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This memorial website was created in memory

of our beloved Dad, PA MICHAEL EGWU

, 75, born on Tuesday 10th day of March,

1942 and passed away on Thursday 29th day

of June, 2017. We will remember him


March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy posthumous birthday in Heaven. You will never be forgotten
June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021
Happy Birthday in heaven. May the grace of the Lord abide with those you left behind. Life has not been easy, but we are hanging in there. There is more at stake than what we think. Have a blessed day. Greetings to Oke dim.
July 4, 2020
July 4, 2020
You will always be remembered. More grace to your spirit. Rip.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
Papa, You protected and guided your children as a father. We love you and happy birthday in heaven.
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Papa, you are remembered today and will be remembered tomorrow and always. Let your memories continue to bring joy and Peace to us.
July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018
Dad, Your memory will continue ringing in our heart forever, we still love you no matter. But God loves you more. I will always remember your good legacy to all your children, you kept on advising that for to achieve a better goal we need to love one another and share together and indifference. You assured us that with that team spirit and oneness we can always achieve our goal.
Daddy, you were so good, you were a friend of many people even in the church, they called "Enyi Oha". Papa I lack words to express my joy over your esteemed life and behaviour to everyone of your children. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace Amen. Your second Son.
June 29, 2018
June 29, 2018
Papa, one thing special about you is that you were a father of 10 children and each an everyone of them looked up to you and respected you.
Your quiet and less talking personality proved your strict approach to issues. We will never forget you.
Eni family.
September 15, 2017
September 15, 2017

We are gathered here for the funeral ceremony of Pa Michael Ogbonnia Egwu Ali

As a church, the Bible is our guide in all matters of faith and conduct, and having received commandments from the Lord to do all things in honour of His name, we now perform this ceremony according to the principle of the Holy Scripture.

When someone dies, the incident brings sorrow. This is because death creates a vacuum that may not easily be filled, death is an experience that is universal; it can happen to anyone at anytime, hence there is the need to appropriately and adequately prepare for this occurrence if we are to face it with confidence.

The scripture however reveals that there are different experiences beyond death. These are shown in the parable of the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke chapter Jesus revealed that when one lives for the pleasures of the world with disregard to God, one goes to the great beyond to face punishment and torment from God! But when one lives for God, even though one may live in temporary adversity and sorrow, one enters the great beyond full of bliss, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord...."(Revelation 14:13).
God has set aside a day when all the dead in Christ shall come out from their grave with heavenly bodies to glory above. The ungodly also shall be raised from their graves but to shame and contempt. Each one of us must choose where he/she wants to be after life here.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
On that faithful Thursday morning 29th June, 2017 the light of Joy shined upon papa, tears of Joy in his eyes. Papa you live this wicked world, a world of crises, unfaithfulness, pride, killing, destruction etc. Oh! Death you stole my father-in-law away from me, not minding what I am to this man whose remains we behold now, notwithstanding I am very glad because papa is in heaven.

Ask me to explain, I was praying for papa and I decided to interview him on his life, papa told me that he had nothing against anybody, if anybody said that he offended him or her, let the person come and tell him. Papa said that everyone knows his or her truth.
Papa, I remember the question you asked me, “When will this condition end for me?” Tears flowed like a river in my eyes; but I told you that it will not be long and everything will be alright.

Papa in all, I thank God for you. Since you joined Deeper Life Bible Church, you believed in truth though it is bitter to some people. According to Ecclesiastes chapter 3, “To everything there is a time, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: time to born time to die;” if it were not so, I could hold sickness or the death responsible.

On that D-day papa, I your daughter-in-law will see you again!
Adieu Papa,
Adieu Nwaoke Obioma!
Adieu my Father-in-Law (Okenna Dim)!
Your Daughter-in-Law,
Mercy Ijeoma Eni.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Oh! Death, you are an unmerciful messenger! You have laid your cold hands on our loving and caring grandfather!

Papa, I lack words to express my feeling for your home call; I cannot easily forget how you received, loved and treated me as a queen. As a matter of fact, I love you but the lord loves you most.

Adieu papa!
Rest in the lord Jesus!
Miss Amarachi Janet Ezeali
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
The news of your death came as a shock to me that early morning; I did not believe that you were the one dead. I cannot question God because he knows everything. God knows why he allowed it to happen.

