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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Miguel Alejandro Sanchez, 34 years old, born on November 16, 1976, and passed away on March 4, 2011. We will remember him forever.

Tributes are short messages commemorating Miguel Alejandro, or an expression of support to his closest family and friends. Leave your first tribute here, and others will follow.

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First Kiss

April 2, 2012
The first time Miguel and I kissed could be the most perfect kiss ever. We were sitting outside of Denny's on the bench by the door in front of the main entrance of Disneyland, we were just talking, relaxing, enjoying the sights and sounds, when we just turned to face each other and our lips locked, just like that, not planned, it was wonderful, sweet and ever so romantic, perfect! I will never forget it

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