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May 26
Dear Daddy always in our hearts forever. With love Iyambombe ❤️❤️❤️
February 4
February 4
Wow, you would have been 97 years young today, dear Mola. Enjoy the celebrations up yonder. Happy birthday and we still miss you sorely.
February 4
February 4
Happy Birthday Mola,

On this day a star was gifted to mankind. You are always in our hearts and your work lives on.
As you always say “DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION” we will pop a bottle for you and drink in moderation.

We love you so much……….
May 27, 2023
Dear mola Njoh, may you continue to rest in peace. We have memories of you which we will always cherish. Thank you for being a part of our lives. I am privileged to have known you and learnt a lot from your wisdom. Adieu.
May 27, 2023
May 27, 2023
Rest in eternal peace, dear Mola Njoh! You are gone but not forgotten. We miss you very sorely.
February 6, 2023
February 6, 2023
In evergreen memory of a patriarch, a stalwart, a traditional encyclopedia, a monumental icon. You would have been 96 and who knows how we would have partied. Rest on in eternal peace, Mola koko.
February 6, 2023
February 6, 2023
Happy belated birthday Grandpa. I miss you so much! Your voice, talking to you and hugging you. I still remember our memories and will cherish them to give me comfort. I wish you were here but I guess you are in a better place.
February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023
Happy Birthday Mola, we know you are watching over us all and your work lives on.
February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023
Happy Birthday grandpa continue resting well
February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023
Happy Birthday, Mola Njoh grief is like the ocean. It comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it's overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim. You are always fresh in our memories!!!!
May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022
Grand Pa,
Senior CA,
you are greatly missed
We know you are watching over us all.
Sobajo II is in safe hands and we will keep making you proud.

Your work lives on.

-Mokia Egbe

February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
Happy birthday dear Dad.
Remembering you on this day. Missing you lots. 

With love,
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
Happy Birthday Gramps ... I miss you so much!! There's so much I want to tell you. Continue to rest easy, Forever in my heart!

Miss Ndolo.
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
My darling Pops gone but not forgotten. Miss you every day so much I want to share with you God has been faithful. We now have two angels watching over us so it is well. RIP daddy.
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
You’ve been gone a year, dear Mola Njoh, and it still feels like yesterday! Continue to rest in eternal peace, and we pray that you keep on interceding on our behalf. Bug hugs to you all up yonder, and we look forward to when we’ll all meet again to part no more. Your Jr wife. ❤️
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
One year without you Grandpa! I love you and I miss you... RIP - Until we meet again...

May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
It’s one year already. We miss you Grandpa. Keep resting.

-Sobajo 2.
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
Dear Daddy,
Exactly one year ago the Lord decided it was time for you to rest. It still feels like it was just yesterday. Still missing you .

Forever in our hearts. Never forgotten.

With love,
May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
May the soul of this great man the father of my deear friend Mafany rest in perfect peace . He truly was a great man , a colosssus in his time who loved both his country and family dearly
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
Happy 94th birthday Mola. We would have celebrated this in style at Membea House, but you’re having a better time up yonder. We miss you sorely, but we believe we will meet again. Continue to intercede on our behalf. You’re gone but certainly not forgotten. Much love from your “Junior wife”, Carl, Baron and Eliza Anyangwe
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
Daddy I lack words to describe how much we miss you. Rest gently sweet daddy
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
Daddy, we remember you with lots of love on your birthday. ❤️

February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
It’s your birthday Gramps. I miss you. Keep resting.

Love you, 
Sobajo the 2nd.

June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
I can’t thank God enough for all the quality time we spent together. You made me understand that your entire life was one big testimony. The good work God began in your life has simply been taken to completion by He Himself.(Php1:6)
Congratulations for a life well lived. Rest well in the Lord’s bosom. You shall be dearly missed.
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
To Family Litombo Litumbe, Dear Brother,             Accept our deep condolences following the passing into eternity of Pa Mola Litumbe, a political icon of Cameroon. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Remain strong.       

