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Mr Tambe Jonathan
June 4
June 4
We lost a great man in our YOSAB group. Didactics, old soldier never dies, as we affectionately called you, your disappearance leaves a vacuum in our hearts and in our Association where you were one of the Founders. You taught us tolerance, peace, Wisdom. With you, we understood that there was no big, no small person but rather mutual respect. You were immeasurably wise to the point where we were all happy to listen to you despite the duration of your speech which we finally accepted in simplicity and jokes. In short, you loved the group. We will never forget you and we promise that your YOSAB will always live. Adieu, the old soldier. May your Sould continue to RIP. For YOSAB, The President, Nlemba Roger.
Willie Chumbon Nchinda
June 3
June 3
Dad, as I sit here thinking about the amazing qualities that make you who you are, my heart is bursting with love and gratitude, your clarity and logic amazes me. You had this ability to look at any situation with clear, rational mind. You were a living embodiment of discipline focus on education, moral
values and peace. I had never heard you complain or compare yourself to others. You accept people for who they are including yourself. Seriously Dad, you genuinely care about people, your observation skills are impressive, a good listener. You could look at some one and know something is wrong. I
don’t think I have ever seen you depend on anyone or anything. When you take a task, consider it done. Even at 70+ you still had that magnetic personality that captivate everyone around you. The way you loved and cherished Mom is truly remarkable. You did set the bar high for every man.
You had dedicated yourself to helping others in many ways. Your impact extends beyond your family. You are my hero and thank you for being there for me every step of the way through genuine guidance, support and your unwavering love.
RIP Dad,
By Willie Chumbon Nchinda
May 30
May 30
Dear Pa Paul Mofor.
We thank GOD for a time well spent on earth and a well deserved rest in the Lord. Dr N.T. Wright in his book titled 'The Resurrection of the Son of GOD' said "....death is not something to regret, but something to be welcomed. It is the moment when, and the means by which, the immortal soul is set free from the prison-house of the physical body...". While you will be missed we do not mourn as people without hope, for we know that one day we will meet again. Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance.
May 27
May 27
Dear namesake Paulo,
Your passing onto glory started showing signs during the burial of Nchende Jr when you couldn't make it up to the village for the occasion.
My wife joins me in bidding you farewell and our heart- felt condolences to Ma Helen and the children.
Our primary school days ,post primary school speak volumes. It was not by accident that you made a brilliant career in youth and sports , even as a reserve lieutenant of the Cameroon army.
Despite your state of health you and your wife still insisted to participate in our thanksgiving service and 50th anniversary of rededication of our marriage in PC Nsimeyong in 2023 in Yaounde. We remain grateful for the efforts you and your family made.
We wish you namesake a blissful repose of your soul in the Lord's blossom. Adieu.
Paul & Lucy Mbagwana.
Grand pa Paul

I will always love even though i know i can't see you anymore. Thank you for taking good care of my brothers and I. I am proud you named me after you. I pray for the grace of God to be the best as you always told me. You are my hero Grandpa. I will miss you
Good bye Grand pa Paul

David Tembong Mofor Nkwate
Grand Pa Paul
I will miss you so dearly and still have alot of stories to tell you unfortunately im sad because it will not be possible now. Thank you for showing us lots of love and i will always remember you in my heart. I promise to keep your good values and excellence in everything i do just as you always told me .
I love you Grandpa . Rest in Peace

Kylian Tangye Mofor Nkwate
Papa your demise will leave a vacuum in my heart. The love and the pampering you gave me i can't even measure. It breaks my heart but i know you are in a better place. Im grateful for the great advices you gave me and for teaching me how to stand firm on my decisions. Papa i will always remember you for the peace maker you were, your love for God and the things of God, your discipline and i pray for the wisdom and Grace to follow your good examples. You will forever be in our hearts.
Rest in perfect peace Pa Mofor