Papa, you lived a wonderful life worthy of emulation, you were a man of peace. I will miss you, though I sorrow over your demise but heaven rejoices as you ascend to glory. May the almighty God, whom you have served so devoutly when you were on earth, honor you with the crown of glory.

May your soul rest in peace till we meet to part no more.
Adieu Papa!
Adieu man of peace!.

Nwachinemere Ugwu
Son in-law
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Papa my daddy and my mummy told me that you are no more but I still find it hard to believe that you are truly gone. Grand pa, it is true that I am a little girl but I still remember the names you use to call me, “woman of peace”, “great woman”, “Nwanyi Oma”, etc. Grand papa, I miss you so much, sleep well in the bosom of the Lord Amen!.
Adieu Grand Papa

Chimdiebube Nwachinemere
Your Grand Daughter
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Grandpa, although I am too little to understand what this is all about. That morning my great mummy was preparing me for school when her phone rang, my mummy picked her phone only to see tears flow down her eyes. I asked her; mummy why are you crying? She told me that my grandpa had died. I told my mummy I would not go to school that day, because a great thing has happened to me, my grandpa is gone?. Grandpa who will call me great man, who?
Man of peace, I miss you!
May God grant you eternal rest, Amen.

Sopuruchukwu Nwachinememre
Your grand son
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Ezi Eni Orrah
Ozizza Afikpo
Afikpo North L.G.A

Condolence Message
I and my family commiserate with you and the entire members of your family over the demise of our brother and your father Late Elder Ogbonnia Egwu (Enyi Oha).

You should understand that life is like the flow of time comes and go, your beloved father and our brother Elder Ogbonnia Egwu have finished his work and have been called home to rest of his labours. We miss him physically but you have to take solace in the word of God that say we should not sorrow like those who have no hope. We should understand in that glorious morning of resurrections, we will see him.

May the Lord grant your entire family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss!
Take heart!

Pst/Mrs. Basil Nnanna Ani
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Papa joined the Christian faith in the year 2007, before then he was a traditionalist, he was so committed and consecrated to traditional practices just as any natural Afikpo man. Even when members of his family joined the Christian faith leaving him alone in the family, he found it difficult to join, because he was among the pro-active men in his village. Though his children never gave up to preaching the gospel of salvation to him, (even his pastor, Pastor Basil never gave up). In 2017 his pastor invited him for church programme of which he promised to attend. That special Sunday programme, his wife (nne ogboegwu) brought him to church, since that day, he never went back to the world. A year later he submitted to water baptism with other 18 members of the church.
Although Papa was not given the formal Western Education, he never allowed such inability to discourage him from serving God. Although he was not a member of any working team in church, he participated in all the church programmes both local and national. During his health challenge, he never forsook the fellowship of the brethren. He fought with his health challenge until that fateful morning, 29th June, 2017 when the Lord called him home. It came to us as shock.
Papa, we wished you lived more years. Your friendly attitude, your servant-hood attitude, your easygoing lifestyle and faithfulness is worthy of emulation.

Death! You are professional thief. You have taken our beloved brother and father when we needed him most. Papa, you are gone but you cannot be forgotten in our hearts .However, we are consoled that you died in Lord.
Rest the in the bosom of the Lord!

Adieu brother Ogbonnia!
Farewell Ogbo Egwu! Tokwuhu Enyi Oha!
Sleep well and goodnight good brother and elder till that glorious morning when we meet and part no more.
Deeper Life Bible Church
Ozizza Group Afikpo Region
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
It was a speechless moment on Thursday 29th June for me that very morning when my husband called on phone and told me about your passing on to glory. Papa, the news of your departure made a lot of thoughts run through my mind.

Papa, you were one in a million, the best and loving father in-law. You welcomed me with open hands the very first day I came to Afikpo. I can still remember the first thing you told me was “daughter you should freely relax your mind and be free at home, all that belong to my house are yours” and you said it over and over.

