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April 23, 2015
April 23, 2015
I happened upon this story by accident. I was attracted to it by the story and by the fact that I struggled, mostly alone, through some of my own demons, often in my teens and twenties, at times thinking some fairly scary thoughts. After looking at this website, I am left with the impression that Natalie was a very beautiful, amazing person. As a father, I cannot begin to imagine what her family is going through. It is very clear that she had a lot of friends and family that she loved and cared about and that loved and cared about her. Natalie, please rest in peace, I am sure you are in a better place, and look at how many lives you have touched.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
Dear Natalie

Read about your story in the Washington Post. You are a really brave soul. I have the same illness too. It really takes a lot of effort to stay on and grab hold to reality so you were remarkable for trying so hard always. You will be missed.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
My heart sank a bit when I rec'd the notice from my online email with the W.P. article you wrote. My daughter too, from Baltimore born in Sinai hospital, died when she was 31 via suicide. I empathize with your devastation. The story of Natalie sounds a bit like my Jessica's story. I wrote it all on a Kindle eBook, as it was a coping tool for me to do so. I so wish that the mental health people in this country, the doctors who saw Jess, the ones who administered the pills would take more care then they currently do. So sad for you and your extended family. Jessica's story is here, no doubt will be repeated again and again until something concrete is done to recognize the psychosis and treat it properly.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
I am so sorry for your loss. I read the Washington Post article with a heavy heart. My daughter is going through something similar right now and your story hit me like a bulldozer. I'm usually very good at being able to fix things but, with this, I feel completely helpless. I admire the work that you are doing to help others, and I wish you comfort, blessings and many happy memories.
April 22, 2015
April 22, 2015
Thank you for your story in the Washington Post. My brother died from this disease in November 2012--the last 6 months of his life a mystery- and while i suppose i thought it might happen, it came as such a shock when i heard. Thank you for reminding us that this is a life long, chronic disease that they have to manage everyday--it is heroic. I'm so sorry for your loss.
April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015
I'm so very very sorry for your loss. Her film short was enlightening and she will be greatly missed.
April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015
I recently read of Natalie in a Washington Post article. Mental illness (and particularly psychoses) are profoundly misunderstood. The person with the illness is suffering beyond our imaginations. I am saddened by a widespread lack of compassion. If you've ever had a bad trip or been terrified and confused, this is what is happening inside the sufferer's head. I'm so sorry for loss but happy that you had this wonderful person for the time you did have her.
April 18, 2015
April 18, 2015
I miss u so much Natalie. And I wish you were here so we could celebrate your day. Rest in paradise until we meet again. I love you from shanon with "1" N.
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
No words can erase the pain and what-ifs are without resolve and hold no truth. Natalie was blessed with the best care and love that could be provided, yet as with other terminal illnesses, her time physically on earth was cut much too short. Today is a celebration of the beauty she brought.
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
Dearest Natalie,

Today, I wish from afar that your light and energy, the gift that was you, feels the warmth from all around the United States of America as we honor you and this, the marking of the day of your birth. We grieve but cannot mourn your passing, which takes our breath away and begs us harden our hearts to the extraordinary pain that marks your death. We will always grieve, but we must walk on, toward the light, which you have always been a part of: that magnificent glimmer in your eyes, and the tenderness of your spirit. Happy Birthday, Sweet Angel. #JusticeForNatalieFuller
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015

We only exchanged a couple of letters. I can't say that I knew you well, but I know something of the metaphorical demons you battled. May those of us who survive celebrate your life by renewing our efforts to bring about real, positive change.
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
To the Fuller Family,
Even though I don't know you or Natalie, I feel some sort of connection, as I have a 30 year old son with schizophrenia and I have visited the Treatment Advocacy site for several years. TAC helped me tremendously and of course Doris did too. I will forever be thankful for that help. May you find peace and know that you did all that you could do. One of my favorite comments that you shared should help us all...don't allow yourself to go to the "what ifs".  Happy Birthday sweet Natalie. Hugs to all of you.
April 1, 2015
April 1, 2015
Natalie coming to Rawhide was always such a bright spot for all of us. I loved it when she and Greg came to camp. I am praying for Greg and the whole family. May God be with you and bring you comfort and peace.
March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015
My heart is broken. My sons heart is broken. My grandchildren miss their" aunt Natalie". She was in our lives for a short period of time but made a huge impact. Her love for everyone her compassion; her outgoing spirit; her beauty her talent and love will shine forever. Much love to her forever! My condolences to all her family. Know that she was loved by all she touched. Shine bright in heaven. You are truly missed!
March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015
We’ve known lots of pleasure,
At times endured pain,
We’ve lived in the sunshine
And walked in the rain.