Your daughter inlaw Takuh Epse Mofor Sylvia Memofet
Grandpa Paul
It saddens our hearts to know we never going to see you again. You thought me how to be brave by overcoming my fear for dogs and that not all dogs are bad. My siblings and I,will keep representing your bravery and potraying your love for humanity just as you thought us and showered us with your unending love.
We will miss you so badly but we pray for your soul to rest in eternal peace. We will always remember and love you Grand pa Paul

Harry Pekwalekeh Mofor Nkwate
May 22
May 22
My Greatest grandfather that was the best grandfather that I have never seen since when I was very small. When I was small he was always feeding me . Now he's no more and I'm so worried .But me Mia , Ethan ,KC and Philip shall miss you. We still miss all the beautiful things you did for us. You shall forever be our super hero grand father. We love you papa. Goodbye. Your grand daughter. Mia Evaryn Penanje.
May 22
May 22
My precious Dad , my hero ,.my pa Paul, my mo'ntoh ,my confidant. "You raised me up so I can stand on mountain, you raised me up so I can be independent, believe in myself , pass through the storms of of life".
Papa all the morals and values you taught me have moulded me and are still moulding me for greatness. You didn't bring us up in affluence but the greatest gift you gave us was to show unconditional LOVE and RESPECT to all those who came our way. I couldn't ask for a better father because you were real and genuine. And many people loved that aspect about you. A fine gentleman I ever knew. Precious dad I would choose you over others to be my dad.
Each day, your words of advice and encouragement to us your twinnies have given us hope to always be confident. I assure you I am a better daughter, sister, wife , mother each day and will always make you proud as usual. Be rest assured we shall continue to take care of your beautiful wife ma' Ntoh. Mia , Ethan your namesake, Kiya and pa Philip miss you dearly . You will always be our super Hero Dearest Dad. Your daughter Ngwe Mofor espe Penanje
May 21
May 21

Popularly called Pa Mafor, and fondly called by us the Tante family Daddy Mofor, whom we loved so much ,was our father figure ,guardian, and caretaker when our parents, Prof Charles Tante, and Mommy were in England.
Daddy Mofor was there anytime we needed him. He will visit us to make sure we are OK and when he can't, he will call to check.
Thank you, Daddy Mofor.

Daddy Mofor was so humble, kind, selfless,caring, very generous, and will hardly come to visit us without food or some grocery.
We were always sure of our Christmas cock from Daddy Mofor,making sure our Christmas was extra special.
Thank you, Daddy Mofor.

Daddy Mofor will quickly come to our aid,listening to us ,advising and solving even our emotional problems. Our forever protecting Daddy Mofor,we can never thank you enough. Nobody in the quarter will worry us without Daddy intervening, making sure we are fine.
Thank you, Daddy Mofor.

When the kids are taken ill, Daddy will make sure he checks on them until they are back to good health. Your love for us was immeasurable, and your legacy lives on in us.
The Tante family will never forget you, our humble,loving Daddy Mofor.
We will forever miss you,yet comforted by the fact that you have a seat in heaven where angels like you go to after life.

Go well to your Maker Daddy Mofor,as Yaweh embraces you in paradise.

RIP Daddy Mofor, 
Till we meet again.

Forever in our hearts.

Malvis Adig (Aunty Ma),

For the Family.
May 20
Tribute to Mr. Dad Mr. Mofor. Paul Tembong
Papa it is just so difficult for me to bid farewell to a warm- hearted, amiable and friendly person like you .I thank you for all the lessons you though me especially your advice on peace, unity and forgiveness.
My tears for you will never fade, you accomplished your journey on earth and I pray the new page in heaven should be full of grace. We love you but God loves you most.


