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May 15
May 15
 From the 1st day that I met you. Here in Portland, Oregon. I knew you were a leader. A leader of so many fronts. A pioneer full of beauty, life, ambition, and spirit. I feel like the world has been ROBBED! I just found out 2 hours ago that you had passed. I cried all the way home. Damn it.

Richard chew
May 13
May 13
This is an interview I did in 2020 with the late, great Cathy Gruber, known to many of us as Nadi Hana. She was light in the world, a good friend, and our housemate in Sedona for a year and a half, right up until the time we started our journey as nomads last June.

As we get ready to head back to Sedona at the end of next week to be with her friends and family, I thought it appropriate to dig out the video that corresponded to our audio podcast of 3 ½ years ago and share it with y’all.
April 20

I am so sad I did not get to see you one last time. I have been impatiently waiting to take the next extraordinary sacred geometry class with you and be transported to other galaxies and dimensions. It is always so blissful to do it with your guidance and unconditional love. Your presence was always so positive. I do recognize a genuine soul who shines through in her pure magnificent authenticity. And you were that soul. I marveled at how at home I felt always in your presence. Bryan and I are creating a meditation room at the moment and you are going to have a place of honor in our wall with a collage of art we did together with you and pictures of your beautiful smile to bathe our space with your high frequency. I know this is not a good bye because you are here in all dimensions now. But I will still miss you terribly. Love, Stephanie and Bryan
April 20
Oh Nadi, it's taken me this long after your transition to write anything as the shock of your passing has remained with me. You made such a contribution to our current planetary shift while you were here in your body, and so while I know you no doubt can make an even bigger contribution from the other side, I feel your loss deeply. I still have the tesseract instructions up on my computer planning at some point to start the drawing again to send to you. Your input and feedback for the sacred geometry parts of my new book were so helpful and live on in this realm. I'm so grateful we were able to connect in this lifetime, and I will deeply miss you being here. I know we are still connecting, sitting on the galactic council together. And may your soul be joyful navigating through the Spirit world.
April 19
April 19
I found a pic my dear friend Nadi Hana texted to Katie and I about 3 months before she died.  I saw it as I was scrolling through looking for a pic totally unrelated. I sat and stared at it for a bit, feeling warth and sadness. I love the pic because she has a glow as she did one of her favorite things in the world: deep snuggles with her boy Omemo. 

But then I noticed that much of the glow is outside of her body. There is a light on her right shoulder. 

Even then her body could barely contain her light as it was preparing to burst across the cosmos. 

We love you Nadi
April 18
April 18
Dearest Nadi. May your continued transition be one of peace and love. I had the great privilege of being in studies with you in a cohort of loving people. I was sad to hear of your passing. Another bright candle in our world who brought so much love, light and laughter. I will miss your sacred sense of humor and appreciate all you offered to those you educated, supported and mentored. I offered you a transit prayer yesterday from a high mountain. May it reach you and support you. You will be missed, dear siSTAR. In love, Lynda
April 14
April 14
Today, 13 days after Nadi died, I just heard about her death from a friend. My heart is in shock. I love you, Nadi, and i miss you so much! Thank you for your smile, presence, humor, intelligent extraordinariness and passion for expansion and connection with all we are and can be. Thank you for your brave curiosity and dedication to exploring our interdimensionality, and for sharing what you learned and inviting us all along on the journey. You are truly an amazing being and I'm so grateful to have known you. I look forward to our ongoing connection, and I feel heartened in knowing you are still that galactic explorer and connector, still bridging worlds and bringing us all along on the journey into our expanded authentic soul-selves.
April 12
April 12
I'll miss our mutual love and deep respect for crop circles and sacred geometry Nadi. Blessings on your way ~
April 11
April 11
Nadi worked as a Community Education instructor at Yavapai College, and we are so sorry to hear of her passing. Nadi was well regarded by both the department and her students, and she will be missed.
April 10
April 10
Nadi I only met you last year on your first visit to a crop circle in the UK. We knew we were soul mates the moment we met. Thank you for befriending me. Your light will forever shine in my heart.
April 9
April 9
I posted this on facebook, and wanted to leave this here as well:

It’s been a little over a week, and I just haven’t had the words. Last weekend we learned the devastating news that our dear friend and housemate in Sedona, Nadi Hana, passed away unexpectedly. The shock has started to settle, but the sadness is still so so present, and the pain of the loss is still very fresh.