Pa/Ma John Abeng.           
June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020
Ah. Mola Njoh!
It has taken me a while to come here; I guess because sometimes there are no words to describe the mixed feelings of nostalgia from missing someone, and just plain Thanksgiving for a life lived to the fullest.
Rest well Mola. You fought your fight and finished well. We will see you in the morning.
Dear Enany, Embelle and the whole family; it is well. We are praying for you to find the comfort that only our Lord can provide. God Bless!
[From the Mbiwan-Ndando Family]
June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020
Dear Mola,
I have been thinking of how to say bye to you,such a wonderful father knowledgeable impeccable professional accountant to the core, transparent,integrity and incorruptible.
All started on September 1st 1981, a young graduate in accounting just recruited by you trained as chartered Accountant,became partner and managing partner.
We have always been together all these 39 years and each time we met we had lots and lots of things to share,your wisdom.
I Remember when we had some financial difficulties and you came in and sorted them with your funds from your saving. We paid back later but this was a wonderful gesture to a son. I can not say thank you enough
You are a major player in my life and what I am is you. When I visited you recently in Douala we had a long long discussion and I was filled with your usual wisdom at the end.
I know that you are in heaven by your deeds. I am filled with good memories of you,I will always remember you

I will always keep in touch with Mafany and Mrs E
Fare well Mola
May Your Soul Rest in Perfect Peace
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
We all join you and the family to wish Mokia Njoh Litumbe a very respectable departure to yonder. We acknowledge him as a patriarch, a hero of his time and especially a very dedicated father to all Cameroonians. We join in prayer for the family, that they may be protected from any excessive consequences of his departure. Let us lay his body low in the soil of his ancestors as we watch his spirit rise above to meet his eternal God. May his soul rest in peace.

-Mokia Mbak'a Ngombe
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
Dear Pa Mola;
You won't just be missed Pa. You will be remembered as the Patriarch, the Patriot, the unflinching Stateman, the Father, the Icon and the symbol of Resistance, insistence and Persistence of the Ambazonian Revolution. You didn't just fight Papa, you inspired 10M+ to stand up and fight for their #Rights. To fight for a #FreeHomeland. You simplified our History to the understanding of a 9yrs old child and presented a vivid accurate account to the international community who wanted to turn and twist the story. That's why you are called the Southern Cameroons #Encyclopedia.
I refuse to Mourn! Rather I'm celebrating the birth of a #Legend #TheMosesOfAmbazonia. May You find Favor with the Lord and continue to direct us from the spiritual untill we liberate the homeland. I promise, infact our promise to you is that #WeWillLiberateSouthernCameroons #Ambazonia
Death isn't a cruel end to life. It's a passage through life.
Rest Well Papa Mola Njoh Litumbe
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
Walana Wa Fako Lowa Niso

We are bereaved.
Our father, uncle, grandfather.

Mola Njoh Litumbe has heeded the call from the Almighty to meet the rest of our ancestors. 
Let us pray for lya Liengu and all members of the family, to celebrate Mola Njoh as he affected all of our lives positively. Does anyone remember Emil Agency to name a few. 
As the days go by. Let's continue to pray for lya Liengu and the rest of the family, to remember the sweet memories and all he accomplished personally and professionally. 
God is our strength in all things.
June 11, 2020
Mola Njoh, Grandpa Njoh, I thank God for your rich and fulfilled life. You lived for 93 years but it seemed like two or three lifetimes because of your achievements. There is no Bakwerian or Cameroonian who wasn't affected by you one way or the other. You stood behind those you loved all the way and you stood firm for what You believed in irrespective of sentiments around, a trait that we should all emulate. You believed in the Bakweri tribe and you did all to 'hook up' young men and women to keep us all together. Your memory will live on forever as you find rest in the lords bosom where you will rest from all your earthly labours.
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
Mbamba, u were indeed a hero, u caught for what u believed in n stood ur grounds for the truth no matter the odds. I remember our last encounter where u encouraged me to study hard n take my education seriously, dt u shld always hold on to the truth no matter how difficult the situation night be. mbamba Njoh u have gone to be with the God of Truth rest well papa, we love u but God loves u most, yondo swele Tata, greet mbambas Ngowo n Njie for me, uncle fritze n my mbo Hannah, Adieu Tata till we meet again to part no more
June 11, 2020
Dear Mola Litumbe
Despite all your achievements on this planet earth, Cameroonians and millions of people the world over will remember your eloquent history lessons which laid the foundation for the future of our beloved country. Those Cameroon history lectures and lessons drawn from empirical experiences and given when they were needed the most will last from generation to generation and so too will your legacy and spirit continue to linger within us and the future generation. May Your Gentle Soul Rest In Perfect Peace With The Lord Our Hero, Mola Njoh LITUMBE. As we say in Lekongho-Mbo Language “Fogoh Ebongkeh Mboh Litumbe, Ndem meboleh woh”.
Chief Prof Esendugue Greg Fonsah
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Mola Njoh weh yondo rzwelele
i vividly remember your last words to me as we discursed on the future when you said you do not have a long life more to live on planet earth what you are fighting for is to leave a veritable Lagacy for those coming behind who seem to have a bleak future
You were almost there but Like Moses God gave you a vision of the Promise Land you neatly paved the way veraciously but at such a time as this the Lord said weldone my son Here is a mansion unparalled with any other for you come home now my son and rest in prrfect peace
O nanga na mololoko
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
My sincere condolences over the passing of our father. Please kindly update me with arrangements and plans for his funeral . He was also my father. May he rest in peace.