May 19
Till now I can’t still believe your ‘re gone Papa…
I’ll be forever grateful to the love you showed to me… for taking me as your own son and training me from secondary Education up to the University…
Ohh how we will miss the wonderful moments and time we spent with you… all those wonderful smiles and memories we had together will live forever Papa… Even on your dying Bed I still saw that smile and joy of the wonderful father you where… I miss you Dad… You will forever be remembered for you where a fulfilled man leaving behind legacies of great Nations…You will forever be in our hearts until we meet again… yours forever Papa
May 19
May 19
It's with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to a man who was not just an uncle, but a pillar of strength, wisdom, and love in our family. Pa Paul Tembong, known affectionately as "Papa Paul," leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered and cherished by us all in the Ayafor's family.

Papa Paul was more than just a brother to Dad; he was a support system and a source of inspiration to us all. His life was a testament to the values of hard work, integrity, and compassion. He taught us that true success is not measured by wealth or status, but by the positive impact one has on the lives of others. His generosity knew no bounds, and his kindness touched the hearts of many.

In times of joy and in times of sorrow, Papa Paul was always there, offering a comforting presence and a listening ear. His laughter was infectious, and his stories, filled with wisdom and humor, will forever resonate in our memories. He had a unique way of making each person feel valued and loved, a quality that endeared him to everyone he met.

Papa Paul's unwavering faith was the cornerstone of his life. He lived with a sense of purpose and a deep commitment to his beliefs. His spirituality guided him through life's challenges, and he found strength in his connection to the divine. It is this faith that gives us solace today, knowing that he rests in eternal peace.

As we reflect on his life, we are reminded of the importance of family and community. Papa Paul believed that we are stronger together, and he dedicated his life to fostering unity and understanding. His legacy is one of love, compassion, and service to others. It is a legacy that we must strive to uphold, as we honor his memory by continuing the work he began.

In our grief, let us also find gratitude. We are grateful for the time we had with Papa Paul, for the lessons he taught us, and for the love he so freely gave. His spirit will live on in our hearts, guiding us as we navigate the path ahead.

To Papa Paul, we say thank you. Thank you for your unwavering love, your boundless generosity, and your unshakeable faith. You have left an indelible mark on our lives, and we are better for having known you. May your soul rest in perfect peace, knowing that your legacy will endure through the lives you touched.

Farewell, dear Uncle. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten. Your spirit will continue to shine brightly in our hearts, lighting our way as we strive to live by the example you set. It's hard to say good bye till we meet again. Greet your brother, Pa Ayafor George for us.

Rest in peace Papa.

Mba-achi Wilson Ayafor
(Pa Ayafor George)
On behalf of the Ayafor's family
Fai Achu Emmanuel
May 19

