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April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015
Oga Mike as you are fondly called by my hubby. How time flies its already 1yr. As we all continue to remember and cherish the good times we shared we pray that the good Lord will continue to guard and protect the family you left behind.
We shall continue to remember you.
April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015
En cette journée anniversaire de ton départ pour l’autre monde, je garderai toujours en mémoire l'image de toi toujours aussi joviale, ta générosité et ta joie de vivre qui sont et resteront pour moi et pour plusieurs d’entre nous un exemple. Je souhaite qu'au milieu de ces larmes, nous puissions esquisser un sourire de fierté en nous disant : "c'était quelqu'un de bien, mon cher frère Mike".
Repose en Paix.
April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015
Dear Mike,

The tears have actually stopped pouring by the bucket but they have not quite dried up yet .... one sad year has passed since you slipped into eternity; full of living of course, as I believe you'd have wished - births and deaths; laughter; dancing; eating; falling out and making up; attending church; returning to Abidjan and so on - but sadder for your no longer being a physical presence, a human voice; your chuckle, now an eternal audible silence ....

I went to Aburi and I saw and now, I can appreciate your dream. The far away look as your face lit up when you described your vision for the place ... you are there, resting, forever at peace. 

You are missed, Michael, but the uplifting memories of exemplary integrity and selflessness; of your infectious and mirthful sense of humour; of your dignity remain, ever vivid.

The 'family' will convene to reminisce and celebrate your life. Sleep on in perfect peace mate.

April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015
Coucou mon ami je suis sûre que tu es sous un cocotier entouré par des amis en buvant une bière comme tu me l'avais toujours dit à propos de ta retraite. Tu n'es jamais parti tu resteras toujours permis nous avec ton sourire ta générosité et ta bonne éducation il n'y aura jamais ton égal.repose en paix mon ami
June 23, 2014
June 23, 2014
My dear Friend, my Dear big Brother Michael,
I knew that you were sick but for me the worst was behind us.
When I saw you last October in Tunis after many years, you were just the Michael I have always known  : Smiling, friendly, positive attitude, encouraging and carrying.
Each time I have the feeling that I couldn't make it in my life, I am thinking about what you used to tell me : " Kadi, please be patient, God is with you, just focus & pray, the rest will come from his end"
You were right indeed. Michael, you are a Son of God and to him you have returned my Dear Friend. May God bless you with a restful peace in the other world.
We will miss you forever
June 13, 2014
June 13, 2014
Blessed Are The Peacemakers

My Ital Brother has passed - Hallelujah
I'll remember you my kind gentle giant  - epitome of spirit first and effortless humanity.

My Ital brother has passed - Hallelujah
I'll remember your wide embracing smile (like Ma's)
Putting everyone at ease with your very presence
Omitting vibes of calm, acceptance - protecting.

My Ital brother has passed - Hallelujah
despite pain and adversity your insightful wisdom, patience, optimism and courage
stood the test of time

My Ital brother has passed - Hallelujah
Your Heaven bears no comparison to this Earth.
So Rest in HIS Peace and Glory.
Your light shineth forever this side
Beckoning to all that know and love you.

Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall inherit the Earth

Your Ital Daata - BEV.
June 13, 2014
June 13, 2014
Mr. Michael was a great friend for me since 2007. I meet Mr. Michael when he was searching for Solar Energy Components to be installed at his home country. From that time, he became my real friend.
Mr. Michael, I miss you so much, we spent excellent time together in Tunis discussing for building your dream, the solar lighting systems at your home, also, for your colleagues. You asked me several to make design and installation kits for solar lighting systems for your colleagues and for several African countries.
You were very friendly, you loved all people working with you. Your supported all your colleagues.
I remember you all the time smiling, I never forget you, when you called me from London at our Aid Muslim occasion, and I was very sad, when you informed me about your health. I pried for you and asking God for you.
Michael, thanks for knowing you, may you rest in peace.
June 12, 2014
June 12, 2014
Yes, we will forever miss you, Monsieur Kwafo. RIP
June 12, 2014
June 12, 2014
Dearest Michael, you made a strong impression all those years ago when we first met when Ellen was a young student, and you continued to be this dignified, charismatic elder brother. Your warmth and ease of personality will be missed and my heartfelt sympathy to Ellen, Fred and the rest of your family.
June 10, 2014
June 10, 2014
Mike, the news of your passing came to us as a shock. Only about a year ago at your beloved Aburi cottage we were celebrating your recovery. You looked great and all doubts about your health had dissipated. Little did we know..., but God knows best. Mike, the perfect gentleman, rest in eternal peace
June 3, 2014
June 3, 2014
Dans notre groupe, nous prenions très souvent plaisir à parler de "la formation Kwafo". Cela nous rappelait notre entrée à la BAD. En fait, la "formation Kwafo" n'était rien d'autre que la période d'inducton après notre recrutement à la BAD à Tunis. Michael prenait tout son temps pour expliquer le fonctionnement de la Banque, la vie en Tunisie, avec un calme dont il est le seul à avoir le secret. à moi, il m'appelait toujours "mon jeune frere de jacqueville". Je suis orginaire de jacqueville. Jacqueville est une petite ville à une soixantaine de km d'Abidjan mais dont on ne peut accéder en voiture qu'en empruntant un bac, en raison de son enclavement par la mer et la lagune ébrié. Michael avait beaucoup apprécié cette petite ville ... c'était en fait chez lui. Je lui disait que bientot le Gouvernement construirait un pont pour rendre l'accès plus facile et que je l'inviterait à redécouvrir jacquville. Hélas, Dieu en a décidé autrement... Grand frère Michael, repose en paix.
May 28, 2014
May 28, 2014
It was impossible to meet Mike and not be impacted by him. People like him are very rare. Qualities that people spend a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to attain, seemed to flow so naturally and effortlessly through him. He was so loving, kind, gentle, joyful, peaceful, self controlled, humble and full of life. In all the years I knew him, I never saw or heard him explode in the face of difficult or trying circumstances.
   Our paths first crossed when we were introduced to each other by Yane Sangare, the then head of the English Service of Radiodifussion Ivoirienne in 1983. We became instant friends and from that time on, I became a beneficiary of Mike's big heart and smile, his amazing generosity and heartfelt encouragement and humour even in the face of seemingly insurmountable difficulties.
   He had not embarked on his career with the ADfB then. He was a young man trying to find his feet with a very young family. But even then he threw open his home with such open-hearted hospitality. And after working his way up through the American Embassy in Abidjan and on to the ADB, his selflessness seemed to multiply rather than reduce. To Mike, a friend was for life. I met people he had known closely since his student days in North London.
   He was an ardent supporter of my efforts to carve out a living as an actor (in the 80s) and would not only financially back some of my Abidjan productions but would be cheering me up in the front seat with Raymonde and little Tekyiwa. Until I finally married and settled in England, Mike's home in Abidjan was open to me each time I stopped over in the Ivory Coast with a production or to rest from my travels. And until he left for Tunis, his garden shed was a store to some of my theatre/scenery props.
   He was more than just a friend. 
   Reading the tributes to him, it is not at all surprising to see that he touched all who came into contact with him. He was a gift to mankind. Though I am shocked and saddened that he has left so soon, I am particularly encouraged and overjoyed to learn that in his last days he enjoyed a close walk with God. When all is said and done, it is the most important aspect of our lives.
   So until the final trump call, sleep well my brother till we meet again. How I miss you so!

Albert Kwesi Akonu Atta
May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
Expéditeur: Kamel in Tunis
Objet: Michael kwafo

Cher mon ami Michael !
It has been a very difficult moment for me since I was informed of your passing. It was with deep sadness and big shock for me,because you were a great listener, full of wisdom and great advice; nice grand smile and were an absolute gentleman. Mike thank you very much for all the encouragement you gave me that surely contributed to remember you for ever and ever; but I will cherish memories of your kindness ,smiles,and loyalty to all. Mike you are a loss for everyone ! Humanity will miss you my dear but don't worry, your light will continue to shine here. I admire you I will miss your good sense of humor so I pray for you, rest in mercy rest in the eternal peace till we meet again! Adieu Mike adieu mon ami tu vas rester bien grave dans notre memoire . Your faithful the real estate agent for ADB in Tunis - Kamel.
May 21, 2014
May 21, 2014
Michael had an amazing respect for people in that he remembered people's names. Like most other staff at the Bank, I was led around the ATR and EPI by Michael in late April 2004 when I joined the institution. Michael knew the name of absolutely everyone whom he saw and he introduced me to them. He was great at making people feel like they belonged at the AFDB. He later gave me opportunities to pay back when new staff arrived and by then I was in SEGL and this became one of my responsibilities fulfilled most, but not all, of the time for Cecilia. Michael gave people lots of space to be themselves. What a sad day that he passed on at the time he should have been retiring. But he may have wanted it that way, as he loved his ADB family and may have had a hard time to leave them. Of course his own family would always be his first concern, but given the amount of time we spend together in ADB, we develop an extended family. Love to you Michael, and thanks for being yourself.
May 20, 2014
Bien cher Mike,