Kinge Namanga
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Litumbe Larger than Life

I once told Albert Mukong (RIP), in a serious joke, that he could one day become president and still create an opposition party. His reaction to views expressed by our mutual friend, Vincent Feko (RIP), were to me a clear sign that Mukong was an unrepentant political activist but, by his low tolerance level, not much of a democrat and, by implication, hadn't much of what I would look for in a politician.
Like Mukong, his contemporary, Mola Njoh Litumbe, was an uncompromising activist who pulled no punches in the fight to decolonise Southern Cameroon. It's a wonder their paths did not meet in Kondengui where Mukong was the Prisoner without a Crime.
But it was perhaps their styles that made the difference. While Mukong was given to unguarded petulance and testy explosions, Litumbe was a suave and circumspect public speaker. Without a script, he spoke his mind fluently and effectively, with a disarming touch of humor and persuasion.
If one sees party politics as the pursuit of power and privilege, then Mola Njoh was even less of a politician than Mukong. And if his stint with the LDA proved anything, it was that Mola was not cut out for the dog-eat-dog intrigues that are the Hallmark of party politics.
He once expressed very amusing shock and dismay at the fact that Fru Ndi came campaigning in Buea. He had expected the SDF to leave Buea to the LDA since the two parties had a common opponent, the CPDM, to beat.
But his apparent political naivete was nothing compared to the myopia and suicidal egoism of his supposed allies who did not see the need to tap into his obvious strengths for their collective good.
It was also obvious that he found Fru Ndi's flirtation with Yaoundé in devilish bad taste. But it took accompanying Foncha and Muna to the UN and later on their contrition tour of Southern Cameroon for Litumbe to identify publicly and unambiguously with the one cause that made him tick - the cause for the statehood of Southern Cameroon.
In this regard he quickly distinguished himself as an archive on two legs. Facts, figures and dates from Southern Cameron's history cascaded from his lips with such ease as can only come of being an eye witness, or better still a participant - which he was.
And you can't mention facts and figures without recalling that Mola Njoh was a high-flying auditor, and hence a stickler for probity in public management.
Normally, being an activist of any kind in the evening of one's life is a tall order, but Mola stunned everyone by both his activism and physical vivacity even as he clocked a century.
And he not only carried that rare endowment in years with astounding grace and elegance, he used the accompanying wisdom to imprint the Southern Cameroon struggle without ever being sucked into the baneful horsetrading that bedeviled it. He thus remained till his death, arguably, the most widely respected and politically unblemished patriarch West of the Mungo.
Would that his mantle of altruistic activism fell on an Elisha among those jostling to lead the way to Buea - someone driven by the zeal to right the wrongs done our people, not by the lust to feather their personal nest.