Pa Paul, With all the honours that you deserve:
I write here in to express the sweet memories that I Keep for all the joyous moments that we shared together at family level over a period of 23 years.
I must therefore testify that I have developed a deep affection for you especially through your words of wisdom end your tender corrections.
You are now gone, though not untimely any way because you have lived a fulfilled life during which you inspired many of us. I can only bear this testimony and pledge on my honour to bequeath these same values to future generations so that posterity might forever hold record of your good deeds.
We therefore send you forth as our beloved saint beside God almighty to plebiscite for us till we meet again to part no more.
Fare ye well my beloved father, Pa Paul.
May 18
May 18
Papa my iron man, you were a father-in -law like no other, if love, humility and compassion had a form in human, then it was you. You were an icon worthy of emulation; a true definition of what a family should be like. You were a hero, a strongsupport system, hardworking and a strong individual ,who was always there to make sure all was well.
Papa, you made my life and marriage to stand the test of time, you were selfless, you lived for others, always willing to help, you were highly principled and stood firm for what you believed was in the general interest of everyone.
Papa, my support system,as I bid you goodbye, may the light of God brighten you path to eternal rest in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
Anita Achap ( daughter-in-law)
Pa Paul as I always call you, you made my wife (Anita) and children to be so proud of you.You nurture me to a family man. We were my coach and the most courageous and resourceful father
Words can't convey how much we are missing you and pains in our hearts is immeasurable. A kindhearted man you were. Not just a father to your biological children but a father to all who crossed your path. In my heart there's a place that only you can occupy.The fact that you are no longer here will always cause me pains but you are forever in my heart. We wish you could stay with us, but heaven needed you most.
May 17
PA PAUL, my darling father, we accepted God’s will for you as you answered your master’s called after a well accomplished life. It is simply Earth’s loss, but Heaven’s gain. When I came to Buea in 2006, you took and nurtured me as your own son. You gave Humprey to me to mentor but God called him home much earlier but the entire family has taken me as one of theirs. Thank you for the undiluted love, advice and mentorship. Just two days to your demise, I visited you and you could still recognize me and whispered “Doctor” with a smile. Dead is sure and you knew Jesus Christ is the Answer. You were a great soldier of the Cross and a Servant of God Almighty. May your Marker smile back on you as you return home.
You were soft spoken, laughed often, loved more and exemplary in all your relationships.
Daddy, you mentored, inspired, counseled and led with love and gained the respect of your friends, colleagues and the love of your family. We are less without you but better through your good works and legacy.
If only you could heal our broken hearts and carter for your beloved family just one more time….Oh, Life at its best is very brief and the passage of time is marked by unexpected separation
You inspired my generation to engage in community services as you were still active in 2022 NACDA General Meeting in Kribi at 81 and NACDA Buea fundraising at 82…You identified and fished us into ‘nde pe nkeum pe Buea’ and during our meetings you will always share your meat with me but will not fail to caution me whenever I appeared without my traditional cap.
You blended prince hood, military training, sports and physical education to build a resilient TEMBONG’S clan and imparted your motherland Awing positively
Fare thee well daddy, we will keep the smile. Have a peaceful rest. Good night and congratulations
Dr. Ngonganang Charles
May 17
In every situation, we give God Almighty, the Glory.
There is no, "ripe old age"to die, especially when the person is so caring, and everyone's sadness or joy, is his portion.
My father, uncle, brother (MOFOR PAUL TEMBONG), was just a personality who fitted just fine, in the shoe.
There is something, synonymous in his passing on: like my own father (MOFOR MAURICE NGONGEH); transition was at age 83years.

Papa, by God's grace, if at all you meet your father (Tata MOFOR NCHINDE & Pa MOFOR MAURICE, et al), let them know, "the broom is gathering dust and can't sleep better". Rest in perfect peace and may we all, meet again, at God's appointed time.
May the grace in Isaiah 54:17 ; be our family portion, AMEN.
May 17
May 17
Generations come and generations go, you thought me the ways of the LORD, and that ‘A GOOD NAME’ is better than SILVER and GOLD.
If I had a magic portion to make you live forever, I would pay, even if it would cost my blood.
We toiled together to get the best of health, with help from friends and family but the LORDs call is inevitable.
I saw you in so much pain but you had to rest.
Ebenezer Baptist Church
May 17
May 17

