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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Nancy Kleinfelter, 69 years old, born on March 15, 1947, and passed away on January 8, 2017. We will remember her forever.
January 8
January 8
Today 7 years ago our Mom's body passed away! I'm sad (because I'm selfish and miss her) but I'm grateful because she was suffering from COPD (had a bi-pap machine FORCING air into HER lungs). The picture with her in the hospital sitting up with her great-granddaughter is the last picture taken the day before she passed. She took off her machine so she could sit up to take her last picture (which she did not know was her last) with her great granddaughter. She loved that little girl so much like her oldest great granddaughter. My Mom was my blessing of support and encouragement throughout my active addiction days! She always said, "I know you can do it!" "Keep hanging in there!" And when I would mess up she would say, "You know what you do and you know where to go". "God's got you, trust Him!" I know when the rapture comes you'll be one of the first to go home with Our Lord! Until then keep showing me signs your watching! Oh and when the time comes, please put a good word in for me with the Big Guy!
I miss you sooo much Mom, and love you more than my next breath!
March 15
March 15
You would've been 77 today Mom! I miss you, your crooked smile (even though you didn't because of your chin), your Mom smell, the way you'd look at us when we were acting out, the encouragement you always gave me that I can get better and to turn to God when my addiction was active and being my biggest fan in recovery, etc. I miss being able to hug you and laugh with you and allllll your texts day and night (I used to complain about and wish I hadn't because I truly miss them now). Happy birthday Mom! I'm glad you're not suffering here or working so hard to stay here. You deserved so much better than the suffering you went through. God bless you! I love you more than my next breath!
January 8
January 8
Hey Mom,
  It's me ur baby girl Sharon. I can't believe it has been 7yrs already. It doesn't even seem like it. I know u would be so proud of me right now. I have come a long way and I can hear u shouting out I'm so very proud of you Sharon. I can feel ur presence in mine and Richards home. Yes that's right me and Richard r helping each other out. And we r very happy staying together. We talk about u and Daddy often. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think or talk about u. U would be so happy for ur favorite grandson Daniel is in the Army and is away in Kuwait for 6months keep ur arms wrapped around him. We all luv u and miss you so so much. Rip!
March 15, 2023
March 15, 2023
Happy 76th birthday Mom! You are missed so much! You've been on my mind a lot more than usual lately. I pray you're at peace while looking over our family and that means all of us. We all miss you so much! London talks about you a lot. Like things like wouldn't it be great if we could talk into our phones with ghosts and talk to Mima. You are so remembered by her like the adults in our family. We talk about what it was like being Mima's kid growing up. And all the stuff you wouldn't put up with. Lol Just to remind her I AM your child and learned from you. Lol She's a good girl. She is just your typical child trying to grow up. Celina is getting so big too. Miss her and Carrington so much since they moved. Joseph and I are doing good. I'm so proud of him. I love our conversations when we get to talk. Kristen is doing very well and Bella is not that little teeny girl as I'm sure you can see. She's still sooooo sweet. Caylee you need to talk to sometimes. Lol No she's doing a lot better. I'm proud of her accomplishments. Aracely and I talk about you sometimes . Same like London about when I grew up with you and how she remembers you or wishes you could be here. We all love you so much and miss you more. I love you Mom more than my next breath! Happy birthday!
January 8, 2023
January 8, 2023
Mom you are missed so much! You are the one who did everything possible to hold this family together. I'm trying SO hard to keep that part of you alive. I know you see me doing better with my life and most of all with my connection to my Higher Power (God). Today is a sad day in remembering how it happened when you passed. I'm grateful that that day I got to tell you I love you before you passed even though I wasn't there exactly when you did. You are so loved and I miss all those annoying text messages I use to complain about but soooo have missed these last 5 yrs. Wish I could receive just one more. I am grateful also that a long time before you passed I was able to tell you in reference to my life that (you were right all my life mom, you were right) All my life I didn't listen or believe you knew what you were talking about or didn't understand all the things I have gone through over the years when you had already lived through all those same things except addiction. But still you made sure you did all the research you could to understand and help me through mine. Mom please keep looking over us and guiding us all. See you in heaven when the rapture comes. Love you more than my next breath!
December 26, 2022
December 26, 2022
Mom you were very missed in body at our family Christmas yesterday! I KNOW you were here in spirit and I felt your spirit around us. Especially when having those who needed our good spirit here even if they're not blood. You always gave people the feeling of belonging to our tribe. I am so blessed to be able to carry on your legacy. Thank you for being my mom and who you were as a person and in spirit. I love you and miss you so much! Give Alexis a huge hug and kiss on the cheek from me! I love you more than my next breath!
September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
Mom I miss you so much! I miss all your texts all the time even tho I complained about them then. I wish you would text me these days. Please continue to watch over us and tell God all the good things you know about us and to forgive us our sins as we ask for forgiveness and change our sinful ways to be of service to Him. I love you Mom!
