and unforeseen occurrences my time spent with Sis Russell, this past year, is slightly different then most would have remembered. She kept up with her spiritual routine of service, meeting attendence and Bible reading. We also had fun watching movies and country and city tours listen to music and playing games. Although the past year was not easy Sis Russell made made it easier with her playfulness and her actions of comfort. The visits, gifts, phone calls, and words of encouragement that she recieved always put a smile on Sis Russell's face. I will miss her, but I know soon I will see her smile again
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Heartfelt condolences from Ernestine, Terah and Telsa Miller. It was a privilege to know such a modern day spiritual giant. She is dearly missed but is safe in Jehovah’s memory. Looking forward to seeing her very soon. 

There is nothing in this world like a mother. Hence, loosing them is a deep and painful wound. May Jehovah, His word and your extended spiritual family be a healing, soothing balm for you until the permanent cure is here - the resurrection. 

Ernestine, Terah and Telsa Miller
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Please have my family's condolences Tamara for the loss of ur2nd parent as u learned in the Bible the worst Enemy to have is death so be comforted in KNOWING this is temporary my daughter very soon Jehovah's willing U Will see them again as both parents were Jehovah's servants Grieve with The Sure Hope in the Ressurection John ch 5vs19 Christ Jesus said So we love U and auntie Pat & Kim dearly all the rest of ur family as well take care my dear Cheryl Wilson Munroe & Family
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
It was a pleasure to be able to work with sister Russell in service before she got sick.
I knew something was wrong, because it was not like her to miss service. Then I learnt she was not feeling well.
She will be greatly missed. I will always look for her, where she sat in the hall. May she rest in peace.
Tamara, take comfort, and look forward to Jehovah's promise of a resurrection. That is sure to come through.
Love you, and brother Harrison.
Sis (Mable Cox)..❤️
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Sister Russell/"Mom" was my first Spiritual Mother in The Truth. When I visited the Kingdom Hall for the first time in 1995, she approached me and had a welcoming smile and right away invited me to study the Bible. It took a few meetings for me to say yes and I enjoyed every study and we started a life-long sisterhood and Spiritual mother-daughter relationship that affected the rest of my life positively. The Russell's house became my second home as I studied several times a week with her and I experienced many wonderful spiritual activities at their book study group.

"Mom" was always firm, not compromising on standards but loving in her own way. She ate, slept and drank the Bible and I could ask her about any subject and she would use the Bible to draw a point. One of the things that stand out about her was her determination to give her life, her time and even her daughter's life to full-time service to Jehovah. She would say "there's no better way to spend my time than in Jehovah's work. So that's that". Her pioneer spirit rubbed off on many and as I worked in service with her was inspiring to see how well she wielded that "sword of truth" and it is a privilege to be among the many spiritual children of hers. Even when I fell and got back up she didn't judge but said: "It is not how we start but how we finish our race for life". She was a pillar of support and encouragement for me. Whenever and however long she could go in service she did even recently. She said many times that Jehovah is the one that sees all and He knew her heart's desire was to continue pioneering until she could no more, and that she did!

The Russell's home was the first of many Spiritual family experiences I had had and I shall always be grateful for their love, warmth and spiritual assistance. I got the privilege to live and spend even more time with Sister Russell shortly after Brother Russell's demise. She was determined to be independent and show Tamara that she was "fine" so that she could stop worrying about her so much. How unselfish! Her unwavering faith and determination to obey Jehovah and keep up her Spiritual routine, no matter what, even learning how to use the tablet and telephone and her smart tv to do so at her age, left an indelible imprint on my brain. What a determined, strong lady who loved Jehovah until her death...I will miss her dearly!

Tamara and Richard, I pray that Jehovah continues to bless and strengthen you in this time of your great loss!

Love you guys, Simone & Family
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Manette, Manette, Manette – My beloved sister and bible study conductor.
There could only be one Manette for me. She is the one that first studied with
me. Whilst going from Door to Door one day, I asked her to settle a dispute I had
with a JW cousin of mine, that ALL Good people go to heaven. When she
answered my question, next thing I knew we were studying the Truth Book, that
would’ve been around 1975. I was convinced Mahalia Jackson, the religious
singer, was bound for heaven … She showed me how the bible didn’t teach that!

