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March 20, 2022
March 20, 2022
Hay mijo como te e pensado lo que daría yo por sentir un abrazo tuyo otra vez solo me queda pedir a Dios que me traiga paz y savez para calmar el dolor que me parte el corazón te visualizo todo vestido de blanco como entre nubes junto a Dios en un lugar lleno de paz eso me trae un poco de alivio perdóname por extrañarte tanto mi niño pide a Dios por nosotros cuida siempre de tu hermano siempre estás en mi corazón te amo siempre de mami para ti mi Néstor
August 1, 2021
August 1, 2021
It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year. Since your passing I have been trying to make every moment count and to never waste time seeing as we never truly know how much of it we have left. I often find my self wondering what you would be up to if you were still around. I make sure to carry a photo of you around in my wallet where ever I go. I know many of your loved ones carry you around with them in their hearts or have pictures of you with them and I find comfort in the fact that even though you are gone you’re memory will forever live on in all of us. I’m positive that we will all be reunited again at some point, but until then we’ll try our hardest to lead great lives and do wonderful things.
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
Hoy estarias cumpliendo tus 21 ,Nestor cada 4 de Diciembre siempre yo decia hoy es su cumple de mi sobrino y aunque no te fuera a visitar o a celebrar en persona con fiesta o regalos siempre me acordaba de este dia tan especial , y recordarte hoy en este dia me llena de tristeza porque te extrañamos, hago una pausa y recuerdo tu sonrisa timida y pienso ya estas en un lugar de Paz de descanso y solo me queda rogar a Dios por tus padres y tu hermano que les de fuerza de seguir...te amaremos siempre ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nestor...
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
2 meces de tu partida y aún no puedo creer que ya no estés aquí hijo le e pedido a Dios que te encuentres bien y a ti una señal para saver que tu alma ya descansa en paz 3 veces te e soñado y que hermoso es volverte a ver me as dicho que estás bien y eso me trae paz gracias por ese abrazo que me diste y el beso en mi frente gracias por aparecer en mi sueño y dejarme verte hijo te amo mucho y te extraño
September 28, 2020
September 28, 2020
I had a dream about Nestor the other day. I couldn't in my dream figure out why I was suprised to see him, but I knew that I was. Like it had been a long time.

"Nestor, oh my gosh, how are you?" I asked him.

He smiled and hugged me sideways, as he always did whenever we saw him.

"I'm good," he said, shy, looking at the ground, as if he might begin to say more or explain to me why it had been so long.

"It's so good to see you," I said, and just hugged him.

We miss you Nestor<3
August 6, 2020
August 6, 2020
Nestor was a student of mine my first year teaching high school. He was in my senior English class. He was different from the others. Quiet. Kept to himself. Introspective. He was a brilliant writer. He could captivate anyone with words on paper. I remember telling him I wanted to stay in touch with him because I just knew he was going to publish a novel someday. The world has lost a very special young man. I pray for his family and friends who will miss him dearly. Rest in Heaven dear soul.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Tu corazón tan puro, renació en lo profundo de la tristeza. Partiste de este mundo pero jamás partirá de nuestros corazones.
Con gran tristeza te decimos no un adiós, si no asta luego, tengo la esperanza de que nuestro padre Celestial te preparo algo especial por ser un ángel de luz, pero las tinieblas del mundo empañaron tu aura pero aún así, volaste alto para reencontrarte con tu alma en la precencia de nuestro Padre Dios.
 y aun que solo te conocí pequeño con eso bastó para quererte.
Vuela tan alto, donde solo hay libertad.
Que las manos del creador sea tu destino y el final solo sea el principio. Que Dios te otorgue la vida eterna donde solo hay dicha .
Nestor Mojica
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Nestor you will forever be in my heart. I met you when you started working at Subway. I noticed how quiet and mysterious you were. However, as we started to work together more. I realized who you truly were. You started breaking down those walls with me. You were able to be vulnerable with me, you told me your insecurities, fears, problems, and anxiety you faced. You also showed me how humble,genuine, honest, loving, hard-working, protective, and caring you are. In a way I felt like you looked up to me, you would always ask me questions about college and I would always give you advice. You had many aspirations and goals. I remember always looking forward to working with you so we can talk and joke around. You were like the brother I never had and I was like the sister you never had. I love you so much Nestor.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Man where do I begin a neighbor, friend, brother, I first met nestor because of a yo-yo after that day I knew he was gonna he my homie, my brother. We would always do the stupidest things together with our squad me, you (nestor), Neto, Fernando and diego. We would do things that would get us trouble or just kick it outside of your house clowning on each other. We all leaned of to skate together we all ate together we had stupid fights together. Even tho you where younger then me I always look up to you dude you where all smart and talented and around awesome person. I hope your resting well brother and don’t worry about Diego I’ll take of him for you 
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
Although we grew apart over the years you have never left my mind. I still remember the days when we would goof around during Sunday mass or during class. Sometimes the wound isn’t deep but we know it exists... and that is enough.

