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His Life


April 29
Born to Mr. Francis Amasah Ashie (Deceased) and Madam Mary Harriet Lokko-Ashie on October 26, 1972 at Osu. Edward Michael Nikoi Ashie was the 2nd born of three (3) boys. He spent his early childhood with his parents and brothers in Osu.

Edward Michael Nikoi Ashie began his elementary education at the Royal Preparatory School located at Osu. After successfully completing his primary education, he sat for the common entrance examination in 1985 and passed. In 1986, he subsequently gained admission into Mfantsipim School in Cape Coast to pursue his secondary education. While in Mfantsipim school he represented his house (Bartels-Sneath) in some sporting activities such as 400m and football. He completed his O’levels education at Mfantsipim School in 1991, and later became a full member of the MOBA 91’-year group, an association of old students of the school, and was very active in many projects undertaken by the group until his sudden demise.

Having discovered early in life that he had a knack for teaching, Edward Michael Nikoi Ashie in 1994 enrolled at Fosu Training College (now Fosu College of Education) for a three (3) year course in teacher training, where he was award with a post-secondary teacher’s certificate(A) in 1997 upon completion. In 1997 he was posted by the Ghana Education Service to teach at the Asuom basic primary school in the Western Region. After teaching for two (2) years in the Western Region Eddie relocated to Accra in 1999 to teach at the Nungua Anglican Basic School & Teshie Anglican basic school in Nungua and Teshie respectively. In his quest for higher education, Edward applied and gained admission into University of Ghana, Legon to pursue a degree in Political Science in the year 2001. Upon graduation, he taught Information Communication Technology (ICT) at the Teshie Roman Catholic basic school for a couple of years. He had a phenomenal impact on the pupils he taught was truly loved by them.

After teaching for a couple of years Edward decided to leave the teaching field and got employed by the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in 2018 as an Administrative Manager and was stationed at the surgery department, a position he held until his untimely demise on the 3rd of March, 2024.

Eddie, as he was affectionately called, was a gentleman with a touch of fashion; he would choose his wardrobe with utmost care, making sure it was apt for the occasion. No wonder he looked dapper anytime, any day, anywhere. Edward was also a sports enthusiast. It was his passion for soccer that led him to join the Ghana Blackstars Supporters Union, which took him to South Africa to support the National Team during the 2010 World Cup.

But Edward’s passion was not only to be seen in sports; he was also a charismatic person who liked to make an impact on any and every group he was a member of. This he did by championing new ideas or programs that would benefit the larger group. He was instrumental in facilitating the construction of some important infrastructural projects such as street lights, drains, roads etc. at Teshie Akosombo No.1. Some of these infrastructural projects within the community today would not have seen the light of day if not for his personal efforts and lobbing to the appropriate authorities. When necessary, he would use his exceptional communication skills to exert pressure on politicians to provide the necessary amenities within the community from time to time.

Eddie also worked with an NGO called Malachi Ministry International, an NGO based in the United States of America, that has one of its core mandates to visit developing countries every December to present gifts to orphaned children. The NGO has partnered with top artists such as the beautiful and adorable X factor contestant Jennifer Philips and beautiful Efe who are deeply involved in the NGO’s philanthropism.

Being the grandson of a Reverend Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Eddie was raised as a staunch Christian. He embraced the Lord as his true friend, he could always count upon and never missed the opportunity whenever he had to fellowship with the Lord.

Eddie was committed to family unity and was instrumental and helpful in organizing family gatherings by coordinating effectively to ensure the success of every event.

Eddie had been unwell for couple of weeks, up until Sunday,25th of February 2024, when his condition worsened. He was therefore rushed to the Korle Bu Polyclinic where after careful diagnosis was referred to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (Surgical Unit) due to his condition. Doctors at the surgical unit did their utmost best and stabilized Eddie’s condition and continued to monitor his progress towards recovery. Unfortunately, as faith may have it, Eddie’s Maker also had other plans for his life and called Eddie to be with Him in Heaven on Sunday, 3rd March 2024. Honestly, we were completely shattered as a family as we least expected Eddie to pass on so suddenly when he was full of life and was in his prime to achieving his goals. Well, our God knows best.

Eddie, left behind his wife Maryann Lartey and two (2) sons Jesse and Jason Ashie, mother, brothers, family and friends who mourn him dearly.


Rest well in the Lords Bossom