Papa, you were a quiet man, a peacemaker and a counsellor. Oh! The great fisher man, who will give me fresh fish again? You cherished me with love; loved my food and ate everything in my hands. You will ever remain in my heart.
My beloved father in-law, I will never forget April 2014 you came all the way from Afikpo with mama to Enugu on a visit. Daily you called us together to tell us the reason you came to Enugu was to pray for us that God will bless us.
Papa, I thought you will live to see the fruit of your prayers. I strongly believe that your prayer for us has been answered.

You knew how to gather your children together, and how to keep a home in peace. Who –else will stand as a father to teach and counsel us on how to stay in peace with our wives and husbands? Oh! It is only God, the father of fatherless and husband of the widows can do it.
“Blessing” as you fondly called me. Papa, I will live to remember all your prayers for me and my family; we miss you so much, but my consolation is that you have gone to be with the father, the almighty God.

Good night papa!
Jee nke oma ezinna!
Ezigbo Nnadi!
Nwoke Obioma!
Good night Ogbonnia Egwu.

Your First Daughter In–Law
Egwu Ukamaka Blessing.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Virtually death is a characteristic of human beings. It is the necessary end  of all mortals. The Psalmist in Psalms 39:12-13 “Hear my prayer O Lord, and give ear unto my cry: hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were, O spear me, that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more”. Papa, your death was not a surprise neither a shock because man born of a woman has few days here on earth and the days are full of trouble.

What actually pains me was the month you passed and how you battled with your ill health. With pain in my heart I will not refuse to acknowledge the fact that you were a man of peace, generosity and resourcefulness. Your role as a father can never be overemphasized; you stood by me during the payment of the bride price of your daughter, you stood by me when the people of your community were demanding things I wouldn’t give for the bride price. In reality, you have contributed immensely to my life and that of others. You have added values to people as well as invested for people both in the church and in your community.

Papa, just like Paul the apostle, you accomplished your mission on earth. You already conquered death for your legacies shall remain unforgotten.

Good night, man of peace!
Good night great achiever!
Good night man of integrity!

Pst. Pius Ikwor Ama
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
When I lost my biological parents, I was consoled by the fact that I still have another father in you. Little did I know that you would soon leave us as fatherless once more in so short a time!

Late last year, you left Ozziza to Pastor Micheal Egwu in Amaizu for medical attention. Early February this year, you came to our home at Echara Mgbom and spent some days for the same medical attention. During the period of your trial (ill-health), my wife played active role and proved her discipline as a nurse to you.

While you lived, you never supported anything evil and no one had ever asked you for anything you could afford and you refused giving it to him or her.

Though you are physically absent, yet I can still and will always feel your fatherly presence. Romans 14; 8-9; “for whether we live, we live unto the Lord and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are for the Lord. For to this end, Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be Lord for both the dead and the living.
Adieu papa,
Rest in the Lord Jesus!

Engr. Ezeali Onyekachi Samuel
(Son in-law)
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
My dear where are you? Why did you leave me alone?

I have been searching for you all over, thinking that you will be back sooner or later; only to find out with doubt and trembling that you have gone. Death who are you? What have you come to do in my matrimonial home? Why did you take my dearly beloved away from me? You have to release him for me! He is my treasure, my evergreen, my Lord, my beloved and my husband.

My dear! We started life journey together when troubles and challenges of this life was so tough. We are just at the climax where you should relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour. My life is incomplete without you, no enjoyment without you; you left me with an open wound; and you have left a vacuum in my heart. Who can fill it back again?

Rest in peace in His bosom till we meet to part no more in the resurrection morning!