She became more than a Bible Study conductor to me, she became my friend.
Often she would study with me, being patient and kind, yet firm. Never too strict
yet she was a no nonsense teacher but very Patient. She had to be patient to
deal with me I remember fondly the many times she would have me and
Marvalee, another bible student, who would also become a sister, over at her
house. We developed a routine of enjoying her delicious Pasta Dishes, Studying and Playing Games. She showed me how to be a true friend.

She convinced me that this was the truth! About 3 years later I was baptized as
one of Jehovah’s witnesses. She would also share the joys of pioneering with me
and so, many years later, I too would share those joys, which she no doubt had.
I will miss Manette and I look forward to seeing her soon in the resurrection.
She maybe gone but never will I forget her! I love her very much.

Sister Barbara Newbold, South Beach Congregation – now with 4 Grown children
and 2 Grandchildren in the truth
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Dear Tamara,
I spent most of my life around Jehovah's Witnesses after my mother was baptixed in 1958.
Next I came to Nassau to attend school and lived with my cousin Marion and her husband Donald Murray for seven years. I attended meetings at Quakoo Street, was on the school and took part in the door to door work.
UNIVERSITY, MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN interrupted my desire to be baptized. In 1984 I moved back to Nassau and your mother was the last spiritual teacher that I had. Finally when I returned to Grand Bahama I was baptized in 2003.
Your mother was an outstanding servant of Jehovah and she helped me to become one of his fellow workers. I look forward to seeing her in the new system. I hope U remember me Juejue and I look forward to meeting your husband. No need to mourn because the new system is right around the corner. All my condolences at this sad time.
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Carole and I extend sincere condolences to the family especially Tamara. Anyone that knew Manette knew that she was a sincere and serious servant of Jehovah. She took her commission to make disciples very seriously and backed it up with the kind of conduct that would attract people to the truth. She was a very genuine individual who what you saw is what you got. When you consider the many years of service that she put him into her service of Jehovah there are very few people that can match that and also the tireless effort in reaching as many people as possible over the years while trying to be the best Christian woman she could be. And anyone that truly knows her understands that this defined her. We are convinced she lives on in Jehovah’s memory and we hope and have faults in the fact that we will see her soon! 
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
My dearest Tamara (husband) words cannot describe the huge void that will be felt by many who loved your mom dearly , I could relate many happy experiences with her in the ministry in the 70's in Quakoo st. even when she married we were always in contact as both our husband's were close bosom buddies and even worked for the same employer, one experience that was outstanding was when we decided to move to Cat Island to establish pure worship she knew there would be some challenges as she had done so previously on San Salvador so she called to explain to me what would be the challenges and how to cope with overall family island living after which I felt prepared to joyously pack and go,we eagerly look forward to being reunited with both of them and continuing our loving relationship Isa.26:3.
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Dear Tamara,

We are thinking about you and feel your pain in our hearts. Your mom is asleep for now but will come out of her memorial tomb, when Jesus calls with her beautiful smile and zeal to continue in the work of teaching others about her God Jehovah in the new world soon to come.

We send our sincere condolences and pray that Jehovah continue to sustain you during this extremely difficult time in your life. May his promises bring you peace, comfort and hope.

Love always.
Tony and Ana Green.
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022

MY FRIEND, It's not easy to say goodbye it hurts...everyday I think of her and cry. She was the stronger one, I never saw her cry. She taught me about Jehovah and his Son. I will never forget the day I asked her, "what does Acts 24:15 mean?" "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." She simplified it in such a way that I am now able to explain to others. She will be among the righteous, you have followed Jehovah's instructions from the age of fourteen Matt 28:19,20 I will always remember her until I die.

August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
On behalf of Judy Miller

I met Menett while she was still in school, and even then, she was eager to share the good news with others. Being one of her first bible students, I am grateful to Jehovah for her life of dedication and for having an opportunity to be a part of it.

Menett was eager and determined to share her bible- based knowledge with me hoping to readjust my thinking. During the early 70s when she worked at the hotel, she arranged for our studies to be conducted on her days off. That sacrifice is etched in my memory Later, when she changed employment and worked as a flight attendant with an international airline, and would be gone for over a week, my sister and I were left with homework, just to be sure we didn't forget what we had cover in the last study.

As a Bible study conductor, she displayed patience. She would take me and my children in her volks wagon to the park to have my study due to opposition at home. This patience eventually paid off despite many breaks and years of study I can say thanks to Jehovah, because in 1990 I dedicated my life to Jehovah. As I would say to her when we meet, she has children, grandchildren, and great-grand children serving Jehovah. I look forward to the time when Jehovah will call and fulfill the scriptures at Job 14 verse 15 and Acts 24 verse 15.