Appointments are generally celebrated because the appointee is lifted to a higher level / seat with numerous benefits for himself and family. The appointment of the Prime Minister, Minister, Director Etc. calls for celebrations because these positions are prestigious and generate numerous advantages to the celebrants.
Today, the Men’s fellowship of EBC are celebrating an appointment higher than any of these mentioned above. God has appointed Pa. Mofor Paul to a higher and prestigious office in His Kingdom, where there is neither sorrow, tears, regrets nor weeping. Revelations 21:4.
We are equally celebrating the Divine Medal of Honour accorded to Pa. Mofor Paul for his labour in the Men’s Fellowship of EBC. Pa. Mofor Paul had held the position of Vice President of the Men’s Fellowship for several years. He was outstanding in fellowship meeting attendance. His advices on many occasions were full of wisdom. With his frail health and advanced age, he encouraged and challenged many to stop giving excuses and take God’s work in the Fellowship more seriously. He was outspoken and fearless when he faced the truth. He spoke the truth with an unwavering sincerity.
We are also celebrating a man who exhibited love and compassion to the vulnerable and have-nots. This was clearly seen some years back when, owing to the socio political crisis many teachers were not paid because schools were closed; Pa Mofor invited us to his house and gave us food, money and prayed for us. This was putting faith into action. James 2:14-20.
Today, we are also celebrating the conclusion of a divine assignment which was executed with excellence. Pa. Mofor Paul was one of the six delegates from EBC to the All Africa Baptist Men’s Fellowship Continental Congress in Yaoundé on the 26th – 29th October, 2022. He was the oldest member of the team. Visibly not strong physically owing to illness but spiritually very strong in his commitment “to do God’s Work Always Happily” , he moved to Yaoundé as an example of a soldier prepared to die in the battle field. His generosity to the delegates in the journey to and from Yaoundé remains memorable and commendable.
Like St. Paul would conclude in 2 Timothy 4:7 – 8; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith, now there is a store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day and not only to me but also to all who have longed for His appearing. This is what we are celebrating today. Pa. Mofor will undoubtedly be “remembered by all what he has done” Certainly, many who trail his steps shall one Day meet him to part No More” Adieu Pa. Mofor Paul.
Ebenezer Baptist Church Men’s Fellowship
May 16
May 16
So painful. Where do I begin? My Dad, he was my hero, my teacher, my adviser and more. He thought us how to love and care for all who came our way. Despite our shortcomings, he would encourage and support us yet will not fail to discipline us when we go astray. With the shoke received from Humphrey’s passing away, we were not given time to digest it when God took him away from us. We will forever be grateful that he taught us to know, love and serve God whose Grace is keeping us strong during this difficult time. My Dad, though he has faded away like the stars in the morning, he will always be remembered by what he has done. Farewell Dad. Ill forever miss you until we meet again to part no more.
Your daughter, Celine
May 16
I met Papa for the first time in August of 2017 when him and Mami came to visit Anze in LA. I quickly became an adopted daughter! What a blessing to be able to gain more parents on this life's journey. I'll always remember our jogs and gym sessions. I became coach to the coach!
We will miss his Calm but firm demeanor.
I am comforted that he leaves behind a LEGACY of children and grandchildren and the LEGACY of IMPACT on his COMMUNITY.
Ma Mofor Helen
May 16
May 16
My mentor, defender, educator, my counselor, my love. I thank you for the life we have lived since I found you. We have toiled together like one in sickness and in health. Though life has not been easy, god has helped us to move together until your demise.
I thank God that even in pain he still gave you the chance to confess him till the end and I also had the time to say over and over again that I love you.
If we never meet again, this side of heaven, where there is trouble and strive, we shall meet you on that beautiful shore, where the charming roses bloom forever and ever and where separation comes no more.
Rest from that terrible pain Montoh.
Your wife, Mengentoh Helen.
Constance Mute
May 16
May 16
I called you an incredible Dad. You were more than a dad, a mentor, and best friend to everyone. Your love and strength guided me through life, your words of wisdom touched the lives of everyone round you. Your memories will live in the hearts of those who knew you. Dad I pray Eternal rest be granted to you and our brother Humphrey and let perpetual light shine on your soul.
Your Daughter, Constance Mute
Paul Mute Fonyam
May 16
May 16
Pa Paul my mbomboh, it’s been so painful about your demise. You will always call me “Paul, get my purse and buy drinks for the visitor’s”. So painful not hearing from you anymore. You raised a great family and I am blessed to be part of it with a beautiful and blessed wife you gave me. Your unconditional love for me was a comforting embrace that I could always rely on. Thank you for always making me feel welcomed in your home.
Your Son In-law, Paul Mute Fonyam
May 15
May 15
I knew Pa Mofor Paul in 1990 when I was transferred from Wum and appointed in the SW Provincial Delegation for National Education which shared the same building with Youth and Sports where he was in charge of Finace and Administration. Pa Paul Mofor just became my father as he went to the then BTTC Buea, with other Ghogomus. By coincidence, we attended the same Baptist church until when I went back to Bamenda on retirement in 2017.
Pa Mofor unveiled true fatherly love to me in all ramifications by making me the "God father" of his son, David, by giving me a babysitter from Awing when I had my twins in 1993 and by proposing his plot around Sandpit for me to buy at a give away price to be fully settled in Buea which I failed to comply. Even in his dying bed, he remained steadfast as a man of the universe as he had no tribe though from Awing. The world would be a better place if we had many of late Pa Paul Mofor. Go ahead daddy as we follow you later. Adieu. Ghogomu Michael.
May 15
Dear Papa,

