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Those who knew Bok-sheng only casually, knew him as kind, funny and personable. His humility and understated presence veiled an extraordinary man who was deeply respected and loved by many. A bedrock of principles, common sense, heart, and a sense of humor guided how he made decisions and treated others. This constancy led him to success as a family member, friend, engineer, activist, and writer. It carried him from his hometown of Kaohsiung, Taiwan to every region in the US, including the deep south, the midwest, and east and west coasts. His modest lifestyle hid his tremendous life success, which he defined on his own terms. He never strived for titles, status, or wealth. Success for him meant being “someone who has influenced his surroundings and developed his talents which enable him to do meaningful things, as defined by himself, whenever and wherever.”

This site is for us to commemorate Bok-sheng, his talents, his influence, and the meaningful things he accomplished. Let us remember the profound impact he has had on our lives.
May 3
May 3
Bok-sheng; I will miss you and remember you for the rest of my life. You have left me a lot of beautiful memories. I will remember you by recalling these memories time to time. I have leaned a lot of knowledge from you. Your humor made me laughing and relieve. Thank you. Good bye Bok-sheng
April 7
April 7
自從1972年我和吳木盛先生在Columbus Ohio 新成立的台灣同鄉會同時被選為理事以來,認識木盛兄一家人已超過五十年了。木盛兄大我12歲,因此我們都尊稱他們夫婦為吳先生和吳太太。
木盛兄文筆好,同鄉會每月出版的“鄉訊”,經常需要他的文章協助。同鄉會年會時,他會幫忙寫劇本,由同鄉演出,內容幽默好笑,經常博得滿堂大笑。當時中西部盛行壘球賽,春夏一到同鄉會間就東征西討。印象最深的是參加1973 年在普渡舉行的“中西部壘球賽”,雖然比賽結果多吃敗仗,但有木盛兄在,總是逗得大家哈哈大笑。
1978年木盛兄離開GE(Columbus)搬到Rhode island,我也在Connecticut 找到工作,兩地車程不到三小時。因我首次購屋,他乃特地開車過來幫忙察看。此後,每逢長假,木盛嫂常常電邀我們過去渡假。一到他家,就和木盛兄無所不聊,木盛嫂就在廚房準備料理,女兒也得出讓房間。假期結束前又帶我們到附近魚港買新鮮又好吃的魚帶回家。幾年後我們遷到Binghamton(NY)的GE工作,才結束了這段豐盛假期的日子。永遠感謝他們一家人的熱情款待。
1987年夏天我們遷到南加州,同時他們也隨公司遷移至 Mobile, Alabama。1988年初,我們剛遷入新房子不久,他們專程來訪,可惜我們四人都感冒,又遇Santa Ana wind 吹得呼呼響,我們真擔心他們因此不喜歡加州,幸好這是我們的多慮。
1998年由於木盛兄與兒女都喜歡北加,又兒女都在北加工作,他們乃決心搬來北加San Raman。那裡環境優雅, “ 遠處連綿不斷的山巒,近處是小山和人工湖,我們的小房子與美麗的 canyon Lake Golf course, 只有一大約三十度斜坡,五十碼遠之隔”(鴨勇的腳印 P.380) 。1999年12月初,我們特地造訪他們的新居。隔日三、四十度的清晨,他們請我們坐在後院六人用的hot tub內,邊享受熱騰騰的熱水浴,邊看日出。木盛兄嫂對待我們親如弟妹,令人感激又難忘。
April 6
April 6
I remember the very first time we met. His calm and pleasant demeanor put me at ease immediately. Over the years, as I got to know him better, I saw someone with a strong conviction to his values, patient and gentle with others, and a kindness that was heartfelt. I will miss his humor, his presence, and above all, the opportunity to have another conversation with him. Rest in peace.
April 5
April 5
Dear Da Ger Mu-sheng,

Ming and I celebrate your incredible life with much gratitude and deep respect.

Almost sixty years ago, if it hadn't been for your help, I might not have been able to come to the United States. When I graduated from college in Taiwan I got admission with a scholarship from the Graduate School of Oklahoma State University in the U.S., but my parents would not allow me to go abroad because they were worried about how their girl would survive in a strange foreign country by herself. Through my good friend, you knew my predicament, you wrote a letter to my parents right away and suggested that I transfer to a different school and live with your family, since then, I have been taken care of by you and Da Sao. Your generosity to others and your home have been a shelter for many Taiwanese students. You have been such an immense help to so many and asked for nothing in return.