Your lovely wife
Augustina Egwu
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Father, it has been heart-trenching moments from the year you fell sick till the time of your departure, because you were indeed a hero, a man with a life worthy of simulation, a man who determined to achieve his goal no matter what the situation posed. Despite your death challenges, at earlier stage, you never stayed idle but rather you struggled to go down to the river, for which God did not allow you to come back without anything, papa, you were so hardworking. With all these I have mentioned and the ones I didn’t mention, what do I think among them that will ever make me forget you? Never! Oh father! You mean so much to me. You have been my father, my sister, my brother, my defender, my friend and also my enemy whenever I did wrong. You disciplined me, you corrected my mistakes and you made me understand so many things I know today. But now, death has done me the worst for taking you away from me. Papa, I can’t imagine loosing you to death! I haven’t even believed that am now fatherless. I am still thinking about it with a question like, “My own father is going to be put into the grave and be covered with sand? Which means no one would see you for life but not eternity. It is so painful that you couldn’t participate sufficiently in the fruit of your labour with joy and happiness but in pain and sorrow! You were indeed a father! A father like no other who loved his wife and children no matter the condition! A father that suffered to make his family happy and to brought us all to where we are today. Papa, I wish you stayed for just five more years, but death! Death!! “I HATE YOU WITH PASSION” you took my hero from me when I still need more of him. Father, death couldn’t allow you wait to make me a home, to see my husband to drink water from me before you depart! Father, you couldn’t even get well to talk to me “your last child” before going. Death, I hate you so much. I’d always hoped to see you back to life, never to see your exit. What pains me most is that, I did not see you alive just once before you left me. I came home to see you father, but I was denied of my right see you. What can I say, all I know is that God knows the best for us all, and I strongly believe that you are in the bosom of the Lord.
Sleep well papa!
Good Night till we meet to path no more.
I miss you; and can never forget your.
Your last child papa
Egwu Angela
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Father, it has been heart-trenching moments from the year you fell sick till the time of your departure, because you were indeed a hero, a man with a life worthy of simulation, a man who determined to achieve his goal no matter what the situation posed. Despite your death challenges, at earlier stage, you never stayed idle but rather you struggled to go down to the river, for which God did not allow you to come back without anything, papa, you were so hardworking. With all these I have mentioned and the ones I didn’t mention, what do I think among them that will ever make me forget you? Never! Oh father! You mean so much to me. You have been my father, my sister, my brother, my defender, my friend and also my enemy whenever I did wrong. You disciplined me, you corrected my mistakes and you made me understand so many things I know today. But now, death has done me the worst for taking you away from me. Papa, I can’t imagine loosing you to death! I haven’t even believed that am now fatherless. I am still thinking about it with a question like, “My own father is going to be put into the grave and be covered with sand? Which means no one would see you for life but not eternity. It is so painful that you couldn’t participate sufficiently in the fruit of your labour with joy and happiness but in pain and sorrow! You were indeed a father! A father like no other who loved his wife and children no matter the condition! A father that suffered to make his family happy and to brought us all to where we are today. Papa, I wish you stayed for just five more years, but death! Death!! “I HATE YOU WITH PASSION” you took my hero from me when I still need more of him. Father, death couldn’t allow you wait to make me a home, to see my husband to drink water from me before you depart! Father, you couldn’t even get well to talk to me “your last child” before going. Death, I hate you so much. I’d always hoped to see you back to life, never to see your exit. What pains me most is that, I did not see you alive just once before you left me. I came home to see you father, but I was denied of my right see you. What can I say, all I know is that God knows the best for us all, and I strongly believe that you are in the bosom of the Lord.
Sleep well papa!
Good Night till we meet to path no more.
I miss you; and can never forget your.
Your last child papa
Egwu Angela
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
It is really disheartening and unbearable to announce that my beloved father has eventually gone to glory.

Father, your memory can never be forgotten; the way you loved and cared for all your children (especially me) even at the time of your death, your heart and mind were still full of love. A month before your departure, I was troubled in my spirit to come and see you, little did I know that you were warming up to go home. I thank God I eventually came to see you; it was as if you were waiting to see me before you could go. I came and showed you my last love in a way to reciprocate your love to me. I took care of you for five days (you were doing really fine). Oh! The joy that flooded my heart. Preparing to return to Aba, unfortunately you died before I got home. Father I take solace in God who gives and takes; my happiness is that you made peace with your maker before going home. Daddy your life was worth emulating. Naturally, you were a handsome man in character and appearance; you were a role model, a peacemaker and lover of good work.
My beloved Father, we shall soon meet again where we shall part no more.

May your humble soul rest in perfect peace. (Amen)
Adieu papa Eunice
Adieu peace maker
Adieu beloved of God.
Your beloved daughter
Mrs. Eunice Orieoma Eluu.
4th Daughter
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Papa, why has death chosen to separate you from me, your daughter? The one you named after your grandmother. Elum Ocha! Nneogbo Aja! As you fondly called me. Daddy, whenever I remember the way you left us, I feel like reversing the world, to the past years and times we spent together.

