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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Michael Bailey, Jr., 26, born on July 11, 1985 and passed away on April 9, 2012. We will remember him forever. Michael Anthony Bailey Jr was a blessing to our family the minute he entered this world. He was born to Charlene Coleman and the late Michael Anthony Bailey Sr. He departed this life to join his loving Grandmother Joanne Hall. Mikey was loved by so many. He loved the outdoors, loved living life, and loved taking care of his family. He excepted everyone for who they were, no matter what happened. He had the biggest heart anyone could have. A smile that'll lighten up a room, a personality that everyone had no choice but to love, and a soul that was built for every purpose in life. So many judged the outside and never really got the chance to know the real him.A young man caught in the streets and misjudged by a lot of people. There was only one him and no one can ever fill his shoes.

July 12
July 12
Heyy. To my favorite cousin. When I seen your memorial come up, my like I still remember that day so clear when you left me. I was so messed up and think about it still sometimes. You were really my favorite cousin. Your smile was the best I ever seen and your forehead kisses was everything to me. It let me know how much you loved your cousin even when we got on each other nerves. You have a lil baby cousin that I know you would go crazy over and be so protective over. I love you cousin and miss you very much.
July 11
Mikey I came back, this has got to be one of the worse feelings in the wild trying to be happy when u have loss a very special person in ur life and only HOZd knows y. Do I suppose to learn something from this I really can’t understand. How do I go on ?
July 11
Good Morning Mikey I can’t believe u would’ve been 39 years old today. 13 years u have been out of our lives and it still feels like yesterday, next year the big 40 we are going to have a big party. Happy Birthday to u!!! I wish I could love u to life
April 10
April 10
Hey Mikey I love and miss u so much, I wrote on ur page for ur bday last year and it stayed in the box I don’t know how. Then yesterday I went to write on ur page I found it and sent it and wrote another one yesterday but, I can’t find either one. I don’t be knowing what I’m doing but, anyways this is the hardest year I have had this far. I feel so bad that I didn’t get justice for u but, playfully God will allow me to see just for u. I wish I knew everything that happened that dreadful day of ur passing, our family has really been suffering and not to mention some of ur friends. You are so very loved I pray that u continue to watch over us. Love always Ma
April 9
April 9
Mikeyyyy!!! I miss calling you for no reason just because you would listen. It’s been 12 years and I still can’t face the fact that you are never coming back. You would be so proud of me. I have managed to turn my pain into work. I think Miya has a lot of you in her and she looks like you. This year is really hard, I need you. I wish I knew why Terrence Garrett wanted you gone so badly. Living without you is crazy but I’m trying my best to keep everyone up. Keep us all together. I wish you could meet your sweet but not so sweet nieces in the flesh. They are amazing little girls and the reason I try so hard to stay strong. Please come back and visit me. I need a hug from my brother. I love and miss you so much
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
It’s now 2023 an I still think about you .. I’m still living for you like Yu told me Yu left me in 12’ but I got endless memories of us being in nalley apts an around 51 I miss you bro , I’ll never forget the night Yu saved my life I love you Mike last thing Yu told me do was tell yur mother where Yu was whn I saw Yu in jail cuz I was gettin out before you Shìt crazy ikno if Yu was here wit me I’d be forever straight kee resting MJ
July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023
Hey Mikey Happy Birthday it took me a minute because it’s hard for me to try to talk to u and not see ur face. This is the worst feeling ever, I love u and continue to watch over us all
July 11, 2023
July 11, 2023

I miss you so much but continue to hold back tears. I’ve been thinking about you so much. I swear on days that I am low I just need one hug, see one smile, and hear your voice. The last conversation we had randomly repeats in my head and I wish I had just came back home. I never imagined having to live without you and it sucks. No matter how much life moves on, happiness comes and goes but it’s always just been us. I wish we told each other we loved each other more and actually express how we felt. But I know you loved me because you continue to be our guardian angel. Please come visit me I need you.

Happy birthday old man I wish you were here to celebrate with us. You would adore your nieces!
