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July 18, 2023
My forever favorite friend I love you so dearly Whenever I was having a bad day here you come making me laugh. Every day we where together it healed me just being around your uplifting spirit so many amazing & fun memories I’ll never forget I love you. Forever my girl

My forever friend.

July 18, 2023
I never lost a friend so close to me like this. I still haven’t processed the whole thing. I couldn’t even stay around your family long cause my mind wondering for your presence. I can’t believe this happen to us, cause whatever you go thru we go thru together it’s been that way since forever. I love you sissy you don’t know what you’ve done to me. ❤️  God needed you more than we did your heart been too big for this cruel world. I’m upset that Mylah has to experience this. I love you Ms.Brown (lmaooo only we would understand). Wish we can ride one last time and blow one back with a long set from my girl. MyKe235EVAAAAA . 

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