Father, it pains me a lot that you didn’t even say anything to me or to any of us before your departure. I feel like crushing death but I am handicapped, it has just become my worst enemy for taking you so soon. What encourages me is that “Jesus” has already defeated death. However, it is the only debt every living soul must to pay before eternity. Thank God you died in the Lord. Therefore, I strongly believe we will meet again to path no more. I miss you so much father! Father like no other!
Sleep well in the bosom of the Lord as your memory remains fresh in my heart.
Oh father! I can never see you again as long as I live.
Good night papa!
Adieu great and strong hero of our time!
Your 3rd daughter
Ugwu Roseline. E.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Papa your death was so sudden, I never expected it and could not believe it.
On that faithful Thursday morning on June 29th when I heard of your death, all the happiness and laughter inside of me flew away. I found it very hard to gather myself together.

What a great loss to the entire family of Ogbonnia Egwu Ali and his kindreds! Papa, what happens to the vacuum and the fruit of your labour?

Now the flesh has failed from its face. Although we were fighting against all odds, we all had so much hope that papa you would make it, given a positive attitude and great will power of yours.

You had the will to survive and so many reasons to live for.

I can’t emphasize enough how much we prayed, even those who had never met you papa were praying for you.

Dad, you went to rest the very day our topic in our morning devotion was titled “Rest in the lord”. This assures me that you are now resting in the bosom of the lord. Rest in peace man of peace, till we meet to part no more.

Second Daughter
Christiana Augustine
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
“Man’s goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way? (Proverbs 20:24).
Early on Thursday morning 29th June, 2017. You struggled in your spirit to remain for us, but the Lord said “No, I will take that candle away from you”.
“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly” (Proverbs 20:17).

That’s how my friend (father) went crying in pains which I never understood, even when you were still on your sick bed. Sometimes you will refuse to eat, you will be crying, asking how long you would be incapacitated that much. I didn’t know you were looking for time where nobody will be seeing you again. It is well!!! The Bible made it clear “for the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6).

I was still believing God that you will be strong again for us to discuss an important issue, but you left me without clearing that talk; IS WELL!!! I CAN’T DO ANYTHING, RATHER, I AM TAKING CONSOLATION FROM GOD’S WORD; THAT MAN HAS BIG TWO DAYS ON EARTH.
“A time to be born, and time to die, A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance”. (Ecclesiastes 3:2a, 3a and 4).
Papa, the way you have gone that’s the way some of us are going: “And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there. I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time therefore every purpose and for every work. I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men that God might manifest them and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast; for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of men that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth down-ward to the earth? Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own work; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?” Eccl. 3:16-22
We are burying you today but you will remain in my heart even as I still behold you whenever I open my eyes.
Good night my hero!
Good night my dad!,
Good night great peace maker in his family!.
Your third son,
Michael Chukwudi Egwu
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Papa onwugu wuterim okam! Obudighi maka n’inwuhuru buihe wuterim okam. Kama oburu onodu ahuhu ya oke nhuju enya ighabugheri bu ihe n’ ewutesim ike. Uhuka biarighini mara- ayi eka n`ihu. N’ihi na-mgbe uhukaa biarighi, ayi gbaliri ike ayi, mie ihe obula ayi woruike ime n’ oburum na-azotarighi ma onwodigi isi.

Eka mgbe imurum tututu rute ehuodi mmatughazuru ihe, akaghim anutughu na ikpatari uka, mookwanughu nutuwo na-onworu onye obutuwooru gi ya. Papam, iburu nwoke obioma,iledighi enya n’ ihe madu ibegi, ikpadigi oke, ibu onye enya n’ eruje ali n’ ibe umughu no, ini-dijeike njaye.
Asim kwue dika madu ma-yobuwari na-anaju Chineke ajuju, ama juwaria ka nghini bu ihe pam meri mecheerini yo taa otue ahuhua, medukweeri nwuhu. Ibe obu na- odi ehua, erugum oju Chineke ajuju kama obu yania maari nke kama.