There is so much to say about Mu-sheng: he was a devoted family man and was well-known among the Taiwanese American community. He had always been an enthusiastic fighter and a leader for democracy and freedom in our homeland of Taiwan. In addition, he was a successful engineer by trade and a gifted writer and talker, he showed his honesty, deep concern, integrity, and humor in many ways. I will carry so many great memories of my appreciation for him as a kind and amazing man, and he leaves a loving legacy behind.

I know that Da Ger has escaped from the torture of illness, passed away peacefully, and went to meet Da Sao happily, yet my sadness is still unavoidable. Dear Da Ger, you have won a battle on the road of life, your ethical philosophy of mankind will be an inspiration for all of us. Rest in peace! 
April 3
April 3
**Tribute to Bok-Sheng Wu 木盛兄**

For a quarter of a century, our paths intertwined,
A journey of respect, where hearts and minds aligned.
In San Ramon's embrace, we gathered and grew,
Under the guidance of Bok-Sheng Wu.

Prof. Wen-Chen Chen's sister, Pearl by name,
Sought my aid, to honor a man of fame.
Together we ventured, a visit to renew,
To the home of a leader, a friend so true.

An engineer's precision, a writer's flair,
An activist's passion, beyond compare.
Humility his virtue, humor his art,
Dignity in his step, devotion in his heart.

A Taiwanese American leader, standing tall,
An activist, a writer, he gave his all.
With humor and humility, he faced each day.
His dignity intact, come what may.

An accomplished gentleman, a family man so dear,
His wife Wen-di, a true lady, always near.
Though she left us seven years past,
Their love and legacy forever last.

His only regret, a vision unfulfilled,
To see his Taiwan, independently built.
A beacon of democracy, of heritage and pride,
A dignified nation, with no need to hide.

Now, as we remember Bok-Sheng Wu,
Let's honor his dream, and make it come true.
For a man who inspired, who led with his heart,
Let's carry his vision, and do our part.

His life was a testament to his values and his vision for Taiwan. May his memory continue to be a beacon of inspiration. Sayonara Bok-Sheng Hian!
April 3
April 3
Dear 木盛兄,

Evan and I have known you and Wendy over 50 years. It was in the seventies when you were the president of Taiwanese American Association.
Your sense of humor and wise comments made you standout in the crowd. You are fun to be around.

I remember when I was president of NATWA and held the annual meeting in New Orleans in March, 1992, I invited you to be the speaker of Time Management . You and Wendy came Try to break the ice, I instructed members to room with someone they did not know. You overheard my instruction and came to me” Hi, Elena, I was informed that I have to room with someone I don’t know”. Wendy was standing next to you, then. Your comment cracked me up, and I don’t think I will forget about this.

I enjoy reading your articles and books. I wish you could keep on writing.

You and Evan came from the neighboring town. After Wendy’s passing, when Evan called you, both of you could talk for hours. Evan sent you guavas and tropical fruits from our garden, you were so happy. You told Evan that those were the best you had ever tasted. I know you must be home sick. Ever since Wendy’s passing, I can sense your loss. You two were great couple. I know you missed her a lot. You are in a better place where you and Wendy are together again. We miss you but we are happy for you.
We will meet again. Rest In Peace.

Elena in Diamond Bar

April 2
April 2
As a resident at Watermark, Mu-Sheng Wu was a sweet and polite man. He always asked me, "are you ok today"? If you're ok, I'm ok" with a big smile. Thinking of him brings a smile to my face. RIP 
April 2
April 2
Mu-sheng is my best friend since 1967 when we were in Texas. We both love our mother land Taiwan. Throughout his life, he made many contribution to Taiwan. He was a good writer and talker. Although we live far apart, we call and chat on the phone very often. I absolutely enjoyed our conversation. Our last conversation ended five days before his passing. I will miss him for ever.
April 2
April 2
四十二年前,式宜剛到Rhode Island電力公司上班不久,職位又榮獲升遷,當時我們並不知道這種私人公司的消息會上報。不久我們接到木盛兄寄來這一則新聞的剪報(我們未正式認識,但知道他是台灣社團的名人)。他雖不認識式宜,但看到是台灣人上報,很開心,特地向波士頓的朋友要了我們的地址,很親切地寄來給我們。我們都為他的溫暖和細心感動不已。
而我跟他們正式的互動是1990去叁加在Dallas的婦女會年會開始。當時他剛退休不久,還記得他說繳了Jennifer 最後一期的學費,立刻遞上辭呈。還說人坐車不一定要坐到終點,可以先下車四處看看。當時我覺得很震撼,多麼瀟灑的人生哲學,當然也因爲他娶了一位很看得開又肯配合的賢內助。
因爲我們之間很投緣,時常電話聊天,一起旅行,我從1995年開始以Nee San和阿嫂稱呼他們。而他們確實也待我如親妹妹。我有白目之言行時,阿嫂也會罵我。因爲確實親如家人,旅行時我們曾幾次四人同住一個旅館房間。而式宜也會向他們對我的惡行惡言告狀搏取同情。
七年前阿嫂突然離世,讓我少了一個傾訴心事的對象,現在Nee San又走了,我在美國的“後頭厝”也不復存,但想到他們終於重聚,再沒有病痛的折磨,還是替他們感到欣慰。
Jeff Yeh
April 2
April 2
Mu-sheng is my best friend since 1967 when we were in Texas. We both love our mother land Taiwan. Throughout his life, he made many contribution to Taiwan. He was a good writer and talker. Although we live far apart, we call and chat on the phone very often. I absolutely enjoyed our conversation. our last conversation ended five days before his passing. I will miss him for ever.