Judy Miller
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Aunt manette was such a staple in the lives of many.  She was my solid source, never changing at any passing phase. She was a support, a pillar and a Cornerstone. Her laughter, her smile and her zeal for Jehovah, life and family will be dearly missed. 

She ran the race beautifully and touched so many as she sprinted by. She always had words of encouragement  Her ministry was primary and her love of the scriptures was clearly evident.

I have many beautiful memories of my time with her. Slumber well aunte manette. I hope I will see you soon when Jehovah calls. 

Love you Aunt Manette
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Sister Menette and I were in the same congregation when she started to pioneer. From the age of 10, I would spend my entire summer vacations out in the ministry with her, starting out in the morning with our congregation and ending up later in the day with another congregation. She would go non stop talking and laughing as she went along in field service. I enjoyed being with her and seeing the love and zeal she had for Jehovah, the ministry and the persons she spoke with.

During her Pioneer Party a few years ago she told me something that I did not remember, she said I wanted to quit school and pioneer with her. This is how she made me feel. Serving Jehovah whole soul and bring in the ministry bought her so much joy and happiness that I wanted to experience that too. It was such a privilege to have know and worked along side my dear sister and friend.

My heart goes out to you, Tamara and Richard, may the hope of seeing her again in the very near future comfort you and bring you peace!
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
I am so grateful to have met the Russell family 2009 international convention of Jehovah's witnesses in Trinidad and Tobago. Our family open our home to this lovely family it was an honor and pleasure to host Tyrone, Menett, and Tamara.

Tamara keeps strong with eyes of faith we look forward to the resurrection when we can welcome both of your parents and my wife back in a new world—the real life soon to come.

From the Jemmott Family
Samuel, Belinda, Eric, and Kyle We send our condolences
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Mydear sister Minette from i first met you in 1981 you have always been an inspiration for especially in faithfulness in your service to Jehovah. May Jehovah continue to bless and comfort your family during this time of sorrow.
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Whenever I think about Sister Russell, the word faithful comes to mind. I loved being able to soak up spiritual knowledge from her on our Bible study sessions. I also appreciated her kindness and reasoning ability when it came to correcting me, using God's word. She became like a mother to me, always encouraging me and serving as a stellar example in perseverance. I will miss her dearly.
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
My condolences Tamara and to your extended family. Your mother was everything you said and more. There is nothing more important than leaving a spiritual legacy behind. She accomplished that! I remember in my teenage years my father said to me. “I want you to spend time with Menett Russell. She loves Jehovah and will encourage you to love him also”. So I did! Twice a week I would work in the ministry with her group for service (West Congregation). We partnered even after Tamara was born. Tamara grew up going in the ministry. As a toddler sometimes she didn’t like people bothering her but Menett would encourage her saying…no Tamara we don’t do that! She was training her to be comfortable talking to people. Seeing Tamara today continue the legacy her mom left makes me proud. Because of Menett’s encouragement I was able to attend the first class of Pioneer school in the Bahamas. Menett will be remembered for her deep love and dedication to Jehovah, and for encouraging others to love him. She will be missed!
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
I am grateful to Jehovah for giving me another spiritual mother in Mom Russell. From the time Tamara and I began courting, both she and Dad Russell welcomed me and made me feel at home with them. I'll always cherish her spiritual practicality. When I asked to marry Tamara, she didn't want to know whether I was prepared to care for Tamara materially. Instead, her question was whether Tamara would be cared for spiritually. That was a powerful lesson for me and has helped Tamara and me stay focused in our married life. Mom Russell certainly proved to be one who "opens her mouth in wisdom."—Proverbs 31:26.

It will be a beautiful day when we can welcome back both Mom and Dad Russell.
August 15, 2022
August 15, 2022
My mother was so much more than "a mother" to me; she was also my spiritual sister and friend. I could talk to her about anything and not feel judged or misunderstood. And how I miss hearing her prayers, seeing her warm smile, and watching her open her heart to others through hospitality and the ministry.

Mommy gave me such sound scriptural counsel throughout my life, advice that I cherish and often share with others. She was an inspiration to me, a spiritual giant in my life. To her, everything this world had to offer was a means to an end, that end being serving Jehovah. So she encouraged me to pursue spiritual goals and put kingdom interests first in my life. She showed me how not to rely on my own strength or understanding, but to keep perceiving what Jehovah’s will is and let him be my guide. I am so grateful that she instilled in me from infancy to love Jehovah wholeheartedly; anything less was unacceptable.