Being someone who meant so much and was loved by all, you must know you leave behind a trail of tears, notwithstanding, beautiful and precious memories.

You have departed, but your smile, your kindness, your gentle spirit, your wit, your intuitiveness, your heart, your love, and your eyes have all been replicated in us.
A beautiful collage of you... Touching the world in Manifold ways.

This is not goodbye. This is until we meet again. Thank you for being my Father, I will always love and miss you.
Kupoh Ndikefor Epose Fru Elizabeth
May 14
I find it difficult to write about my late and always caring brother Pa PAUL TEMBONG MOFOR whom I’ve known and shared so much with him ever since my early youth. Difficult because I cannot find the perfect words to explain my feelings and tell my unique and exciting experiences with him.
I fondly and affectionately called him “Pa MONTOH”. He was such an amazing individual in so many ways and I can testify without any reserves that he lived his life to the fullest and positively affected countless lives indiscriminately.
Pa MONTOH, a man of the people, was present everywhere to console with people in time of sorrow or celebrate in times of joy and that was him. His acts were founded on his love for people, the anchor that defined and moulded his lifestyle. He was a man always ready to lend a hand and I always wondered how he got the means to do all that.
Whether you needed simple guidance, an empathetic ear, an always ready shoulder to rest on in times of need, you got it from him instantly.
I vividly remember those our old Victoria days when we used to travel from Limbe to Awing very regularly, during weekends and in my old Renault 12 TS car to visit our dear mothers, both of blessed memory. The engine of our old car would heat up very often and we would make several stops on the way for him to happily go down the streams and carry some water for us to “blead” the cooling system. Such journeys would take a whole day not only because of the car but because he virtually knew at least one person in all the towns and villages along the way and we had to stop each time to greet them and share soap, crayfish, dry fish or coconuts he carried along. On return we would again make a stop in each of those same houses and collect food they had kept for him. Whie in Awing he would spend all his time going on foot from one compound to the other bringing joy to mostly the elderly persons.
In a nutshell, we’ve lost a hero, a man with a heart of gold who lived a morally upright life guided by a strong sense of right and he would not spare beating a child even in front of the parents in an effort to correct him/her.
Pa MONTOH PAUL TEMBONG MOFOR, it's difficult to say goodbye, so I’ll simply say farewell. The pages of your book will never be closed, millions will remember you for the countless individuals whose lives you positively impacted. You’ll forever remain green in our hearts. May the good Lord reward you with a very peaceful rest until we meet again.
Ta MBAH MBOLE Joseph, Limbe
May 11
Our family deeply mourns the loss of a grand father, father, uncle, brother n friend. Your irreplaceable presence will be forever missed Papa. You were always present at all the meetings no matter the distance, d first to play ur njanji. You taught us how to be one another's keeper in good n bad times. Thank you for everything. One thing we will never forget n be thankful is how u touched our lives differently. Some you provided education, others food, others shelter, others husband's, others wives, others manners, others clothing's, others finance, others spiritual growth and others counseling. Your passing leaves avoid but your love will continue to shine forever. We will miss you mofor Nchinde's family meeting coastal zone.
May 11
Papa I have to start by thanking God for blessing our family with an angel. I am proud and van beat my chest for having a father like you. Caring, loving, peaceful, jovial, selfless,disciplinarian, an adviser n always positive in your words. I knew a day will come that I have to bid you farewell but it all happened so fast. God has a reason for calling you home at this time I can't question as it is his will. As a Christian I can only console myself with 1 Chronicles 29:15. For we are strangers before thee and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on earth are as a shadow and there is none abiding. Farewell Papa. Your daughter Delphine Atefor mofor.
May 11
May 11
Papa I miss you so much but I believe God called you in a better place . Time passes but your memories I will forever cherish. I miss how you used to call me Bebe and took care of me every time I got sick . You were such a kind, loving , humorous and patient Man I am forever grateful how you taught us the importance of having God in our life at our youthful age . It is an honor to be the grandchild of such a generous Man . You will forever live in my heart and I promise to make you proud. Please watch over us from above . I love you papa. Farewell
May 9
Papa, my heart still aches in sadness of your demise. There are not enough words to describe how much you've impacted my life. You've inculcated in me some values that have shaped my life and made me the person I am today. You told me you were proud of me and promised to come around to spend some time with your grandkids as you use to do in the past. Now we only have our eyes to cry, because we are not going to see you again in this world. We love and miss you so much, but God's will must be done. Thank you for your love, Papa. Go well my father and see you in the bosom of the Lord, where we will meet to part no more. 

