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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Mildred Pellicane, 84 years old, born on March 3, 1933, and passed away on March 28, 2017. We will remember her forever.
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
On this day, it brings me to all of my beautiful memories of you and how as the only girl in our family, how much we connected. You were my strength and my best friend. I miss you so much. How I wish you were still here with me. 
But I know you are with me forever in my heart and you watch over me and all of us. 
Letting us know when to fly right. 
I love and miss you always. Every single day ❤️❤️❤️
What a beautiful Lady you were
Loved by so many
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Another year of missing you, another year of gratitude for you! We will provide these memories as long as we are standing. Peace to your soul and thank you!
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
Happy birthday Grandma. I love you more than words can say. I miss you today and always. Please keep guiding me♥️.
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
Miss you grandma Happy birthday - wish you were here. Definitely could use your words of wisdom, but i know you are watching over us all. Love you & thinking of you always ❤️
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Peace! We were gifted by your presence. You were never a burden and always a joy. Your laughter, kindness, concern for equality carry forward. This Christmas Eve you are remembered!!!! Thank you for being in our lives!
March 4, 2020
March 4, 2020
Sunday I scraped my bumper so yesterday I contacted a few Acura dealers to find the correct touch up paint. I'm not as familiar with the neighborhood. I tried to avoid the rush hour traffic. After right and left turns, a cut through an Applebee's parking lot and a squeeze across 4 lanes of traffic to make a left u-turn, I found myself directly in front of the Wyndham Hotel. We stayed there when you were in hospice. I drove past Miller's Ale House and again I was reminded of family post visits and the days you suffered in your transition and departure. It was an emotional 1/2 mile. You were a gift in my life. My grief over the last 3 years has turned to gratitude. The beginning was a real sucker punch. However, I was always grateful for your presence in my life. But you are a constant presence. So, that bumper scratch I guess was also a gift because it allowed me to (on your 87th birthday (3-3-33)) walk next to you and join with you in thought and prayer.
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
Missing you very much Mom
You are always with me, that I know❤️
August 13, 2017
August 13, 2017
Every day that I move beyond your passing I am reminded of the many things you would tell me. "Have the courage to accept the things I cannot change" and "God grant me the serenity" are two biggies right now. There is an embedded understanding that I will and I am moving forward while I carry a sense of gratitude for your presence in my life today and always. Today is a beautiful day and you would love it. Not too hot! Yesterday, we ate at The Pub with the gift certificate I was given for Christmas. It really was earmarked for the 3 or however many of us to visit and enjoy as we had before. I had a delicious steak and Tony a prime rib. It is a bitter sweet memory because when you were first hospitalized we talked about your getting out of the hospital so that we could all go there. That was not to be. 

We did share many memories together and as I make new ones you are always in my heart. Slightly heavy but willing and able to move forward. So, if you are reading or listening, please understand that I am forever grateful for the gift you gave me. You were not one for lingering in the sad and / but we saw things slightly differently. It is not a linger, just an expression. Peace!
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
Missing you every day Mom!!!
I love you so much!!!
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
You have given me so much. You have shown me continual unconditional love. You were always there for me. As a mother, as a friend.
I am so saddened by the loss of you. But thankful you are at peace.
I am extremely thankful that I was lucky to have you in my life for all of these years. Thankful for the beautiful times and the love that we shared.. Thankful for the closeness we had. 
You will always be with me.
I love you Mom ❤ always!
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Hi Aunt Mil,
I know you are in a better place now. Mom and Dad were very sad when they heard you had moved on. I would like to thank you for the wonderful childhood memories, the dinners around the table and laughter. You will always hold a near and dear place in my heart. With love always, Kirsten.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Mom, if you can read this I am grateful. I am certain there are so many moments over the course of 58 years that inspired a feeling of gratitude for the life you gave to me and for the presence you had in my life. I want to tell you how grateful I was to spend the last 2.6 years with you. Maybe it was God who told me to go and pick you up. Had the distance continued until the very end I would not have been blessed with so much love and gratitude. 

