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My Mama being a kid

November 25, 2022
I'll never forget the time that mama just got her nursing suit on and it was a bright white shirt, pants and shoes. Us kids was outside playing kickball, and it just stopped raining, mama came out to the home plate and she said " I'll show y'all how to kick the ball the right way", so she took two steps back and was on our wet, muddy carpet at the bottom of our steps, the ball was rolled to her, she went to kick the ball and her foot slipped out from under her, she hit the wet, muddy ground. Her work uniform was ruined beyond repair. She had me to go call her boss and let them know that she was going to be a little late. While she changed her clothes, I was working on cleaning up her shoes. She was sore from it but she would bring it up to me and Criss and laugh so hard that we couldn't breathe. All she said when she hit the ground was " OH SHIT!" My Mama would get outside and join us kids as long as it was some kind of sport we was playing.

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