Jeff Yeh
April 1
April 1
I first met Mu-sheng and Wendy when I moved to Canyon Lakes back in 2000. I was so moved when they opened their arms to welcome me to the community with warmth, kindness and joyful spirits. They later became my good friends, better yet, more like my big brother and sister from Taiwan!

Soon after, I got to enjoy his well-known humorous conversations and read many of great books he wrote. He surely was great inspirations for me knowing that he had devoted so much toward the fight for democracy and freedom of our homeland Taiwan. He was also a great model for me in life as he remained humble yet positive, humorous yet with truthful integrity.

Dear Brother Mu-sheng, you and your spirit will forever be missed and remembered!
April 1
April 1
Uncle Wu, as I called him, was a master humorist. My mom was 1 week away from her death and our family was surrounding her and so sad. But Uncle and Auntie Wu came with Ben and his family and they brought humor and laughter to our household. My mom laughed loudly when Uncle Wu told her some of his jokes. And Ben got me going, too. I am forever grateful for their gift of laughter. 

And I was always so amazed at the relationship of Uncle and Auntie Wu. I never heard them arguing and I spent summers at their house. Their relationship was really something special. 

After reading Green Island by Shawn Young Ryan, a book about Taiwanese independence, I realized how much Uncle and Auntie Wu had sacrificed for Taiwan democracy and independence.  Thank you Uncle Wu!! May you be laughing with Auntie Wu and my parents.
March 31
March 31
Dear Ben, Jean & Jennifer: Please accept my deepest condolences for the passing of your dad. I knew he was suffering from aches and pains and waiting to leave for a few years. I thought I should be happy for him, but still It saddened me. I am losing a very good friend who was kind and taking care of me for 50 years.

Please allow me to write in Chinese so that I can express myself more easily and accurately. 五十年前我從台灣來到美國,住在Chicago 的二哥開車帶我到你們家託孤。我要到附近的大學念研究所,二哥拜託你的父母多少在旁幫忙。從此我就像你們的家人一樣,受到你們一家溫暖的照顧。我訂婚禮是在你們家辦的,結婚時在一個教堂的地下室由吳太太幫忙找朋友做料理宴客,標準的窮留學生的克難婚禮。 後來吳先生到Rhode Island 高就,我也跟著畢業,找到工作,在美國留下來。

雖然吳先生早年的家庭環境很差,讀書時常常挨餓,但是他有第一流的頭腦和堅定的目標。根據他的自傳「A commoner’s story」他有照相機ㄧ般的記憶,過目不忘,考試所向無敵。由於他的資源相當有限,他很早就會規劃目標,勇猛的前進。他的學業和事業在他像拼命三郎的努力下有讓人佩服的成績。「A commoner’s story 」page 308-309有一段敘述他在 General Electric Co. 當工程師的故事。公司顧用他來解決做人工鑽石引起的汚染,他立定目標要在6個月裡找出方案,來保障這個賴以為生的工作。果然他做到了,他發明了一個完全没汚染的製造過程,拿到專利,和一比獎金。後來他被在Rhode Island 的Ciba Geige Co 挖角的時候,公司很不捨,用重金留他,但没有說服他。東岸活潑的美國文化,是他嚮往的目標。