I know Nadi would be proud of how all of her people have handled this news. My belief is that she would want us all celebrating for her and deepening into our own interdimensional connections so that we can communicate with her from beyond the veil. I also believe she would want us to be using her passing as a reminder and inspiration to lean more fully into our spiritual depths and follow our paths of bliss and excitement to their fullest potential each and every day.

The good news is that this is all already in motion… Last week, the Sedona community held an amazingly potent celebration of life for Nadi. There was an option to Zoom in and be a part of it, for which I am so very grateful. An awareness of the extent of her reach and impact is unfolding as the days pass and the news of her leaving reaches more and more people. As her father so eloquently said “the ripples of her life are spreading outward”, and I know that will continue. When someone leaves earlier than expected, it can’t help but make you examine some things more intentionally.

Something that’s been comforting is that I’ve had many communications with Nadi already. I am getting clearer on the forms she will take, and also am ready for more to unfold! She is showing up as hawks who fly directly above us in the van and on walks, as well as many other ways that are very very clear, and sometimes quite funny, which falls right in line with what I’d expect from Nadi. I look forward to continuing to develop this new phase of our relationship. I know she’s loving getting to be everywhere with everyone all at once ❤️

David wrote a very heartfelt tribute to Nadi a few days ago. It is on my facebook wall, directly under this post. If you want to know more about this amazing human, I encourage you to read it as well. He articulated her magic very well, and it resonates deeply with me and aligns in many ways to what I wish to express about her.

Nadi, David, and I lived together as a unit and had a group personality, and also each had our individual relationships as well. Nadi and I talked a lot about extraterrestrial civilizations (she did that with many people ). We talked about starseeds and extraordinary children. There was never ANYTHING I could say that Nadi would bat an eye at. Nothing was too out there or too strange. She would simply respond with “We’re not strange, we’re extraordinary.”

Nadi was one of the most supportive, thorough listeners I’ve ever encountered. When I would come home from a challenging day in the classroom, she was there- present and ready to empathize and care. We also shared a love for kirtan and hilarious cat videos. After we moved, I was often treated to videos and pictures she sent of cats that made me laugh out loud- including ones of her sweet handsome boy, Omemo.

Nadi and David inspired me in the way they openly communicated through their conflicts, and how they raised each other up through that process (see his post for more detail about that).

Nadi never missed an opportunity to tell someone that she cared about them and how wonderful they were. She touched so many lives in so many positive ways with her genuine authenticity. She couldn’t not be herself, and it was a presence to behold.

Thank you to everyone who has been so sweet and supportive checking in on David and I since we learned this news. I deeply appreciate it.

Since I know she can receive this message in her new form, I will write directly to her to wrap up this post.

