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August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Happy Birthday Naniye. May you be surrounded by the angels on your special day. We miss you Love/Minu
November 5, 2021
November 5, 2021
Hey,Nati-G! Just want you to know that I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there on your darkest day but I carry your spirit with me and hope to one day walk in the clouds with you. I know it’s corny be quiet.

Love, ChukieBear
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021
Our beloved Naniye! Even though you left us with unfillable void, the beautiful memories put a smile on our face. Happy 30th Birthday!!! You’re much loved and sorely missed! Love you!!!❤️
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021
Happy Birthday Natanyaye!! We all miss you!! Love/Minu
August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021
Happy 30th Birthday, Natanya! You are still so deeply missed by all. Love you ♥️
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Keep watching over your parents, beautiful Angel!! We all miss you!!
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Nani,
May you continue to be our guardian angel. Since, this is the season to be thankful, thank you for those 24 wonderful years. Thank you for being in our lives however brief. You will live in our hearts forever until we meet again.
You are loved to the end?

ተዉ አትቆጡኝ ጩሄ ላሌቅስበት
ጨለማና ሐዘን ይኖራል ከኔ ቤት
የጥዋቷ ጮራ ብርሃኗ ጠፍታበት
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Happy Birthday Naniye! Hope you were dancing with the Angeles all day long. Miss seeing your beautiful dimpled smile and hearing your witty sense of humor.
Love you!!
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Happy Birthday 29th Nani,

Thank you for the beautiful 24 years you gave us. Your smile and humor are engraved in our hears until we meet. You are my morning cry of loneliness, a guiding force and an angle to make it through the day. We know you are in a better place with your people and laughing and joking with everyone as you always do.

Love you and miss you,

እኔና ሌጀ ተጣልተን ፡
ተቆቶ አስታራቂ አዛውት ሰዉ እተን፤
አልመለስም ብላ ሄደች፡
መጨረሻውን ስላወቀች።

August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Happy heavenly birthday yene konjo!!!! Missing you ❤️❤️❤️
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Happy Birthday in heaven beautiful. You are dearly missed.
May the angels continue to surround you on your birthday!
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019

ይድረስ ለዉድ ልጀ ለነታንያ ጌጤ እንደምን ከርመሻል፣
አገርና ኑሮ እንዴት ተስማምቶሻል።
ባመት ባሉ ምድር ብቻሽን ተቀምጠሽ፣
ምን ያደርግልሻል ከቤትሽ ተመለሽ።
የምትመጭ መስሎኝ ምግብ ልሰራ ነዉ፣
ቀምሰሽም ንገሪኝ ምን እንደጎደለዉ፣
አንች ካልቀመስሽዉ ጣሙንም አላዉቀዉ።
November 22, 2019
November 22, 2019
ጨነቀኝ ጠበበኝ አንጀቴን አመመዉ፣
አመት ባሉ መጣ አንች የምትወጅዉ፣
ምግብ እዳልሰራ መልካም ቀማሽ የለዉ፣
እባኽሽ ንገሪኝ መፍትሔዉ ምንድን ነዉ።
August 26, 2019
August 26, 2019
Good morning Nani,

Just to let you know that we got home safely last night.  It was nice to visit with you and celebrate your 28th birthday together. I know you were there with us in spirit. I wish you were there in person so that we could hold you, kiss you, wish you a happy 28th birthday and laugh with you as always.  Life without you is void and at times is meaningless. But knowing you are in our hearts, gives the strength to go on. 