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
Happy Birthday! can’t believe time is flying by like crazy the big 37 man I’m old Went to ur spot it was vandalized again Idk who is so disrespectful but it’s all good I miss u like crazy not a day goes by that my heart don’t ache I can’t go to the spot today I got Covid maybe I can slide through when no body else is there I love always
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
Mikeyyy!!! 10 years has passed and it literally felt like it happened all over again yesterday. I am pregnant with another baby girl and all I can ever think about is you. I’ve been praying you and grandma keeps her safe and sound. I didn’t realize until April 1 how much I feared having another baby for this very reason. The baby is due on Scoobys gma birthday, I have two little girls that carry so much meaning it’s scary. I have been holding in my pain for years and now I can’t hide it as much. I’ll never understand why I’ll never see you again and why anyone would have ever wanted to see you suffer death in that way. I know you were crying for help I remember that tear that left a mark from your left eye. I remember what you felt like as I held your hand at the funeral I remembered the last words we said to each other on the phone but I didn’t make it home before you left… I miss you soooo much I try so hard to make you proud. I’ll forever be broken but no one will ever know it… I love you and wish I told you more
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
Yesterday was 10 years since you’ve been gone and I’m no closer to knowing what happened and why. This year was the same as the day it happened. Michelle is the same months pregnant and everything. It was like a flash back. I miss you so much and love you to life if I could but, you that was Gods plan. I felled you because I didn’t fight hard enough to find out what happened. I’m loss for words just no that I will always have you in my heart until we meet again this is my meeting spot…
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Hey Mikey, it’s Mommy, well today is Christmas and I basically spent the day alone. Holidays are just not the same anymore, I cooked no one came over. I did get out and took people plates tho, I miss u and mom so much it’s crazy . Shay moved way down NC and is not talking to anyone. Chryst I don’t know what is going on with him he lost his drive and I don’t know how to help him. Well I love u and miss u 
September 11, 2021
September 11, 2021
Hey Mikey, I don’t know why today is a rough day for me, I’ve been thinking about you all day. I wish I would’ve followed my motherly instincts that day maybe things would be different. I just want to know why he had to take u in such a brutal way. I need u
September 11, 2021
September 11, 2021
Man Mike I woke up and had you on my mind. I think about you a lot and still say I can’t believe it. You was my favorite male cousin and we did a lot of stuff together. With us together we was scare of nothing. I still miss those bites on my cheeks and kisses on my forehead. And then you laughing with that amazing smile. You smile just like your mother and sister. Ma has gone off this earth too now and I know how you loved her. And I be lost alot of times but God keeps me going somehow. This thing called life has been different and not the same since y’all left here.
April 11, 2021
April 11, 2021
Hey Mikey, nine long years so many things have changed in our lives. I miss u so much, I don’t think I can ever be normally. I don’t know where I’m going to end up with my life, I’ve been moving real different lately not always doing the safe thing but, doing what I feel at the time. We still continue to visit the spot where u were murdered and still have no answers. Praying one day someone will be able to give me the true story. I always wonder if u called out for me and I wasn’t there to help u, if u suffered long and did the person that did this to u what was he thinking maybe one day.... I love with all that I have!!!!RIH!!!
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Mikey!!!! I just want you to know I am who I am because of you! I am forever trying to make you and grandma proud of me. I wish you could be here just to see how much your little sister has grown. I love and miss you everyday!!!
April 9, 2020
April 9, 2020
Hey Mike it’s been 8 long years, the time is flying by and yet it still feel like it happened yesterday. I keep praying to God like u said and he is carrying me through these struggling times. I know he don’t make mistakes but, I wish we could’ve had more time. U r so loved and missed here by so many, I wish I could find out what really happened that day. I think I would be able to deal better. All I know is ur gone and I don’t know y. I love u so very much oh and I guess u know ur third mom (Anita) passed. I pray that Tiffany will be ok but, Hersey haven’t been right since u left, watch over him and bring him out of his darkness. Well I’ll see u at ur spot in about 2 hours later
July 12, 2019
July 12, 2019
Heyyy. My man hunti grand. I forgot to write something to you on your birthday. I miss you soo much and dont really understand the whole thing. I will never forget I will calling your phone at the time it all happened that's what I cant never get out my head. I know you know that I think of you often and the last time I wrote I was talking to wonnie about you now you talking to wonnie without me. I love yall dudes. The realest guys I will ever know. I miss the bites on my cheeks and the kisses on my forehead and that amazing smile. I just miss you like crazy Mike. O and ma said that she miss you too and she love you. I love you cuz.