But now we’re separated
And for a time apart,
But I am not alone-
You’re forever in my heart.
      I'm going to miss you so much Natalie. I love you baby.
March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015
Dearest Natalie...thanks for your thoughts, dreams and passions, in spite of your struggles you were so alive.
March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015
We will celebrate Natalie's spirit and beauty this summer. ------- we lit a candle for her in Notre Dame and then sat and listened to a beautiful vespers service. We are thinking of you and sending our best wishes to you and everyone who loved Natalie.

Amy Craven


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March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015
After hearing about Natalie, I found myself thinking back to our time together. I felt compelled to look up a blog entry I wrote about our time together. Tonight and for many nights to come, I'll reflect on what she taught me about beauty and the essential.

.Wendy Erman Harvey

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March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015
So beautiful and so talented!

Betty Hill Burton
March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015
I'll always miss the little girl she was -- even back when she liked pounding my skull with wooden alphabet blocks and I wasn't allowed to fight back... because she was the baby.
March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015
Natalie, I love ya sweet girl......I loved you then, and love ya now. You were one special woman. Miss you always.....
March 22, 2015
March 22, 2015
We are so very sad. Natalie was such a good and supportive friend to Whitney and she was a beautiful spirit. Her smiling face was always a pleasure, greeting me each morning when I arrived at work to build her Sandpoint home.
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
May you rest in peace. You were always such an upbeat sweetheart at school.

- Amber Johnson
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
I hope you are at peace sweet girl. You're an angel fly high and watch over all of us that need you. You are a beautiful person and you were always smiling I'll never forget that. You touched a lot of lives sweet girl.

- Heather Smith
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
She was a beautiful person. My heart is broken.

- Angie Klein
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
I loved her with nothing less than all of my heart, and for a time, wanted nothing more or less in or from life. Last words were not enough. They pale in comparison to the many we had, in the moments we shared. I have never known this kind of loss. To let go is the greatest challenge, and the most important lesson of this life. I will learn to eventually, but not on this day, in this moment. In this moment my heart aches as I am beside myself looking in, upon the misunderstanding, the grief and the powerlessness of becoming the witness, of a life let go of, far too soon. Your memory lives in my heart and mind...where it remains, forever tangible.

- Aaron James Norton
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
My heart is heavy today. You will be greatly missed, Natalie Fuller. So many great memories of you.

- Colista Rodriguez
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Nat, you touched so many people’s lives and are loved by so many people. I know you are finally now at peace.

- Alex Lett
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Today my heart hurts, Natalie Fuller you just popped back into my life and now you are gone. I will always remember all the good times we shared and now I know how fortunate I was to see you at my graduation party back in 09 and how wonderful it was to have that last lunch with you at bennihanna! I love you and I will miss you forever rest in peace.

- Jamie Boswell
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
In memory of my fellow lady footballer. May your soul be at peace my dear. RIP.

- Klarissa Hall
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
This news breaks my heart. I am so sorry. To all of your friends and family and everyone who had the opportunity to meet you. You were such a beautiful person with a smile that could light up someone's day, even just from seeing it on Facebook. I haven't seen you in years but I hope you are at peace now. I hope your family and friends find peace as well. You will never be forgotten, rest in peace.

- Meg Turner
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
My heart is heavy. Terribly sad hearing this news today. Natalie was amazingly talented! I have great memories doing shows together and hanging out in Sandpoint. She will be missed dearly. Rest in Peace Natalie! I know you're in a much better place.