Her life as a full-time minister reflected her love for Jehovah and motivated me to do the same. She was a ball of fire in the ministry; bold and courageous, with a "no nonsense" manner, looking for opportunities to talk to anyone who would listen to the Kingdom message. At the same time, she was kind and had a realistic view of life. I also admired her efforts to be a skillful teacher in that work.

Though my mother sleeps, she still speaks by her example. Actually, though it's chilling to know both of my parents are not with me now, I treasure having had two parents who loved Jehovah more than anything or anyone else. I know Jehovah will guide me through this challenging trial. With eyes of faith I look forward to the resurrection when I can welcome both of my parents back in a new world—the real life soon to come.

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December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Dear Tamara, Richard & the entire Family,
Menett was a kind, beautiful, faithful servant of Jehovah. We have so many wonderful memories of her going back to our childhood. She helped to groom so many of us to pursue the full time ministry. And she had so many letters of recommendation among those she aided to serve Jehovah, number one being her pride and joy, Tamara.
How we long for the grand reunion in Paradise, when in perfect health, she will continue her legacy of teaching the truth, being a big sister to many, sharing warm hospitality, and so much more.
Until then, may Jehovah continue to comfort, strengthen and sustain each of you and give you his peace. - Psalm 61:1-3
Warm love,
Glen & Joye Colebrooke
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
This belated expression is a word of truth from the Heart! Our families became on with Moma Wright! Nothing will ever separate Us! Not even Death! May our Father remember us as he said Ps.4:3 OUR FATHER JEHOVAH WILL DEAL WITH US IN A VERY SPECIAL WAY! So to Tamara,Lestine,Zeba,Debbie &Sidney and all the rest of the family may our God carry us threw this Storm of Life! The Sun will shine Brightly So we look to the source of our Eternal Salvation!
September 5, 2022
September 5, 2022
By Marsha Knowles


I have known Menett for well over 50 years. Back in those days, all of the Witnesses in the
country knew one another, even though we were not all in the same congregation.
Menett and I also attended the same high school briefly. Even then, I recall that she was
bold in sharing her faith with others. She did not hold back in witnessing to our fellow
students and the teachers on campus.


To say that she was zealous as a Pioneer is an understatement. Menett started pioneering
in 1970 and did not allow anything to interfere with her ministry right up to the time of her
death. Her service to Jehovah always took first place in her life. She viewed the ministry as
her career. Although she worked secularly at one point, she always made it clear that
working was only a means to the end of keeping her in her real career of pioneering.
Even during her pregnancy with Tamara, she continued pioneering and meeting her hourly
requirements. I really appreciated her zeal for the preaching work and her determination to
let nothing interfere with her pioneer ministry.

While Menett was very forthright with her Bible students, she was also very patient with
them. I remember regularly accompanying her on one of her Bible studies with a lady who
was not able to read or write. Menett patiently worked with her, at times taking her hand to
help her learn how to form letters properly. She never gave up on that student.
That lady is now our Christian Sister and especially finds joy in being able to read and
understand the Bible. Her daughter also accepted the truth, due in part, to Menett patient
efforts with their mom.
Menett was an inspiration to me. I really appreciated her friendship and the time we spent
pioneering together. She set a fine example for me and others in staying focused in the
Pioneer Service.
Her Life
August 20, 2022
On March 5, 1951, Menett Mavis Russell was born to Errol and Magnolia Wright, of Mangrove Cay, Andros, Bahamas. She was the youngest of her parents’ five children.

As a child, Menett was athletic. She enjoyed playing basketball and was pretty good at it. But more importantly, Menett was interested in God and desired to have a closer relationship with him.