Que rajouter à des hommages aussi éloquents?
Je tiens pourtant à partager l'expérience que j'ai faite de ta grande générosité de coeur, durant la crise de 2011 de la CI. Tu as spontanément accepté de m'aider à trouver, en un temps record, un logement temporaire à Accra pour des membres de ma famille.
En t'exprimant ma gratitude infinie pour cette leçon de vie, je renouvelle ma sincère compassion à tes proches et notamment à Raymonde (mon ex-collègue) et à Francis (ton ami et frère). Que le Seigneur les console.
May 19, 2014
May 19, 2014
Cher Mike,

Merci de nous avoir enrichis par ton éternel sourire et ta gentillesse. Je prie Dieu de m'aider à ne jamais oublier de dire une prière pour toi à chaque fois que ton souvenir me reviendra. Vus les témoignages plus que concordants, unanimes, je suis confiante quant au voyage que tu viens d'entamer. Repose en paix.
May 14, 2014
May 14, 2014
Michael, une grande leçon d'humilité et d'humanité. Que tu reposes en paix. Eneas
May 13, 2014
May 13, 2014
Sincere condolences & heartfelt sympathies to the family. Hend Mrabet
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
My dear gentle friend its hard to believe you wont be back with the baritone voice and beaming smile.

Rest in peace my friend
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
Michael aka Tonton Mike, you became an AfDB 'institution' in your own right. An institution built with bricks of kind acts and gallant deeds. Ever ready to take in a 'stray', a great listener full of wisdom and great advice. All with that baritone, grand smile and gentle air. You were an absolute gentleman - innate not acquired.

Your daughter and wife were lucky to have you. We are glad they let us - your friends from near & far share a part of you.

Sleep tight Tonton Mike, Adei will probably groan when she sees you. I know she wouldn't have expected you 'so soon'. I can just hear her now saying with a big smile; "what, you again".....
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
Wow, Brother Mike, you have traveled the journey, may the Lord keep. R.I.P.
May 11, 2014
Uncle Mike was a powerhouse. My brother and I had met him many times before but we had the unique opportunity of bonding with him in the summer of London, 2012.

The one thing he taught us that springs readily into our minds is resilience. Everyday, he advised us to persevere through life, no matter the circumstances, difficulties, obstacles and turbulent conditions. Just press on! The nuggets of wisdom he shared with us during our occasional strolls in the neighborhood in the cool dusk air remain firmly in our minds and hearts and we promise never to forget them.

We admire you. We remember you. We pray for you.

We love you.

Rest in perpetual bliss.
May 10, 2014
May 10, 2014
Offei Tunis Tonton Mike, Slow Release!
A few of the affectionate nick name that we shared. I am sitting here reading through some of your tributes and it just heartens me to note that I was not the only person who loved and was charmed by your exceptional qualities as a human being. I was right to see you as a special cousin.
You and I share a very special bond because we were named after the same person, our grandfather.
Ashong and I were reminiscing this morning and the memories were endless. Our wedding, your wedding, visits to Abidjan, Tunis and lately London. Making fun of you because you loved to cook and talk about food but ate very little portions! Too many to recall. We will dearly miss you, Offei Tunis!
May God who knows you best keep you in His loving arms till we meet again. I am sure you're entertaining the angels and saints up there!
Love you dearly
Auge Boge, Auge Ghana - Nana Ofebea of Salem! and
Nii Ashong ("Ga Mantse")
May 10, 2014
May 10, 2014
Heard Uncle Michael's name several times before I married into the family! During my wedding, he showed why he's a household name; the gifts were just amazing and in huge quantities; when I finally met him, he was soft spoken, full of inspiration and most of all exceptionally kind. He'll forever be remembered each time my little girl wakes up and wears her personalised dressing gown!