- Daniel Kedish
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
I will miss you Nat. My heart is heavy.

- Madison Smith
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Such a vibrant girl. I just loved keeping up with you on fb since you moved. You made middle school so fun. I drive by your house when I drop Feini off for school and she often reminds me of how "my friend used to live down that road". I'm so sorry for your pain. May you rest in peace sweet Natalie.

- Schume Navarro
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
The only good thing I can think of is that you are no longer struggling or in pain. You will always be the cool aunt (even though we are the same age, but that's part of what was so cool.) I wish we could have planned that trip to the Fuller compound like we had talked about.

- Jessica Fuller
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Rest in peace Natalie - so sad to hear of your passing. May you find comfort in God's embrace and peace of heart and mind. Our love and prayers go out to you and those you left behind. Fare thee well my friend.

- Liam Orton
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
My heart is heavy. You will be missed, Natalie. I'll hold onto memories of us all watching Moulin Rouge and sneaking beers out of your parents' cellar. You were a beautiful person. Rest peacefully, Nat.

- Lauren Lockwood
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
We will all miss you so much. I will never forget the amazing memories I have with you.

- Brian Kelly
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to my old friend. How I wish we were able to keep in touch over the years, and how I will keep the memories we made close to my heart. My deepest condolences to the family.

- Natasha Leah Zenhari
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
RIP Natalie you were an incredible soul and I cherish all the memories I have with you.

- Shannon Maggard
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
You came into town like a storm, and stole my 14-year-old heart. Never one to compromise yourself to appease others, I am truly grateful that I had such a strong force to guide me in my youth and as a young adult. My memories will always be filled with you, and the amazing times we shared. And, although we will not be able to escape the old folk's home together, you will be beside me in spirit when I finally do. Until we meet again.

- Zibby Keaton
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
You always had a smile and a wave for me. Your kindness and spirit will be greatly missed.

- Elizabeth Greener
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
My beloved friend. I love you Natalie Fuller. Rest peacefully now.

- Nicki Shumway
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Natalie Fuller, R.I.P. The world is a little less bright today without you in it.

- Cierra Fuller
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Natalie, I will always remember our time at U of I...during dark hours you were the best of friends and brought joy into my life and I cannot thank you enough for that. I wish I could have helped you as you helped me. You are a bright light and the world will remember you for it. You will be missed!

- Brad Ferguson
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
I haven't seen you since high school Natalie, but I will always remember how kind you were to everyone and your impressive barrel race performance for junior miss. You and your family are in my thoughts.

- Jodi Zygar
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
My military life has led me on many adventures, heartbreaks and life experience, but in my life prior to the AF, I worked on a sweet little Ranch Camp nestled away in the hills of Bonsall. I used to say that IT was in fact the happiest place on Earth. I love to keep in touch with all the camp kids I watched grow up in my time there and I'm so amazed and inspired by the incredible people they have become. It was with heavy heart that I learned of Natalie's passing. She was a sweet, gorgeous and good hearted girl. I know she will be sorely missed in this life, I pray for her family and for her everlasting peace.

- Shiloh Bell
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Natalie was my welcoming committee at a time and in a place when I needed it the most. I've never known anyone who loved like Natalie. She gave all of herself. I feel so lost knowing she's not just a phone call away anymore. I wake up every morning praying that it was all a dream. Then I'm crushed all over again. I wish I could be with her one last time, just to know she's alright. I love you Natty!!! I'll miss you forever!!! We knew her when she was at her best. We saw her worst. We loved her unconditionally. And that's what she's taking with her. Nicki said to me last night that Natty was taking a little piece of all of us with her, and that's so true. But the important thing to remember is that she left a little piece of herself in all of us. We will carry Natalie with us every day. We will never forget. We will be her legacy. I love you dear.

- Jessica Rae Guy
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Missing you Natalie Fuller. Love you sweet sweet girl. You will definitely be missed. I know we always loved having you every time at camp.

- Karen Eckland
March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015
Rest in peace, Nat. We love you and miss you.

- Eddie Behringer
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