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
Happy 34th Birthday Mikey!!! I miss you so much. I wish you could see your niece, she is such a handful. Every year feels like this just happened. I wish I could hear your voice, see your smile, and hug you again. There is so much I wish I could share with you in the flesh. I promised myself to continue to do the best I can to live life to your satisfaction and never disappoint you. I’m living for you and grandma. I love you I promise I’ll make you proud!!!
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
Hey Mikey it’s ur 34th Birthday, it’s suppose to rain all day but, u know me I’ll be there at ur spot trying to hold on. Next year I want to have a big bday party cookout for u with a DJ food and all the works. Man life is not the same without u but, at least u don’t have to be here to see our struggles of life. Everybody going through their own things and try not to pass judgement because I know one struggle is no better than the others. Just know that u r very missed down here and I love u and wish that I could see that smile again. Happy Birthday and tell ma I said I miss and need her.
July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018
Hey Mikey, mommy love and miss u so much. I has a cross over there on ur spot, after 6 years someone went over there and took it off. I am so devastated, that's what I used to focus on when I go there so, I won't be trying to figure out what spot on the ground u laid struggling for life while that coward left u to die. Loosing u was the hardest thing I had to endure. I know ur up there watching over us and pay special attention to ur lil sis ur niece and lil bruh chryst they are all I got watch over them for me please. I know ur up there chilling with gma and now ur gdad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY!!! I wish I could love u to life love always Mommy.
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
Happy Birthday Big Bro !! I miss you so much.. nobody really knows who you were to me. When we were young I was like your shadow growing up I always looked up to you and had so much love for you even in my teens whenever I saw you it was like I turned into a Lil kid again because I was so happy to see you. I can't deal with the pain Mike still till this day I can't hold the tears in I remember seeing your face in the clouds smiling down on the family at your candle light and that's how I really knew you God had let you in. Seeing Ma it's like looking at you in the face I turn into a lil kid inside when I see her too but since you been gone things ain't been the same at all I know you keeping us strong to continue our lives without you... You were really the only person I call on whenever I hit rock bottom. And whenever I call you I stop thinking negative and try stay on a positive note and keep it pushing and thats exactly what Ima keep doing..Love you bro and Happy Birthday Again
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
Hey Mikey I tried to write this post 2 other times and some how while I was writing it, it disappeared. I'm gonna try this one more time and hope you don't erase it. Man oh man 32 years, I am really getting old. It's your birthday yaaaaay, wish you was here so we could celebrate. I miss you Mikey, you know learning to forgive is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, no I take that back it's the second hardest thing I had to do. Living without you is the hardest. I know that I have to keep pushing and stop being so revengeful. To stay on the positive Ilove you Happy Birthday!!! Continue to be my angel and watch over us.oh yeah I couldn't share my secret because other be reading
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Hey Mikey, they say time heals all wounds but, that's not true. I'm still hurting like it happened today. So much is going on out here it don't makr sense. Chink out here lost, I been trying to get him to get himself together. He has to stand up and put his man shoes on now that mom is gone but it's hard for him. I think he's gonna make it though. Man I really miss u though, you and mom. Sometimes it just seem like I'm just here waiting for my time, having no purpose in life but, then I look at kay and I know I have to hang in there. Love u to life only if that was possible... smooches
February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016
Mikey I miss you so much. I keep looking at life as if it isn't real. The things that are happening in my life can't be real but sadly enough they are. I never thought that I could ever survive without you. But amazingly I have and I am as strong as I ever been. I never told you this before but thank you for being my first friend my protector my brother and most of all my angel. I know that it's you and grandma making me so strong keeping my head held high with imaginary string. You are both asking God to look over me and guide me in the right direction and I thank you for that. Tell your niece to stop being so bad. Omg she's into make up she loves to play dress up, I was the total opposite i don't know where she gets it from. She models and curtsy lol if only you can physically see this. I know you all are keeping hands over her. It's been a while since I've written you. I always wonder if you can actually read this but I say it as I'm writing just in case you're hear listening. I love you and still looking for understanding of why???