Well, my Bambina I will write you soon. 
As always, you are loved.
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019
Naniye my dear, Happy Birthday!!! Your presence is painfully missed here but the heavens have gained an angel, hope you were dancing with the angels all day long !!!❤️❤️
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019
Natina ye my friend ,Happy blessed birthday my sweet angle . I do Love you miss you very much
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019
Happy Birthday Naniye!!
We miss you tremendously!
March 15, 2019
March 15, 2019
Dearest Nani,
We miss you everyday. Since you left us, life, at times has become meaningless, dark and painful. Often, I question why God grants life and take it at will. Know this my angle, I will miss and love you until we meet.
እንግዳየ ልጀ እንደምን ኸርመሻል፣
ብቻ መቀመጡ እንዴት ተስማምቶሻል?
እባኽሽ ተመለሽ ወገን ተጨመሪ፣
ድንገት እንደወጣሽ በዚያው አትቅሪ።
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day Nani,
Know this my dear, you will always be my Valentine until we meet. Please fill the void.
Haime misses and love you everyday.
December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018
Dearest Nani,
I wish you were here now so that I can hold you so close to me and wish you a Merry Christmas. Of course, I will read the card you will give me and read your notes in it which are soothing and deeply from the heart and often funny. As each year passes, we feel empty without your presence. However; I take comfort knowing that you are watching over us and perhaps in your own way telling us to be strong and live our lives.
Always love you.
     አትመለሽም ወይ
ባመት ባሉ ወራት ከቤታችን ወተን፣
አበባ ወገኔን ማሰረሻ ቢሆነን፣
ወገን ተጨመርነ ዘመድም አየነ፣
አንችን ተመስሎ እንዲደግፈነ።
ሊያስረሳን አይችልም ያንችን መለየት፣
የሚያቃጥልነን እንደ ክፉ እሳት፣
አትመለሽም ወይ ወደ እናትሽ ቤት።
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
Good morning Nani,
The other day I forgot to mention to you that we were with Emmu and Thomas for Thanksgiving. I assumed you knew as you were there with us. Your presence was left in their home and your spirit was in our hearts and minds. 
Here is the latest at the home front!
ስለምትወጅው ወገንና ዘርሽ፣
በጣም የሚያኾራ አንድ ወሬ ልንገርሽ።
ለብዙ ዘመናት በምፅ የተያዘች፣
እሰይ የምስራች እትዮጲያ ወለደች።
ወገንሽ ጎረፈ የሚቆጠር በእልፍ፣
ህፃኑን ሊረዳ እናቱን ሊደግፍ።
ምን ያደርግልሻል ብቻሽን ተቀምጠሽ፣
ኸወገን ጋራ ሁኝ አንችም ኢትዮጲያ ነሽ።
I do miss you very much. Love you to the end!!
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving Nani,
Thank you for privileging us to be your parents for 24 years. I know it is overdue but not too late to say. You were a wonderful daughter, a friend and a center of our life. You have left a void in all of us that no one could fill.  Haime miss you a lot and hope you will be her Guardian angel.   I hope to write you soon and update you of what is going on in our lives. You are loved to the end.

እንግዳየ ልጀ እንደምን ኸርመሻል፣
ብቻ መቀመጡ እንዴት ተስማምቶሻል።
እባኽሽ ተመለሽ ወገን ተጨመሪ፣
ድንገት እንደወጣሽ በዚያው አትቅሪ።
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Good morning Nani,
I hope you enjoyed our visit last week.
August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018
Good morning Nani,
I hope you enjoyed our visit last week. 
ጎሳየ ወገኔ እንደምን ሰነበትሽ
መጥተን ነበረ ልንጠይቅሽ::
እኛ ነግረነሻል ባዶ እንደቀረን
የምትችይ እንደሁ መጥተሽ ጠይቂን::
Love you forever.
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Happy 27th birthday Natanya yene konjo ❤️ Missing your laugh!!!
March 19, 2018
March 19, 2018
የምትመጭ መስሎኝ በደንብ ሳልሸኝሽ፤
ሁለት አመት ሞላሽ ከቤትሽ ከወጣሽ፤
አቅፌና ስሜ እንዳሰናብትሽ፤
እንግዳየ ልጄ እባክሽ ተመለሽ።
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
Good morning Nani,

Two years without hearing your voice, two years without your laughter, two years of emptiness, tell me Nani, how is it possible to live a normal life? A slow debilitating chronic incurable pain has engulfed us. Since your departure, I see a dark moon and a dull sun everyday, as you were my sight of clarity. My loved one, give us strength to move on, you are embedded in our hearts until we meet again.
Love you always.
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Dearest Natina my sweet beautiful niece /my friend miss you every day. your memories be remember in my heart beyond for ever .I LOVE YOU MY Angele .rest in peace your beautiful soul
February 14, 2018
February 14, 2018
አበባ አልክልሽ አድራሻሽ እሩቅ ነው፣
ስልክም እንዳልደው ማዞሪያው ቁልፍ ነው፣
እባክሽ ንገሪኝ የምትገኝበት ምስጢሩ ምንድን ነው።

Happy Valentine Nani. You are our Valentine for every. Love you a lot and miss you even more.
January 1, 2018
January 1, 2018
Happy New Year Nani,

May you be our Angle as always and be our guiding light for the New Year and forever. We do miss you very much. Home is empty without you as you were the warmth and the spirit.

You are loved to the end.
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
Happy new year my sweet Angle Natina . Love you and misses you all the the time
December 27, 2017
December 27, 2017
Good morning Nani,

Much belated Merry Christmas, I was slightly under the weather. Holidays are not the same without you, we just go through the motion to keep the memories alive. As always you are loved.