Ihe ozo dinyarima n’ibe pam no bu n’ ikpazu papam matari onye Chineke bu, sokoru ayi n’eje chuchi n’ekperi Chinekie tufu onwu zute na-ohu abali n’a abali tolu n’ime onwa isii nke ahua ayi no n’imie bu aho 2017.

Kpew papa chekeleri? Papa ini chodi n’sim na-hite taa laje iwu, na-ejesighim jahughu enya ozo. Ma-na obudighi ihe ayi kpari. Irizoru ihe ma gi kpari n’ubochi ndekem biari ba nidua gi nri, laje gi kugilie si ya bikwale. Ya obia gi si ya ka obuzum ehua bu nke onudum ja di na oroburuhu? Ya osi waakwa Chineke ekwekwe ihe ojoo. Na Uhukaa biariabia ula bu nkie; ya okasie dua gi obu, kpierighi ekpere ya hafugu gari wa; bia kpayeduerim ihe gii ya kpari. O rue n’ ubuhu ya metugheri ihe n’ibe orum, mekote jekwute gi, nkugilegi papa, gi zam, nsighi ka onworu ihe imetuworu madu obula, so onworu nke ighari tie aka n’ihe ojoo, gi sim n’odighi. Mjuaa ghia gbaulu ghisirim odighi, yo mem mkwegi nkwa sighi n’chineke yeri ayi eka uhukaa didua gi ma n’ije merighi betdee. O bua bu ihe njeje ga enya oburu n’inwuhu, obukwagi ihe ayi kpario Papa.
La nke oma,
La na udo, tuutu rue mgbe ayi jezute n` ibe ayi ameghe enwosi nkewe

Nwagi Nwoke Kwe Eboo
Eni Egwu Clement
Nwagi Nwoke Nkekwe eboo
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017

In the early hour of Thursday 29th of June 2017, I was on wheel when my phone rang, I picked up the phone and it was my mother weeping that my father had left her. Quietly, I ended the call in shock and after a while, I made a call to my younger brother to find out what was actually happening as I went off the road, he told me that he was on his way to the village, on getting to the village, he called and said that papa was no more.

I wept bitterly, not long after that, a voice whispered to my heart and said “but the will of God is supreme, the will of God is final”. I wiped my tears and submitted to the will of God.
Papa you left me when I needed you most; when I am just beginning to demonstrate the nature you imparted into me to set mine thereon, you left. Your maturity in everything, the confidence you have in yourself, your positive attitude toward all men, the honesty you have always manifested, diligence in all things. You were a courageous, faithful and merciful man. Papa you always told me that with these qualities I can go anywhere in the world and come back successfully.

When you were supposed to guide me by your fatherly counsel, you feel sick. When you should have been well after long period of treatment, you passed on to glory.
Papa, for the rest of my life here, I will not forget your instructions and proverbs which you always use to express and drive your points home. I will continue to miss you on earth until we meet in the bosom of the Lord.

Your care and concerns for me are still alive in my heart. The greatest joy of my heart for you is that you accepted the salvation in Christ Jesus towards the tail of your life on earth.
I will see you again in His majesty’s presence in heaven!
Go well papa!