July 11, 2015
July 11, 2015
I just did all that writing to you and all it saved was happy birthday... Ugh

I wish you were here to celebrate this moment with us. We miss you so much. There are so many times that I look at your niece and wish that I can share those moments with you physically. It's been three years already and it still feels brand new. I always try to figure out why you and why it happened. I have so much to share with you so much to talk about. Hopefully soon you'll come see me and it can be like old times. I miss calling you for no reason I miss you disappearing and calling me just to check in. Things are so different without you. I never imagined this and having to live without you and it's by far the hardest thing I have to do. I've become so sheltered. I sit and think and mommy and Kayla is all I have what am I going to do if anything ever happened to mommy without you. I needed you I needed you so much. I just wish you knew how much I loved you so you would have came home more and stayed out of trouble. I love you Mikey and just wishing that I can see you again soon. Forever in my heart❤️
July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015
Hey Mikey it's almost that time for the big 30 wish u were here to celebrate it. We still go to the spot where it all happened but I'm thinking that I may start having a cookout celebration on ur bday cause so many people still come out to celebrate. Well u know me, never too much to say love u!!!! Until we meet again, oh yeah give gma a big hug for me and tell her I love and miss her soooo much.... PS tell uncle D whats up too....
April 30, 2015
April 30, 2015
i been dead for a while cuz u aint been here for a while I even forgot my info to my profile but I know now..wat I cnt forget to jot dwn...but i never forget to drop dwn..drop everything in the moment and remember them given moments..them memories I be ownin..It dnt seem its been long feel like yesterday u came home throwin rocks a my window cuz pops was a trip typing these words and I think your sitting next to me I wish I could see you cuz I know you got a mess for me..always told me stories leavin tears to the chest of me..full of joy and laughter cuz u was always the best to be..using the word was feels so empty but my soul feels the same no longer coming off as simply..i love you and every day the devid tempts me to do the strangest things but I look at my son and I see some of your strangest every ones heart you live some how and through his existence I feel you now <3 <3 <3
December 8, 2014
December 8, 2014
Hey Mikey it's mommy, just thinking about u and mom, I hope yall up there hanging out. I miss yall so much, I wish I could turn the clock back, I would do so many things different. Yall don't know how much everybody miss yall. Not a day go by that my mind is not on u and ma. If I could have change my life for yours I would and that would bring u back right now without hesitation I would bring u back. Smh I fell so bad sometimes its if I to am gone. I just pray that when its my time to go I'll come where ever u r. I love with all my heart. Give ma a big hug for me be easy.....
September 30, 2014
September 30, 2014
Hey, Mikey its mommy I haven't been here in a while becau see I feel like I let u down... I didn't proctect u from the bad people like a parent is suppose to do. I think about u all the time wishing I could hear your voice say ma dont worry about it everything is good. I had a candlelighting for your birthday a lot of people still showing u love. U r truly missed by so many, its amazing to see u had so much fam. Well I love and miss u smdh gone too soon....