Nadi- may you fly freely and joyfully in your new state of being. May your light continue to shine in this plane through your connection to your people, and may your guidance from the other realm help lead us to the “highest possible timeline for humanity” (directly quoted from Nadi’s 2024 intentions). I love you dear friend, soul sister, and chosen family. Thank you for folding us into your Sedona community so seamlessly, for seeing me fully, for supporting me so unwaveringly and effortlessly, and for honoring my path in this world by always pointing out my strengths, even when I wasn’t seeing them. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend and for the very special memories we made at 150 Disney Lane. I will hold them dear in my heart for the rest of my life. I love you, I miss you, and I celebrate you.
April 9
April 9
Many are asking for more details on Nadi's passing,
Here is what we currently have:
Nadi had sent her last couple texts around noon on Saturday, March 30, 2024 she was in good spirits and just going about her days tasks. After that she did not respond to any further calls or texts. Her body was found early Sunday morning in her yard, having passed from what appears to have been an accident or health complication, possibly due to her epilepsy, sometime Saturday afternoon or possibly evening. The report is not back from the medical examiner, so we do not know the exact details yet. I will update as we know more.
If you would like to reach out to Nadi's Parents to send them your condolences or a story about Nadi or message you can mail a card to:
Bill and Bev Gruber
5053 NE 178th St
Lake Forest Park WA 98155.
Please include your email address in your letter.
or you can email Bill and Bev with your message.
Please send to BOTH these email addresses:
April 8
April 8
It was always a pleasure hearing from Nadi and working with her as an instructor with us at PCC Community Education. She was a beloved teacher and taught Sacred Geometry with us for many years. She will be greatly missed by her students and our department. Rest in peace Nadi. -Lindsay
April 7
April 7
I posted this on FB a few days ago and though I should post it here as well: 

On Easter morning (Sunday March 31st) just as my feet hit the floor, Katie, who had been sitting up in bed checking her messages, let out a gasp. “No no no no no” quickly followed, but without volition, like an engine misfiring. Her limbs and face spasmed as if being pulsed with high voltage. She looked back and forth between me and her screen. I came quickly to her side and followed her eyes to the source of the voltage. It was an email from the neighborhood group where we used to live on Disney Lane in Sedona. Katie was still in that group. The subject simply said “nadi” (yes, no caps) and the message was brief:
1. nadi (lady living in greg & suzha's old house) has died
2. based on what little we know it seems to be an accidental death.
It couldn’t be true. I was so sure of this that I immediately texted Nadi to see if she would reply. She did not, at least not over text. 
It couldn't be true because Nadi was only 50, because she had recently been in a very good place in her life, better than most of us had yet witnessed. It couldn't be true because she was our housemate for a year and a half, our close friend, our chosen family. We just talked last week. We had a meeting on Wednesday to plan our next episode together.
But as the morning unfolded and my walls of denial came falling in, I, like so many of Nadi’s loved ones, was forced to face the truth of my bereavement. As with any loss worth grieving, the magnitude of this loss will unfold over time. And while it's too soon for any of us to make comprehensive assessments, the following is very clear.
We miss her already, and we miss her terribly.
Nobody did Presence like Nadi. Above almost all things, Nadi valued dropping in deep to a 1:1 connection. She would do so any time the opportunity presented itself, even in the middle of a dance party or a massive convention. When connecting with Nadi, the whole world would disappear except for the two of you.
And the deeper the connection the better. Sure Nadi loved playful banter. She had a wicked sense of humor and a belly laugh that she let out with total abandon at the slightest provocation. But Nadi could barely tolerate idle chit chat. She required depth because she was very intelligent and contemplative and needed the stimulation of connection and deep conversation to help navigate this life. 
Also, she needed depth because of the superficiality and ignorance she saw in our social structures and our culturally propagated interpersonal practices. She couldn’t just sit there and chit chat, ignoring the elephants in the room. Also, Nadi was deeply emotional and the world was a scary place. She needed allies to help her sort it all out, make some sense, find some way through. We spent many many evenings down on Disney Lane sifting through the darkness, finding optimism for the state of the world, the country, our community, and our individual lives. And she did this with all of those whom she counted as friends, and often with strangers (aka new friends). 
Nadi demanded truth and authenticity. None of us ever had to guess where we stood with Nadi. To Nadi, trying to hide her feelings was like trying to hide a crop circle next to StoneHenge. She couldn’t hide her feelings from you even if it meant risking the friendship. But that wasn’t really an issue because, if I/we/whomever met her with the truth and authenticity, no matter how hard it was, she would rise up and meet us with the same, because to Nadi, nothing trumped human connection and relationship (except maybe her sweet kitty Omemo). 
My relationship with Nadi enhanced my ability to put my feelings on the table and hash it out, trusting that doing so would not result in a bridge burning, but would be received well, and in all likelihood result in a deepening of our friendship. Cohabitating gave us the opportunity to deepen our friendship in this way many times and I came out of our time together loving Nadi like family. I know Katie feels the same. 
I stood in shock on Easter morning, gazing at Mount Tamalpais out the window of the home we were watching in Marin. As a butterfly floated past the window I had 3 thoughts in this order.
1. Lots of people like to think that their passed loved ones communicate to them by showing up as something physical, like a certain flower, or a butterfly
2. I wonder how Nadi would choose to show up for us, if that were even a thing?
3. How would I even know? (because i think a lot of people just choose something and go with it, and that doesn’t seem authentic)
We road tripped with Nadi multiple times. Nadi loved Hawks. She pointed them out constantly, even in places where they seemed unlikely to live. As Katie and I were driving through the city on the interstate that day, a beautiful redtail hawk flew in front of the van, 20 feet above the highway, banked to show us her belly, her ruddy tailfeathers and the unmistakable markings on her wings, then banked back towards us, passing directly over the van.  Katie just said “Hey Nadi.”
April 4
April 4