Once More Into the Fray, Into the Last Good Fight I’ll Ever Know. Live and Die On This Day... Live and Die On This Day.

  The memories we made together will forever be tattooed upon my soul.

  Until we meet again. Rest easy Brother.
August 2, 2020
August 2, 2020
No ecsisten palabras para un dolor tan grande más cuando es una persona tan joven tan linda muchísima fuerza resignación para sus padres y hermano q se q están destrozados nestor desde cielo los cuidara por tu ya eres un ángel más en cielo siempre estarás en nuestros corazones we Love you
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Nestor, yo se que no nos mirabamos seguido ya después que pasaron muchos años de cuando estábamos ninos todos los primos y nos veíamos mas seguido, y de eso me arrepiento mucho. Pero las veces que si te veía y vi que cada ves crecias mas y mas alto, yo todavia te veía como mi primo chiquito de cuando éramos ninos, aunque el mas chico ahora soy yo. Nestor, siempre te recordaré como mi primo chiquito y como eras siempre que te veía, bien noble, tranquilo y con tu alegre sonrisa cuando nos saludaba mos. Descansa mi primo, Nestor. Jamás te olvidaré.
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Néstor nos dejas un gran vacío y mucha tristeza pero se que estás ya reunido con tus abuelitas y siempre cuidarás a tu mamá y a tu papa y a tu hermano y a todos tus tíos y. Primos gracias por ese tiempo que estuviste con nosotros será difícil que ya vendré a visitar a tu mamá y ya no estés gracias por ser el mejor hijo el mejor hermano pero sobretodo el mejor ser humano.
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
mi primer sobrino Nestiris asi te decia yo de cariño, cuando llegaste a nuestras vidas fue una alegria tan grande pues nacio mi primer sobrino muy risueño y cantabas pon pon el nidito del raton nos llenabas de amor con tus cantos de niño, siempre muy noble muy inteligente, en tu corazon no habia maldad ,buen hijo ,buen hermano,buen primo,buen sobrino.. Nestiris dejas un vacio tan grande en nuestros corazones te vamos a amar siempre y a recordar toda la vida...tu Tia Favy
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
From your cosin Steven Noah Tia Favi y tio Luis viviras en nuestro corazon y nos dejas un vacio muy grande. Vives en todos los que te recordamos.
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
Nestor it was a pleasure to meet you , you where so quiet and shy and so was I but Than my mouth wouldn’t shut up I always remember our routine when you would arrive to work . You would say Hey Adriana I’ll do the ovens today and I knew it was because I was slow so ide just giggle and so would you cause we both knew that meant I would take my time . I can’t never erase your smile from my mind for me it feels so unreal. I loved when it was us 3 Nestor myself and ally we where a mess together at work he would put his music and give us a better day at work . one day we all decided to try Taco Bell fries so boom I told him fries it is I came back with food for us 3 right after Ally brought his coffee of course no whip cream he’d say that day I remember clearly he said and why are you guys pampering me we just laughed and told him to eat up my memories with you Néstor can go on and on it hurt me to my heart ♥️ To know I won’t see you again but always have you in my heart my condolences to his family Aida te quiero mucho lo siento
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
We're thinking of you and all the beauty you brought into our lives, Nestor.
Estamos pensando en ti y en toda la belleza que trajiste a nuestras vidas, Nestor.
August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
"As long as I can, I will travel and look at this world for the both of us. As long as I can, I will sing with the birds, I will laugh with the flowers, I will pray to the stars - for both of us." // "Mientras pueda, viajaré y miraré este mundo por los dos. Mientras pueda, cantaré con los pájaros, reiré con las flores, rezaré a las estrellas, por los dos. "

(excerpt from poem by Sascha Wagner)

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