July 14, 2014
July 14, 2014
hey cuz..... man, me and cheese was talkin bout we miss u and how we wish we can c u around. its so much that u have missed..... i still from time to time think about when on that very day at 7:18 i was tiring to call u and u never answered... i mean i called back to back...... and no answer..... sometimes i wish that i had just rode around to look for u and found u to save u........ ima go now to you later......holdin (back tears)
July 11, 2014
July 11, 2014
Happy 29th Birthday!!!!! My how time has flown by. I wish I could rewind time. I love and miss you. Im about to get some sleep talk to you in the morning
July 10, 2014
July 10, 2014
One more day until your day!!!! Just a few years ago I was telling you 3 more years until your 30 old man. Lol now Here's 29 creeping up on you. I know you don't really have years in heaven thats eternal. I wont celebrate your birthday but celebrate the time we had together. Your last days was the best days of my life. Getting to spend so much time with you and you sleeping in my room. Riding around with my pregnant behind to find the pinacolada slurpee. My how I would kill just to have one more day with you one more laugh one nore hug and one more chance to see you smile. I miss you so much
July 9, 2014
July 9, 2014
Its been a while since I wrote you. You haven't been to see me since that crazy dream I had. I miss you so much. I feel so unsafe now that you're gone. There's no one out here like you and to top it off. No one out here I can call my blood. Things gets crazy sometimes. Im so ready to move and get away from the craziness. Its always something. Oh yea twin been mad at me. Idk how to feel about it but it is what it is. Your birthday in two days I wish you were here old head then I could tease you about becoming 30. Ill be back later gotta go. I love and miss you so so very much!
January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
It has been awhile! But I talk to you all the time. Why haven't you came to see me. Give me a kiss goodnight to ease my mind. I can never get any sleep. I miss you so much. Things just get so difficult without ypu. You were my ace. When anything else failed I have you. Im so afraid to be away from family seems like anyone can just slip through my fingers at any given time. Still can't believe you left me. What am I supposed to do without you. Its almost been 2years and it still feels like yesterday. Trying to find my way without you. I could think of so many things that you would be inyo right now music games everything. Your niece would be your daughter and I would have to fight you for her. Man shes getting so big and reminds me of you. I call her killa Kay lmao cause shes just like killa mike. She has a huge personality. And love the outdoors just like you no how cold or hot it is.Lol a piece of you came back in her. Shes a wild child. I just wish you and grandma was here to share this moment with me. Mommy and I talk about ya constantly. .. well guess I have to try and get some sleep but only if you promise to come see me. I love you Mikey through everything I loved you and I still do!!! Miss you so very much.
January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
Oh and one more thing come party with us for our birthdays. Ill be 25 a year I would love to share with you. So many memories to make. So many new things to experience. ... I will have my hand waiting to meet yours again and hopefully I can actually feel it in my mine. I love you!!!!
January 18, 2014
January 18, 2014
Waddduuuppp My nigga..Just was thinking bout you brah, Harvey B-day just passed so I know both of yall up there acting up..LOL..Real niggaz always get called home first. Missing you brah, its times like this one where I'd be stressing then i'll see you outside and you always say some words to get me back on always showed a nigga love..KEEP RESTING big Homie!!
July 27, 2013
July 27, 2013
Hey Mikey, even though I have Michelle, Chryst, and Naire I still have a emptiness in my heart. I love them like crazy but I miss u like crazy I don't know how people loose their children and go on. I think if it wasn't for Michelle and them I would be gone off my rocks. I been drinking almost everyday since you've been gone. Hope God shines his.light down on me and rescue me from all this
July 24, 2013
July 24, 2013
Hey boo first i wanna say i miss u like crazy and love u soo much bout to move to n.c but know that i will still come visit my poohbear b4 i go imma hit your spot.tell auntie i sure do wish i can feel those chicken lips on these jaws right now.i love u both take it ez bae
July 20, 2013
July 20, 2013
Hey what's up cuz. Its 12:55 am and I'm crying cause i miss my homie.U remember when me, u and wonnie use to get down wit them situations as u called it. And then we order Carryout. U would always get shrimp egg foo yung.I gotta go and sleep to go get this paper when I get up.. ttyl
July 19, 2013
July 19, 2013
Hey babes.its been a min since i talk to u but we had it up for your birthday boo.i know that was u lettin your presence b known when that balloon came floatin around the corner.i miss u like crazy.i bougbt u this real pretty cake wit tbat gorgeous smile.niggas got to trippin we didnt get a chance to sing happy bday...i still wait for your 3a.m phone call hopin its still a bad dream.your ll
July 19, 2013
July 19, 2013