Becoming Jehovah’s Friend

August 20, 2022
Menett’s desire to draw close to God resulted in her studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses as a teenager. She enjoyed the informative Bible discussions she and Sister Barbara Eastman had each week.
Her path to the truth wasn’t without trials. For instance, her father, well-meaning in his actions, didn’t like that the congregation meetings required her to be out after dark. So he tried to discourage her attendance by locking the doors to the house while she was at the meeting. Her mother (who in time also became a Witness), would let her in after her father was asleep. At other times, he gave her chores when she was about to leave the house for the house to house ministry. But she would respectfully comply with his wishes, and the brothers would simply fetch her at a later time. She set a fine example in respecting her father while sticking with Jehovah. And her endurance paid off. One morning, her father went into her room and found her on her knees praying. He went back to her mom and said, “I ain’t bothering with her no more. She’s praying to her Jehovah.” 
It eventually became very clear to all around Menett, that she was determined to use her life to do Jehovah’s will. In an interview during her 46th pioneer anniversary party, she mentioned how her school teachers would ask what career she wanted to do after graduation. She would always say, “Pioneering”.
On October 20, 1967, at the age of 16, she symbolized her dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. From that day on, her entire life revolved around Jehovah. Her whole-souled example even played a role in her father starting to study the Bible prior to his death.

Living for Jehovah

August 20, 2022
In 1970, Menett began her lifelong career as a regular pioneer, spending more than 50 years, full-time, aiding at least 80 interested ones to come to know and love Jehovah as she did. As she put it, she figured “it was the most important work to do” and “the best choice ever.” With such love for people and the preaching work itself, she gained many lifelong friends. Some of those friends also became fellow pioneers. It brought Menett great pleasure to assist them in fulfilling their assignment.

Sometime after Menett began pioneering, she was extended the privilege of special pioneering in San Salvador, Bahamas. Being the only Witness on the island at the time presented challenges, especially preaching from house to house on an island where there was community pressure to reject the Kingdom message. However, her efforts bore fruit decades later.

Menett also valued the spiritual provisions from Jehovah. She attended the first Pioneer Service School held in the Bahamas in 1977, but did not hesitate to accept an additional invitation to attend in 1978. She was never missing from the meetings, and loved family worship. Menett was known for taking pleasure in spending time alone with Jehovah in prayer and reading his word. Another way she showed her zeal for spiritual provisions was ensuring that literature was well used and appreciated. If she knew where there was an unused study publication, perhaps at a former Bible student’s home, she would retrieve it to be placed with a truly interested person.
Recent stories

Cool as a cucumber

September 4, 2022
Sister Russell's zeal I will always. cherish because it inspired me.  Tamara was an infant I was holding in my arms as Menette took the door.  The householder came to her front window with a German Shepherd barking and trying to come through the window to attack us.  She asked us to hold and went out her back door, opened her side gate snd allowed the dog to come out.  She ran back to her window to watch the charade.  The dog's head was even with my chest.  I was so afraid I couldn't move.  He suddenly stopped sniffed Tsmara, me then Menette while wagging his tail.  He returned to the window inside and barking ferociously again.  Menette continued with her presentation snd offered the confused looking house holder the WT and Awake magazines.  It was an experience I will not forget.
Patrice Hudson.
August 29, 2022
I remember the first time I worked in service with auntie. I learnt so much from her teaching abilities but also her as a person. She was so infectious that that evening I went home , I started a conversation with my wife about going full time into the service because of the joy I got. With time I really appreciated the examples she had set for Tamara, so much that I called Tamara the prodigal daughter to which she always said that was ok with her as long as Tamara was out being busy in doing Jehovahs will.
 I truly appreciated her example as I saw it in action. I remember with fondness us visiting a house under construction where we met 4 men who were bigger than both she and I, I had my doubts but she didn’t. She preached to them and softened their hearts to which they called her mom… we had several returns on them before that project was finished…. Every Thursday. She showed strength, kindness, boldness and love for Jehovahs way…. I will continue to appreciate that as I try my best to do the same. I look forward to seeing auntie again, this time with a cane

Never Forgotten

August 29, 2022
Both your parents  had a good reputation with Jehovah and they gave the most precious gift to you and that is to know Jehovah. They accomplished Jehovah’s will for parents!! I am sure both of them were very proud of you in that regard
Your Mom helped sooooo many people in the truth. I was privileged to learn how to pioneer by working with her in service. I think that was the first 12 hour day I had ever experienced . She put her studies on a list and they new that if they missed their study they would loose there place in line
Some would beg her not to loose their place She was a serious Pioneer and I learned so much from working with her. She knew the truth backwards and forwards any way you throw it she could give you Jehovahs mind on the matterAwesome!!
So for now we wait to see her again… Jehovah promised he will help you cope. But it is still a process and that’s ok. 
I love you and Richard very much and am praying that Jehovah comfort your hearts ♥️❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
Ps 94:19
Ps 34:18
Ps 42:6
Isa 41:10
Ps 42:6
Jer 29:11

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