吳先生跟他堅持目標一樣,非常堅持他的原則。「A commoner’s story」page 322-323訴說Chicago台灣的大使館,在1976年要招待他回台灣。他ㄧ口就回絕,因為他不能浪廢台灣人的稅金。他對原則的堅持,一直是我學習的榜樣。素蓮 Sue Yang
March 31
March 31
I knew Musheng remotely in the nineteen seventies, when he was running American Taiwanese Association in the east coast, while I was at the west coast. We had closer contacts in 1986, when he was the president of International Environmental Protection Union, which was closely associated with World United Formosan Independence, and I was the vice president of it. We organized a successful conference on the environmental issues of Taiwan in 1987. He was a person with honest and integrity. He strongly believed that Taiwan belongs to Taiwanese people. I will miss him dearly!
March 31
March 31
I am Mu-sheng's son-in-law. I first met him in 2005 after I met his daughter Jen. Mu-sheng was not demonstrative but was very welcoming. He made me and my daughter feel part of the family. He clearly enjoyed talking about technical issues but also liked to discuss human challenges. As Jen described, for somebody as accomplished as he was, he was very humble and unpretentious. He cared for and about people without ever making it about himself. He was great to have known and I will miss him.
Cliff Wang
March 31
March 31
Mu-Sheng was a college classmate, an old friend, and a wonderful travel companion. He was humble, honest, humorous, and always had a smile on his face. He will be dearly missed.

Peace to you, my friend!

Cliff Wang
March 29
March 29
I am sad beyond words. I clearly didn't inherit my father's knack for writing. He was an extraordinary man, far from “common”. Humble and kind, his love for family, friends and country knew no bounds. He treated everyone with the respect they deserved. He set a shining example, and I can only strive to live up to his legacy.
March 28
March 28
My father wrote in his book Commoner's Story:

"My life has never been colorful. I struggled to make a living for most of my life, but it has been healthy and full of joy. I am so thankful for the blessings that the heavens have sent me.

In retrospect, I don’t think I have accomplished much. However, I believe I am a success based on my own definition: someone who has influenced his surroundings and developed his talents which enable him to do meaningful things, as defined by himself, whenever and wherever."

We were lucky enough to be part of his joy and blessings. I do disagree with him about not having a colorful life or having not accomplished much. I can't think of anyone who has had a more colorful life and a deeper influence not only in his immediate sphere but in others he didn't even know about. He set a high bar.
March 26
March 26
As his youngest daughter, I'm so proud to have had Bok-sheng as my father. He is the most principled, humble, thoughtful person I know. I will always strive to live up to the example he set for us.

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Recent Tributes
May 3
May 3
Bok-sheng; I will miss you and remember you for the rest of my life. You have left me a lot of beautiful memories. I will remember you by recalling these memories time to time. I have leaned a lot of knowledge from you. Your humor made me laughing and relieve. Thank you. Good bye Bok-sheng
April 7
April 7
自從1972年我和吳木盛先生在Columbus Ohio 新成立的台灣同鄉會同時被選為理事以來,認識木盛兄一家人已超過五十年了。木盛兄大我12歲,因此我們都尊稱他們夫婦為吳先生和吳太太。
木盛兄文筆好,同鄉會每月出版的“鄉訊”,經常需要他的文章協助。同鄉會年會時,他會幫忙寫劇本,由同鄉演出,內容幽默好笑,經常博得滿堂大笑。當時中西部盛行壘球賽,春夏一到同鄉會間就東征西討。印象最深的是參加1973 年在普渡舉行的“中西部壘球賽”,雖然比賽結果多吃敗仗,但有木盛兄在,總是逗得大家哈哈大笑。
1978年木盛兄離開GE(Columbus)搬到Rhode island,我也在Connecticut 找到工作,兩地車程不到三小時。因我首次購屋,他乃特地開車過來幫忙察看。此後,每逢長假,木盛嫂常常電邀我們過去渡假。一到他家,就和木盛兄無所不聊,木盛嫂就在廚房準備料理,女兒也得出讓房間。假期結束前又帶我們到附近魚港買新鮮又好吃的魚帶回家。幾年後我們遷到Binghamton(NY)的GE工作,才結束了這段豐盛假期的日子。永遠感謝他們一家人的熱情款待。
1987年夏天我們遷到南加州,同時他們也隨公司遷移至 Mobile, Alabama。1988年初,我們剛遷入新房子不久,他們專程來訪,可惜我們四人都感冒,又遇Santa Ana wind 吹得呼呼響,我們真擔心他們因此不喜歡加州,幸好這是我們的多慮。
1998年由於木盛兄與兒女都喜歡北加,又兒女都在北加工作,他們乃決心搬來北加San Raman。那裡環境優雅, “ 遠處連綿不斷的山巒,近處是小山和人工湖,我們的小房子與美麗的 canyon Lake Golf course, 只有一大約三十度斜坡,五十碼遠之隔”(鴨勇的腳印 P.380) 。1999年12月初,我們特地造訪他們的新居。隔日三、四十度的清晨,他們請我們坐在後院六人用的hot tub內,邊享受熱騰騰的熱水浴,邊看日出。木盛兄嫂對待我們親如弟妹,令人感激又難忘。
April 6
April 6
I remember the very first time we met. His calm and pleasant demeanor put me at ease immediately. Over the years, as I got to know him better, I saw someone with a strong conviction to his values, patient and gentle with others, and a kindness that was heartfelt. I will miss his humor, his presence, and above all, the opportunity to have another conversation with him. Rest in peace.
His Life

Taiwan University

March 28
Bok-sheng received a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Taiwan University in 1957.