Victor Epie Ngome.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Sonila Justice Bongayi you spoke my mind. We should also understand and know how to control the apparent Southern Cameroons demon in us, that which makes us present ourselves as righteous while being unrighteous towards each other. The level of insensitivity amongst us towards the pains of even those amongst us who hurt and harbor wounds for the revolution. Mola stands out and we can easily gather to honor him because he was not a burden to us. He did not have to depend on us for anything but the recognition we gave him in his later years and now in death. Mola made money while the Mukongs were in jail. He retired in comfort and could just get up and jump in a plane and head to anywhere. The joy of being in this revolution could have added years to Mola's life. It gave him energy and purpose. It firmly placed him at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The revolution self actualized Mola's existence and elevated him from whatever and whoever he has been in anything else in his long life to the status of sainthood of the revolution. I think between Mola and the revolution, there are mutual benefits, a sharing of the giving and taking. Mola did not start out his life this way but a light bulb in him got switched on between the period of the AAC1 and the trip with pa Foncha, Muna, and others. He found a path and a niche on how to end the last chapter of his life and he wrote it well.

That said we are little bit a bunch of hypocrites. There are people who suffered and gave everything for this revolution, living poor for it and dying poor for it. There will be a stain in our national soul as we move on because of the way we treated people like, Justice Ebong, Dr Yongbang and others. The way we are treating our own citizens who are held captives by the enemy, our comrades sacrificing for our revolution. We need to change our ways. If we do not, even if we successfully get to Buea, we may lose it yet again. Before our own eyes we see people setting up our citizens to turn their guns on each other, to fight and kill their own brothers so they can be in leadership. We need to rid ourselves of our own demons so we can enjoy freedom, even after our fallen patriots have paid such a heavy price for it both in blood and sweat: in the graves, in the forests, in prison cells and refugee camps. Many are nursing their wounds of war without any support or appreciation.

Christmas Ebini
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Mbamba dearly beloved sister and Litombo my brother, accept our deepest condolence at the passing of your dear father, a true legend and warrior. Please be comforted in your sorry. We stand with you all.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Dear Litombo,

So sorry to hear about Uncle Njoh, I have such fond memories of him from back in the days. He was a real gent. Always made me chuckle when he would invite the gentlemen to get their food first. Such bravery in matriarchal Cameroon!;) Ashia, and for your other recently departed relatives too. It must be tough times. Just wanted to let you know Jayne and I are thinking of you all. Stay blessed.

Also, given the present global situation, we have decided that Ma should not travel this year. She is a bit forgetful though, so if she asks for you to make flight inquiries, please remind her it is safer for her to not travel.

I don’t have contact details for Embelle, so if you can, please extend my love and condolences to her and all the family.

Love and best wishes to you and all the family.

David Mallett

June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Mola Litombo, just to say Ashiah for Mola Njoh's transition to the great beyond. I am in Bertoua and due to electricity and internet problems I got the news late. Thank God he allowed us benefit from his remarkable wisdom.

Ekeke Monono
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Where Patriarchs live there is a Patriach's mould
Once you touch base
An Angel you become
To remain into stainless duty
That pleases the Master
So that the vain leaders of the world
From afar should have remorse
For the dirty work they do
To spoil the Kingdom of Yaweh.

Yangange Wose.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
The Demise Of My Employer(Akintola Williams, Chartered Accountants,Cameroon) And Icon On International Financial Astuteness. Rest In Peace Pioneer Forward-Thinker.

Denis Tambe Ayuk, Besongabang.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
With a heavy heart I write to Express my condolences to the Litumbe clan at the passing of Mola Njoh Litumbe. His journey was long. His achievements for humanity were laudable. It is my prayer that his maker will find him worthy and reward him in the life beyond

-Mr. Adu Ncho.
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020
Dearest Bros LL and our dearest Sister Mbambalicious we are sending you our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Uncle Njoh Litumbe. The good Lord has assurances for you as follows:
Verse:  Hebrews 13:5  
God has said, ‘I will not in any way fail you or leave you without support.’

- How reassuring it is to know that the Lord will never leave us.
- HE will not fail us, HE will not give up on us.
- HE will carry ys and HE will be there to provide us the support we need.
- HE has got you Bros, you are in His hands, and you can rest in this knowledge.
These are very challenging times no doubt, let us pray to the Lord, and thank Him for the security that you have in knowing that He will never leave you . I pray that you place your hope and confidence in the Almighty, knowing that He will take care of you. Amen

Tribute from Anita & Aaron Munetsi.
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