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April 30, 2021
Mike ,you have been away for years, you have been silent
Where is that smile from a loving soul
Would have loved to  have you here. We cannot  question God
I appreciate every  moment you shared with me
Dearest we will meet one
May you continue to rest peacefully 
God loves you best

Dearly Missed.

April 29, 2021
We cherish fond memories of you, dear Mike.  Your loving and enthusiastic life is dearly missed on this side of eternity.  You made everyone around you feel so very special and genuinely so. Thank you.
Even during those challenging times of your treatment for illness, your faith in the Lord was firm, as you repeated the phrase, "God dey".  God is alive indeed and with us all the time. Now you are with Him in eternity.
Thank you for sharing your life with us all.  Continue to rest in the perfect peace of the Lord.  We will meet one glorious day.  Dayie, Mike.

Kwame and Jackie
June 12, 2014

Our last nigt with you in Tunis, July 2013.  We will forever miss that sweet smile. RIP Monsieur Kwafo

May 9, 2014

Dear Mike,

It's Babatunde ..... and yes, thanks, I am well, I think. But I'm not really... still too upset ...... still terribly upset .... I just feel so sorry that you won't get to enjoy the house you so passioantely talked about ...... there'll be no invitation to the all night house warming party either ....... not now. Was it even finished, Michael? Will it ever be finished and become the home that was to mean so much to you? Was there enough time at all?
One of these days, when I make it to Ghana, I hope to visit the dream house in the hope that life's struggles may take on some meaning for me .... Till then, it's just lingering sadness and tears for a very kind guy. But alas, even those cannot bring you back....... ever. 

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