Pastor Godwin Egwu
First Son
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
One of the things that each of us must face at some point in this thing called life, is its end. Many of you are aware that my dad, Mr. Michael Egwu Ali, has always been my hero. He was my hero not because of what he did, but because of who he was.
My hero passed away on June 29th of this year, quite unfortunate that of all the time he has been sick, he didn’t pass away but just a day after I concluded my final year exams; to have a good rest that the news of his demise gripped my loins.
I had always planned to speak a tribute to my dad whenever the date finally came. I did so, and I can tell you that it was the most difficult talk I have ever given.
I thought I’d use this forum to share my talk with you, both as a tribute to my Dad, and to offer a few thoughts for you to consider about what it means to live a truly successful life.
I began by telling the story of the wise man living at the outskirts of an ancient village. The message of the story is that you are going to find whatever it is you’re looking for. I then continued…
“I wanted to tell you that story because of what my Dad, the man whose life we are here to honor and celebrate today always looked for in his life. He always looked for the good and the decent. He looked for the upside, the open door, the opportunity, the possibility. He taught me that anything in life could be figured out…anything was possible. He gave me and everyone else the benefit of the doubt. He treated everyone with respect.
My hero Dad was a very humble, honest, trustworthy, good listener, opinion seeker and peaceful man, from his family to his extended family and all his in-laws, he maintained peace and mutual co-existence amongst them and all a sundry. 
That’s an example of how my Dad lived his life.
In presentations that I’ve given all over the world, I’ve told audiences that my Dad is, always has been, and always will be…my hero, and this is one of the many reasons why. So I thought it appropriate here, as a public tribute, to read to you something/story I wrote 14 years ago entitled, “My Hero.”
Young boys love their “heroes”. Growing up in Fresno, California, I thought John Brody was a great quarterback, but he wasn’t “it”. John Kennedy was pretty cool, but he wasn’t it. Movie stars, rock stars, teachers, coaches, professional athletes…all offering their role models, their “greats”- but none came close to my hero. Mine really had it together. He was strong. He was incredibly smart. He could do anything. He wasn’t a poster hanging on the wall, or a card that came with a pack of stale gum. I actually got to spend time with my hero. Lots of time.
As far back as I can remember, I’d tag along into his garage, where he’d always let me “help”. I’m sure I made more mess and caused the project to take three times as long, but he never let me know it. As I grew a little older, we made many trips to Yosemite Nursery, where I’d fantasize about great landscapes, awesome vegetables, and spectacular flower gardens. And then there were those countless hours riding together in his Ford F150 Long Bed…talking about everything that was important to a six, or ten, or fifteen-year-old boy. Despite working two jobs, he took time to throw the football, go on Boy Scout camping trips, listen to me play the drums, and was genuinely interested in my homework. He was always there when I needed him. Always cheering. Always believing in…me.
Everyone admires “greatness”. Some dream about it. Others are inspired enough to actually pursue it: you know…a life overflowing with everything that’s good, wonderful, and important. I grew up with it. I knew it. My hero taught me that I could be anything I wanted in life…if I wanted it badly enough. More than that, he proved it to me. By example. Through his patience. With his love. And by his incredible commitment to my mom, my sisters, my brothers, and to me. He was my dad. I was his son. Nothing else in the world really mattered.
And now, at my age now, I’m still inspired by his greatness.
Dad, you taught me that the world is beautiful enough to try and figure it out. You’ve consistently given me the greatest gift I could’ve ever had- yourself. Because of you, I am blessed with an unquenchable self-confidence and a heart overflowing with love. You still are, and always will be…my hero.
My Dad’s born date I do not know and I do not want to assume it, if I had known it I would have inscribe it on his headstone. Every one of us here has our first date, and every one of us is going to have our second date. But you know, what truly matters in this equation is not the first date…nor the second date…it’s what’s in the middle. The only thing that matters in this equation is the dash. The only thing that truly matters is what we do with our lives between our beginning and our end. As a matter of fact, I have come to the conclusion that the only true measure of the value of a human life is all the good that was done while it was being lived.
My Dad’s life had HUGE value…certainly to me, to my Mom, to my sister and brother…to all of our family members, and I think also to all of you…his friends from square dancing, from work, or from wherever you had the good fortune of having had an association with this incredible man.
He is the finest and strongest man I have ever known. May our most loving Heavenly father grant your soul eternal peace, Amen.
So considering my Dad, his life and everything he stood for, I want to conclude by saying to him, “Dad…well done. Well Done!”
Your last Son
Samuel Uchenna Egwu.
July 16, 2017
July 16, 2017
Dear Ogbonnia Egwu Ali family, we the Eni family are sad to hear the news of your father's death and sorry for the irreparable loss. May the almighty God bless your hearts with comfort, strength and peace. We pray for eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul Rest In Perfect Peace and may God console your family at this dejected trying period. Take heart for our good Lord is in control. He has the answer to everything that happens in our life.
Showers of love from,
Beatricx Ngozi Alu Eni for the family.

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March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022
Happy posthumous birthday in Heaven. You will never be forgotten
June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021
Happy Birthday in heaven. May the grace of the Lord abide with those you left behind. Life has not been easy, but we are hanging in there. There is more at stake than what we think. Have a blessed day. Greetings to Oke dim.
July 4, 2020
July 4, 2020
You will always be remembered. More grace to your spirit. Rip.
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