Alphonse Acho
No matter how much I express my heart,you won't return and give that rumbling laugh of yours again. You were someone people loved to be around. The most organized person I know. I've always told you how special you are to me. And you would remain special,though you are no longer around today. It's sad to say goodbye but what is certain is, we shall meet again someday to part no more .Keep resting in the hands of the most high grandpa . I LOVE YOU AND WOULD ALWAYS LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ❤️
May 8
Papa, your legacy of protection, guidance and fatherly love lives on. You touched my heart with your kindness and wisdom and I will forever be grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for being the rock and a true inspiration to us all. Rest in peace man with wisdom and peace.
April 29
April 29
Papa, having you in my life was like a bright light that shined through all my dark paths . Your love, encouragement, prayers and support made a complete difference in and around me. You taught us the importance of love and to hold on to God which was one of your greatest virtue which you held on to till your last breath and like a true soldier you died at your post. Just like apostle Paul of old you ran a good race and fought a good fight now having a deserved rest. Farewell daddy you will for ever be in our hearts. Nkwate Tangye
April 29
April 29
Daddy you gave me the opportunity to understand what it means to have a father in-law. I learned so much from you when ever we were together; you always gave me a listening ear. You were indeed that father in-law that every woman will want to have. Will for ever miss you daddy till we meet again. Adieu. Your daughter in-law Reanna.
April 29
April 29
My beloved Son,it is sad to know that I cannot hear your voice anymore. I will forever remember the good times ,advice and  discipline that has shaped me to becoming the woman I am today.

You have sowed seeds of love and wisdom here on earth that will continue to bloom forever. One thing I know for sure is you fought a brave battle and you have successfully finished the race.Farewell and rest in Peace.

Mama Ngwe
April 24
My dear Pa Mofor Paul,
Thank you for the multidimensional support, wisdom, laughter and countless memories. You have left an indelible mark on our lives and your spirit will continue to guide and inspire us. Rest in peace Pa, knowing that you were deeply loved and will always be remembered.
Your son in law: Penanje Evaristus Sunkekang.
April 20
For all you did, serving your God and your family, serving your community, serving your country: we appreciate you and we love you.
You helped to build broken relationships, you kept your family and other families together, including loved ones and strangers safe, you provided a shelter, food and love many who had little or none, you lived a life full of vitality and fulfilment. May your candle always burn bright. Love, Anze

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