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July 4, 2023
I miss you so very much mom I miss being able to lay my head in your lap and cry over Danny and you would rub my hair. I’ll never forget the times we shared. I love you.

Michael and Krystal

July 3, 2018

Some days are harder then others. But knowing you're with dad and Rick, Linda, Danny, Maxine gives us a little bit a peace.

What do I miss the most: calling you when we are on the road in the middle of the night. Hard to keep our eyes open. 8But in the back ground we can hear Destiny and Mom watching scary movies. Jerry NOT smoking outside. And  mom just wants her gum and coffee. There wasn't anything this family wouldn't do for you. We love you so much. And thank you for being our reason to be together. For this moment right here. Till we meet again. 

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