From a Commoner's Story p. 131:

"Four years of college had passed so quickly. The time had been filled with hardships, bitterness, frustrations, and disappointments, but also glory and satisfaction. I was most proud of this achievement which would deeply impact my future life. I was not a frog in a well anymore. One of the most important gifts I received these four years was the friendship of truly wonderful and unselfish classmates. Another gift was being able to see a vision of my future. Of course, I had some scholastic achievement, too.

Before leaving the University, my eight roommates went to a photographer to take a picture. We shared many unforgettable memories and we wanted to capture that time together. My roommates were: Won Wen-Kuei, Ho Shiu-Chuan, Chen Fon-Chuan, Lin Kuan-Huei, Chan Chan-Hong, Chen Chi-Tson and Chan Chie-Kun."

Bok-sheng's life partner, Bunji

March 27
Engaged in 1959

From the preface of a Commoner's Story:

"I also want to take this opportunity to pay my gratitude to my wife Bunji or Wendy. She has endured much hardship to raise our three children and help me in the Taiwanese movement. She has quietly lived a lifetime with me and never complained. Without her I don't know how I would have gotten through my rugged life."

Bok-sheng and Bunji

March 27
Married in 1960, the beginning of a lifelong journey together
Recent stories
April 2
by Chi Yeh
Mu-sheng is my best friend since 1967 when we were in Texas. We both love our mother land Taiwan. Throughout his life, he made many contribution to Taiwan.  He was a good writer and talker. Although we live far apart, we call and chat on the phone very often.  I absolutely enjoyed our conversation. our last conversation ended five days before his passing. I will miss him for ever. 

Jeff Yeh
March 31
Mu-Sheng was a college classmate, an old friend, and a wonderful travel companion. He was humble, honest, humorous, and always had a smile on his face. 
He will be dearly missed.

Peace to you, my friend!

Cliff Wang

Lifelong friend Fan Jin Pao 方金寶

March 28
by Jennifer Wu on behalf of Solien Yang
on behalf of Solien Yang
From A Commoner's Story, pp 94-95

I was unhappy with the university secretly accepting a second application without informing everyone. If they had considered financial need, I would have definitely been selected over most students. I went to the university to complain but they told me they could not do anything more. They offered that I could share a bed in the dormitory, but I would have to find someone who would be willing to share their bed. This was mighty difficult, but I had little choice. As the Taiwanese saying goes, "A hungry person doesn’t mind to lose his face."

I asked Mr. Fan Jin Pao. Surprisingly, he was kind enough to accept my request and we became bed mates for a semester. In the beginning we did not know each other, but we became lifelong friends. He was a graduate of the Tainan Second Middle School. In the same dorm room, we also had graduates from Tainan First Middle School. I was mingled with my Tainanese roommates. After a while, students from the First thought I was from the Second, and vice versa. Anyway, I almost lost my Kao Hsiung Technical School identity.

Mr. Fan Jin Pao lived in the 8th Dormitory, and as did I as a result. The 8th Dormitory was the most distant dormitory from the university and was separated from the 7th by a rice paddy. It was a very typical Taita dormitory: a two story building with black shingles and cement walls that were light green. There was a meal room on one end of the building and bathrooms on the other. We had five twin-sized bunk beds placed along the walls of the room; two beds were on one side, the other three were on the other. In the middle, there were five desks in a line; each student occupied one side of a desk. The desks accommodated ten students. Since I was the eleventh student in the room, I did not have a desk. I had to use the University Library or class rooms to study.

Jin Pao was a quiet and simple person. That semester while I was his bed mate, we did not talk much. We slept on the upper bunk and somehow our bodies never touched even in this small space. He always turned his body toward the wall and slept. Our friendship grew slowly but we became lifelong friends. Now, his home is in the District of Columbia. He retired from the Federal Government in 1994 and has been doing a part-time work for a private company. I will never forget the favor he gave me 50 years ago. Sharing a bed with me certainly was inconvenient for him, but he never said a word about it. He is really a gentleman.

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