Thank you for seeing me. For your Soul's sweet emanation, and deep and profound perception. For your Presence.

Thank you for popping up in my life in the most fantastic places in the world, in moments that have had a profound impact on my journey, and in ways that always made me smile. It has always been so good to know you, and now that you have passed into the Spiritual Plane, I hope to get to know you even better.

Feel free to drop in and say hi anytime, and I look forward to seeing you in the rays of light between the Sacred Stones on those perfect days of Divine Realization.

I see you too.

Adam Apollo
April 4
April 4
Namaste, Nadi for BEing your Light in our World!
Your presence matters so brilliantly in our Inner and Outer Dimensions of Loving Life!
Deeply, thank you for innate knowing to "connect" us in all the ways you have shown us to UNIFY.
With loving gratitude,
April 4
April 4
This is very shocking for me. I took several of Nadi's classes and always expected to meet her when I make it to Sedona. She was an amazing person and will be greatly missed.
April 3

I saw the post about Nadi and am so very sad. She was on my mind last week while I was working in my studio. I thought "I haven't heard from her in a bit and wonder if she's going to be offering some classes soon. She usually feels the call." Perhaps I felt her release instead.

I hope it was a peaceful exit and one that she wanted. I will miss her. She was so pivotal in helping me find my voice in my art as well as helping my son understand he's a star seed and that it IS hard to be on this earth yet there is a reason. He had a call with her a year ago and she helped him tremendously.

Sending all of you who know and love her some love from MN. I cannot be there this week physically but will be there emotionally.

With love,

April 3
April 3
Hi Nadi, I didn't get to know you well but you have a unique and special place along my journey. The first night I came to Sedona years back, I didn't know anyone here but there you were at the dinner table where I was staying as if to welcome me. I always felt a warm connection and kinship whenever we crossed paths, which I'm sure we will again :) - BTW I'll always remember how passionate you were about the Sri Yantra lol! - Much love to you always, JM
April 2
April 2
A bright light has been taken from us far too early. I feel so blessed that she came into my life, first for Sacred Geometry, and then for Crop Circles. Last June, I was thrilled to come to Sedona, meet in person and take a personal class with her.  What a joy to be around! I will always remember her saying: ‘Don’t say maybe I am crazy’, but replace crazy with “extraordinary”. 