Uncle Michael will forever be missed by all the Badgers but we find solace in the fact that he rests in the bosom of God and we shall one day meet again, reunited with his fondness and enduring love.

You led a great life and put up a good fight but your work is done and you have been called by thy maker!
We shall forever miss you! Torshie will miss you and the great games you played with her!

Rest in peace Uncle, till we meet again
Rest in Perfect Peace
May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014
Your unmistakable genial demeanour, eloquence and aptitude always shone through.

We immediately struck up a friendship and with our birthdays falling on consecutive days we attributed the instant rapport to this. We even discussed having a joint bash celebrating your improved health and comemorating my 'big one' in Tunis or Abidjan. Our plan was never realised and all I can say is God knows best.

Dear Mike, rest peacefully in His arms.

May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014
Dear Mike,

It's Babatunde ..... and yes, thanks, I am well, I think. But I'm not really... still too upset ...... still terribly upset because your pep talks and words of encouragement will be no more .... I just feel so sorry that you won't get to enjoy the house you so passionately talked about ...... there'll be no invitation to the all night house warming party either ....... not now. Was it even finished, Michael? Will it ever be finished and become the home that was to mean so much to you? Was there enough time at all?
One of these days, when I make it to Ghana, I hope to visit the dream house in the hope that by seeing it, such as it is, life's struggles may begin to take on some meaning for me .... Till then, it's just lingering sadness and tears for a very kind guy. But alas, even those cannot bring you back....... ever.
May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014
Dear Mike,

Your smile and kind words will forever rest with me. Until we meet again, RIP my ECOWAS brother.
May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014
It has been a very difficult moment for me since I was informed of your passing. As one of your carers in London, I was excited that you went through your treatment successfully. This moment then, was least expected now, but the smile on your face when I viewed your remains at the funeral home in Ghana, assures me that, it is well with your soul!  You visited me at my hostel even when you could barely walk, made several phone calls to check on how I was applying the learning strategies you shared. Thank you very much for all the encouragement you gave me that surely contributed to the remarkable success in my studies in London. My children were not left out – you paid equal attention to them when they visited and gave them good counsel. Thanks once more! Bro Ofei my irreplaceable cousin, take a good rest with the departed souls in the family, till we meet again. IT IS WELL!
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Cher Mike,
Tu resteras à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires. Ton éternelle bonne humeur et ton sourire manquent tellement. Adieu.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
I arrived at the Bank almost 5 years ago and I was very lucky to meet Michael and his eternal smile. I was very sad to know he was sick and then very happy to see him back at the Bank. It is amazing to see how many people are touched but anyone thta had met him can fully understand that. Rest in peace great Mike.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Big brother… it is sad that you left us so early, but who are we to question God. Surely you left behind memories that are of eternal value. Your kindness, love and care are remarkable. Your love for life and selfless nature were always visible through your smile and laughter. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Grand frère Michael
tu nous quitte sans nous dire véritablement au revoir, pourtant on s'est vu récemment... La cruauté de la vie sur terre en a décidé autrement. Heureusement, tu as bien fait ton devoir professionnel et humain sur terre et ton départ précipité met fin à une période de souffrance pour faire place au repos éternel. Gloire à Dieu, Jésus Christ a bien fait de nous a envoyer le Saint Esprit pour nous réconforter. Puisse l'Esprit de Dieu agisse davantage dans la famille ainsi affligée au Nom de Jésus Christ.

