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Share a special moment from Ned's life.

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April 1, 2022
Ned and I were really more like twins rather than brother and sister.  I’m not sure that either of us knew I was a girl until I was a junior in high school .I grew up playing football with Ned and all his football buddies.
We were inseparable except for the time we spent in school.  
That of course didn’t mean we got along or in any way ever acted like we ever liked each other.
We fought like cats and dogs.
I was a wild tomboy,
and Ned felt it was his moral duty to keep me in line.
Of course,
Ned being my mother’s favorite, escaped punishment most of the time, while I was relegated to “doing the time” in my room……him laughing all the time.
Admittedly, I was rather a rascal.
The worst it ever got was when he would chase me out the front door
With a huge kitchen knife held high… order to end my young life, as soon as he caught me!!!
Ah ha,
that was the catch!!!
He never caught me.  
Even though he was the big football star, I was skinny and nimble, and I could just outrun him!!!  How he hated that.  
Flying out that front door, screaming and laughing like two wild Indians, we would go!! I can still hear the bang of the screen door as it slammed closed.  I can still see the old, bent, neighbor lady smoking her cigarette, who witnessed the would be murderous event almost daily….saying, “there go the Butler kids again, as we flew down the street!
Ned in hot pursuit. 
How I cherish those memories.
There is not a day that I don’t feel a deep sadness inside from missing Ned.
He had a profound influence on my life, and still does.
Eventhough, he lives in a world beyond, I feel him near often.
How lucky I was to have had a brother like Ned.
Thank you,

The Fear of Flying

April 1, 2022
Ned was in one of the planes flying to El Paso for a regional football playoff, and that 
fear stayed with him when he and I made a trip to Mexico to visit his sister, Terry. Terry's boyfriend at that time had a private plane piloted by a WW2 Mexican pilot, and we were flown in that twin engine plane up to a mountain air strip where we were going to go on a guided
hunt in the Chihuaua Mountain range. Unfortunately for Ned, Carlos showed off his piloting skills by flying close to the mountain with wing tilts. And it was all Ned could do to keep from barfing.

Later, when we were flying home our DC-6 had engine failure, and we had to wait overnight for the mechanics to fix the engine. In that interim Ned made the decision to make the return trip to Texas in a bus. How I miss him, especially when I am hunting or fishing. Some of the best days of my life were spent with him.    

The Teacher

January 26, 2018

"Intimidation" had a lasting impact on my life, as did many of my friends' fathers. But my experiences with Intimidation were a little different. It began with fear around sixth grade, created by his broad shoulders, slow neck turn, and bellowing voice. Over time I came to understand that, while Intimidation was true to his appearance, he was much more than that.  Among many other things, he was a teacher to his kids and their friends. I learned to listen carefully, because he spoke intentionally.  I learned to think before I spoke, because, like a good prosecutor, he would challenge your words if not carefully crafted. I learned loyalty and trust, because he and his family gave it to me. And I learned that, if you were his friend, you felt comfort knowing his broad shoulders always had your back. I know he was a good teacher, because I can use all these traits to describe his children.

One story explains the contrast between his outside and inside, or at least my perception of it.  It was an early morning dove hunt to somewhere east of Waco, when Trey, Bradley and I loaded up with Mr. Butler in that old silver and black suburban.  I in the seat directly behind Mr. Butler, Trey in the passenger seat, and Bradley next to me in the back. Mr. Butler had cooked some ribs for us the night before that were not sitting well with me. I mean really not sitting well.  I kept fighting back the need to vomit, drooling and sweating with discomfort, not letting on to anyone how I felt. What would Mr. Butler think if I had to detour or cancel his hunt? How could I tell him the ribs made me sick? I had to keep it down. I could not reveal my weakness to Intimidation. The cycle of fear and discomfort rolled with each half mile until the opportunity to debate myself ended somewhere on Hwy 79. 

I didn't recognize that holding my fingers over my mouth would increase the pressure. It was like I held my thumb over the end of a hose and pointed the vomit machine directly at him.  Vomit spewed, at high velocity, all over Mr. Butler's head and neck in front of me.  You cannot imagine the fear and embarrasment.

While Trey and Bradley were scrambling in surprise, and I was frozen in disbelief, Mr. Butler never turned around.  He calmly pulled the car over.  I launched out of the car and continued convulsing. Eventually I stopped. And eventually Mr. Butler exited the car and slowly walked to the rear gate.  He had not yet spoken a word. The suspense was worse than the vomit.  I expected some shotgun shells to be thrown around in frustration, or at least an angry stare.  Nope.  He gathered some paper towels and calmly helped me clean up.  He got me back in the car and drove us to a nearby grocery store.  He was almost motherly and comforting, but he still had not spoken a word.  He and I went into the store to clean ourselves up.  Still not a word.  We cleaned the car in the parking lot.  Still not a word.  With the humans and car clean, albiet still smelly, we returned to the road. The sun was starting to rise. We were going to be late. What was going to happen? How pissed was he? This will be the last time I am invited on a hunt. Just say something! Intimindation finally spoke: "Carl, next time just ask me to pull over." There would be a next time.

There were many next times, including my first dear, which I ignorantly gut shot and we tracked until Mr. Butler finally had to put it out of its misery with a knife under a cedar tree.  There was also the time Trey and I swore we had seen a UFO outside of Brady, Texas.  We told the story for 30 minutes in great detail. Mr. Butler was intrigued and surprisingly not doubtful. He patiently waited for us to finish the story, and then that typical grin came across his face and he started to laugh.  He threw a newspaper in front of us, with the headline "Space Shuttle Reenters Earth's Atmosphere Over Central Texas, Seen For Miles." 

Good people. Good lessons. Good memories.  Now we get to keep it going.

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