Nadi, we love you deeply, you touched so many, we are so glad you visited us from the Galactic realms for as long as you did ~~~
You will be cherished and remembered always. Wishing you an easy transition ~~ hope you've fulfilled your contract ~~ go in peace!
With so much love,
April 2
April 2
Nadi Hana, you Gorgeous Wise Galactic Goddess Emissary of Light. What a Blessing it was to have you walk the earth and shine your light into the darkness as you awakened people to their own inner wisdom and light. Thank you for your Love, Light and Knowledge. I look forward to journeying with you in other realms and dimensions. You are LOVED and your physical will be very missed here in this realm, or playground. BIG LOVE KS xxxx ✨
April 2
April 2
Nadi... I bet your with the Arcturians now. Save a spot for me. Love You, Chester
April 2
April 2
From the brief meetings with her on BBH I saw Nadi’s drive to be the light and to help others! May her undeniable power of love continue to heal the world from above. Bless you Nadi and thank you!
April 1
April 1
Nadi, thank you for walking this Earth and helping so many people while here. It was extraordinary getting to know you, and while we never got a chance to go on that walkabout and stargazing, I'll be thinking of you when I look up at the starry heavens.

Allow me to echo what I messaged you last summer before your big trip: "You got this, surprises await you overseas:)" Enjoy your newest trip and all the surprises that surely await. You'll be missed by many - will see you on the flip side.

In deepest gratitude, Jimmy 
April 1
April 1
Thank you, Nadi. Words aren't coming so easily, so I will leave you with one of the last sentences I said on a recent zoom call with you and a few others. It was powerful in that moment and I'm hoping it gives you a chuckle now. 

"What if we're all our own Arcturian?"

Thank you for everything. I mean it. Safe travels.
April 1
Dear Nadi, we only met once or twice but I saw how generous and kind you were to my beautiful friends Zenka and Adrian and I got to experience your epic chocolate cake on Zenka’s birthday which just embodied love at its finest. You have been such a gift to the Sedona community and you will be so missed. I was in Toronto when I heard and then saw an Arizona license plate shortly after - it reminded me of the magic and awe of this life and I can only imagine the wisdom you are imparting from the other side. Safe travels homeward sweet soul ❤️
April 1
April 1
Much love and blessings for your time on this starship...See you on the other side! 
April 1
I will miss her sweet face and kind words.
This comes as a shock to me but I am so so glad I took her crop circle class the 2023 summer season because she got to go sit in a cropcircle and felt the energy and shared it with us. Everytime I see my drawn circles I will be thinking of you Nadi and I know you have the messages of the circles now!!
Love you and will miss you! ♥️
April 1
Dear Nadi,

Wear white on white, and do so without fear. It's your color, now and forever. Talon has your back.
April 1
April 1
Namaste and greetings
My son used to see Nadi HANA ‘s crop circle videos and cherish those videos and knowledge.WE KNOW HER SOUL FINDS TRUE PEACE
April 1
April 1
Dear Sweet Soul Nadi, You will be deeply missed. It was my pleasure to have met you through Sean Esborn Hargen's Exostudies group and to have shared with you your journey moving from Oregon to Sedona. I cheered you on in manifesting your dream as you found your new spiritual family, created a website and began teaching what you so loved...sacred geometry. I will celebrate your leaving as much as I cheered your arrival knowing that you have left your earthbound spiritual family to join your celestial family... the Arcturians who have embraced you already into their welcoming arms.
April 1
April 1
Dear Nadi,

Thank you for the time we had together on Earth. When we met, I immediately recognized you. Long lost galactic friends, reuniting for a brief period of time on this planet. During that time you taught me so much, but the most important thing you taught me was it looked like to fully live your truth. You led the way for us all by being your full cosmic self. You might also be teaching us about how precious and short Earth life is. While we get so excited about cosmic things and exploring our reality beyond Earth, what if the most important thing in the Universe was just eating a croissant with you here in Sedona, and enjoying the sun on our face while we explored the rocks. I'm going to really miss eating croissants with you.. and laughing with you, and crying with you. And I'm going to miss your passion for the extraordinary. Nadi used to say "what if it's not crazy... but it's extraordinary!". Nadi, you taught us about how to recognize the extraordinary in our everyday lives... you taught us about how to see beyond labels and fear-based thinking, to embrace a more extraordinary life experience. Nadi, YOU were extraordinary. I love you so much and am so grateful for you! Until we meet again... may your soul know true freedom, extraordinary boundlessness, and so much love and joy on your journey... you will be so missed here on Earth...
Love, Jenna
April 1
April 1
I am grieving from the depths of my being and hearty soul. I am feeling my heart cracked open and it feels a blessing, you were and are an anchor for me in galactic family way, I felt such comfort that you were here on this Earth fighting the alchemist fight; and I feel selfish to be upset; but I also know I wish I could physically hug you again and also I know how much you wanted to "go home".