Avec l'expression de mes sincères condoléances, auxquelles j'associe l'expression de ma profonde compassion.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
It was not only your elegance, intelligence or position that distinguished you. For those of us who knew you from the African Development Bank, most interacted with you first during induction and for only a week. But the sense of consummate intimacy each had about you was always unending. Definitely, the professionalism with which you did your work was not the only reason for this bond. Your work was a life - it was effervescent, it was emphatic, it oozed with unrestrained love and care. In the end, I am happy to testify that your work left Africa better than you met it, even if it is under sung. 
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
It was such a choc to hear that Mickael passed. Eternal consolation in the presence of God. I was welcomed in the Bank by Mickael who always had a smile and a good conversation every time we met. He inspired respect and wisdom, and it's true that for him, everyone was important. I pray for his family. I share your sorrow. God is good.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Hi brother Mike we met that day in the Medical centre and I was asking you how you were doing. I did not know that was the last I was ever going to hear of you. I recall that ride you gave me from the bank to La Soukra when I did not have my car and taxes were not available. I recall the constant smiles on your face even when times were tough. I recall how happy we were all when you returned to work from you long medical leave. We were all excited to see you telling you how much we had missed that your loving smile and always readiness to help. I can imagine who new to the ADB does not know you as you were our port of call for knowing not just the Bank also the town Tunis. We love you and would have liked you to be with us forever, but our Almighty God thinks otherwise. He loves you more and so would like to also spend the rest of His time with you. So, rest in perfect peace with the LORD. Peace be with your family as well.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Once upon a time, I was in Tunis for a CHRM-sponsored new staff induction.That was approxmately a year ago. I met a soft-spoken, brotherly, gentle and helpful colleague. Brother Michael. He was full of life and very inspiring. He transformed the formal class to an exciting and informal family gathering. His intervention was educative and informative. His support was effective and total. A Godly man with effectual smile, I believe you are resting in the bossom of the Lord. Rest in perfect peace. May your family have the fortitude to bear this great loss. We'll miss you. Humanity will miss you. Adieu, Bro Michael.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
It is with deep sadness to hear about Mike Kwafo's passing on. I have known him for a year, he helped me to settle in Tunis in 2013 and prepared me very well for Abidjan. We will miss his professional service and most welcoming smile. So long and rest in peace. Zakhele Mayisa
May 8, 2014
Brother Mike, it was God's plan that we could meet at the Bank as we did , I am one of the many witnesses of what a gift you were not only to the ADB family but to man kind. Truly that booming voice is silent, that huge smile is no more, our sun has set. We take comfort in the knowledge that God has picked the brightest flower from His garden. R.I.P. my brother.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Go well Mike
Your light will continue to shine.
We love you but He loves you more
Until we meet again
Adieu, Mike.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Michael's gentle words and ways will be dearly missed. He was strength, and provided calm and peace in the middle of chaos. He will always be remembered. May his soul rest in eternal peace with his Lord.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Très cher, pas facile d'accepter la séparation d'un collègue, d'un ami, d'un frère! Toi qui, jamais ne ménages ton temps lorsqu'il s'agit de rendre service! Merci de m'avoir rappeler en permanence mes origines - celles qui vont continuer à nous lier dans l'éternité. Puisse ton âme, si généreuse, reposée en paix dans la Lumière Divine.
Affectueusement. Téma
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Mike my brother, you are gone ahead but we will cherish memories of your kindness, smiles and loyalty to all. Your family can be proud for having given you to us. We should also thank the Lord for having lent us someone like you over all these years. You have touched more lives than you would ever know. I could share here so many good memories, like how you reassured colleagues when we worked on the CORES programme in Abidjan but I will selfishly hoard those memories. God bless your loved ones that you have left behind.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
I knew you for too short a time. There was so much I wanted to hear and learn from you. The induction week was too short. We kept planning to have coffee, I was even supposed to see you before I left for Abidjan, it is that way with life, we always think we will have more time. I wish I had taken that time while it was there. Your light shone brilliantly in the Bank, and I would have loved to see the book you were going to write, but reading all the tributes above, I see you have written the book in our hearts. Sleep well, till we meet again.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
Fare well brother Michael. You who looked after each and everyone and made us feel particularly special. Thank you for the care you took of me when I joined the Bank and for remaining an older brother through-out, even while facing your illness. Your kindness, professionalism and humanity will long be remembered. Rest in mercy, rest in peace.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing away of Michael. I met Michael when I joined the Bank in 2005 at the time of the induction of the new staff and since that time he has always advised and
encouraged me. I particularly apreciated Michael 's calm and courtesy.
Michael is a loss for the entire Bank's family.
we all pray for the Almighty to rest his soul in peace and provide the family with the necessary patience and acceptance.

Maimouna DIOP LY
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
I first met Mike on April 28, 2009. I remember his smile. I remember his love and respect for others. Last time I met Mike was August. He still had that beautiful smile.
May he rest in Peace.
May 8, 2014
May 8, 2014
A gentleman par excellence….heaven just gained an angel. God bless your gentle soul Michael and receive you in his peaceful arms. RIP
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