ሳልሸኛተኝ ሄደች እንደሰዉ ወጥቸ፣
እንግዳ መሆኗኗን ሳላውቅ ቀርቸ።

Mom and Dad
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving Nani,

May God keep you as our angel and a guiding light at all times. May your spirit hover over us for ever until we meet.

We do miss you and love you to the end.

የምትወጅዉን ምግብ ልሰራ ነው፣
ነይና ቅመሽዉ ጣሙን እኔ አላዉቀዉ።

አበባ የ ልጀ ናፍቆትሽ ገደለኝ፣
መፍትሄው ምንድን ነው እባክሽ ንገሪኝ።

ወገኔ ዘመዴ ባካልችሁ አፋልጉኝ፣
ክቡር እንግዳየ እናነይ ጠፍታብኝ።
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Thinking of you and missing you every day and more on this thanksgiving day . LOVE YOU FOR EVER MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL ANGLE
September 11, 2017
September 11, 2017
Happy New Year Beloved one.
I miss you everyday. I miss your morning text, I miss your wisdom and your infectious laughter.
August 28, 2017
August 28, 2017
We miss you a great deal, not just once a year, but everyday. We pray that may God give your family strength in this hard time. We will always remember you for what you have done for us and others. We love you and miss you.

Tamru, Tigist, Rebca , Hanoke
- Calgary,AB
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Happy Birthday Dearest Nani,
We miss you and love you everyday. I hope you are watching over us as you are our angle.

Love you always,
Mom and Dad
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
‘A thank you note from a mending heart’

Dear Netanya,

I cried in anger,
Broken hearted -
As to why God called you sooner,
When you were only 24.

But, two years ahead -
And with the sweet memories - You left behind,
The smiles and laughters - You engraved in my mind,
Flashing at every moment – and every bend,
It's truly like you're here, Nanyie -
Always busy to help our hearts mend.

Thank you!

As I try to cope,
Welled eyes I may not help,
But the smiles you put on my face -
That, Nanyie - I promise to always keep!

Thank you and Happy birthday!
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Happy Birthday Naniye! This past weekend we celebrated your birthday with your loving parents and many others that love and miss you dearly! Mixed feelings but it was great to think back of the happy memories you have left behind.

You are dearly missed!
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Naniye my dear!
Thinking about your untimely departure saddens me deeply everyday and still can't come to terms with it and honestly I don't think I ever will but your beautiful dimpled smile, your kind words and your wit is forever etched in my mind. Happy Birthday my dear,hope you were dancing with the angels all day long!!!

Miss you & Love you much!!
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Happy birthday day Angel my sweet friend Natina miss you so much and I LOVE YOU FOREVER
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
አሁን ለምን ጊዜዉ ደረሰና ተራሽ ;
ከአያቶችሽ ጋራ ጨምሬ ስጠራሽ ;
አንድ አመት አለፈ አንቸነን ሳናይ ;
እንግዲህ ናታንያ መቅረትሽ ነዉ ወይ ;
ትመጫለሽ ብየ ጠብቄሽ ነበረ ;
አንችም አልመጣሽም ወሬ ሆኖ ቀረ ;
ትመጫለሽ ብየ የማትመጭዉን ;
በሩ ክፍት አደረ የምዘጋዉን ;
   ነብስ ይማር
ከአያሌዉ ጌጤ
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Naniye we miss you so much. May you continue watching over your loving parents from heaven! Always in our heart!
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Miss you so much, Natanya ❤️
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017

My Dear Nani,
It had been a year since you left us physically. I know your spirit is always with us. I hope you know how much we loved you and missed you very much.
Remember this, you will always be our shining star. a rare precious flower that never bud.
Love you to the end.

A year ago darkness fill upon us. Sadness and despair engulfed our hearts. Our joy turned into deep sorrow. Our love child, our shining star, my true friend Natanya is no more. 
Often I question the meaning of life. Why a child with such a bright future is taken away so early. Why the Devine one gives something so beautiful, so smart, so generous, so gentle and so loving and take her away at will so suddenly ? Why He filled our hearts with happiness and joy and emptied them and filled them with devastating sorrow. I wonder why?
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Naniye my dear! I can't believe a whole year went by so fast but somehow still feels like yesterday. We all still carry the void and the ache you left in our hearts but also the good memories that stay with us forever. We miss you very much and not a day goes by without thinking about you.
Love and miss you much!!!
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