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His Life

Childhood Memories

July 3, 2013
As children, my brother and I were very close. We spent a lot of time together playing outside and causing a ruckus through our neighborhood. I remember when he broke his ankle. We were playing in the yard with some of the other kids in the neighborhood. Playing a joke on one of the other boys, Michael threw the boy's shoe onto our roof. Well, our neighbor had his ladder outside, so Michael and the other boy grabbed the ladder and brought it to our house. They climbed up and got the shoe. The other boy climbed down safely, but the neighbor got upset that his ladder was at our house. Not knowing Michael was still on the roof, our neighbor took his ladder and put it in his garage. After the neighbor was in his house, Michael yells for me to help him down. I told him to jump onto our deck and figured he'd be OK, it wasn't THAT far down, right? So, he tells me he'll jump but only if I catch him. OK, sure. So, he jumps and I attempt to catch him. We fall, obviously, and we hear a loud cracking noise. Michael grabs his ankle as we watch it swell up. The other by and I carry him inside and get him to the couch. I make him an ice pack for his ankle. The boy then dashes out of our house and goes home as we realize what time it is and that our parents will be home very soon. Freaking out now because we weren't supposed to have friends over and definitely weren't allowed to be catapulting from our roof, we had to think of a story and FAST. Michael decides we will tell our parents that we were running through our backyard and he tripped over the sandbox. Sure, sounds good, right? Wrong! MAYBE that would have worked had Michael just sprained his ankle, but after a trip to thhe ER, we discover that his ankle is broken and our riicukous story made absolutely no sense. So, we go home, Michael now on crutches and in a cast, sticking to our ridiculous story. Tripping over a sandbox and breaking a bone, LOL. I know we aren't supposed to lie to our parents, but we didn't want to get in trouble! And knowing OUR parents, there's NO way they believed that fabrication!