March 15, 2022
March 15, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday Mom! You are missed and loved so much ❤! I wish I had had one more birthday with you but without you suffering. Your family misses you. 
January 8, 2022
January 8, 2022
Mom I miss you so much. There is so much I want to say to you. No matter what I luv u so much. You was the best mom I could have ever asked for. I'm sorry for everything I could have done or said wrong. I hope u kno that. I luv u with all of my heart. Hope to see u someday!
January 8, 2022
January 8, 2022
Mom I still have trouble knowing you're gone from us. I miss you so much! You are loved dearly! Keep watch over us and especially the kids and grands and great grands. I wish I could talk to you many days and even miss all your texts you use to send. I'm grateful you're not suffering and struggling though. Love youmore than my next breath Mom!
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
Happy Belated Mother's Day Mom! You are so missed and tremendously loved. ❤
Keep watch over us and talk favorably to Jesus and God about us. You are always in our hearts and in our minds. We share old stories about you snd enjoy the old pictures of you and our family.
RIP Mom! I love you more than my next breath!
August 17, 2020
August 17, 2020
Mom I know it's been a long time. But I just wanted to let you know I your prayers have been answered. My life has changed a lot. And I have gotten closer to God. I'm in a good place now. I hope you and Alexis are dancing and singing together. Keep her close to you. And let her know I luv her and miss her. Just as much as I luv u and miss you. Can't wait to be there with u both again someday soon. And you now have a grandson named Bryson. I know Alexis is telling u many stories abt him. I luv u Mom may you Rest in Peace with Alexis! ❤❤
January 8, 2020
January 8, 2020
Mom, it's been 3 yrs today and I still miss you. As I look at your urn and often talk to you I know you're in a better place and not suffering. I will always love you more than my next breath ❤️. I miss you so much! RIP knowing I'm safe and on the right track doing what you wanted and getting closer to Our Lord and Savior. I was blessed to have you for my mother.
December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018
Mima, I greatly miss you and I wish I could have spent more time with you. We/ your whole family miss and love you very much. <3
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Mom, you are greatly Missed! I love you so much! There are so many things I didn't get to say to you or do for you! RIP
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Mom you will be greatly missed. There was alot of things I just wanted to say I luv you kiss and hug you. Laugh and cry with you just one more time. I didn't get the chance before you were taking from me. You will be greatly missed. I thank God that I had you in my life. Luv you Ma!! Rip
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Mima, it's so hard to believe you are gone. We shared the best memories ever, I know you are rejoicing in heaven pain free, not a day goes by that I miss you. You're the only one that understood me. I will see you on the other side ready for that warm embrace again ♡

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March 15
March 15
You would've been 77 today Mom! I miss you, your crooked smile (even though you didn't because of your chin), your Mom smell, the way you'd look at us when we were acting out, the encouragement you always gave me that I can get better and to turn to God when my addiction was active and being my biggest fan in recovery, etc. I miss being able to hug you and laugh with you and allllll your texts day and night (I used to complain about and wish I hadn't because I truly miss them now). Happy birthday Mom! I'm glad you're not suffering here or working so hard to stay here. You deserved so much better than the suffering you went through. God bless you! I love you more than my next breath!
January 8
January 8
Hey Mom,
  It's me ur baby girl Sharon. I can't believe it has been 7yrs already. It doesn't even seem like it. I know u would be so proud of me right now. I have come a long way and I can hear u shouting out I'm so very proud of you Sharon. I can feel ur presence in mine and Richards home. Yes that's right me and Richard r helping each other out. And we r very happy staying together. We talk about u and Daddy often. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think or talk about u. U would be so happy for ur favorite grandson Daniel is in the Army and is away in Kuwait for 6months keep ur arms wrapped around him. We all luv u and miss you so so much. Rip!
January 8
January 8
Today 7 years ago our Mom's body passed away! I'm sad (because I'm selfish and miss her) but I'm grateful because she was suffering from COPD (had a bi-pap machine FORCING air into HER lungs). The picture with her in the hospital sitting up with her great-granddaughter is the last picture taken the day before she passed. She took off her machine so she could sit up to take her last picture (which she did not know was her last) with her great granddaughter. She loved that little girl so much like her oldest great granddaughter. My Mom was my blessing of support and encouragement throughout my active addiction days! She always said, "I know you can do it!" "Keep hanging in there!" And when I would mess up she would say, "You know what you do and you know where to go". "God's got you, trust Him!" I know when the rapture comes you'll be one of the first to go home with Our Lord! Until then keep showing me signs your watching! Oh and when the time comes, please put a good word in for me with the Big Guy!
I miss you sooo much Mom, and love you more than my next breath!
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