Nykirah talks about u all fhe times she wanted to get u balloons for v day and 1 got stuck in the tree she say mommy aint u goin get up their and get your ba y china a mess all she do is kiss all your pics.she funny.but imma talk to u later baby.i miss u and love u soooo much more.muah continue to watch over us R.I.PARADISE MY LOVE.TELL AUNTIE Hey chicken love u
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
Happy Birthday!!!!! I wish you were here,I miss you so much sometimes I just want to check out just to see you again. I miss seeing your face and I cant stand the fact that Kayla never got to enjoy her loving uncle. Im still trying to wake up out this dream cause its still not real. I catch myself looking at a tshirt like its not true at all. Its like im in a horrible daze and im not livin
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
This life anymore. Its a different world without you and my lovely grandmother. Have you been visiting your niece I need her to know you and know that her uncle was the only guy that was real. I want her to know the truth about what happened to you and why it had to happen. I judt think sometimes would you still be here if i didnt have her? Come visit mr please. I miss you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
Hey, Mikey HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Missing u like crazy still can't believe your gone all the time waiting for your call or u to pop up. We had a candle lighting for u today it started out good a lot of people who live u showed up. Some of your Lil so called homies showed up and acted out
July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013
You know what I don't understand this is one of the same Lil niggas you lose your life for that didn't want to say anything against the police faken like he for u but u know what this is your day love u and miss u always. FUCK DA POLICE LOL PEACE RIP
May 21, 2013
May 21, 2013
Hey, Mike mommy miss u so much, everyday I am expecting a call or a knock at the door and to answer or open the door to hear your voice or see your smiling face smh. Only if I know that u were leaving so soon so many thing I wanted to share with u. I knew something wasn't right that day and I should have stayed home fro from work that day and u would have never left the house but damn too llala
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July 12
July 12
Heyy. To my favorite cousin. When I seen your memorial come up, my like I still remember that day so clear when you left me. I was so messed up and think about it still sometimes. You were really my favorite cousin. Your smile was the best I ever seen and your forehead kisses was everything to me. It let me know how much you loved your cousin even when we got on each other nerves. You have a lil baby cousin that I know you would go crazy over and be so protective over. I love you cousin and miss you very much.
July 11
Mikey I came back, this has got to be one of the worse feelings in the wild trying to be happy when u have loss a very special person in ur life and only HOZd knows y. Do I suppose to learn something from this I really can’t understand. How do I go on ?
July 11
Good Morning Mikey I can’t believe u would’ve been 39 years old today. 13 years u have been out of our lives and it still feels like yesterday, next year the big 40 we are going to have a big party. Happy Birthday to u!!! I wish I could love u to life
His Life

May 22, 2011

May 22, 2020
On this day nine years ago, I held our grandmas hand as she took her last breath. I remember getting in my car and speeding to you. You were on the basketball court at Bladensburg Elementary and I told you Mikey come on we gotta go. You kept asking me why you look like that. I said just come on we gotta go. I rushed you to her and you cried kissing her cold cheek asking why she left you. She was our backbone. But 11 months later she was there for you. Even tho I seen that last tear dried up on your face I knew you were not alone but hurt your time had come I will never forget this moment and I will never understand why you both had to go for my daughter to be here. She’s doesn’t just need Ma she needed you all. 
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April 9
Hey Mikey it’s been 12 years to this day that u left us and it still feels like today.  Only God know the reason why u left us the way u did.  I’m so sorry I couldn’t get justice for u but, u know the police all stick together.  I wish I knew what really happened and a way to fix so many people pain from loosing u.  I love and miss u so much, I wish I could turn back time everything would be so different.   Until we meet again I love u
April 9
Hey Mikey ur bday cookout turned out so well, they had u one around Quincy too.  U r loved and missed by so many, I never thought that I would have to communicate with u in this way but, however I can will.  I love u so much and wish I would have told more often. LIL Warren is working on his case again, I can’t wait for him to get but, at the same time I’m afraid for him in or out.  Watch over and protect him more send extra angels...Chelle is standing strong and holding it down, u know her anniversary is on ur bday but, her and Jon postponed their plans to make sure I was ok.  Chelle is trying to open ur case back up so send us something we can use... HBDLove u always

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