"Feed two birds with one seed"
That was something Nadi told me to her countering of the quote to killing birds with a stone lol and I loved it and I loved her for that, that quote of hers truly embodied the kind of heart she had, and has stuck with me.

I met Nadi in 2018 at a Portland Kava bar sacred geometry class, I was guided there by my guides. I soon understood why, it began a friendship, we emailed back n forth after and shared what we were experiencing in life, I remember talking to her how I could see Metatrons cube "sizzling" and she laughed and loved that so much, she was and is a mentor that impacted me so deeply.
"You are not crazy, your are extraordinary" she told me in my 2020 painful sheddings.
She really saw me and that was healing for me as a shy and quiet, hypersensitive being, she took me on hikes, met me at parks and we laughed and hugged, introduced me to her than Portland world, helped me express (including light language) invited me to her zoom classes for years and I loved them, I felt included and welcomed. 
I last spent time with her a year ago, she welcomed me to her Sedona home and it was empowering.
She never turned me away when I didn't have funds to her events.
She'd check in on me, fed me positive affirmations. I could feel she knew what I needed to grow
She helped me through deep panics and fear of transformations; she'd always say we'd start a mystery school together, she loved me and saw me and that helped heal and impact me in my 20s into my now 30s.
Nadi carried a massive, beautiful heart.
My memories with her glow as I grieve and I hope to reconnect with her soon once my grief has transformed.
Nadi, these words still do not capture my love, gratitude and impact of the honor of being galactic pals.
I love you so much, you changed me and continue to change me. Thank you, from every quark of my hearty soul.
I look forward to meeting again
April 1
April 1
Nadi, you were so young! I'm shocked! Just a year ago I was doing the crop circles thing with you every week and now you've slipped into the ether. Safe travels my friend.
April 1
April 1
I did NOT know Nadi BUT I was bound to meet her at some of the Spiritual Events that I am scheduled to appear on.

SIMPLY looking into her eyes through the photos, I seeeeeeee the DEEPTH of her soul. What an AMAZING, LOVING, BEAUTIFUL, KIND, GENEROUS, EXPANSIVE soul she is!!! Waoooow!!!! I may NOT have met her physically on THIS realm BUT I KNOWWWWWWW that her & I met in the Astral Realms.

You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOVED Nadiiiiiiiii - May your Journey of Expansion continue to assist Humanity and other Beings across the folds of the Universes and Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu our Beautiful Light-Being to have CHOSEN to embody the Physical Realm here on Mother GAIA!!!

We are ALLLLL thinking about you and when I say ALL, I mean ALL... Humans, Animals, Plants, Insects, Birds, The Wind, The Sun, The Clouds, The Mountains, The Rivers, The Rocks, Mother Earth and other Planets across existence ITSELF are ALL thinking about you and sending healing to your Family on Earth & Loved One!!!

See you again Sweet Heart VERY VERY VERY soon!!!! XOOXOXOXO
April 1
April 1
She helped me and so many others move forward on a path of enlightenment. Thanks for all you shared, Nadi.
March 31
March 31
Hey Nadi,
I know you can see us all now. It is like David said tonight, you came full circle with it all - you came into a very full understanding of yourself and all of us and all that is. Total alchemical completion. You will always be our teacher, commander, and confidant. Thanks for being so epically generous, so spacious and such a consummate friend to so many of us. Ride the wales, the ships and the ethers for us. Thanks for sharing your bright light with us all.

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