I will miss your laughter. You were one of the only people who I could put into hysterics.

I will miss your compliments. Every morning you said the coffee I made was delicious. 

I will miss hanging out with you and buying clothes for you. 

I will miss the bags you prepared for me to take to the thrift store and then noticing that the bags contained still tagged clothes I bought for you.

I will miss your calm and gentle way.

I will miss your non-judgmental directives.

I am grateful for the way you shared your life with all of us never putting one over the other.

I will miss your love of animals and the way you shared all your meals with Macey, Peaches, Lili and Pearl. 

I will miss your love of music and your beautiful smile.

I will miss your willingness to sit in the car with me and drive for miles.

Parents are gifts and you were one of mine. 

So, if you are up there and you can read this, I hope I am telling you things you already knew. That you felt these things before and after you left. 

You were a gift in my life and I will always love you.

Thank you!!! Just thank you! You gave everything you could and I am grateful for all of it.
April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017
Thank you for being my mom!

I'm grateful for the moments we were able to share with each other.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
So sorry for your loss. When one we love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Rest in Peace Aunt Mill. Love you.......

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March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
On this day, it brings me to all of my beautiful memories of you and how as the only girl in our family, how much we connected. You were my strength and my best friend. I miss you so much. How I wish you were still here with me. 
But I know you are with me forever in my heart and you watch over me and all of us. 
Letting us know when to fly right. 
I love and miss you always. Every single day ❤️❤️❤️
What a beautiful Lady you were
Loved by so many
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Another year of missing you, another year of gratitude for you! We will provide these memories as long as we are standing. Peace to your soul and thank you!
March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022
Happy birthday Grandma. I love you more than words can say. I miss you today and always. Please keep guiding me♥️.
Recent stories

Summer Breeze

June 8, 2018

The weather is trying to turn from the chills of early spring that lags,

To the warmth of summer’s rays. 
Spring struggling to hang on as long as possible.
We’re still waking to a cool nip in the air. 
As the house was tidied readying for the summer season there were memories of you. 
Your ritual of changing curtains for each season and others. 
Finding ways to make your space lighter, airier, feeling renewed. 
Seeing the smile of your face in the warm summer breezes. 
Times and places bygone. 
A gift to her dad captured one of those moments in oils. 
Displaying a granddaughter’s love for her father and grandmother. 
Its home, nestled for now, alongside other cherished moments. 
Your smile in the portrait sharing everlasting love.

Mother's Day 2018

May 14, 2018

This Mother’s Day came & passed in a whirl

Focus on brunch, lunch or some kind of bite

Were not in the forefront this year

Our thoughts started there but,

Plans of celebrations changed with coming family news

An engagement for Candice was announced & off we went

We said our toasts, and cheers to the couple Saturday

Seeing her strength, happiness, stature, & grace

All reminiscent and reminders of you

Grateful for time Sunday spent together reflecting on the new page 

Seeing our togetherness comes in many forms

Learning again, Family is defined in different ways 

And that Love comes from countless places

You would have been very proud to call her, us, your own

We kept a token, flowers, roses from that cherished moment

And as life goes, they have already begun their change

A subtle hint that the pages must turn

This page is now ear marked though 

So that you, we, can look back forever more 

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

I Love You

Getting On

April 27, 2018

...So let's take the good times as they go

And I'll meet you further on up the road….

Said many ways, many times

Live in the moment
One day at a time
Don’t get ahead of yourself


Absence bringing those words to the forefront

Working to stay in the here and now

Taking in the goods times  

Trying to savor those moments

Letting the rest play out the way it may


The wisdom of your words

The look of it in your eyes

You were never blind

Wisely knowing, choosing what to see


Knowledge today, wasn’t known yesterday

Present Love, stronger than the past

Grateful for your being

Grateful to stand where I am


A desire to be…  

And I'll meet you further on up the road


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